First kill Arthas 25 par Ensidia annulé

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Publié par Yuyu
Mentalité de merde 7r17r1 que tu as (et je reste polie).
En résumé, tout ce qui est possible à faire pour toi en jeu est permis, et ben non, désolé, détourner le fonctionnement normal d'un script c'est totalement interdit.
Nan mais je suis désolé, dans ma tête "tirer a l' arme de siège sur un mob" ca a jamais sonner comme un exploit bug
après oui j ai surement une mentalité de merde je suis un gros enculé irl, np
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Publié par So²
Après, vous me direz comment on peut remarquer en raid 25, même avec le meilleur esprit analytique du monde - et en seulement 4 try - que c'est à cause des bombes de saronites lancées par 2 rogues (!!) que des plateformes remontent.
Ben là, je pense que ca doit dependre comment elles repoppent.
parcequ'a premiere vue, elles sont prevues pour s'effondrer, et pas remonter, donc il y a fort a parier qu'il n'y ait pas d'effets visuels autre que le truc qui reapparait sans raison.

Bon... sinon, moi j'en sais rien, j'étais pas là, mais je suis près à parier que les devs de blizzard étaient aux premières loges ne serait ce que pour regarder si leur truc fonctionne "as intended", et j'imagine qu'ils ont du trouver le manège suspect.
Je pense qu'on saura jamais vraiment le fin mot de l'histoire, sauf si blizzard décide de reculer.
Il n'y a pas eu d'exploit bug. Il y a eu un bug, et je ne vois pas comment il serait même possible d'avoir l'idée que les Saronite Bombs reconstruisent la salle (sérieux ? wat.) en 4 trys, surtout que ça n'apparaît pas sur le /combatlog. Blizzard a eu une réaction de merde et Muqq a bien fait de ressortir la rant de Tigole pour la leur coller en pleine face.
C'était pas Blood Legion qui étaient accusés hier d'avoir abusebug sur un combat de moins d'une minute ?

Purée ça passe vite le temps par ici !

(c'était du second degré )
Citation :
Publié par Nitz
Il n'y a pas eu d'exploit bug. Il y a eu un bug, et je ne vois pas comment il serait même possible d'avoir l'idée que les Saronite Bombs reconstruisent la salle (sérieux ? wat.) en 4 trys, surtout que ça n'apparaît pas sur le /combatlog. Blizzard a eu une réaction de merde et Muqq a bien fait de ressortir la rant de Tigole pour la leur coller en pleine face.
C'est clair que la réaction a été disproportionnée (quoiqu'en dise le saint des forums) et me semble plutôt celle d'un mec qui voulait sauver sa peau.

Tout a fait normal d'annuler le FK et les loots mais ban sur quelque chose d'aussi limite, surtout avec ce que ça entraine pour une guilde de ce type, ce n'est ni plus ni moins que faire assumer ses erreurs par les autres.
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Publié par Anguille
Enfin au final pour le boss ultime de l'extension, fin d'un cycle toussa toussa... Ça fait quand même un beau flop vous trouvez pas
Pour moi le véritable FK et la véritable fin de l'extension sera son down en HM. Là, c'est pour amuser la galerie.
J'ai l'impression que beaucoup pensent que c'est un ban permanent mais non c'est juste 72h.
C'est pas la mort non plus.

Le gars fait tout un cirque pour 3 jours sans WoW, faut pas déconner qd meme.
Citation :
Publié par Fried
Pour moi le véritable FK et la véritable fin de l'extension sera son down en HM. Là, c'est pour amuser la galerie.
C'est pareil pour tout le monde, de toute façon un truc down à J+0 de sa sortie c'est pas vraiment compétitif.

On en reparle au down HM, si jamais le fait de faire 2 pas en avant et 3 en arrière tout en buvant sa potion de vitesse fait pas pop un éléphant rose qui os Arthas, ce qui ferait encore couler des pixels.
Citation :
Publié par Arty
Le gars fait tout un cirque pour 3 jours sans WoW, faut pas déconner qd meme.
c'est une question d'image, ça fait pas très joli dans le tableau de chasse et vu que la guilde a des sponsors toussa...
le soucis des 72h cest meme pas ça, c'est que l'id est grillée, le tag hard mod retirés, et qu'ils vont être bons pour perdre la semaine prochaine à se re tagguer HM en normal.

