[wiki] Modifications apportées par la saison 3

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Modifications apportées à la jungle

Il y a 3 semaines de ça Morello apporte une première réponse concernant la jungle :
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Yes, we agree wholeheartedly with this problem. Jungle changes will happen. (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/...53953#30253953)
Avant de préciser que la nouvelle jungle rendra de l'efficacité aux champions mono-cible.
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Jungle changes will have a big impact on single-target junglers especially.(http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/...54269#30254269)
Statikk a depuis développé leur idée de la nouvelle jungle :
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We've actually been working on changes for the jungle in anticipation for Season 3 and though I can't really give all the details here because we are still iterating, I'd like to give you guys some insights into what's going on.

There are a multitude of issues we're tackling and they are very much intertwined. The current dominant jungle strategy (GP10 Support / Tanks) is fairly stagnant and the overall current jungle playstyle in many cases severely limits potential strategy and choices in other lanes/roles as well.

One large problem is that efficient farming of the jungle has very little pay off compared to constantly applying lane pressure by camping / ganking. Overall junglers severely lack in gold unless they successfully gank and snowball the game from the get-go and/or opt for a GP10 strategy.

The approach we're currently taking is to significantly increase the rewards of jungle camps over time (junglers already have a huge impact on the early game). To go along with this though, we are buffing jungle camps back up to actually be more threatening while simultaneously offering new / improved item paths that allow players to specialize in the jungle. Overall we want junglers to be rewarded for building combat stats rather than always being forced to build gold generation items.

This is not the only thing we're changing in the jungle for next season, but these types of things are definitely on our radar. (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/...59813#30259813)
Concrètement, ils aimeraient limiter la metagame jungle qui consiste à faire le maximum de GP10. De même, ils trouvent que le farming de la jungle n'est pas suffisamment payant et qu'il est plus intéressant de mettre une pression constante sur les lanes tout en restant dans la partie grâce aux GP10. Ils souhaiteraient donc augmenter l'income apporté par la jungle en permettant donc aux jungler de s'équiper de façon plus agressive (plutôt que de jouer aux supports bis).

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In some ways, yes, though not completely.

We aren't going all the way back to the extreme of the old jungle where you would just get crushed unless you were Warwick, but we do feel there is a happy medium between Season 1 and Season 2 that we can strike.

The biggest difference here though is that we will be offering itemization that will help champions who need that extra boost in the jungle. Champions who are already super strong in the jungle may opt to not build these items, but it's pretty interesting to see what new junglers may become viable with these new items (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/...60001#30260001)
Pour ceux qui étaient présent lors de la saison 1, ils essayent de trouver un juste milieu entre la jungle de la saison 1 (très difficile à clean sans sustain) et la jungle de la saison 2.
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Well a lot of the directional changes we're making for Season 3 are to make sure there are niches for the various jungle types.

For example, the nerfing of the jungle camps' damage really left no room for "safe" junglers such as Warwick since sustain was no longer a thing. Everyone can just clear with Boots + Health Pots and apply pressure to lanes.

When we do these changes for Season 3, there may be some junglers who are simply too strong in too many categories and we'll have to address that in the context of the new jungle. Overall though, we're looking to make sure there's a reason to bring X jungler over Y jungler depending on the situation. (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/...60328#30260328)
Ils souhaitent que la nouvelle jungle laisse place à tout le monde et non pas qu'à un seul type de jungle. Le but étant de laisser une place aux junglers supports, aux junglers aggressifs, au counter-jungle, etc. afin de diversifier au maximum les options. Tout type de jungler doit avoir une place, tel est l'objectif.

Les principales modifications connues pour le moment sont donc :
  • Augmentation du gain de golds dans la jungle.
  • De nouveaux items pour jungler.
  • Rendre les camps un peu plus puissant.

Modifications apportées aux maîtrises

Tout comme lors du passage de la saison 1 à la saison 2, Riot souhaite apporter des modifications aux maîtrises :
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In Season 3, we'll be doing a series of mastery changes (much like what we saw for Season 2). FeralPony and I will be giving more details once it's a bit more locked down. (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/...42389#30242389)
Ce que l'on sait pour le moment :
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Masteries: Another big opportunity is masteries. While we want to add variety to your mastery choices, there are also few specific areas we want to improve:

  • Going deep in the Utility Tree is currently underwhelming
  • Early flat Magic Resistance and Armor prevent people from being killed even if they get really outplayed in lane
  • There aren’t enough “cool” masteries

To this effect, FeralPony’s been busy taking a jackhammer to our masteries to fix these problems – all the while looking for opportunities to add more interesting things to mastery builds. He’ll be on hand later in the week to talk about the changes in-depth, and to dig into a few specific examples. (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/m...season-updates)

Modifications apportées aux items

La saison 3 s'accompagnera de nouveaux équipements et de modifications sur certains anciens équipements. Nous savons déjà que l'Ange Gardien verra ses stats diminuer :
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@FelateMe Going to nerf the stats a lot in S3. So you'll be paying purely for the effect, but when it's down you'll be weaker overall (https://twitter.com/RiotMorello/stat...44043512893440)
Force de la Nature est supprimé :
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Hm. This probably isn't a good time to mention that I removed FoN and scattered its various passives and pieces to the wind onto other items.

