EQII : Rise of Kunark

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Je n'ai pas trouvé de sujet sur ce forum qui en parle, donc je me permet de signaler :

Rise of Kunark est la 4eme extension pour EQII prévue pour la fin de l'année.

Elle comprendra :

- Nouvelle race : Les Sarnaks (sorte d'hommes dragons, ennemis des Iksars), une race neutre.

- Nouvelle zone de départ : Les îles de Timourous Deep, niveaux 1-20, avec une nouvelle ville neutre (toutes les races "neutres" pourront démarrer ici) : Gorowyn.

- 350 quetes

- Armes Epiques de classe : 24 armes épiques avec les quêtes épiques qui vont avec.

- Nouveaux sets d'armures fabled et legendary

- Nouvelle monture : le rhinoceros kunarkien

- 13 nouvelles zones

- 3 nouveaux dieux à vénérer

- 36 nouveaux types de monstres

- Augmentation du cap des niveaux d'aventure, d'artisanat et de guilde : 80 (pour chaque, si si)

- Nouveau système de cartes : plus détaillées et mini carte incluse.

plus d'info (interview de Scott Hartsman) sur Allakhazam
Citation :
Publié par Gaelynn
- Augmentation du cap des niveaux d'aventure, d'artisanat et de guilde : 80 (pour chaque, si si)
Bon, plus la peine de me faire suer a drop du fabled a EH ou a prier pour que une piece du set EoF Warden drop, sachant que la premiere merde legendaire T8 farmable dans une instance groupe Kunark sera aussi bien (Comme le legendaire KoS etait mieux que le fabled DoF).

Quand aux epics ... long sujet, je suis content de les revoir pointer leurs nez, mais c'est un sujet a polemique. Je me rapelles juste EQ1 ou Brembo nous avait raconte une petite anecdote sur la creation des epics a EQ1, comme quoi une fois le dev des epics finit, les dev c'etaient tous regarde et avaient dit "Non plus jamais ...". Comme quoi il ne faut jamais dire jamais
J'esperes juste qu'elles seront mieux faite et equilibre qu'a EQ1

Sinon, tout le reste a l'air allechant, dommage juste que SoE ait ecoute la floppe de kikoos qui veulent un nouveau level cap, ils vont flinguer le content T7 Fabled de deux extensions (KoS / EoF).
Gwen Faerytales <Pandemonium>
Fae-gnasse, j'Fae pas a manger, j'Fae s'que j'veux, cherches pas, j'suis pas Fae pour toi!
Mais l'on ne parle pas des fae méchante mais à la place des sales dragons qui se feront de toute façon tuer par les iksars
Alors je me demandais si c'est les deux races ou juste une des deux...
Les Arasai sortiront à la prochaine LU, probablement à la fin du mois, et sera un ajout gratuit. L'autre nouvelle race sortira vers novembre avec l'extension payante.
Citation :
Publié par M4Y
Bon, plus la peine de me faire suer a drop du fabled a EH ou a prier pour que une piece du set EoF Warden drop, sachant que la premiere merde legendaire T8 farmable dans une instance groupe Kunark sera aussi bien (Comme le legendaire KoS etait mieux que le fabled DoF).

Quand aux epics ... long sujet, je suis content de les revoir pointer leurs nez, mais c'est un sujet a polemique. Je me rapelles juste EQ1 ou Brembo nous avait raconte une petite anecdote sur la creation des epics a EQ1, comme quoi une fois le dev des epics finit, les dev c'etaient tous regarde et avaient dit "Non plus jamais ...". Comme quoi il ne faut jamais dire jamais
J'esperes juste qu'elles seront mieux faite et equilibre qu'a EQ1

Sinon, tout le reste a l'air allechant, dommage juste que SoE ait ecoute la floppe de kikoos qui veulent un nouveau level cap, ils vont flinguer le content T7 Fabled de deux extensions (KoS / EoF).

En même temps le T7 aura 1 ans.

10 lvl par an c'est bien je trouve, on arrive a 100 en 5 ans.

Je pense que c'est ce que c'était fixé SOE.

5 ans pour pouvoir mettre des baffes a tonton Naga.
C'est super tout cela

J'epere qu'ils mettrons le paquet sur les zones 70-80 par contre histoire qu'on ais plein de chose à ce mettre sous la dent

Et je pense pas que le petit truc légendaire de base sera mieux que du fabled d'eof Faut pas pousser quand même y'a encore de très bon trucs T6 qui sont mieux que certains T7

Et de toute façon c'est dans leur intérêt (à SOE) de bien augmenter les niveaux et objets de façon à ce que tous le monde achette ça petite extention et farme pendant bien longtemps les terres de kunark

Je pense même qu'on aura le droit à de nouvelles Zone T8 sur l'extention d'après avec de nouveaux set encore plus puissant que ceux qu'on aura eu sur Kurnak et l'extention d'après le level 90

Le potentiel d'EQ2 est de 200 level donc

Mouais je ne suis pas trop pressé concernant cette nouvelle extension. J'ai encore beaucoup de zones à visiter parmi celles de KOS et EOF, et après plus de 2 ans et demi de jeu, je ne suis que lvl 63 avec mon plus gros perso.

Je préfère largement une extension genre EOF avec du nouveau contenu tout lvl que bêtement nous filer de quoi pexer encore plus.

De plus un nouveau perso c'est bien surtout avec une nouvelle zone mais le slot supplémentaire ne sera plus suffisent du coup :'(

Ce qui serait un plus ce serait une nouvelle classe (une ou plus)
Citation :
Publié par Archiboshoplazarus
Le potentiel d'EQ2 est de 200 level donc

Cette extension semble vraiment sympa.
Revoir Timorous ça va être cool !
Espérons qu'elle sera la même qualité qu'EOF !
Citation :
Publié par Titus Pullo
En même temps le T7 aura 1 ans.

10 lvl par an c'est bien je trouve, on arrive a 100 en 5 ans.

Je pense que c'est ce que c'était fixé SOE.

