[GOA] Dates et infos Early access + Patch 4.1.1

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Je me permets de poster une MAJ de GOA (vu la forte présence de TAOME en ce moment ... ironie inside) concernant l'accès anticipé et le patch 4.1.1 qui résout pas mal de bugs (cf les VN boards) :

Citation :

Originally Posted by FuriousFred http://www.warhammeralliance.com/forums/images/WHA/buttons/viewpost.gif
Some questions I would like to have answered:
  1. When are you planning to open registration for the HS?
  2. What will the process be?
  3. Is there anything we can be doing now that will help us be better prepared?
  4. When are you planning to bring down the beta servers in preparation for launch?
  5. Are you going to be applying any of the patches that have been applied to the US servers?


1. We've previously announced that we'd open the registrations for Head Start on the day it opens. In response to this week's events we are working very hard to enable registration before the 14th. I've yet to see this confirmed, however. I'll get back with an update as soon I can.
2. Will try to find more information on this.
3. Hmm.. stock up with lots of food and drinks and some quality reading?
4. We are planning to bring down the Open Beta servers this Saturday, September 13th.
5. Yes, we will be applying patch 4.1.1 Friday morning. Theoretically, we could patch tonight but we don't want to bring down the servers during European prime time. European testers have already lost enough Open Beta game time.

HS is planned as follows
September 13th - Open Beta servers close
September 14th - Collector's Edition Head Start
September 15th - Standard Edition Head Start

With many tough lessons learned from the Open Beta launch, we have high hopes for the HS start. Also, to be frank, it will be a bit easier on our servers. 55 000 CE copies were sold. Even if every single one of them is ready to join on Sunday, the load on our servers will still not be as heavy as last Sunday.

We know many are worried about the Head Start after this last week, and I understand this completely. Nothing we can say will redeem this worry (although I personally believe things will go a lot smoother). Hopefully, our actions will speak for us on Sunday.

Pour les non anglophones un ptit résumé rapide :
1) ils avaient prévu d'ouvrir la validation des clés accès anticipé le jour même, mais vont essayer de faire en sorte de pouvoir les rentrer avant (donc samedi si on a de la chance)
2) pas d'info précise sur le process de validation en lui même
3) rien d'intéressant
4) les serveurs de l'OB fermeront samedi 13 (pas d'heure précise pour l'instant)
5) le patch 4.1.1 qui est déployé aux US en ce moment sera déployé en Europe vendredi matin afin d'éviter de gâcher du temps de jeu aux Européens

Et un rappel des dates :
samedi 13 : fin de l'OB
dimanche 14 : debut de l'early access pour les préco collector
lundi 15 : debut de l'EA pour les préco standard

Edition par Jion :
La traduction française du patch note 4.1.1 se trouve ici
miam miam, bon pourvu, que tout fonctionne dans les délais

au fait, sil ouvrent le samedi pour entrer les key edition collector, ca veut dire, qu'on pourra aussi entrer les key edition standart (ou au pire le dimanche?)


O---||=======> MARDUK LEGION <=======||---O

Ca serait bien que tout soit bien pour cette release et que l'on ne retrouve pas les blagues de l'OB comme par exemple pouvoir mettre les early access des samedi voir vendredi sinon bonjour la cata ....
Citation :
Publié par Maxxxounet/Suzine
Le PatchNote est deja sortie de la 4.1.1 ?
Voila :

Citation :
Beta Build Notes: 09/11/2008
Beta 4.1.1 Producer's Letter - Open Beta

Hello Everyone,
It's great to see all of you enjoying Open Beta! The past few days have been exciting and eventful and we couldn't be happier with the feedback we've been receiving. Even so, it's clear there are still some pesky bugs that need to be exterminated and we will continue working around the clock in order to do so!
Before launch we wanted to get out a final update that cleared up many of the topics we've heard from you about, and put the icing on the cake for many of our features. This update is full of fixes and tweaks that, combined, will make your experience playing WAR even better!
We look forward to your feedback with launch just a few short days away. These are exciting times and we're proud to have you with us.
See you on the battlefield...WAAAGH!!!
- The Warhammer Online Age of Reckoning Team

General Changes and Updates

You asked for it!
The Community is a vital part of making WAR a successful game. With your feedback we're able to better chart our course as we move into the months and years ahead. It's important that the changes we make are a reflection of the players that will experience them, and so we are dedicated to listening to all of you along the way.

