Update 7 : Deux nouvelles races, un nouveau raid, une nouvelle serie de quete !

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Les elfes (mâle) était déjà moche, les demi-elfes sont tout aussi ... moche
Les demi-orc ont de la gueule, au sens propre comme au figuré

Bref je m'y suis remis hier, avec un nouveau compte du coup.
Première chose il a mal vieilli graphiquement, dans mes souvenirs il était... plus beau.
Mais bon son gameplay original et le faite de rejoindre des amis et les nombreux changements (je suis parti avant les drow, c'etait limité lvl 10 il me semble) me comble déjà.
Citation :
ouais enfin on disait ça avec les previews de pale master....
Qui "on" ?

Moi j'ai jamais ete interpellé par le pale master mais j'avoue mon mago est WF mais quand j'ai lu le pale master je me suis dit que c'etait beaucoup de points d'evo de sacrifiés, de pris ailleurs pour des trucs qui ne balancent pas avec la perte.

Pour l'archimage je pense que je le testerai a la sortie sur lamania et je suis pret a sacrifier un peu de spell pen, de la puissance/% dans mes crit et des pv.
(Bon jsais pas pourquoi jol me laisse plus edité mes posts, ca le fais a d'autre personne ?)
Donc y'a quand même des gros nerf la dedans. Deja les waves of fatigues / exhaustion qui ralentisse plus les mobs, pour la reine ca va etre plus penible ... En plus ca n'est plus definitif...
Par contre, ENFIN quand on ld, 2min, on perdrat plus nos buff, qu'est ce que c'etait penible de perdre 200pts de mana de buff, juste pour un ld de 2min !
Simplification de Enter the kobold, pas un mal, vu le cauchemar que ca peu etre en PUG lol.
Par contre vraiment ? Un deuxieme firewall ? Alors que tous le monde se plaint du fait que le FW est deja overpowered ? Y'a un truc qui m'echappe la ... Enfin tant mieux pour moi qui joue principalement des casters
La voie feux/froid, y'a pas a dire, elle devient encore plus abusé! Enfin quand les mobs sont sensibles à ces éléments...
Par contre va falloir faire gaffe, car en général les Ice Storm, c'est les mobs shamans qui en sont fan! On risque de s'en prendre un peu plein la poire maintenant.
Je reunis tous les Bugfixes dans un seul posts, parce que ca commence a devenir un peu le foutoir la ... Et ca eviteras de chercher dans toute les pages ou sont les differents bug fix.

Si quelqu'un peu allez supprimer mon post precedent (vu que je vien de tous remettre la) ce serait nickel.

Citation :
Publié par Madfloid via DDO-Daily

9 Sept. :

  • Dagni d’Kundarak had misplaced her monstrous humanoid bane weapons and would occasionally give you nothing when trading for pearls, but now she will give out those weapons as intended.
  • Three Barrel Cove’s fourteenth rare encounter is now properly credited in the quest panel. Happy hunting!
  • Logging out of a dungeon and immediately logging in again will no longer result in the loss of buffs.
  • Airship costs are now listed in Plat
  • In Enter the Kobold, the boss had been occasionally getting stuck on the walls. This is fixed.
  • The General and the Manager in Bargain of Blood should no longer be able to climb the statue.
  • Fixed an issue in Bargain of Blood where the Manager would sometimes not appear. If the Manager does not appear when the General dies, check back on the platform where you first saw the General Manager a few seconds later. The Manager should be waiting for you there.
  • The small guild bonus and guild decay should work as expected in guilds that have accounts with multiple characters.
  • Enter the Kobold: some of the living spells appear only on hard and elite settings. The end fight is effectively easier on normal and slightly easier on hard. Elite mode has not changed.
  • After reports of people destroying their Training Dummies, they have been anchored to reality and now are immune to implosion or being erased from existence.
  • In “A Small Problem”, saving Brawnpits from the first attack of the assassins will now be easier.
  • When a player dies in the ritual chamber of the Hall of the Third Legion, their soulstone is now teleported upstairs, right next to the shrines… all according to the plan of the cunning pit fiend. He’s cocky enough to let you try again, and his ritual needs more sacrifices anyway.
  • Rogue Thief Acrobat I now correctly adds its dexterity bonus damage when sneak attacking while using a quarterstaff.
  • Optional objectives’ XP in Claw of Vulkoor has been increased.
  • It is now possible for certain DDO Store items to drop from random treasure, including XP potions, guild XP potions, loot bonus potions, and even Hearts of Wood.
  • The trap-making station in the harbor has been spruced up a bit to make it easier to find.
  • Update 7 – A problem was fixed for gnoll casters that was causing them to fail to do anything on certain spell cast animations. This fix will result in gnoll casters firing off a few more spells on average than they did before.
  • Achieving the 3rd tier of favor from Coin Lords will also get you a new feat called the Coin Lord Finishing School which grants a +2 stacking bonus to Diplomacy and Intimidate.
  • Gate names in the Marketplace now also mention where the gate goes to.
  • Devil Assault now has phat loots. (Or alternatively: “Devil Assault now has a chance of dropping special treasure in the final chest. The different difficulty settings have vastly different treasure tables.”
  • Ice Storm has been buffed significantly and now functions more like Wall of Fire. It will deal 2d6 cold and 3d6 bludgeoning damage every 2 seconds and has the same duration as Wall of Fire.
  • Ray of Fatigue, Waves of Fatigue and Waves of Exhaustion now only apply the strength/dex stat modifications to bosses and raid bosses. The slow effect will no longer apply. Orange name bosses are still affected by slow. The tool tip has been updated.
  • Duration of Ray + Waves of Fatigue has been shorten slightly to 60 seconds base +6 per level. Against players it lasts only 20 seconds +1 per level. Dispel magic and rest apply normally.
  • Waves of Exhaustion is no longer permanent, it lasts 120 seconds +6 per level; against a player it also lasts 20 seconds +1 per level. Dispel magic and rest apply normally.
  • Weapon Trait Update: The weapon trait Tendon Slice no longer works on red, purple and raid bosses.