5 ans pour pouvoir mettre des baffes a tonton Naga.
En meme temps, tu lis seulement ce que tu veux dire dans mes propos. Y'a les gens comme toi, qui ont besoin de plus de lvl a EQ2, de plus de bulles dans leurs coca, de plus de fromage dans leurs BigMac, et y'a les autres, qui trouvent que rajouter des levels a un MMO tue completement le content deja cree (DoF / KoS / EoF).

Et non, SoE ne s'etait pas fixe 10lvl par an, suffit de lire le forum SoE, ca fait depuis KoS que les devs clament sur le forum qu'il n'y aura pas de nouveau level cap, c'est bien ca qui me desole, ils ont cede sous la pression des kikoos, resultat, le contenu high-end de deux extensions (KoS / EoF) va partir a la poubelle.
Et venez pas poster que les personnes iront toujours a Labo, HoS, FTH, y'a aucune guildes, meme casu, qui va raid Al'Afaz et Akhet Aken toute les semaines.
Gwen Faerytales <Pandemonium>
Fae-gnasse, j'Fae pas a manger, j'Fae s'que j'veux, cherches pas, j'suis pas Fae pour toi!
Il n'y a pas de mal à prendre 10 lvl, à condition que la quantité de contenu T8 soit au moins égal à celui de de KoS + EoF, et que l'itémisation soit faite de manière intelligente.
J' espère juste que le contenu T8 sera beaucoup plus important que le contenu T7 de EOF. Car j'ai rien contre les extensions 1-80 mais vu le temps que l'on passe sur le contenu 1-10 voir 1-60 si on joue pas en expérience bloquée...
Citation :
Publié par M4Y
En meme temps, tu lis seulement ce que tu veux dire dans mes propos. Y'a les gens comme toi, qui ont besoin de plus de lvl a EQ2, de plus de bulles dans leurs coca, de plus de fromage dans leurs BigMac, et y'a les autres, qui trouvent que rajouter des levels a un MMO tue completement le content deja cree (DoF / KoS / EoF).

Et non, SoE ne s'etait pas fixe 10lvl par an, suffit de lire le forum SoE, ca fait depuis KoS que les devs clament sur le forum qu'il n'y aura pas de nouveau level cap, c'est bien ca qui me desole, ils ont cede sous la pression des kikoos, resultat, le contenu high-end de deux extensions (KoS / EoF) va partir a la poubelle.
Et venez pas poster que les personnes iront toujours a Labo, HoS, FTH, y'a aucune guildes, meme casu, qui va raid Al'Afaz et Akhet Aken toute les semaines.
nous on va a Al Afaz toutes les semaines (parceque c'est rapide et que ca file des points de guilde ok ! )

Sinon je suis totalement d'accord avec toi.

Après faut voir l'itémisation qu'ils vont faire, si ils font comme wow même le stuff des avatar deviendra ridicule (après ça semblerait logique aussi que les avatars soient boost en lvl pour etre du meme niveau que les 3 nouveaux avatars de Kunark)

D'après ce que dit Scott sur les 13 nouvelles zones (de taille énorme style lesser faydark ou butcherblock) 1 est une zone newbie (lvl 1-20) et le reste du haut lvl (donc 60 ou 70+) il y aura donc en théorie de quoi faire.

Il dit aussi qu'il n'y aura pas les time sink qu'il existait sur eq1 pour les epics (tant mieux parceque bon faire une épic cleric avec obligation de monter un roulement 24/24 sur une semaine pour un cleric .... c'est pas vraiment les meilleurs souvenir que j'ai de EQ1 )
Decidement, SOE n'arrete pas de nous gater. A ce rythme, EQ2 sera le MMO nouvel generation aevc le plus de contenu.

Je sais que ca fait gourmand, mais ils vont aller jusqu'a combien d'extension a peu pres ?? Y'en a eu combien avec le 1 ??
Je sais que ca fait gourmand, mais ils vont aller jusqu'a combien d'extension a peu pres ?? Y'en a eu combien avec le 1 ??[/QUOTE]

Ils doivent en être à 13 ou 14 avec EQ1.

Ils n'atteindront pas ce total avec EQ2, qui ne sort qu'une expansion par an tandis que, pendant des années, c'était une tous les 6 mois sur EQ1.

Ce que j'espère vraiment, c'est que SOE va faire un réel effort de promotion d'EQ2 cette fois.
Je pense qu'ils devraient surtout se pencher sur le problème des niveaux 1 à 30 qui ne servent à rien (ils sont passés en quatre jours de jeu, et nul ou presque n'y groupe).

Des niveaux 30 à 39 où personne ne vous entendra être LFG et où personne ne vous accompagnera non plus. /who ALL LFG 30 39 = de zéro à une personne.

Des niveaux 40 à 49 longs, avec Cazic-Thule à faire cinq fois comme donjon. Parce qu'EoF, est très bien comme extension et a sûrement plein de contenu, mais peu de groupes s'y retrouvent, car ça prend 20 à 30 minutes d'y rassembler tout le monde tellement le trajet est merdique. Steppes du tonnerre + Bateau + Butcherblock + Greater Faydark + enfin votre zone.
Dans ces niveaux, sur 15 groupes que j'ai suivi, zéro y sont allés. C'est révélateur. Et ça ne change pas depuis. Donc EoF = extension solo, vu l'énorme perte de temps initiale qu'elle induit.

Des niveaux 48 à 53 où l'on ne sait pas quoi faire, parce que SS est une zone solo, où l'on ne fait que des tarentules en exp (et côté fun, c'est l'expérience de jeu la plus merdique que je connaisse), parce que Hidden cache c'est trop costaud, le Sanctuaire aussi, le ... Bref, rien ne marche. A ces niveaux, faut soloter ou faire de l'xp statique.

Bien des joueurs de Storm ont atteint le niveau 70 et c'est là que l'on joue.
Un /who all 70 dépasse les 100 personnes certains week-ends et fait jusqu'à 90 en semaine.

Proposer les niveaux 71 à 80, ça en rajoute dix, ok.
Mais dans le même temps, il faudrait retirer les trente premiers. Si SOE ne sait plus du tout les gérer, y proposer du fun...
Peat bog, Blackburrow, tout ça, à la poubelle. Ca n'intéresse plus personne, ça ne sert plus à rien.