Below you will find a sample of what we've improved directly based on what we hear in game and on the forums. It is our goal to create a fun, engaging, and entertaining experience every time you log into the game. By continuing to play and provide us with feedback you are helping us to make that happen.

Keep up the great work and thank you for helping us make WAR an even better game...WAAAGH!!!

Loot Sparkles
We've continued to improve loot sparkles and have corrected one last small bug that caused corpses to sparkle even when you weren't able to loot them.

Pet User Interface and Behavior
In the near future we'll be working to make sure the Pet UI stays up for as long as your pet does so that it doesn't on occasion disappear when you log out or zone. For now you can re-open the Pet UI window simply by summoning another pet. One change that hs been made to pets already is that they have grown ever braver and will now listen to their masters' directions. Their responsiveness and pathing has been dramatically improved, and we've made improvements to Magus pets and Engineer turrets.

Continued Improvements to Performance and Crash to Desktop Errors
Your ability to play the game smoothly and reliably is always our most important goal. We continue to work to apply fixes that will make your experience even more enjoyable. To help us out and make the experience better for you, be sure you have up-to-date drivers - including audio! Out of date video and audio drivers are among the highest contributors to game crashes.

'Ability Not Ready Yet'
We've recently improved ability responsiveness which will reduce the chance of you receiving the 'Ability Not Ready Yet' message erroneously. This should help combat feel more natural!

Open RvR Ruleset Change
You've given us your feedback and we've listened! Open RvR servers will now allow you to play one tier below your current level without turning into a chicken. This will allow you more time to experience the PvE content of the first 3 tiers, and it also adds more danger to the mix.

Improved Graphics Options
We've got some great plans for improved graphics options as we continue through launch. Our number one priority is player performance. It's important in an RvR game for performance to be smooth and allow the game to be accessible to as many people as possible. In order to achieve our goals, we had to ensure a certain level of compatibility between devices. With all of the combinations and options available, we wanted to keep things simple and accessible to everyone.

With that in mind, we have a fix that may improve the ability of higher end machines to load textures, and we will continue to smooth out the process of the way textures load on your screen. In addition to this, we are exploring other options to add which will further enhance the graphics for mid to high range computers. If you find that your textures seem blurry or 'popping' visit this site for help: http://help.warhammeronline.com/cgi-...?p_faqid=20330

Improvements to RvR Itemization
We feel that it's important for players to be able to play RvR and PvE without missing out on appropriate loot for their level and career. See below for some of the changes that we're looking into.

From Battlefield Objectives
Battlefield Sergeants will be itemized with the same loot table we use for other 'Rare' spawn champions in PvE. This is to reflect the fact that BO's do not turn over super frequently and have a 15 minute lockout after they are taken. While they won't drop awesome loot every time they will drop much better loot more frequently!

From Keep Siege
We have increased the number of 'loot bags' that drop from a successful keep capture from 4 to 12. We have increased the number of GOLD loot bags that could drop from a successful keep capture to 2 bags. Players should see more high end loot entering through keeps as a result .
From Fortress Siege
We have increased the number of 'loot bags' that drop from a successful keep capture from 8 to 18. We have increased the number of GOLD loot bags that could drop from a successful keep capture to 4 bags. Players should see more high end loot entering through keeps as a result.

RvR - Now With Better Loot
We heard the call and upped your loot! Now, coin gained from RvR kills has been modified so that it scales to be more on par with loot gained in PvE. Also, we improved the item parity between those gained in PvE and those gained purely from RvR. Now you can kill your enemies and reap the rewards!

Thought I Knew Dat...
Abilities will no longer disappear from a player's quickbar when exiting a scenario. Now your quickbars will stay just as you arranged them while zoning.

NPCs Will Behave
Imagine going to work in the morning and knowing it's your job to be pummeled into a bloody pulp by the masses. We wouldn't want to do it either! But we've whipped our NPCs into shape. Now they'll come when provoked, attack back right away instead of flinching and hesitating like wussies, and properly engage the enemy rather than staying stuck at range. Also, they'll no longer fall into an 'Unattackable' state or disappear in mid-combat.

