CarVertical, c'est le XRP des voitures

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N'oubliez pas la réponse du SEC concernant l'ETF le plus sérieux de l'histoire des crypto-monnaies par VanEck à la fin du mois ainsi que l'entrée des futures au Nasdaq.
Nasdaq qui choisit pour index... celui de VanEck
Citation :
Publié par Ron J'hodltop100
N'oubliez pas la réponse du SEC concernant l'ETF le plus sérieux de l'histoire des crypto-monnaies par VanEck à la fin du mois ainsi que l'entrée des futures au Nasdaq.
Nasdaq qui choisit pour index... celui de VanEck
Ouais alors ça fait des plombes que les réponses du SEC à propos des ETF sont reculées, donc bon, j'ai un peu un doute sur fin février perso.
Mdr je me souviens presque du même post de Ron J. l'an dernier à la même date.

Désolé tes pouvoirs de gourou s'amenuisent, le peuple veut du concret pour que le mojo remarche.
Message supprimé par son auteur.
Ha ! J'avais pas vu qu'ils faisaient enfin les retranscriptions des Q&A sur reddit :

Y a 2 semaines :
Citation :
Q: An inhouse VIN decoder was mentioned before, since most available VIN decoders fall short. Any updates on that?
Audrius: Seems like we are coming to the end of developing a good inhouse VIN decoder for most of the makes. Can’t wait to proceed to our wallet development. It’s going to be kick ass.

Q: How many cars label will you cover? (In % approximately)
Audrius: Generally, we will cover 98% of makes. Our inhouse will cover around 60% of makes. But those 60% makes will cover close to 90% of all vehicles sold/bought in Europe and US.
Those left are mainly classic cars, rare cars, etc. We will not cover motorbikes, tractors and other utility vehicles.

Q: Any updates on the OBD device that will be inserted into participating vehicles?
Audrius: About OBD - it will take few more months to make it product ready. We work with VW and an OBD related feature with mileage tracking for new vehicles. Because VW do not put SIM cards in their vehicles, but still need data, they need more incentives for users to use an OBD Bluetooth dongle to get the data. Our wallet will be helping to solve that, and we will incentivize users to get date in exchange for tokens.
Here is a small sample of our recent OBD prototype testing:
OBD Prototype Test Screenshot

Q: What do you think about GDPR. Was it a really big issue to solve for the company?
Audrius: GDPR has been an issue. We started working on it before the ICO. We have an inhouse lawyer whose sole purpose is to negotiate the legal issues, so EU is happy. Currently we are working with Legitimate interest concept. But for some organizations - it is not enough. Wallet will help solving it. As we will give users full control of their data.

Q: carVertical as a company now is working on a centralized base and not decentralized. Do you think it will change anytime soon?
Audrius: We are working in centralized manner. And we are slowly moving to decentralized. We could have lost most of our data if we would have done it in decentralized manner, as data providers do not like it. Blockchain and decentralization is a new concept and it scares large organization that controls main data. Our wallet and data collection via using it will be our first step towards decentralizing data. Currently we are storing report hashes and VIN proofs in blockchains both ETH and EOS.

Q: When will the process of automatic token burn start?
Audrius: We are still solving minor tech issues regarding burn. This is the flow of our token burn: 1 - we buy tokens for market price from KuCoin, 2 -we have to transfer them to transitional wallet, as KuCoin forbids to transfer directly to smart contract, 3 - we transfer tokens from transitional wallet to token burn smart contract, 4 - we burn tokens. Our blockchain team is rather busy, hence the glitches, but we are going to burn all the tokens that were missed. Currently it is set so that every Friday we transfer tokens from KuCoin to transitional wallet. I will update the weekdays other steps will be executed.
This is our new transitional wallet: will be used from now on.
This is our old transitional wallet: I have to update my Trezor to access it, after I do - will burn all tokens there.
This is burn contract:

Q: How many tokens do you expect will be burned through the mechanism?
Audrius: My current goal is to build services, APIs and sell enough of the product so we would burn enough tokens this year to reach total supply of 9,000,000,000.