Tant du niveau de la progression en expérience qu'au niveau monétaire, avec l'arrivée de la transmutation, le jeu s'est entièrement déréglé.
Et le moins que l'on puisse dire du staff SOE, c'est qu'il est paumé.
Citation :
Publié par Zdravo, le Petit
Ce n'est pas vraiment SOE qui fait la promotion, mais le distributeur du jeux.
Vu qu'il a changé, espérons qu'une vrai campagne de pub soit faite.
Un ami ... qui travaille dans la distribution de jeu video, et a pu parler aux reponsables/Commerciaux de Kosh Media (C'etait genre, une reunion ou chaque editeur venait montrer son catalogue de l'annee), et a la question genre "Qu'allez vous faire pour promovoir plus EQ2 en Europe/France?", le commercial a repondu genre "On se concentre plus sur VG et surtout GW GWEN", le pire, il etait meme pas au courant de cette espece d'exclusivitee avec Micromania concernant EQ2 EoF.

Enfin voila, revez pas trop en ce qui concerne la promotion de EQ2 en France / Europe, pour Kosh media, EQ2 est plus la derniere roue du carrosse~
Gwen Faerytales <Pandemonium>
Fae-gnasse, j'Fae pas a manger, j'Fae s'que j'veux, cherches pas, j'suis pas Fae pour toi!
Citation :
Publié par caniveau royal
Je pense qu'ils devraient surtout se pencher sur le problème des niveaux 1 à 30 qui ne servent à rien (ils sont passés en quatre jours de jeu, et nul ou presque n'y groupe).

Des niveaux 30 à 39 où personne ne vous entendra être LFG et où personne ne vous accompagnera non plus. /who ALL LFG 30 39 = de zéro à une personne.

Des niveaux 40 à 49 longs, avec Cazic-Thule à faire cinq fois comme donjon. Parce qu'EoF, est très bien comme extension et a sûrement plein de contenu, mais peu de groupes s'y retrouvent, car ça prend 20 à 30 minutes d'y rassembler tout le monde tellement le trajet est merdique. Steppes du tonnerre + Bateau + Butcherblock + Greater Faydark + enfin votre zone.
Dans ces niveaux, sur 15 groupes que j'ai suivi, zéro y sont allés. C'est révélateur. Et ça ne change pas depuis. Donc EoF = extension solo, vu l'énorme perte de temps initiale qu'elle induit.

Des niveaux 48 à 53 où l'on ne sait pas quoi faire, parce que SS est une zone solo, où l'on ne fait que des tarentules en exp (et côté fun, c'est l'expérience de jeu la plus merdique que je connaisse), parce que Hidden cache c'est trop costaud, le Sanctuaire aussi, le ... Bref, rien ne marche. A ces niveaux, faut soloter ou faire de l'xp statique.

Bien des joueurs de Storm ont atteint le niveau 70 et c'est là que l'on joue.
Un /who all 70 dépasse les 100 personnes certains week-ends et fait jusqu'à 90 en semaine.

Proposer les niveaux 71 à 80, ça en rajoute dix, ok.
Mais dans le même temps, il faudrait retirer les trente premiers. Si SOE ne sait plus du tout les gérer, y proposer du fun...
Peat bog, Blackburrow, tout ça, à la poubelle. ça n'intéresse plus personne, ça ne sert plus à rien.

Tant du niveau de la progression en expérience qu'au niveau monétaire, avec l'arrivée de la transmutation, le jeu s'est entièrement déréglé.
Et le moins que l'on puisse dire du staff SOE, c'est qu'il est paumé.
Pense aux nouveaux, tu n'est pas seul(e) au monde, c'est pas parce que toi tu connais bien et que ça te saoul de refaire ça a chaque reroll qui faut en privé les nouveaux venu.
Au cas ou ca vous dirait j'ai une copie de l'interview de Scott que je joins. Je ferai une traduction quand j'aurais le temps (si j'ai le temps). Le lien podcast est le suivant :


Tamat: Hello, everyone! I am Andrew Beegle aka Tamat here from EverQuest 2 Allakhazam. With me today I have Nancy Zito who is also known as Gethani from EQ2sday and the great Dellmon doing our sound.
The date is April 25th, 2007 and we're talking with Scott Hartsman the Senior Producer of EverQuest 2 about the fourth EverQuest 2 expansion titled The Rise of Kunark.

Hello, Scott. Thank you for joining us.

Scott: Hey, thanks for having me.

Gethani: We are so happy to have you here today.

Scott: * laughs *

Tamat: It really is a pleasure.

Now, Scott, before we begin can you first just tell us a little bit about the expansion?

Scott: Sure, absolutely. Rise of Kunark signifies a big direction we wanted to take the EverQuest 2 franchise next. After coming out with Echoes of Faydwer and realizing how much people loved seeing things that were very familiar to them, but still had a new take and how much fun, bluntly, we had making it. We decided to do the same type of thing for the next expansion and so naturally once we made up our minds there, Kunark was the natural place to go.

So, some of the big things that you'll be seeing are... Obviously with our last expansion we did not do a level increase, this time we will be. Kunark is a very very very dangerous land and as such people are going to need to be able to gear up a little bit and level up and spend some time learning the place before they are able to come in and just decimate everything. We've got a brand new race and a new starting area.

The Sarnaks are making their return. The beloved race from the original Kunark. Epic weapons will be coming back. Epics are one of the things we've kind of put off doing until we had a huge chunk of time to do them right. In a game like EQ2, you've got 24 classes, ya know that's a whole lot of quests and a whole lot of art and a whole lot of stuff that's gotta get done. So with the dev cycle we have behind Kunark we're pretty confident that we can get them in and make it fun for both group and raid folks.

Beyond that we're mostly going to be focused on the quality of content and the interesting environments and the things that you'll be fighting while you're there. So, that's Kunark in a nutshell pretty much.

Tamat: Sounds pretty exciting. Definitely. Can you give us a general run down of the things that have transpired in Kunark over the last 500 years?