Sympa de faire commencer Ensidia avec 1 semaine de retard. C'est ça qui les énerve en fait plus qu'autre chose.

Il leur reste à rokser du poney sur leur raid 2 / reroll pour parvenir à retuer Arthas et pouvoir tag le raid lead la semaine prochaine pour les HMs
Message supprimé par son auteur.
Citation :
Publié par Fizzle
Ça fout un coup à leur réputation aussi, quelque soit l'issu et les réalités de ce qu'ils ont fait.
Bon allez, pour faire vraiment gros.

On va prendre les 50 premières guildes mondiale PvE de wow et maintenant tu m'en cite 1 seule dont ces jours n'ont jamais bug exploit? si un seul joueur a bug exploit c'est foutu. (osef du bug exploit, même si c'était pour gagner 1pa...)

Franchement c'est pas pour défendre Ensidia ou n'importe qu'elle autre guilde, mais un mec balance une bombe de saronite, il voit que les morceaux remontent bha il va continuer (ouai je vois déjà tout les joliens dirent que eux arrêteraient de jeter des bombes....), moi si ça m'arrive bha forcement que je continue surtout quand c'est la première fois que je me retrouve devant Arthas, que je sais pas trop comment ça fonctionne etc.

C'est tellement plus facile de critiquer, c'est comme ceux qui ont tjrs défendu Blizzard dans ce cas (ça marche aussi pour une autre entreprise hin) et un jour sans savoir pourquoi ils se prennent un ban et direct viennent critiquer "l'entreprise".
Citation :
Publié par orijinal
Ben..perso j'aurais excuser... mais certaine personne sont aller jusqu'à se refaire l'inge juste pour ça... C'est un peu gros la
C'est une RUMEUR, faut lire un peu le topic au lieu de le survoler...

J'suis d'avis que du fait que le rogue a toujours utilisé des bombes ils se sont pas apercus, surtout que le bug pouvait provenir d'autre chose étant donné que personne avait test l'encounter (surtout si y'avait pas eu de bugs a 10?).

Enfin personnellement ça me fait doucement sourire que des bombes ingés puissent faire bug Arthas, Gnomeregan perdu par des Gnomes vs des levels 35 car ils ont pas de heal ok, mais des jouets sur Arthas... nimp!
Citation :
Publié par Aiish ][ Reb

Serait-bien d'avoir notre JoLien Ensidia qui vienne post nous éclairer un peu tient d'apres le link au dessus il etait dans le Raid en plus
Hi !

J'ai parcouru vite fais le poste en rentrant du travail et les seuls messages que j'ai retenu c'est soit des personnes qui ne savent pas lire l'anglais ou alors des échappés de l'asylum.

Maintenant si vous voulez avoir ma version je suis près à la donner, j'ai personnellement rien à cacher et je pense pas qu'on puisse me reprocher grand chose de plus qu'avoir participé à un énième beta test de boss destiné à la communauté.
Je suis donc ouvert à toute question.
Et si vous avez du temps à perdre et un dictionnaire d'anglais (bien que le mien soit pas vraiment autant avancé que ça) je vous invite à lire mon blog sur le site Ensidia. Ceci dit vu qu'il lag énormément en ce moment je pourrais peut-être le poster ici mais ça prendra beaucoup de place...

Hello folks,

I'm the Mage Class Leader of Ensidia Hubert 'Ekyu' Mercier, a french 22 years old guy who works in a mayor office and plays the same game as you do on a daily basis (1 or 2 hours a day during farm and way more during progress).

Some month ago, Icecrown Citadel, the final instance of this expansion has been announced. I was quite enthusiastic at the idea of having something new to raid after the huge failure that ToC was for me. Indeed during the last instance I was basically bouncing between my mage and my warrior every week for Anub'Arak as I was one of the few tanks in the guild to have an advance block gear. This turned a rushed instance composed of two rooms into something that wasn't exactly what I would call a pinnacle of fun.

But let this instance rest in peace. For the last weeks we have been doing ICC 6 times a week for some among us between main/alts, 10/25 in the sole purpose to get a maximum of gear, experience and characters available for the D day Arthas would be released, and subsequently hard modes. The gearing went fine indeed and if you trust sites like WoWRanked it does seem like all this boring stuff paid off as we are ranked #1 on total gear of players.