Q: And as VW is pretty heavily utilizing MIOTA in their blockchain tech (if I remember correctly), does this have an effect on your work with Ethereum? I remember you stating that cv is compatible with MIOTA, how exactly is this working? Are you just reading data on the chain, or is there some kind of cross-chain communication happening between the chains?
Audrius: We did meet with VW IOTA team in Wolfsburg. Great guys. Found a lot of similar ideas. Really smart bunch of engineers. I do now know where we will connect what and where things will overlap. We are working with 3 public ledgers currently. ETH, EOS, and IOTA. Right tools for the right job. cV compatibility with MIOTA is that in our products you will be able to easily exchange one to another. The way we do the cross-chain communication is not final yet. What we do is we store proofs on EOS and ETH, we collect data via IOTA.

Q: I have heard horror stories about bad OBD devices “bricking” a car. What is cV doing to avoid this issue or make users more comfortable about?
Audrius: You have to get a certified device not to brick it. This is the one we are working with . Teltonika are long time players of the industry, should allay any “bricking” concerns. Also – car manufacturers provide licenses to some companies to use their OBD correctly. We work with companies who have licenses from manufacturers to build the device and software according to manufacturer specifications.

Q: Any updates on new exchange listings?
Audrius: After the last exchange - we paused expansion to new ones. As it created more harm than good. I want to build stronger cV presence first. Rewrite the whitepaper, improve investors website, opensource our data standard, and launch wallet. From what I observed without these steps, the effectiveness of a new exchange will be rather limited. I also want to bring stability to our current token burn, buy and model entirely.
Vendredi dernier :

Citation :
Q: What’s the latest in general news?
Audrius: “We had a solid presentation for MOBI RFI this week. Sales are going well.”

Q: Are you guys still working with the VW Incubator in Dresden?
Audrius: “Yeah. We have our final demo this month. I think it’s on February 27th.”

Q: Are there any [crypto/blockchain] events planned this year where you'll show up?
Audrius: “Not entirely sure. At least I am not aware of any plans.”

Q: How about testing with EOS? Is it good like you expected?
Audrius: “It’s pretty good. Fast. Less issues concerning blockchain itself. More issues concerning development. They have way less documentation and tools. Hence it gets slow sometimes.”

Q: When is the next product-type release?
Audrius: From what I do know, we are close to releasing something real. Releasing a beta in Q1.

Q: Release of the mysterious "big country" still in Q1?
Aleksandras: “Yep.”

Q: I can imagine [data normalization is a big job.] You are working on the hard part of the project. Maybe in the next years with a kind of standard on the data this won't be a problem anymore. People have stored data from when the world was not "globally connected" like now.
Audrius: “It’s kind of interesting, we had our normalized data mainly for our internal purposes, but there is a strong thirst for it in industry. For example, we went to buy a number plate recognition service, and when we showed what we have - they essentially gave the services for free in exchange for clean data. Saved truckloads of money. Or insurance companies that are still forcing people to enter vehicle info by hand - they want our services to get that info from license plate or VIN. Kind of cool. Another example is that for our internal use, we have done VIN mapping to number of different external databases, and companies are willing to pay for that mapping.”

Q: Why would someone use your services rather than a normal, non-blockchain data service right now, and how do you work on convincing then to use your data instead of them?
Audrius: We are better, cheaper, more flexible and more trusted. Event though our current use of blockchain in rather shallow - showing basic report demo with hash saved on Ethereum - magic for most.

Q: I saw some commercials on Autovit (Romanian online marketplace) for your services. I wonder how are the sales going in Romania compared to other countries you launched?
Aleksandras: “We’re not willing to share too many details just yet due to competition. We may share old data in the future once it becomes less relevant. In a nutshell, things are good and better than we expected.”
Audrius: "They are good. Better than we expected."

Q: By the way, how you handle the fact that someone maybe has an incident to their car and goes to an "unofficial" car repair office? How do you incentivize people on giving to you the data, and, most of all, correct data about what happened to the car? I mean, people want to use your service mainly to know if the car is ok. I think that my question will be in the mind of everyone who wants to use your service.
Audrius: “It’s tricky. Western countries are okay. This is a large issue in eastern countries especially. Like Ukraine. The issue there is that people do not always use insurance companies. They resolve conflicts on the spot in cash. We have our plan to build system to incentivize workshops to provide data for tokens. Our current ground work with staking is moving towards that direction. But we will not start working on it this year.”