Scott: It's kind of interesting. Kunark kind of got beat up a little bit by all the trauma that's gone on with Luclin exploding and there was the Rending and the Shattering and all kinds of terrible things happening in the world. And Kunark didn't escape all of that.

The general storyline for the past 500 years, Venril Sathir is, as most people might remember from his original place in Karnor, wasn't particularly happy with his station there. And when the gods first abandonned the lands he saw and opportunity and he lept on it. He moved himself back into Caballis and he decided to take over and started building himself up a power base there. With the gods gone, everything was just not going very well for a lot of the established races of people and he saw the opportunity and jumped on it. So, yeah, he goes back into Caballis and starts spreading out towards the East. And what you saw over time was his base of power shifted towards Sebellis. Cause he wanted to retake their ancestral home. And so he cleaned that place out and turned that into their new base of power. And it's a good thing he did because the Rending and the Shattering and all of this and suddenly Caballis finds itself half above ground and half below ground. Where it turned out to be on a huge fault line. So Caballis is for the large part unusable.

So after that all happened, what you see is the Iksar Empire really getting rebuilt and so Rise of Kunark, the title, is as much about the rise of the Iksar Empire again and how the rest of the races on Kunark have had to adjust to that. The giants now are being pushed up to the North. You've got the Sarnak being pushed off to Chardok in the West. The Iksar are slowly taking over, so it is a war torn land that players will be showing up on, on day one.

Tamat: Wow.

Scott: Yeah, we're really aiming to have tension, excitement, and obvious conflict between these races with a solid story behind it all.

Tamat & Gethani: It sounds very exciting.

Gethani: Let's talk about the Sarnak. Will the new player race have any special racial characteristics like the Fae did?

Scott: * laughs * Yes, they will and no I can't talk about that now.

Gethani: Can they fly?

Scott: Yeah they spin their tails really fast and ... One of the things even with the Fae we had our doubts as to whether or not giving them a cool and useful ability was going to be a good idea or a bad idea in the end and we definitely walked away from the Fae going, okay that was smart, and people enjoyed it and it was fun and so we're going to be aiming for the same kind of attraction to Sarnak that we did for the Fae. Obviously it isn't going to be flight, but we're going to be looking for something interesting for there to be. So yeah. There you go.

Tamat: Okay. So it's been said that the Sarnak are going to be starting in Timorous Deep.

Scott: Yeah

Tamat: Okay so out of curiosity why on earth are the Sarnak in Timorous Deep? I don't recall a single one.

Scott: Yeah, there were definitely none there. So the Sarnak had their own little bit of drama going on while they found their whole race under attack. And actually Chardok, where they live, has actually been under quite a transformation too, now being much more of a defensive position than it was previously. These are people at war and people at war do extreme things. We won't get into the specifics of how it happened just yet, but there's a lot of undiscovered magic and undiscovered artifacts that were unearthed by the Rending and the Shattering. Some of these magics got put to use in ways that were probably of very noble intent but didn't necessarily have the greatest end results. What you're going to see is two distinct kinds of Sarnak. There are the Sarnak NPC's that people are very familiar with that still live in Chardok. Then you've got this new kind of Sarnak that is essentially developed for the express purpose of fighting off the Iksar in a move of desperation for the survival of the race and what happened is the Iksar forces essentially went on an extermination misson. These guys became the most hunted people ever because they actually did have the power to do significant harm to the Iksar Empire. So what you ended up with was a certain group of them being hidden away. They're tucked off in a place where they can't be found and the idea is that the Iksar Empire is assuming right now that all of the Sarnaks who are now a threat to them are dead. So as a brand new Sarnak you come into this world and you are one of the ones that is destined to be the powerful ones to go back against the Iksar Empire and you are doing this from the safety of growing up in the islands of Timorous Deep.

Tamat: Genetically engineered Sarnak. I love it.

Gethani: Possibly magically engineered?

Scott: Yeah it's not your six million dollar Sarnak. But it is much more of a result of artifacts and experimentation.

Tamat: Gotcha

Gethani: I can't wait to see what they look like.

Tamat: Yeah, same here.

Scott: It's kinda neat. We've got some of the early ones... as far as our internal development that is the area that we are developing first. We are very much wanting to make sure that that experience is the one that has the most weeks and months of polish associated with it because it's just so important to get it right because it really sets the stage for everything else that's going to be happening in the expansion.

Tamat: Awesome. Will there be any new AA points, increases, or new AA trees or anything like that?

Scott: So, we're not going to do an entire brand new tree. What we're probably going to do this time is... There's a couple of things we're looking at right now. We know that there's some abilities we want to change around a little bit. We know that there's some enhancements we want to make to some of the existing trees, both in terms of desirability, in terms of the need to wield certain weapons all that kind of thing. So we know that there things we want to do to achievements, but it's not going to be look it's a whole gigantic new tree. If you make all of the additions desirable we would end up fragmenting different classes even further. And right now there are plenty of individual ways to customize each class. So we don't necessarily want to add another dimension there, but yeah we do want to do some touch ups there.

Gethani: Will we see a guild level increase with the Rise of Kunark?

Scott: Absolutely. We decided this time we were going to get the guild levels caught up to the adventure levels and the tradeskill levels. So everything by the time everything is said and done will be a flat level cap of 80. And we're looking at making sure there's some interesting new rewards pretty much all along the way there. So instead of having this disconnect where one level cap is one thing and one is another thing it's gonna be 80.

Tamat: Cool.

Gethani: Cool.

Tamat: So that's going to be significantly harder for guilds to level up during this expansion.

Scott: Yeah. It is definitely not going to be, at least it shouldn't be, save up all your stuff and suddenly you're level 80 on day one. Yeah. That shouldn't be the case anymore.

Tamat: Good. What can you tell us about the new Epic weapons? Are the quests similar to the epic lines in quest now or are they more like the traditional EverQuest epics?

Scott: Yeah. It's all text and the words are in brackets and you have to speak to them... Oh no.

Gethani: Ragefire!

