Serveurs Down ?

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Pas top j'ai pas pu finir un Elyos, il lui restait un truc comme 5/10% de vie
Je vais me mettre un film en attendant l'ouverture des serveurs je pense.
Sympa de voir plusieurs mise à jours quand même, comme dit plus haut on aura un bon truc à la release.
Citation :
Publié par Melraki
Patch Note
Et pour ceux qui comprennet pas l'anglais ca donne quoi en gros?

J'ai compris que ca tournais autour du pack de langue mais après...
Citation :
Publié par Lekky
oo Je dl a 800KO/sec moi, jespere que sa va durer
Moi aussi, mais il y a des coupures, et ensuite tentative de reconnexion ect...
PowerWiki (Beta)

Open Beta Notes Login and server select lag should be resolved. This is one of the major reasons for pushing this update to ensure it is resolved for live.

1. The mouse will now turn the character (not the camera) when holding down both mouse buttons.
2. Territory specific files are now in place to prepare for multiple languages. Please ensure your launcher is set to the correct territory under settings.
3. Updated support and errors links throughout the game.
4. Servers are now labeled appropriately for their region or language.
5. Our language filter is now fully operational. ******in’s can now freely talk about their cl***

1. Bow Attacks 10%, Critical Hit +100 have been added to the Ranger’s “Speed of the Wind” skill.
2. The duration time of the Sorcerer’s “Sleeping Storm” skill has been changed from 10 seconds to 20 seconds and it increases all elemental defense.
3. Sorcerer’s “Sleeping Storm” skill cast time has been changed from 2 seconds to 1 second, the coo-time has been changed from 2 minutes to 3 minutes as well.
4. It has been changed to be affected by the cast speed when using Sorcerer’s “Kaisinel’s Wrath” and “Lumiel’s Wrath” skills.
5. Spiritmaster’s “Enmity Swap” skill’s cool-time has been changed from 2 minutes to 1 minute.
6. Spiritmaster’s “Spirit Recovery” skill’s cool-time has been changed from 10 minutes to 3 minutes.
7. Spiritmaster’s “Summon Energy of Cyclone” The energy number appeared when using the skill has been changed from 3 to 4, the Accuracy has been increased.
8. Spiritmaster’s “Armor Spirit”: 1000 of Magical Accuracy, Accuracy have been added to the Armor of Strengthening” skill.
09. Spiritmaster’s “Spirit Ruinous Offensive” skill’s cool-time has been changed from 1 minute 30 seconds to 1 minute.
10. The attribute and damage application method of Spiritmaster’s “Ignite Aether” and “Disenchant” skills have been changed.

- The basic damages happened when Boost Magic Skill and Weakening Magic are deleted from the target has been decreased, but the damage will increase according to the Magic
Boosting Power.

- It has been changed that, According to the defense attribute of the target, damage increases or decreases.
- Current skill tool time explanation is shown before the change, so please do not get confused.
11. Cleric’s “Grace of Empyrean Lord” skill’s cool-time has been changed from 5 minutes to 3 minute.
12. Cleric’s “Earth’s Wrath” skill damage has been strengthened.
13. Cleric’s “Summon Noble Energy” skill’s damage has been strengthened.
14. Cleric’s “Ripple of Purification” skill effect range has been changed from 10 meters to 20 meters.
15. 400 of Magic Resistance decrease has been added to the Cleric’s “Chain of Suffering” skill effect.
16. Chanter’s “Rage Spell” skill effect has been changed from its Recovery Skill Cast Time 50% increase to 20% increase.
17. Chanter’s “Blessing of Wind” skill duration time has been changed from 20 seconds to 30 seconds, additional damage has been strengthened.
18. Chanter’s “Mountain Crash” skill damage has been strengthened, skill accuracy has been increased.
- Due to the current tool tip error, the damage in the explanation has been lower than the actual damage, so please do not get confused.
19. New Skill: “Elemental Defense Increase I” for Sorcerer and Spiritmaster. (from purchasable Skill Book.)
20. New Skill: “Contract of Resistance I” skill available for Spiritmaster. (from purchasable Skill Book.)
21. Spiritmaster commands can now be used continuously. Effect now properly applies to Spiritmaster characters. Conflicting effects with “Spirit Detonation Claw” resolved.
22. Certain objects not immediately destroyed by “Disenchant” and “Ignite Aether” (Spiritmaster) skills has been addressed.
23. Skill book prices for Sorcerer and Spiritmaster decreased by 20%.
24. “Mountain Crash” (Chanter) skill changed to a long-range skill.
25. Clerics’ summon and resurrection skills now work properly when in the air or on slopes.
26. Forced transformation type skills, (such as the Sorcerer and Spiritmaster “Sleep” and “Fear “) are now not affected by the cast time
a. Sorcerer (Sleep, Tranquilizing Cloud, Sleeping Storm, Curse of Roots)
b. Spiritmaster (Fear, Fear Shriek, Curse of Fire, Curse of Water)

1. Abnormal character death while flying/gliding has been addressed.
More detailed information through PowerWiki search!The Aion PowerWiki currently consists of 3870 documents of Aion game information in a Wiki-style web service.
Please use the Search function if you are looking for something specific.
Enfin ils aiment bien bosser le week end
closed et open Beta début et fin de week end , mise en place patch
Pareil pour la release, ils aiment les heures supplémentaires
Citation :
Publié par Senny
Et pour ceux qui comprennet pas l'anglais ca donne quoi en gros?

J'ai compris que ca tournais autour du pack de langue mais après...
1. The mouse will now turn the character (not the caméra) when holding down both mouse buttons.
maintenant la sourie tourne le personnage et non plus la caméra quand tu maintien les 2 bouton de la sourie

2. Territory specific files are now in place to prepare for multiple languages. Please ensure your launcher is set to the correct territory under settings.
Mise en place des fichiers de langue spécifique en préparation de la release, faut vérifier qu'on a sélectionner la bonne langue

3. Updated support and errors links throughout the game.
Mise a jour du support et des lien d'erreur dans le jeu ?

4. Servers are now labeled appropriately for their region or language.
Les serveurs on maintenant leurs tag de langue

5. Our language filter is now fully operational. ******in’s can now freely talk about their cl***
Le filtre de language est maintenant entièrement opérationel
Quelqu'un qui a du temps a perdre a la gentillesse de traduire tout ca svp? ^^

( en meme temps les serveur sont crash 2h donc du temps yen a xD )
Download en cours de la mise à jour .

J'en ai pour deux heures ....

Téléchargement à 80 ko/s.

Il faut qu'il règle aussi ce problème de download des patchs, ça devient lassant.

Citation :
Publié par MarcXu
Il aurait pu faire ce patch avant ou après la bêta, à la limite le mettre en téléchargement de fond. Mais là, bof bof.
Citation :
Login and server select lag should be resolved. This is one of the major reasons for pushing this update to ensure it is resolved for live.
Apparament, il devais sortir ce patch après la beta, mais on décider de le sortir avant pour corriger les problème sur le serveur de login
Citation :
Publié par Crevette
Apparament, il devais sortir ce patch après la beta, mais on décider de le sortir avant pour corriger les problème sur le serveur de login
Vi, il vaut mieux profiter des dernières heures de la bêta pour voir si le nouveau patch concernant le serveur de login n'apporte pas de nouveaux bugs plutôt que de s'en rendre compte le jour de la sortie :P

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