On the plus side though, Tanks now get to build Warmog's and not feel silly.

Although you'll still be able to build every piece of FoN used to offer. It just won't be rolled up into the particular stat combination. This counts against my spoiler count for the day. :P (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/...04797#31104797)
Plus d’explications sur ce choix ici !

Plus d'items pour les supports :
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No, zero CS is even bigger than this effort from a risk/dificulty standpoint. Supports will still play zero CS (unless you guys find strats that feed supports!)

We are adding a lot of support-oriented items with this in mind, though, and alternate ways to get gold (cool new mastery for supports inc...). I actually don't mind zero CS - I mind that support don't get gold that they can use to buy cool items. That is what we'll fix here.

Zero CS is needed to keep support viable (it's actually always been the optimal way to play, players just didn't have that down pre S2), but they get to do a lot of other interesting things in lane like harass, peel or set up kills. Making the lane fight for CS is inferior to that. (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/...php?p=30253565)
De nouveaux équipements d'early game afin de diversifier le start (boots + 3 pot pour tout le monde) :
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Definitely looking at this - we'll be getting away from same starts.
Plus d'items, plus de choix, des reworks. Harder better faster stronger.

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Items: One of the biggest places we feel we can add some interesting strategic decisions to is the item system. Many of you have told us that you’d like to see more build variety, and more interesting gameplay on items. We couldn’t agree more!

You’ll see some rebalancing of the existing items, but there’s also a slew of brand new items to spark your imagination and reward your ingenuity.

Xypherous will be giving some juicy, juicy details on this, but here are a few things to expect:

  • Underserved classes (AD Casters, for example) will get more items targeted specifically at their role
  • Most of your old favorites will be sticking around – we want more options, but we don’t want the item shop to be totally alien
  • A few items that have been challenging to elegantly balance are being removed in favor of the new options
  • We’re taking a look at overall gold and stat balancing
  • Many old items have received new upgrade paths or additional upgrade paths
  • Supports are getting some items to help ease the ward burden in longer games

Autres modifications

Modifications du ladder :
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I did reveal several features we're actively working on in an earlier post in this thread, but one thing I forgot to mention is ranked play. We aren't satisfied with the current state of the ladders, and will be making improvements to that aspect of the game. (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/...php?p=30256499)
Modifications de certains sorts d'invocateur :
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We want it to - we're doing some summoner spell changes for S3 as well. (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/board/...php?p=30253565)
Et plus de précisions :
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Summoner Spells: Last, and definitely not least, we’re taking a look at our summoner spells. A couple sneak peeks:

We’ve raised the cooldowns of popular summoner spells (Flash, Ignite, etc.) in lieu of nerfing their power
We’ve added a certain shielding spell from Proving Grounds, and made it so Heal is actually a support skill
We’re generally buffing some of the weaker skills up! (http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/m...season-updates)
Dernières modifications :
(Voir) 06/11/2012 21:55:06 : Dolan Squeez (maj (holly shit barier))
(Voir) (Comparer)06/11/2012 18:14:32 : Dolan Squeez
Voilà, le wiki (et j'insiste : wiki !) est créé afin de rendre l'entre deux maj plus lisible. J'ai mis toutes les informations que j'avais dans un coin et qui me sont passées par la tête, j'en ai probablement oublié une tonne. Néanmoins il a été promis que plein de nouvelles informations seront dévoilées cette semaine ! Je vais tenir le wiki le plus à jour possible en rajoutant des informations (déjà vues ou non) autant que possible mais n'hésitez pas à participer.

J'ai la plus part du temps cité entièrement les messages, préféreriez-vous un simple passage du message avec le lien derrière pour lire la suite si on est intéressé ? Ou on reste sur le concept de tout apporter dans le wiki ?

J'hésite à ajouter la section sur les modifications concernant l'esport, je pense que ça a plus sa place sur l'observatoire.

S'il y a des soucis pour la traduction anglaise hésitez pas, demandez et quelqu'un vous répondra (je le ferais si personne ne me devance en tout cas).

Dernière modification par Dolan Squeez ; 06/11/2012 à 18h23.
Super travail !

Je trouve (personnellement) que mettre une traduction du message plus un lien sur l'original sera mieux que la citation. J'ai moi-même d'abord seulement les passages non-cités avant de me rendre compte que ce n'était pas la traduction de ceux-ci mais un commentaire que l'on trouvait au-dessus (surtout pour les items à support en fait).