Scott: Yes! And you have to camp Ragefire. Yes and no. There are some similarities and there are some differences. Places where they are similar... Yes, this is going to be something that all members of a class are going to want. No doubt about it. The place that it's going to be slightly different from the original EverQuest epics is we're starting them out at the level of Legendary, meaning you should be able to start along your epic path and get a good, powerful, and interesting reward for it... And that's a good thing.

Gethani: That's a very good thing.

Scott: Yes and then later on you'll be able to progress and upgrade your weapon as you continue through the depth of this quest line and start taking part in harder group activities and eventually moving on to raid activities. So the idea is we're not treating them as an entitlement, like just because I play a necromancer means I get my necro epic... It is going to be effort, it is going to be a challenge, but rewards for this series aren't going to be restricted to raiders only. That's really important to us.

Tamat: Now when Epics came out in Kunark in EverQuest they were kind of designed, or I conceived that they were designed to only be obtained by certain individuals and not the entire server. You know, they were supposed to be exclusive in a sense. Are like the final versions of these going to be just uber hard to get or are they going to be something that someone who raids can get with a little bit of effort?

Scott: That's a very good question. What we're looking to do with these is we're looking to make sure... The refer to that as: What's your gating factor? In order for there to be a certain amount of rarity there has to be a gating factor. One of the big points of frustration that happened with a lot of the original EQ epics was the gating factor was always rare and long spawns. Rare long contested spawns, whether that was Cazic Thule or whether that was Ragefire or whether that was... ya know. And those things turned out to be an excellent way to make sure that there were very few epics or there was a very steady controlled stream of epics coming into the world at a predictable rate.

These days, 2007, people don't really balance MMOs that way anymore. EQ doesn't even balance their later upgrades, they don't make those mistakes of the past either. In a lot of ways we've been learning a lot from the EverQuest Live team as they've enhanced and changed their way of doing work too. So what we'll be doing is trying to make sure our quests are gated on the difficulty of events, the difficulty of the quests, your ability to find other people to go help. It's things that are in your control to go do. What we will not be doing is having you sit on a spot for three days hoping some guy is gonna spawn. There's no need to control player action to that level. It's just not important for the overall health of the game. The most important thing is to make sure that when a person logs on their next step is in their control, not at the control of some arbitrary delay. So, yeah. We like the good parts of the original EverQuest epics which was everyone had a cool way and there was this feeling of brotherhood with other people of your class who all went through the same stuff. You know, you see the weapon and you go: I know you've killed Cazic Thule cause you have this thing, congratulations. Without the bad parts of, you know, you have your cleric one, you must have sat in Sol B for 900 weeks, I'm so sorry. So yeah, we're aiming for power and we're aiming for a satisfying quest but we're not aiming for all the frustration that occured in the first generation.

Gethani: Well thank you, cause I was a ranger in the first generation and it was two years before I got my second sword.

Tamat: Oh please. I was a cleric who did my epic twice. Gimme a break.

Gethani: The thing was, with us, you had to get those stones and so many people wanted those stones and they didn't drop and it took a really long time to get the swords.

Tamat: Yeah, you're right, no one wanted Ragefire.

Scott: See, I was about to complain because I was a wizard and I'm fairly certain that I set a record for Phinegal kills between drops. But yeah, compared to doing two cleric epics? Yeah, I got nothing. I was actually joking around with guild of folks that I currently play with who I also played with back in the day and one of them brought up the 97,000 times we had to kill that friggin fish.

Tamat: Oh yeah.

Gethani: I spent a lot of time in the Kunark zones in EverQuest. In my travels through Rise of Kunark, will I recognize any of my ancestor's old hunting grounds?

Scott: That actually brings up something that we're doing differently this time. Previously what you would have seen when we do an expansion is we tell you we have blah exactly many zones and we have blah exactly many quests and weapons and all that stuff. We're kind of going about the way we do zones a little differently. Short answer is yes. You're going to see a lot of familiar things. What you're also going to see is an expansion on what we did for Echoes of Faydwer. Where you know the overall outdoor region size got just a little bit bigger. You take Butcherblock and compare it to like Enchanted Lands and it's like Butcherblock is friggin ginormous, you could fit three zones in there. So what we're doing is, we're actually expanding on that theme even further.

Instead of just making our outdoor areas single zones, we're making them bigger and making them full on regions of the continent. So the continent is broken up into a number of these regions and within each of these regions you're going to find very distinct zones that will have some familiarity. Yes the environment is going to change, the lighting will change, the sky changes, you get a little pop up on screen that says: Now entering the Burning Wood, but you didn't have to zone to do that.

There will still be zoning between these big huge regions, but the zoning shouldn't be any worse a user experience than it was in Echoes of Faydwer. So you'll be able to see a whole lot of areas that you did see in the past. We're actually really really excited about that, one of the things that we've always wanted to do was making zoning less of a factor when it comes to gameplay.

Tamat: More seamless.

Scott: Exactly. And you can ever really take one of these zoned worlds and make them fully seamless, at least not on the scale that our world is, but we can do stuff with these ginormous regions that we have now that we're a few years in and the engine is optimized a whole lot better than it ever has been before so we're able to do stuff like have a Field of Bone and have Dreadlands and Burning Wood. We can have a lot of these areas that you're familiar with but you'll actually be playing in a larger region and so... But there's the standard compliment of dungeons and instances that will be around too. And it isn't going to be 100% copied from Kunark either. It's going to be very similar to Echoes of Faydwer. There are going to be some things that make you go: Okay this is cool, I know this, this is awesome. But by the same token there are new places both overland and in dungeons that either creations of the Shattering or, especially in the case of one dungeon, was a long lost area that unearthed by and access was gained because of the Shattering and the fact that the planet shifted.

Gethani: Cool!

Tamat: So here's the question. Am I going to be able to quad-kite raptors in Timorous Deep?

Scott: * laughs *

Tamat: No, I'm serious.

