Les héros de la prochaine mise a jour !

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Citation :
Complete 1.0.13 patch notes are as follows:

Version 1.0.13


- Darkwood Vale is now a 4v4 map
- Kill streaks of 15 or more now play the "IMMORTAL!" announcer sound / message
- Taunt effect is now more intense and shiny for the first few seconds
- Heroes will now fully turn toward their final goal even when pathing into deeply blocked areas
- Max possible charges are now ~16,000 (Fixes several issues)
- Change default lag threshold to 1000 ms from 500 ms
- Clients no longer precache the voice responses of enemy heroes
- Muting a player will /ignore that player, and unmuting will /unignore.
La suite .
Ouais pas mal ce pseudo patch pour retarder le team matchmaking, le map editor et le nouveau deadwood.
Enfin on s'habitue... Là ils ont juste balance un peu le game.
Ya aussi un nouveau hero sur le chemin j'espere qu'il sera pas aussi foireux que gladiator ou doctor ou flint niveau design... (Kunkka>>Gladi Raijin>Doctor)
Citation :
Publié par Lapin
Il est où le changelog ?

Quand tu lances ton jeu HoN, après avoir log in, regarde les petites icônes en haut à gauche de l'écran, juste à gauche du drapeau pour le langage, il y a "Changelog".
C'est pas + compliqué que ça.
De rien
y'a eu une amélioration de devorer dans les derniers 6mois ? (je le jouais assez mal et maintenant sa passe tout seul il me parrait hyper cheater...)

sinon kraken OMG, il fais bien mal. malgré que je preferais l'ancient kraken pour sont ulti assez sympa.
1.0.15 :

Citation :
Version 1.0.15

== General ==

- Halloween on Newerth has arrived...

- Increased the number of hero slots on the picking screen.
- Quick stats favorite hero % will now display correctly for accounts with over 32,000 seconds played on that hero
- Added EM % to quickstats
- Fix for that infinite life infinite spawn simpleemitter particle on the background effect
- Fixed almost all of the tooltip bugs and errors thanks to ElementUser
- Removed the "All Heroes" option
* All games are now "All Heroes" by default
- The "selected" buff icons no longer incorrectly pop / blink
- Fixed Bloodlust gold reward from not being logged correctly
- Updated French stringtables for the tutorial, courtesy of QualQuek, Bass, Jelucyr, Tyr00, Neuroleptik.
- Normalized the building gold and Kongor kill gold
- Hid some states that should not have been shown

== Neutrals ==

- Added some new effects to the neutrals who have abilities


- Kongor now has a larger health bar
- Kongor now has 75% Magic reduction
- Kongor base armor lowered from 3.5 to 3
- Kongor attack range increased from 100 to 128
- Added effects and partial tweaks to his stomp

== Items ==

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/items_20/Bottle.jpg Bottle
- Crow ferrying now refills to 2/3 instead of full

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/items_20/Insanitarius.jpg Insanitarius
- Fixed it to be a proper sum of its part
* From 11 Damage to 12 Damage
* From 15 Attack Speed to 25 Attack Speed

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/items_20/LoggersHatchet.jpg Logger's Hatchet
- No longer works on Kongor

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/items_20/ManaBattery.jpg Mana Battery
- AoE radius from 1600 to 1200
- Health gain from 12 to 10 per charge
- Cost from 210 to 200

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/items_20/PowerSupply.jpg Power Supply
- AoE radius from 1600 to 1200
- Health gain from 15 to 10 per charge
- Cost from 290 to 240

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/items_20/EnhancedMarchers.jpg Ghost Marchers
- No longer let you move through Pollywog Priest's Voodoo Wards

== Heroes ==

- New Legion Int hero, Bombardier

- Tagged a lot of hero abilities so they will only play the custom voice response instead of two overlapping ones
- Added new debuff states for Swiftblade's Blade Frenzy, Magmus' Steam Bath, and Tempest's Meteor so players know when they are taking damage and when they are not

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Andromeda.jpg Andromeda
- Correctly hid her stunned state
- Base agility from 27 to 26
- Strength gain from 2.3 to 2.1
- Dimensional Link aura radius from 900 to 800
- Aurora AoE from 300 to 275, damage from 25/50/75/100 to 40/65/90/115

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/BloodHunter.jpg Blood Hunter
- Fixed him gaining health from illusions

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Bubbles.jpg Bubbles
- Shell Surf now disjoints

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Chipper.jpg Chipper
- Tar Toss
* Cooldown from 25/20/15/10 to 18/15/12/9
* Cast action time from 0.25 to 0
- Sawblade Showdown
* Initial damage increased from 100/200/300 to 200/300/400
* Fixed bug that placed a lingering DoT on enemies who ran through the saws quickly which artifically increased its damage
* Can not take the initial damage again for 2s after leaving the saws even if you re-enter them