Peut-être peut-on rajouter les refontes graphiques à venir même si ce n'est pas spécifiquement lié au passage à la saison 3 ?
Suppression de la FoN??? Genre ya deja pas d'item qui donne de la rm (ya 3 armure a 100 pendant qu'une seule rm depasse les 50 a 7X), c'est quoi le but? Ya une alternative de prevu?? Ils veulent up les ap pour contrer les carry ad?
Je trouvais qu'au contraire une bonne rm en plus ca l'aurait fait, c'est triste
Citation :
Publié par -Interfector-
Suppression de la FoN??? Genre ya deja pas d'item qui donne de la rm (ya 3 armure a 100 pendant qu'une seule rm depasse les 50 a 7X), c'est quoi le but? Ya une alternative de prevu?? Ils veulent up les ap pour contrer les carry ad?
Je trouvais qu'au contraire une bonne rm en plus ca l'aurait fait, c'est triste
Je pense que d'autre item rm vont être implanté pour le remplacer.

Si on compare les items rm/armure d'ailleurs, ça serait bien d'avoir un item qui donne de l'armure et des dégâts, d'un coté on a le wit's end et le malmo, de l'autre on a la lanterne et l'atma... super !
Ya personne qui a lu le post de Xypherous en entier ou bien ?
Il explique qu'il a supprimé FoN mais les bonus se retrouveront sur d'autres items, notamment la warmogs qui devrait filer des resists si j'ai bien compris.
Morello a fait son taff : http://na.leagueoflegends.com/news/m...season-updates

Citation :
Items: One of the biggest places we feel we can add some interesting strategic decisions to is the item system. Many of you have told us that you’d like to see more build variety, and more interesting gameplay on items. We couldn’t agree more!

You’ll see some rebalancing of the existing items, but there’s also a slew of brand new items to spark your imagination and reward your ingenuity.

Xypherous will be giving some juicy, juicy details on this, but here are a few things to expect:

Underserved classes (AD Casters, for example) will get more items targeted specifically at their role
Most of your old favorites will be sticking around – we want more options, but we don’t want the item shop to be totally alien
A few items that have been challenging to elegantly balance are being removed in favor of the new options
We’re taking a look at overall gold and stat balancing
Many old items have received new upgrade paths or additional upgrade paths
Supports are getting some items to help ease the ward burden in longer games

This is the biggest change and, frankly, it’s pretty damn exciting. We’re really interested to see what people discover, and we’re confident this will help add some diversity and interesting choice to how you’ll be building your champions in the future.

Jungle: Much like we did at the start of Season 2, we’ll be featuring jungle mechanics changes for this preseason as well.

We liked a lot of the flow and feel improvements to the jungle (opened up non-safe junglers, more ganks, etc.), but there’re some things we can still improve. We had two major goals here: to add to the number of viable junglers, and to change the gank flow to ensure that the jungler isn’t the only role that defines the flow of the game during the laning phase.

Statikk will be revealing more complete details on the changes, but we believe this will have some positive effects on the metagame and improve champion viability, even in lane. We’ve even included new jungle-specific items (now there’s more than just Madred’s!)

Masteries: Another big opportunity is masteries. While we want to add variety to your mastery choices, there are also few specific areas we want to improve:

Going deep in the Utility Tree is currently underwhelming
Early flat Magic Resistance and Armor prevent people from being killed even if they get really outplayed in lane
There aren’t enough “cool” masteries

To this effect, FeralPony’s been busy taking a jackhammer to our masteries to fix these problems – all the while looking for opportunities to add more interesting things to mastery builds. He’ll be on hand later in the week to talk about the changes in-depth, and to dig into a few specific examples.

Summoner Spells: Last, and definitely not least, we’re taking a look at our summoner spells. A couple sneak peeks:

We’ve raised the cooldowns of popular summoner spells (Flash, Ignite, etc.) in lieu of nerfing their power
We’ve added a certain shielding spell from Proving Grounds, and made it so Heal is actually a support skill
We’re generally buffing some of the weaker skills up!
ho la Barrier en 5c5 gros gros drama inc, les karthus, darius et tous les autres avec des ulti a finish vont vite péter un cable.
Imo bye bye embrasement sur les tank/off-tank on va voir que des Barrier.
Non mais imo, ça va whine tellement sur barrier qu'il faut même pas le songer à le voir + d'un jour sur le PBE ... Il est tellement fumé comme sort d'invoc' t'façon.
Ya du bon, sur les summoner spell ou les maitrises voire, par contre sur les items, je le sens pas du tout ...
Si ils virent FoN dans le but d'up les AP late-game, c'est pas une solution déjà. Quant à la jungle et l'income du jungler, faut voir, c'est un coup à finir avec des items vraiment bien vs mobs mais avec des stats trop faibles vs champions, j'ai un peu peur ... La jungle actuelle est pas si mal, avec un item à gold (pour les champions pouvant se le permettre), et quelques ganks réussis on n'est pas à la ramasse, enfin peu).

Bref plein de bon sens dans leurs décisions, mais j'ai un peu peur de leurs solutions.
Citation :
Publié par Mind the gap
Franchement je vois pas pourquoi virer FoN, jamais vu personne se plaindre de cet item
Il fait peut-être tout simplement doublon avec les nouveaux items, wait & see
Barrière ça va être sympa : "GOGO KARTHUS ULT" : "Machin et Bidule utilisent Barrière et Karthus l'a bien profond".

Sinon, FoN je le vois pas souvent, je comprends pas vraiment son retrait.

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