Scott: Possibly! No, I know. Honestly, I would not expect that to be a feature of this expansion. I really wouldn't. And again, speaking as a guy who played a wizard in EverQuest I think it would be hilarious if we had that kind of thing in there. Timorous Deep is now going to be a level 1-20 starting zone that is going to be the new quest path for new Sarnaks and other neutral races. And so you're going to be able to see people starting off that way also. And so it really wouldn't work to have high end critters running around, oh I'm going to swim over to an island and see what's over heeeeeeereeeeee. But yeah, there's also a full city. The city of Gorowin is also out there which is the city that they've made for themselves, which would have all standard city functions.

So yeah. It is yet another starting area in EQ2 that is not the Isle of Refuge and as far as we're concerned giving people racially distinct starting areas is a really really good thing for the game and for the community. So.

Gethani: And it's going to be neutral?

Scott: Neutral is pretty much what we're going with right now, we might tweak that so you don't get to call me a liar if that turns out to not be the case. And when I say neutral I don't mean all races. I mean the races that can start any place. Plus Sarnaks. So it's not going to be a place where anyone can start, this is going to be a place where some subsets can start and the subset that we're working with right now is the neutral ones.

Tamat: Gotcha.

Gethani: Cool.

Tamat: In comparison to Kunark in EverQuest, how large is this expansion going to be?

Scott: I would have to say it is on par with or bigger. And that's just in terms of the square acreage. Square acreage? That doesn't make sense. Huh. The acreage. There. In terms of the area you're probably looking at the same size or bigger. And that is no mean feat just because Kunark was by and large the largest EQ expansion ever. And making areas like that in EQ2 is significantly more time intensive than it was back in the day when making art was way simpler. That's what we're aiming for. I don't know if we're going to get there, but at the end of the day, the thing that we tell the teams here is pretty simple. I would rather ship three gigantic regions that are as polished and fun as they can possibly be than four or five where the quality just drops off. I would rather we go back and rewrite story and redo some population and redo some leveling flow if it means that we ship that what we ship is the most fun and most polished it can possibly be. If it came down to it and we had to ship the single best region in the history of mankind in order to get it out the door we'd still aim for quality.

Kingdom of Sky was the first big step we took in that direction and then Echoes of Faydwer really nailed it home. It's like no, you have to do this. You absolutely have to do it. Your review scores go up, community reaction goes up, you have people going: Holy crap. This game is really worth coming and checking out again. We set a high bar last time and to this day I'm still proud of every single person who worked on that, they did a stellar job and all the folks working on this one definitely have a lot to live up to.

Tamat: Great.

Gethani: Would you tell us a bit about some of the new zones?

Scott: What would you like to know? Whatever?

Gethani: Yes, whatever.

Scott: Some of the new places are going to be very familiar as I had said earlier. I, unfortunately, don't want to get TOO much just yet into what the new places are all going to be. We have a whole lot of them designed out, but again not everything that makes it on paper actually makes it to launch date just because we're aiming for quality more than a specific content spread. But so you know, the first place that we talked about, obviously Timorous Deep.

Timorous Deep is an ocean full of islands and the new city of Gorowin. And that area is going to be level 1-20. And once you get beyond that, the Sarnak story line for those folks who are starting out brand new characters, their whole story is all about getting back home and rejoining their race and finding out what happened. Because really so much time has gone on that these people are exiles.

It's essentially the classic hero's journey where they go through this period of innocence, they go through the rediscovering of the fact that there's an outside world, and then there's the eventual triumphant return home to defeat the bad guys and be reunited with their own history. So, that journey will take them from Timorous Deep back to the old world, up through Kingdom of Sky and Desert of Flames if people choose to go and level up there and then come back over to Kunark where the real bad guys are.

So you're going to see places like Skyfire Mountains, you're going see The OverThere, you're going to see Sebillis obviously, you're going to see Chardok and you're going to see Emerald Jungle, City of Mist. When coming up with this we didn't say we need to ship every single area that was in the original Kunark. What we did do though was we took the ones that we felt (I'm going to invent a word) were the most Kunarky and that were the most archetypal of both the leveling experience and the high level experience to the most players and make sure that we were able to get all of those areas out there and then add our own brand new areas on top of that. That's really the goals of what we were aiming for and that's some of the zones you're going to see.

Gethani: Well it's nice to know that some of the familiar stomping grounds are going to be there.

What made SOE decide to go with Rise of Kunark as the next expansion instead of Odus? Or Velious?

Tamat: You know that was the rumor for a while.

Scott: Oh yeah, there were all kinds of good rumors out there for a while. I may have even helped one of them.

Gethani: There's that one guy in Kingdom of Sky that you go talk to and he gates himself back to Odus. That was enough to get people started.

Scott: This came down to really what did we think would be received the best. What is going to be right for EQ2 at this particular moment in time. Right now, making the last one... it was received so well and it was so much fun to make we wanted to make sure that we were making stuff where our passion would be able to show through. The best developed games are the ones where the developers are passionate about what they're making. And when we all talked about it, it was very very hard to find a person on this team who did not want to do Kunark. Which was actually kind of surprising... It really surprised me. Because we have a number of people in the art department who worked on the original EverQuest Kunark. The artist who did Sebillis is here. The artist who did Charassis is here. The artist who did Chardok is here. And so, bluntly, I was expecting to hear: Dude, I've done that already. Come on. I don't wanna... NO! But instead, literally, what we heard back from everybody who worked on Kunark was: Are you kidding? I would love to do Kunark. I would love to do Kunark the way I couldn't do it back then. I was literally shocked and I am so not making that up. You can ask these guys at Fan Faire and they will tell you the same thing themselves. It truly did surprise me, I was honestly expecting to hear: Dude, I've done that already. But no. It was all pft I'm psyched. So yeah. It was really a combination of this is what we wanted to be making and we also kind of assumed that this is what the players would want to see most.

Gethani: Thank you very much for the answer. I look forward to seeing it because, you know, it's like comparing the two Unrests. The Unrest here... So I really can't wait to see what they do with the old dungeons, it'll be fun.

Scott: Oh yeah. The scale on these things is just massive. We'll see how it all works out, but man, I gotta tell ya, just going through our milestone reviews I've seen some of the biggest interiors I think I've ever seen in my entire life. It's fun stuff.