Wait, My Boots are Really Gloves?
Wearing boots on his hands makes it a little difficult for a Bright Wizard to perform his casting incantations, or a Black Orc to swing that axe. All items which displayed incorrect item icons have been fixed.

Mister Who?
We resolved an issue in which Tome titles went missing, so they're there now!

For the Absentminded Newbies
Rally Masters in the High Elf Tiers 1-2 areas will now give you a replacement Book of Binding if you lose, destroy, bloody, or hack your original one into tiny bits.

More Merchants - Less Confusion
Previously, in some locations normal merchants were also selling Renown gear. This proved to be a source of confusion, and so now this gear will be sold by the proper merchants in the first couple of chapters.

Pick That up, ye Git!
Previously when a Guild Standard was dropped on the field, it would fall too far in front of the Standard Bearer which sometimes resulted in it getting lost in the brush or rocky crevices. Now, when Standards are dropped, they will fall to the Bearer's feet making them easier to recover.
Combat and Careers
Melee DPS Archetype
Jagged Edge: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Broad Swings: The buff window tooltip for this ability has now been fixed.

Tank Archetype
Shield Wall: This ability now requires a Shield.

Shield Wall: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Raze: This ability's effect now plays for every damage pulse.

Guard: This ability will now display a visual effect when splitting damage. Also, its hate redirection has been changed to 35%.

Challenge: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Empire Racial Tactic
Sigmar's Favor: Racial tactic will no longer benefit from Willpower or be able to land a critical.

Golden Aura: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Black Orc
Save Da Runts: This ability now has visual effects when hitting a guarded target.

T'ree Hit Combo: This ability now hits 5 times instead of 3, and its damage per hit has been reduced.

Da Big Un: The damage of this ability has been reduced, but it now has a much longer range.

Bright Wizard
Slow Boil: This ability no longer incorrectly plays its debuff visuals on the player.

Magic Dart: This ability no longer hits before the projectile arrives.

Annihilate: This ability no longer places an icon in the buff window.

Funnel Power: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Fireball Barrage: This ability no longer places an icon in the buff window.

Flame Breath: This ability no longer places an icon in the buff window.

Suppression: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Disciple of Khaine
Thousand and one Dark Blessings: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Chant of Pain: This ability will now properly do damage and heal on each tick.

Napalm Grenade: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Phosphorous Shells: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Oath Friend: This ability no longer requires the Ironbreaker to be grouped with his ally.

Oath Friend: The Ironbreaker and the target of the Oath Friend can now remove this ability by right clicking the icon on the buff window.

Heavy Blow: This DoT will no longer stack with itself.

Oath of Vengeance: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values..

Earthshaker: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Avalanche: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Skin of Iron: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Rend Winds: This ability now hits 3 times as intended.

Daemonic Maw: This ability is now a magical attack instead of melee.

Scything Talons: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Hulking Brute: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Grungni's Gift: This ability now has an instant cast animation.

Rune of Shielding: This ability now has an instant cast animation.

Oath Rune of Sanctuary: This ability now works correctly.

Spellbinding Rune: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information

Rune of Immolation: This ability's effect can no longer be removed by right-clicking.

You Got Nothin!: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Eeeek!: The knockback portion of the ability will not fire if the shaman is stunned or rooted.

Squig Herder
Sharpened Arrers: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Horned Squig: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Gas Squig: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Sharp Toofs: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values, and the ability now functions correctly.

Sword Master
Wings of Heaven: This ability is now more reliable when it leaps to the target.

Warrior Priest
Vow of Silence: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values..

Soulfire: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values..

Weight of Guilt: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Sigmar's Fist: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Castigation: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Witch Hunter:
Declare Anathema: The knockback portion of this ability will not fire if the Witch Hunter is stunned or rooted.

Confess!: The debuff icons for this ability now display correct timers.

Burn Armor: The debuff icon for this ability now displays information.

Fanatical Zeal: The debuff icon for this ability now displays information.

Sudden Accusation: The debuff icon for this ability now displays information.