I say boring not because the instance sucks or anything, but because running it so many times in a row (often the same day to leave some other days of the week completely free of raiding) makes it not as enjoyable as doing it once or maybe twice.

Some of you are going to say that I should get a life, there's better things to do and if I find it boring I'm not bound by any contract that forces me to do it. Well we obviously don't have the same vision of the game. My goal in this fantasy world is divided in half. Firstly I want to achieve hard things and if possible achieve them first. I want to be able to repeat them and become better at them each passing try, that's always been my philosophy in gaming (WoW now and DAoC before). Second but not the least, I want to enjoy times with my guildmates whom I really cherish. Sounds a bit gay maybe, but I wouldn't be playing this game anymore if I hadn't met people like Mek and Macken and more recently with the Ensidia merge Cloze, Buzzkill, Tun, Kungen, Muqq, Tjani, Poptisse and all the others... in fact I shouldn't be listing because there's few people I don't really have a deep relationship with in the guild and I consider everyone of them as my friends. My life is quite sad indeed I have so many e-friends and compared to it so few IRL friends and that's mostly related to the fact that I live in a 400 people village lost in the middle of nowhere with about 3 other youngsters of my age, no place nearby to have fun to and for major/only connection to the outside world a 1mb adsl line.

But let's end it here with the life story and carry on with what I mainly wanted to say by doing this blog : relate how the day went from my point of view, that day of February 3rd when I took the first ban on any of my accounts since I started playing online games at the age of 14 (or so).

I had been working without taking any (paid) vacation or day off since May 2009 so I had quite a few of those stacked up for progress. Thus I decided to take 3 days this week starting Wednesday, for progress in normal modes. I actually didn't think it would take 3 days, I thought more about yesterday + today and I would have patted myself and fooled around for once in a while on Friday.

So here we go waking up at 10:00 to wait for servers to come up (that means I slept 3 more hours, woohoo, than usual and considering my weak physical condition that's a lot). At 11 some servers start coming up but not Tarren Mill, déjà vu ? Well it didn't take long anyway and about 15min later we were in.

We started by doing 2 10man running at the same time, both mainly composed of mains (since we had been running about 8 or 9 10man groups before again to maximize loots, with alts helping). Everything was going very smoothly, and although I wasn't in a very caster oriented group (no 13% dmg qq) I was doing good DPS and everyone was doing their job, every boss before frost wing was a well trained routine.

We finally come in front of those new bosses (Dreamwalker and Sindragosa) that we didn't expect so much of anyway since it's the normal 10 man version... and well Dreamwalker was indeed pretty boring (kt phase 1 anyone). Sindragosa was a nice fight for me since I like everything related to Dragons and well, she's deceased blue dragon after all.
We didn't continue to Arthas in 10man however as the other group was more balanced for it maybe and needed Kungen who was tanking in our group to proceed. So at this point the entire guild pretty much was sitting on Ventrilo listening to those 10 and trying to grab informations for later.

I'll give you my personal feeling about this. I'm extremely useless at strategies that are being said on vt. I either need them written up with some pictures eventually, or just done during the fight and I'll learn it like that. I remember when we went with group 1 10man with Tun and me on Ekyz tanking, people were trying to explain us what to do on every boss of plaguewing the first time and we just charged in randomly. It resulted in me gibbing myself in the parry haste on Festergut, getting resed and then tanking it to the end, but everything was easy and first try anyway. So needless to say that the only information I got from their kill was that.. they all died at some point perhaps and then killed it.

With them being superhyped after killing it, they pretty much pushed the entire guild into a 25man raid saying Arthas was super easy and we would destroy it with no problem. I was at that point really not happy because I felt something bad could happen and I would fuck up at any point not knowing what to do, and that's a feeling I completely dislike. My usual very talkative self on ventrilo at this point was more silent as I was trying to contain my deception.