MadFloyd has posted on his myddo blog a few bugs that will be fixed in Update 7.

  • Directionally targeted spells (projectiles and the like) will no longer fire in crazy directions when a target is very close to the caster (MadFloyd comments: Fireballs that fired directly upwards have been driving me nuts!)
  • Repeating crossbows should be much more reliable in producing all three shots per load.
  • Summoned monsters will now display their names in Party colors instead of monster colors.
  • When resting, any negative level on you is removed and you get up with all the HP’s that you *should* have (factoring in Heal skill and how far down you were at the time)
  • Monk Spell Resistance from Diamond Soul will now be reflected on your character sheet.
  • Master’s Touch now works on longswords.
  • Clerics will now remove curses if they are able, and if they are not able, they will know better than to try to heal a target immune to positive energy (Unfortunately, this fix is limited to hirelings.).
  • Monsters that do not attack players will now also not attack hirelings.
  • Hirelings should no longer leave the party in the middle of a dungeon.
  • Eldin Thestral, general guild vendor, has been instructed to lower his prices a bit (other guild vendors will also charge less for repairs as well).
  • In Fathom the Depths, if the Treasure Guardian drops its key in an akward place, another copy of the key is now available on top of the platform.
  • The Character Generation Ability screen will now update HP, SP, and Ki to reflect your ability choices
Also, if I were to speculate based on what he said, Update 7 should be hitting the live servers by the end of September or beginning of October.
More bugfixes after the break

  • Suulomades has been shamed into bringing his treasure into hard and elite modes of Tower of Despair. Horoth had to really yank the chain of command. There was much whimpering.
  • Grazing hits now show up in the combat log.
  • Bless, Prayer, Rage, and Recitation once again affect multiple targets.
  • The two force based alchemical rituals will now function on randomly generated handwraps.
  • Titan’s Grip no longer has a hidden attack speed debuff, and the description now (correctly) always says that it grants a +6 Psionic bonus to strength. (It’s always given a +6 bonus to strength, but at times didn’t say that.)
  • Ioun Stones are now visible.
  • Imploded Training Dummies now reappear after a moment. (As do those that were erased from existence.)
  • A new recipe has been added to the Dragontouched Sovereign Altar to shatter a undesired Sovereign Rune into … something else. Any Sovereign Rune can be placed in the Altar with one Draconic Rune to activate this recipe. The Sovereign Rune will be destroyed, and Runes of some sort will be returned, but the recipe is unpredictable.
  • Small, Medium, and Large HP and SP Augment Gems will no longer cause Augment Slot Shrinkage upon expiring.
  • Monsters with Epic Wards should no longer appear on non-Epic difficulty settings.
  • A Radiant Servant’s Turn Undeads should now once again regenerate if they get feebleminded, or their maximum number of turn undeads change by other “indirect” means.
  • Hireling lag has been fixed (by Phaxhttp://my.ddo.com/phax/2010/08/26/ph...-hireling-lag/).
27th of August additions:

  • Epic Shards, Seals, and Scrolls now drop appropriately throughout the Epic Sentinels line.
  • Droprates of items and tokens in the Sentinels series have been increased, and all of the sigils have been added to the special end reward list granted on every third completion of The Tide Turns.
  • The temporary change “The Exclusive flag has been temporarily removed from the Epic Staff of Arcane Power.” has been reverted. The Epic Staff of Arcane Power has been set back to Exclusive as intended, and no longer destroys itself if augment crystals are removed from it in an Epic Altar.
  • Augments can now be cleansed from red dragonscale armors, robes, and docents.
  • Paralyzed or petrified monsters will no longer wander about if blinded.
  • Thrown weapons no longer interfere with regular ranged weapon ammunition.
  • Drop rates for items have been increased in the Inspired Quarter on Hard and Elite.
  • Left mouse clicks will now work after going through a portal in MouseLook mode with Hirelings active.
30th of August additions:

  • The Adventure Compendium should no longer be blank after logging in.
  • Hirelings will now turn towards their targets when given certain commands that sometimes caused them to not do so automatically.
  • You will no longer need to save vs Death Aura when in Pale Master’s undead form.
  • Your own hirelings will no longer show “Hireling of …” under their name. They will now just show “Hireling”. Other players hirelings will still show “Hireling of …”.
Super le nerf de exhaust/fatigue, pfff.....
La reine epic sans uber-intimi egal failed!
J'adore quand turbine stereotype encore plus ce jeux.
Deja quand elle etait slow avec ces bras de 6 metres y avait du mort a la pelle mais alors sans slow.....
D'après ce qu'on m'a dit la reine epic se fait en mode bourrin avec retour à la base, tous au pilier et on tape. Je ne suis pas sur que ça change grand chose par contre pour ADQ ça va être autre chose, surtout pour le premier combat :/

Ce qui m'agace le plus c'est qu'à chaque fois qu'on arrive à utiliser efficacement un sort contre un boss, et sans tricher, on peut être sur que quelques patchs plus tard il va être nerf.
Vi tres agacant le concept tout ce qui est bien va etre nerfed.... y un moment ou s adapter a chaque mod c chiant.

Tous au pilier et on tape...mmmmm......si t as pas 400pv+ oublie la reine epic, vraiment le mode bourrin. (et encore 400pv c juste je pense)
Je ne pourrai te le confirmer Drail, on m'en a parlé et je n'ai pas demandé plus de détails ne jouant plus en ce moment (l'achat d'une nouvelle alimentation n'a pas suffit ). Il faudrait que je redemande à la personne qui m'en a parlé pour confirmer ou infirmer car je peux très bien avoir mal compris ce qui est tout a fait plausible.

[auto modéré]
La personne repond direct, le wave en epic DQ ca sert surtout a ce que sa ca perde qq points et perso avec mon rogue a 370hp je meurs pas meme avec un seul healer aidé d'un barde, apres je joue peut etre avec des roxxors ^^
Mais comme tu l'as dit ca va etre un soucis a adq epic au premier combat bien que j'ai ouie dire que [censuré]
En epic on parle ou en normal ? Car en normal je crois que 50 était déjà suffisant, j'ai dis 60 par sécurité.. mais si c'est en épique.. ça doit carrément avoisiner les 80 oui.
Monk Shintao 3 donnera bien silver ! Enfin un peu d'interet pour cet PRE, qui jusqu'a maintenant craignais bien ... Bon je vois toujours pas pourquoi y'a cleave en prerequis (Cleave sur un moine ? wtf) mais bon, c'est deja plus motivant.

Citation :
Publié par DDO-Daily
Tier III Shintao Monk

“You gain an additional +2 to Diplomacy, Heal, and Intimidate, and the ability to expend ki to stun opponents at range or lock ‘tainted’ creatures (aberrations, extraplanar creatures that are not classified as ‘Lawful Outsiders’, and undead) in a tomb of jade.”
The ranged lock description:
You lock gazes with an enemy, stunning them for a short period of time on a failed Fortitude save. Any effects that modify your Stunning Blow or Stunning Fist DC’s also affect this ability. Sightless creatures are unaffected by this ability.

Shintao Monk III will be in Update 7, and the last line of the enhancement is “Your Protection from Tainted Creatures bonuses increase to +6, and your unarmed attacks now bypass Silver damage reduction.”

Aussi une petite nouveauté

Citation :
Publié par DDO-Daily
Elite difficulty for VIP players

According to the DDOcast special (an interview with Fernando Paiz at the PAX) the VIP players will be able to access all the quests at elite without needing to do the normal or hard beforehand. This had been mentioned before, but wasn’t sure whether it was for veteran status achievers or VIP players.
Et pour finir un peu plus de news sur la ligne d'enhancement "Fury" de l'half orc.

Citation :
Publié par ddo-daily
Half-Orc Fury enhancement line

According to the DDOcast special at the PAX with mainly Fernando Paiz and a couple of developers. The Half-Orcs will gain a +2 stacking STR bonus when their hitpoints fall below 50% hitpoints and another +2 STR (resulting in a +4 stacking STR bonus) when the hitpoints fall below 25%. Whether the buff lasts while you are under that hitpoint cap or it will refresh every time you reach the 25 or 50% line is yet to be found out.

Je sens qu'il va y'avoir des conversations epic ig bientot "bon tu me tien en vie, mais jveux moins de 25% de vie parce que ca me file +4 en force"...

Et sinon je rappel qu'il y'aura bien 5 tier pour archimage (donc surement level 20 le dernier en prerequis)

Citation :
Publié par DDO-Daily
Archmage will go to Tier V.
Et pour ceux qui veule se faire un stock de potion d'xp, ajd, il y'a -50% sur les popo d'xp (:
Je trouve ça bof, sera pas pour ca que je ferais un halforc. Un +4 strg tres situationnel puis volontairement garder quelqu un a 25% de pv c est hard, ça sent le sapin imo....

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