Q: I know its matter of time, but can you at least estimate please, when will cV reports come to the Czech Republic?
Audrius: “We are working on it. Czech is a bit different animal. We are preparing release there, but I cannot make any promises when. Some processes take months.”

Q: When do you expect the whitepaper be updated/rewritten?
Audrius: “It’s on my mind constantly. Things are calming down and I need to take a ‘workation,’ lock myself in a room, and just write it out. Q2? Hopefully.”
Et oui.
Quand il annonce une augmentation de 100% des ventes en un mois ça me fait croire qu'on passe de quelque chose comme 50 à 100 quand même hihi, du coup pas ouf. En plus faut voir combien sont vendus par des partenaires et quelle part ils prennent sur le prix, parce que ça compte
Citation :
“It’s pretty good. Fast. Less issues concerning blockchain itself. More issues concerning development. They have way less documentation and tools. Hence it gets slow sometimes.”
ça confirme mon opinion sur EOS, à savoir que c'est rapide (parce que centralisé) mais que c'est très limité question développement.
Pour le coup je suis plutôt d'accord avec Ron J

Le burn représente l’excédentaire. S'ils arrivent à vendre disons en voyant large, 10.000 rapports pour 100.000$ quelques mois après le lancement de ce service, ils pourraient potentiellement atteindre des chiffres 5 à 20 fois supérieurs avec l'implantation de Carvertical dans d'autres pays. Surtout si la clientèle fait parler d'eux.

28M c'est bien 10% de burn de 280M de tokens ? Ils fonctionnent toujours suivant ce modèle ? La volatilité pourrait donc augmenter assez radicalement sur un laps de temps pas trop mauvais. Et donc, automatiquement, l'exposition du projet et le prix du token. Reste qu'ils jouent contre la montre et un marché baissier.

Si on écarte la crainte de voir arriver assez vite des buy et des sell wall énormes qui vont compresser le prix, c'est mieux que rien (peut-être que c'est eux à 7 sats). Le top 100 c'est encore en bonne partie du vent, il y a de la place.
Le truc, c'est qu'avec ce burn, tôt ou tard, à force de racheter des cV pour en revendre moins, on va forcément finir par voir les sell walls se décaler. Les 28 millions de cramés, c'est 28 millions de cV qu'on ne reverra plus jamais dans un sell wall a 8 sat.

Sachant que le volume est faiblard et que les ventes doivent pour l'instant pas encore être ouf, que les murs à 9, 10, 11 sat, c'est de l'ordre du 40 millions de cV, on devrait progressivement les voir disparaitre eux aussi.
Maintenant, j'espère juste que ça va pas péter avant que je puisse en reprendre un peu en fait

La question que je me pose en revanche, c'est pourquoi y a encore des ventes à 7 sat, alors qu'on voit bien qu'une ordre de vente à 8 sat partirait facilement...
D'après des analyses que je suis, il est pas impossible que ça rechute encore. D'après des règles d'elliotisme il devrait y avoir une nouvelle baisse avant de retrouvé un marché haussier. Il se pourrait que le btc tombe vers les 1800...
Citation :
Publié par Doudou Piwi
Et non, j'espèrerais que ça bougerait pas d'ici avril, histoire d'y foutre un bout de ma prime
M'enfin bon, c'est pas dit que ça reparte, ça serait pas la première fausse alerte depuis le début de ce maudit bear market
Bon, ça me regarde pas mais tous les voyants sont au rouge écarlate sur l'utility coin CV. S'accrocher à une idée sans prendre du recul, c'est le meilleur moyen de perdre de l'argent. Au lieu d'essayer de trouver des signes positifs dans Cv coute que coute, il serait plus intéressant d'analyser les altcoins proches du centime qui suivent les courbes des grosses cryptos mais avec des pourcentages plus élevés. En tous cas, si on veut éventuellement gagner de l'argent.

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