And so we went and started with the first wing (up to Saurfang). I have to say over the course of the entire instance I have been pretty happy with what I and Aryu delivered. We didn't fuck up once, we were always really high on damage. Some numbers for my personal satisfaction !
Saurfang 12 496 DPS
Putricide 10 576 DPS
Sindragosa 8 596 DPS

We started with the frostwing for a change and because we wanted to knock it over. Dreamwalker in 25 version didn't prove itself really harder than the 10man version, although we did wipe once. Certainly because we went in there too casual and laughed at those flame-waves skeletons.. not for long though.
Sindragosa however proved to be a bitch. We wasted something like 4 or 5 tries on her and that's all because it was so easy in 10man that we didn't take the time to actually consider how the fight was meant to be done really. To point it out clearly, in 10man we didn't care at all about the magic buffet debuff because our DPS was so high anyway that she just fell over past 35%. So the fight was pretty much only about watching your debuffs and moving out if you had the arrow for frost tomb on you. Not really that hard.
But in 25 we realized we would actually have to reset those stacks because the DPS just wasn't enough to brute force her. How then ? Well that's when we understood you could do that behind said frost tombs. It took us 2 tries to understand that, +1 because Eoy thought it would be funny to stay in the raid when he was targeted by the arrow during air phase.
At this point as well (and before by questioning of Mackzter) we realised Melees were having a hard time with their stacks of dots, especially during bloodlust when dual wield classes would just get rapped if they attacked for more than a few seconds. So replace them or what ? Well we first tried to find them another utility. What if they could kill those Ice Tombs instead of ranged DPS. Someone said the dot was stacking no matter what you attack, Sindragosa or Ice tombs. So we went for another wipe. 
During this I actually did something I shouldn't have done. I had Sindragosa right clicked so when she pulled us to her I ended up auto attacking and getting 1 debuff, solved easily by popping Frostward that just came off cooldown. Since it was a wipe I also tried to auto attack the Ice Tomb to confirm that you also get dots... and you weren't getting any.
On with a new strategy for DPS we killed her on something that wasn't exactly a clean kill but well that opened the door atleast.

Nothing special on Plague and Blood wings, easy stuff, onwards to Arthas.
After 30min (not less) of explanations of the entire fight (which I didn't catch a single word off) we proceeded to pull him for the first time (with a giant headache). Neither Aryu or me really understood the entire concept of the thing so we pretty much went with that simple strategy : "kill red" (as in DPS whatever you can all the time without ripping).
At this point we wiped pretty fast due to the lag starting to emerge (early evening) and we stopped in phase 2.

We decided to clear 25man with the second raid, made 100% of alts compared to other weeks to get some tries going on Arthas, even with lag atleast we would see the fight and maybe learn a thing or two. That didn't actually go really well, the lag helping this raid suffered from a sever lack of DPS.

At around 11 the lag stopped and we went back in the main raid to try and finish off Arthas.
The entire progress on this was pretty chaotic due to 10 people actually knowing what to do and the others going with the flow. I'll give props to other people like me who didn't understand jack shit of the strategy and still managed not to fuck up and do their best on a limited attempts encounter.

Along those tries we realized something was actually wrong with the floor respawning. At least it wasn't the same as in 10man for those who did it. We didn't actually know what was causing it and we actually had one (short due to fucks up on Winter thingie) try without it.
Later on someone said that we didn't need to kill Valkyrs when the floor was here (that's one Valkyr of the course of multiple attempts that we failed to kill, and there's 3 of them each of the many waves we got). The idea at this point was pretty much that if this bug happened again then we could just leave the valkyrs and DPS on boss which made the encounter even more boring (add killing encounter for you) and in the end made P3 feel lighter on our empty stomachs. I think I heard someone saying at some point that the bug actually happened if we successfully cleared in a fast enough time frame the first wave of Valkyrs. Which proved wrong later on and on the actual kill.

Now for this kill, indeed apparently it wasn't a mechanic of the fight that this floor respawns (would be pretty retarded to have those valkyrs else or maybe they would just slow down your dps/healing) but we managed to kill every single valkyr a consecutive number of times and I'm pretty sure that with 10 attempts left we could have done it easily even without the floor respawning.

Now some will say that seeing this bug we should have stopped and wait for an hotfix before proceeding for a kill. But would anyone actually have done that really ? Not only would you waste tries in the meantime, but what if another guild killed it before you. We are talking about a race against other people there after all. And what proof do we have that the dev team didn't actually find out this bug BECAUSE we happened to trigger it (again I insist without knowing how to, believe me or not that's your choice, I have my "conscience" for me as we say in France) and they wouldn't have found it or hot fixed it for days if not. What about trying to do it without the bug by ourselves then ? Well we didn't actually even know what was causing it and made fancy guess like the valkyr thing about this situation. And for those who say that we rerolled Engineering for this to happen I wonder how desperate your must be to try and find how to dig us further.

