Lundrah Sawson |
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Clipping / post officiel
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Pareil, alors qu'avant le patch je n'avais aucun souci du genre ... c'est de mieux en mieux ... éspéront qu'ils patchent rapidement.
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#37878 |
de sortie rvr ce soir nous sommes nombreux dans ma Guilde a avoir eu ce problème.
J'ai été voir sur les fofo us et NCsoft est au courant. source : ça devient une priorité pour eux : Citation :
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Moi depuis le patch j'ai non seulement ce soucis mais les chargement qui dur jusqu'a 30 second (en ayant le jeu sur un ssd .. )
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idem que vous 2, je mets 2 à 3 fois plus de temps à charger une map qu'avant le patch (et je suis en SSD aussi)
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Idem :
une fois mort au combat > je rel au bibi > mon perso devient invisible > et tous les ennemis aussi. Obligé de lancer mes sort au pif ou sur mon lead ![]() |
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Clipping / post officiel
Pour ceux que ça intéresse, un post officiel sur le clipping (sans rapport avec le bug du patch du 7/10)
Hi all, For a variety of performance reasons we limit the number of characters that are reported to any given game client. This report limiting (or culling, as it’s also been referred to) is generally distance based and limits both the amount of bandwidth and client side processing (rendering, etc.) required to play the game. Ideally this shouldn’t be something that you notice happening as characters will simply fade in when they’re “far” away from you. In the best case this happens far enough away that even if you’re looking right at them when it happens it isn’t too visually distracting. Unfortunately, there are some situations in the game in which this setup doesn’t work as well as we’d like and it seems that those situations come up in WvW rather more often than in other parts of the game. The higher player densities that we see in large battles are an obvious example of where this system goes awry. If only the nearest N characters are reported to you but there are N+100 characters within effective battle range then many of those characters will be invisible. There’s never a great time to be dealing with invisible characters, but I think that it’s fair to say that during a large battle is one of the worst times. In WvW one of the things that we see exacerbating the issue is this: From the moment a character is first reported to your client to the first moment that your client is able to render it a non-zero amount of time passes. During this time your client is doing things like loading textures from disk, which can be (at least in computer terms) fairly slow what with all that accessing of spinning, physical storage media. So that means that a character who is moving towards you can potentially appear first at a much closer point even than the one at which they were reported because, of course, they were still moving during that load time. MajorKong’s screenshot doesn’t immediately look like the situation I just described so it may be that there’s some kind of bug lurking in there as well. We will certainly be looking into that possibility. That was a lot of detail but really I’m posting to let you know that we’re aware of the issues associated with invisible enemies and we’re working on finding both the root causes and effective solutions. I understand that these experiences can be quite frustrating but please rest assured that we do care and we are working on improving the experience. Thank you for reporting your issues here on the forums and for your patience and understanding as we work to resolve them. Also, MajorKong, that really was a great screenshot even if it does show a bug and bugs make me sad. Source : Résumé : ils bossent dessus. |
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C'est justement le genre de réponse de la part d'ANet qui me fait dire qu'ils ne travaillent pas plus que ça sur la résolution de ces problèmes techniques.
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Roi / Reine
Ou qu'ils sont à la rue malgré leur travail sur le problème et qu'ils tentent de temporiser au mieux...
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Deja si on avait pas uniquement 4 gros fichiers compressés sur notre disque dur, mais la totalité des fichiers 21.000 fichiers je pense que l'on aurait un petit gain de perf.
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Lundrah Sawson |
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perso je suis persuadé que c'est coté serveur le problème. ( ou la façon dont c'est codé client/serveur )
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Qu'il est loin le temps où les devs avaient l'intelligence d'ajouter un /vidreset pour vider le cache de la mémoire vidéo...
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En tous cas ce soir j'ai eu un sacré bug tout le monde était invisible, impossible de les voir j'ai du déco-reco file d'attente...
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