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/CorruptedDisciple.jpg Corrupted Disciple
- Can no longer get an infinite damage boost in certain situations

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/DarkLady.jpg Dark Lady
- Dark Blades' damage increase lowered from 50/70/90/110% to 50/60/70/80%
- Taint Soul cast range from 1200 to 800/900/1000/1100

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/20_Deadwood.jpg Deadwood
- Fixed up Willowmaker's tooltip to list duration of debuffs

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Devourer.jpg Devourer
- Maximum health gained from devouring from 100/150/200 to 75/125/175 per charge
- Fixed tooltip on Devour to display correct duration of charges (7s per charge, incorrectly listed 10s)

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Electrician.jpg Electrician
- Cooldown on Electric Shield from 2 secs to 0.5 secs
- Cleansing Shock SotM effect changed: instead of bouncing, it purges target and yourself at the same time
- Cleansed now loses its movespeed bonus smoothly over the whole duration
- Purge damage on summoned units is now pure instead of magical

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Fayde.jpg Fayde
- Fixed Burning Shadows so it does not reveal enemies hit for a longer time than intended

Flint Beastwood
- His Flare effect will no longer play in the fog
- Fixing a bug causing him to say several different voice responses when using Flare

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Gauntlet.jpg Gauntlet
- Fixed Grapple hit detection while right next to someone

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Jeraziah.jpg Jereziah
- Removed the attack, replaced with a slow aura with 7/14/21/28% 300 radius AOE slow

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Kraken.jpg Kraken
- Projectile speed of Torrent increased from 1000 to 1250

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Legionnaire.jpg Legionnaire
- Terrifying Charge
* Damage is now instant instead of through an attack
* The increased movespeed is kept for an additional second
- Decapitate range increased from 150 to 175

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Magmus.jpg Magmus
- Allied units will no longer 'block' the casting of Lava Surge

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Pandamonium.jpg Panda
- Removed silence from Flick, made it a stun instead

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Puppet.jpg Puppetmaster
- Increased casting speed of Puppet Show and Voodoo Puppet
* Cast action time lowered from 500ms to 300ms

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Soulstealer.jpg Soulstealer
- Will no longer gain charges if he dies and an attack is in midair that kills something

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Tundra.JPG Tundra
- Shiver is no longer Magic Immune, but is now Splash Immune

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Vindicator.jpg Vindicator
- No longer applies his silence aura to enemy heroes he cannot see

http://forums.heroesofnewerth.com/images/smilies/heroes_20/Voodoo.jpg Voodoo
- Mojo can now be double activated to cast on self
Nouveau héros, nerf du mana battery/power supply et du rune whoring.
Et Jera est maintenant un vrai omniknight.
Le nouveau héros a l'air sympa. Par contre le nerf de Chipper et DL
Le reste est bien.

Un truc que je comprends pas :
Citation :
Shell Surf now disjoints
Ca veut dire quoi ? Que le sort de téléportation grâce à la carapace est séparé du sort de lancement de la carapace ? Si c'est ça ce serait bien.

Parce que quand je chase les deux naïfs dans le rouge qui essaient de s'échapper, que je spam mon raccourci clavier en attendant que le cooldown soit écoulé, je me dis que vais les buter. Xaxaxa. Sauf que, quand le cooldown est enfin écoulé, je lance mon sort, grisé, et je continue à spammer la touche. Je me téléporte donc 1 cm plus loin.
Clair que le skin de Devo est excellent
Y'a plein de petits changements pour halloween (les wards, les runes, les creeps etc..) c'est sympa.

Sinon ouais Chipper c'est clairement un buff.
Frankie Kong, j'aime bien cette update, par contre dommage que Bombardier n'ait pas de voix, ni d'annonceur, aussi un glitch dans les fast stats ds l'écran de sélection des persos; il y a la moitié qui ne s'affiche pas, on voit juste les chiffres. Sinon c'est du tout bon on voit que S2 prends soin de son bébé et ça fait plaisir.
J'ai eu la chance de tester bombardier sur 2 SD

Sympatique, pas convaincu du tout par son skill 3, par contrez j'adore la bombe ventouse
quand a l'ulti ...... on vas s'entrainer, hein....

Il devient bien useless en End Game par contre
C'est le second skill qui est un peu useless.
Le 3e c'est trop bon pour harass, lvl 4 t'as 100dmg toutes les 4 secondes pour 40 mana, et tu peux le mettre sur les creeps et les ennemis.

Sinon ouais il scale pas trop en late game, si tu combo les 3 skills maxés parfaitement ça fait 1000+ dmg mais bon c'est assez rare.
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