Now our kill even with this wasn't clean at all, mainly due to the fact that all melees died in P5 which left us with ranged who didn't know except for Buzzkill and Muqq what those Vile Spirits were. This resulted in Aryu doing Blizzard on the boss and me going Arcane Explosion to try and hit them. Then Poptisse failed inside Frostmourne and Giantsausage died during the strangulate, tanks got oneshotted, the boss then proceeded to rape our families and we just ran around with him across the entire room for the last 6% with me frantically running after him, doing Arcane Barrage, getting a lucky Missile Barrage proc to cast a fast Arcane Missile and repeat the process 4 or 5 times.

We were pretty happy to kill it and be done with it, expecting to go hard modes, and I personally slept really well and even went to work this afternoon even tho I was on a day off.
I doubt Blizzard will go back on their temporary ban nor do I care if they do as long as they don't permanently ban me.
I know we can do this again even after the hotfix and we'll just probably go and do it.
If we get one week behind everyone on hard modes well so be it, I doubt Arthas HM would be killable next week anyway or it would be a huge miss conception atleast, and that's the fight I certainly care the most about if anything.
If we can do Arthas again this week and kill it then it'll be a good lesson for Blizzard and for us at least I think. For them to be proved they aren't all mighty when it comes to designing stuff and that we can do it even without using (voluntary or not depending what you chose to believe) their flaws, and for us that we should put all our faith in those people.
On en revient après ton message Selton à la problématique du "I want to believe"

Vu que Blizzard ne communique pas (à raison) sur les bans de joueurs, on en revient à votre vision de ce qu'il s'est passé (vu que normalement, dans l'instance à ce moment là, il n'y avait que vous et le/les devs/GM en train de regarder).

Si effectivement, personne n'a respé ingé dans le but intentionnel de faire respawn ces plates formes et que vous n'avez pas vu le pourquoi du comment de ce bug, effectivement c'est un peu triste de vous être pris un ban pour ça.

Si, contrairement à ce que tu dis, vous avez intentionnellement chercher à déclencher ce bug, 72h de ban c'est peu.

A partir de là au final, c'est juste une question de choisir ce que l'on veut croire.
Message supprimé par son auteur.
Je l'ai lu plusieurs fois ça l'histoire du "ils ont respec engineer pour le fight, donc ils savaient comment ça se produisait, donc ils ont exploit intentionnellement, donc ils méritent leur ban".

J'avoue que je comprends pas d'où ça vient et qui l'a commencé (je l'ai lu sur les forums eu/us aussi).
Pour ce qui est des mages par exemple, Aryu avait respec il y a de cela quelques mois pour Anub pour pouvoir kite la P2 plus longtemps avec les rocket boots (ça a du lui servir une fois à tout casser d'ailleurs).
Pour les autres, déjà je suis à 99% sûr de ce que je dis en affirmant que personne à respec ces deux derniers jours (depuis qu'Arthas est out, et ce même si on compte les US) et que la personne qui a respec engineer le plus récemment c'est certainement Mek sur son rogue (best pve profession blabla, perso ça m'intéresse pas les histoires de rogue mais vu que tout nos bon joueurs rogue l'ont je veux bien le croire) et aussi sur son deuxième chaman qu'il a d'ailleurs pas encore joué ni en 10 ni en 25. Et ça c'est certainement y'a 2 ou trois semaines.

Donc ça vient d'où ?
Moi je dis chapeau à n'importe qui qui, sur place, aurait compris que sa bombe faisait respawn le truc entier dans le feu de l'action (les adds à gérer les débuffs à regarder et je sais pas quoi encore).

Et c'est Selton !
Daoc Orcanie No Skill
Druid Gilded Spear 8L7 delete | Druid Tiarna 9L6
Skald Stormur Vatken 5L7 | Healer Stormur Vakten 5Lx
Mercenary Eagle Knight 5Lx | Theurgist Gryphon Knight 4Lx
Shaman Isen Einherjar 11Lx | Shadowblade Stormur Vakten 5Lx

WoW Ysondre
Seltonz priest dwarf

Vek'Nilash MEnsidia
Ekye Class Leader mage undead
and Ekyz, Ekyu, Ekyx, Ekyh etc..

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