Gethani: Wonderful. Can you talk about the three gods returning to Norrath?

Scott: Unfortunately not so much. I mean, yes, we are going to be having a few of the gods coming back, we are going to be having a couple of new religions for people to join up with. But right now, that's not an area where I'm the guy who's going to be able to talk about a whole lot that makes sense. We've got some things that we've been playing with internally, we kind of like where we're going with it. We'll probably be able to talk a little bit more about it once we get closer to like Fan Faire time and the couple of weeks leading up to that.

Tamat: Now when you say new, do you mean brand new or just brought back from EverQuest?

Scott: Oh, returned! Sorry. I mean returned gods. Oh yes.

Tamat: Just wanted to clarify.

Scott: Good question. Thank you. There are definitely more gods who have come back. The ongoing story line, it's just time for that to happen. There's so much activity going on, there's so many battles going on with these powerful historical figures that have either taken... or sought to take the gods places and it's making the rest of them wake up and take notice.

Tamat: Can you tell me if old Sebillis survived? I'd really like to know.

Scott: Would it be a Kunark if you couldn't go and kill (garbled).

Tamat: Or a big disease ridden dragon? Hmmm?

Scott: That's the thing with Trakanon, I made no secret about the fact that Venril and the Iksar Empire decided to retake their home in Sebillis. And obviously that does beg the question: What of Trakanon? Suffice it to say, we haven't forgotten about him. What exactly has gone on with Trakanon's past is part of what does need to be discovered in the expansion, but yes. Expect him to not be forgotten about. Let's put it that way.

Tamat: Cool. That gets me excited. Is there anything else that we missed or you wanted to touch on before we end this?

Scott: Are you kidding me? You guys asked more than... You guys stretched my knowledge of this expansion, let me put it that way. No, this is fantastic. The only other new stuff is, we are doing another mount this time. Right now we're looking at a Kunarkian Rhino. Everybody's favorite baby from the OverThere. And we are also looking into doing both a standard retail box as well as a limited edition that includes more cool stuff, more cool toys collector's edition also.

Gethani: Another box for my shelf.

Scott: And this one will be very likely limited as in we will do one run and that will be it. Because these kinds of things, they're just cool to be able to do every so often and when we threw the idea out to the team so many people came up with ideas like oh we can do this and oh we can include this or we can include this and we were like okay we need to go ask if we can do this. And so far it looks like we're going to be able to.

Tamat: Well, Scott, thank you so much for taking the time out of your day to come join us today. It's been a real pleasure.

Gethani: It's always a pleasure to have you as a guest and I look forward to doing this again in the future.

Scott: Well, you know I love talking to you guys, so that's all cool by me. And if I don't see you before, then I'll see you at Fan Faire.

Gethani: Definitely will be there.

Tamat: And thank you everyone for listening.


25 Avril 2007, Andrew Beegle et Nancy Zito recoivent Scott Hartsman pour parler de la 4ème extension d'EQ2 The Rise of Kunark. (ils bossent sur Allakhazam et je ne sais plus quoi, Scott c'est un peu un chef de projet)

Tamat: Salut Scott et merci de nous avoir rejoint.

Scott: Salut et merci de me recevoir.

Gethani: Nous sommes si content de t'avoir avec nous aujourd'hui.

S: -rit-

T: C'est vraiment un plaisir. Maintenant pour commencer Scott pourrais tu nous en dire plus sur l'extension?

S: Bien sur. Rise of Kunark (ROK) est un tournant que nous voulions faire prendre à EQ2. Après la sortie de EOF, nous avons réalisé à quel point les gens aimaient retrouver des choses auxquelles ils sont déjà familiers mais remaniées et du plaisir que nous avions à réaliser tout ça. Nous avons décidé de faire le meme genre de chose dans l'extension suivante et evidemment, une fois cette décision prise, ROK s'imposait naturellement.

Donc les choses qui vont changer sont les suivantes... Avec EOF il n'y avait pas eu d'augmentation de niveau, cette fois il y en aura une. Kunark est un endroit très très dangereux et de ce fait les gens devront s'équiper à nouveau et monter en niveau, se familiariser avec cet endroit avant de pouvoir y entrer et tout décimer. Nous prévoyons une nouvelle race et une nouvelle zone de départ.

Les Sarnaks font leur retour. Les armes epics font leur come back aussi. Nous avions laissez les armes épiques de coté pour nous laisser le temps de bien les peaufiner. Dans un jeu comme EQ2 avec 24 classes vous savez, ca fera un paquet de quests, de boulot pour les dessiner et de choses à faire. Avec l'équipe de dev de ROK nous avons l'espoir de les intégrer à la fois dans les groupes et les raids et que les gens s'amusent avec.

A part ça nous nous concentrons sur la qualité du contenu et de l'environnement et des choses à combattre dans Kunark. Enfin ca sera Kunark een un mot.

T: Ca a l'air plutot interessant. Sans aucun doute. Tu pourrais une idée de ce qui a évolué à Kunark en 500 ans?

S: C'est assez interessant. Kunark a été un peu assomé par le traumatisme de l'explosion de Luclin et de tout ce qui suivit (je connais pas la traduction que SOE a choisit en FR) et marqua le monde d'EQ2. Kunark n'a pas échappé à tout ça.

En gros le scénario de ces 500 dernieres années est le suivant. Venril Sathir , comme la plupart des gens doivent se souvenir, n'était pas particulièrement satisfait de sa position la bas. Et quand les dieux se sont retirés il vu une opportunité pour lui.

Il retourna à Caballis et décida d'y installé sa base. Sans les dieux la situation était chaotique pour les différentes races établies.Il vut la encore une opportunité sur laquelle sauter. Donc oui il retourne à Cabbalis et commence à s'etendre vers l'est. Et avec le temps son influence se déplaça vers Sebellis. Pour reprendre le contrôle de ces terres ancestrales il nettoya les lieux et y établit son pouvoir.Ce fut positif car avec le Rending et le Shattering d'un coup Caballis s'est retrouvé à moitié au dessus du sol et à moitié en dessous. Caballis se revele etre une large ligne de faille en majeure partie non viable.

Donc après que tout ca soit arrivé, l'empire Iksar se reconstruisit et l'extension est plus axé sur la montée en puissance des Iksar et le fait que les autres races de Kunark essaient de s'y adapter. Les géants ont été poussés au nord. Les Sarnak ont été repoussé vers Chardock à l'ouest. Les Iksars sont entrain de prendre le dessus et c'est donc une terre devastée par la guerre que les joueurs découvriront le premier jour.

T: Whao.

S: Ouais nous essayons de viser un maximum de tension et d'excitation autour du conflit entre ces deux races avec une histoire solide derriere.

T et G: Ca a l'air vraiment excitant.

G: Parlons un peu plus des Sarnak. Est ce que cette nouvelle race aura des caractéristiques spéciales comme les Fae?

S: -rit- Oui il y en aura et non je n'en dirais pas plus.

G: Ils pourront voler?

S: Oui ils feront tourner leur queue super vite et ... Une des choses avec le fait de donner au Fae une capacité spéciale et utile c'est que nous avions des doutes sur l'effet positif ou negatif d'une telle idée. Ok c'était malin et les gens se sont amusés avec ca donc nous allons faire la meme chose pour les Sarnak que pour les Fae. Evidemment ca ne saura pas le vol mais ca sera interessant.

T: Ok. Il paraît que les Sarnak commenceront a Timorous Deep?

S: Oui.

T: Ok donc par curiosité pourquoi diable à Timorous Deep? Je ne me rappelle pas en avoir vu un seul la bas?

S: En effet ils n'y étaient pas. Les Sarnak ont eu aussi leur propre petits drames alors qu'ils se rendaient compte que leur race entiere était menacée.

Et en effet Chardock, ou ils viventà beaucoup changer aussi en évoluant vers la défensive.Ce sont des gens en guerre et les gens en guerre font dans les extremes. Sans aller dans les detais du pourquoi du comment, il y a eu beaucoup de magie et d'artefacts oubliés, déterrés par le Rending et le Shattering. Certains d'entre eux ont été utilisés probablement dans de louables intentions mais pas avec les meilleurs résultats. Nous allons voir deux faces des Sarnak. Les NPC (pnj) avec lesquels les joueurs seront familiers et qui vivent dans Chardok. A coté il y aura un nouveau type de Sarnak développé dans le but expresse de combattre contre les Iksars de maniere desesperée pour assurer la survie de l'espèce. Et ce qui suivit c'est que les forces Iksars en sont venues à une mission d'extermination. Etant les seuls capables de reellement mettre à mal les Iksars, ces Sarnaks n'en furent que plus chassés. Ils se sont donc cachés dans un endroit ou personne ne peut les trouver ce qui mena les Iksars à conclure qu'ils étaient tous morts. Donc quand un joueur commence un Sarnak, il joue un Sarnak « puissant » et est donc caché de l'empire Iksar pour sa sécurité dans Timorous Deep.

T: Des Sarnak genetiquement modifés. J'aime l'idée.
G: Peut etre créé magiquement?

S: Oui ce n'est pas vraiment le Sarnak à 6 millions de dollar mais plutot le resultat d'artefacts et d'expérimentation.

T: Pigé.

G: J'ai hate de voir à quoi ils ressemblent.

T: Pareil.

S: Le résultat est plutôt soigné. Nous avons déjà les premiers, c'est pa la que nous commenceront. Nous allons nous assurer que cette expérience aura tout le temps nécessaire pour être fignolée car de cela depend tout ce qui arrivera dans cette extension.

T: Génial. Est ce qu'il y aura de nouveau AA, augmentations, ou de nouveau arbre d'AA; quoique ce soit?

S: Alors, nous n'allons pas faire un arbre d'AA entierement neuf. Ce que nous allons probablement faire cette fois... Il y a quelques points que nous considerons en ce moment.Nous savons qu'il y a quelques capacités que nous voulons changer un peu, des améliorations à apporter aux arbres existants, à la fois en termes d'attrait et d'obligation de porter une arme particulière.Donc nous savons que nous voulons faire des modifications au AA mais ca n'aura pas la forme d'un énorme nouvel arbre d'AA. Ajouter un nouvel arbre reviendrait à fragmenter encore plus les classes qui sont suffisament personnalisable à ce jour. Il n'est pas nécessaire d'ajouter une dimension mais de retoucher l'existant.

G: Y aura-t-il une augmentation du niveau max de guilde dans ROK?

S: Bien sur. Nous avons décidé cette fois que nous allions mettre guilde, tradeskill et niveau d'xp au meme niveau. Donc le cap sera 80 pour les trois. Nous allons aussi nous assurer qu'il y aura des récompenses assez motivantes tout au long du chemin.

T et G: Cool.

T: Donc ce sera beaucoup plus dure de monter pour les guildes dans cette extension?

S: Oui. Ca le sera certainement. Il ne suffira pas de stocker les items status et de passer 80 en une journée. Ca ne sera plus le cas en fin de compte.

T: Bien et que peux tu nous dire de plus au sujet des armes epics? Les quests seront elles les memes que dans EQ1?

S: -tente une vieille vanne-

G: Ragefire !

S: Oui ! Et vous devez camper Ragefire. Oui et non. Il y a des similitudes et des différences. Les endroits seront similaires... Oui ca sera quelques choses que chaque classe désirera. Aucun doute. L'endroit sera quand meme légèrement different des quests epic d'EQ. Elles commenceront au niveau de legendary pour qu'on puisse avoir le long de la quest epic des items puissant et interessant et c'est une bonne chose.

G: C'est une très bonne chose.
S: Oui et on sera a meme de mettre a niveau l'arme epic au fil des étapes de la quest d'abord solo pour aller vers des défis de groupe puis de raid. On les traitera comme une récompense plus qu'un dû. Ca sera des efforts, du challenge mais les récompenses ne seront pas réservées aux raiders. C'est très important pour nous.


La traduction n'est pas trop fidèle mais j'ai peu de temps et cette interview est sympa alros je finirai de la traduire en vitesse plus tard
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