Feinted Positioning: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information

White Lion
Pounce: The White Lion cannot activate this ability if stunned or rooted.

Witch Elf
Agile Escape: The knockback portion of this ability will not fire if the Witch Elf is stunned or rooted.

Kiss of Betrayal: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Pierce Armor: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Kiss Of Death: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct duration.

Masterful Treachery: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Flash of Chaos: This ability now has an instant cast animation.

Mark of Remaking: This ability now works correctly

Chaotic Blur: Zealot now fades out correctly when using this ability, and the tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Community Systems
New Help Interface
Players may now access the new Help Interface by selecting the Help icon (Question Mark) on the Menu Bar or by pressing H. The following five options are now available to choose from:

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

The FAQ includes a number of questions and answers available to players with just a click of the mouse.

Game Manual

Players may select from various categories to learn more about Warhammer Online. The manual covers everything from game basics and RvR to Warhammer lore.

CSR Appeals

The Help Interface now contains a very in-depth yet simplified means for players to appeal for assistance from a Customer Service Representative (CSR). Players will be able to easily locate and categorize their appeal based on the issue they wish to report.

Players may only have one open appeal at a time; however, players may report an inappropriate player name or game play violation while they have an active request for assistance.

Players who need CSR assistance should choose the category which their question/concern falls under and add detailed information in the text boxes provided.

When a player has an appeal waiting for a CS response, the question mark in the menu bar will display as dimmed.

When a current appeal needs further information from the player, the question mark in the menu bar will pulse to indicate their attention is required.

Players may always add more information to their current appeal at any time by using the 'Add To Appeal' button. Note: This button will only be displayed when players have an active appeal.

Report a Bug

To report a bug, players may select the type of bug they are reporting and then enter their bug in the space provided. Please note that bug reports will not receive a response.

Send Feedback

A drop-down menu is provided for players to categorize the type of feedback they are submitting before entering their feedback in the space provided. Please note that feedback submissions will not receive a response.

There is now an auctioneer at the Black Market in the Maw who will show up when the Inevitable City is under attack.

Auctioneers in the Inevitable City once again function properly. Enjoy the wares!

Armor Set Bonuses: The proc rates of armor sets have been set to their intended values.

Scorching Blast Potions: These potions will now be thrown at a targeted enemy instead of at a ground target, and will now play a visual effect.

Sticky Bomb Potions: These potions will now be thrown at a targeted enemy instead of at a ground target, and will now play a visual effect. In addition, the Debuff duration displayed on the icon is now more consistent.

Emberbreath Potions: These potions will now play visual effect when activated.

Potions with item levels above 40 will now be fully effective.

Buff potions will now print to your combat log when used.

Cheers and Jeers: New cheers and jeers ambiance has been added to Warhammer. Whenever a Battlefield Objective or Keep is taken over by your realm, NPCs will react in a positive manner, shouting for glory along with animations of victory. Along with this, a broadcast message and 'Role Play' chat will be sent out to the entire RvR lake extolling the virtues of the victors.
Tome of Knowledge
Achievements - The following achievements have been enabled:
Unlocks have been enabled for a few city events.

Secret achievements involving plungers have been enabled in tier 4 content for each pairing.

Achievements for salvaging have been enabled.

Bestiary - The following changes have been made to content relevant to the Bestiary section of the Tome of Knowledge:
The Bestiary entry for Rogue has been renamed to Bandit.

The Watcher entry has been moved from the Unmarked Daemons section to the proper section: Daemons of Tzeentch.

A few bestiary tasks had bugs fixed and polish applied.

Wights will now properly give kill credit for Wights. This fixes an issue where Wights were giving kill credit towards an incorrect monster type.

A number of behind-the-scenes changes to treasure indexes have been made to ensure that the drops needed for a number of bestiary tasks have the proper rarity. As well, they have been modified to have a chance to drop as long as someone in the group has need for the item; i.e. have not complete the associated unlock.

All items that are received and required for Bestiary tasks have been modified to ensure they are bind-on-pickup and indicate they are not trash items.

Rewards - The following changes have been made to the rewards given by the Tome of Knowledge:
All pocket items have been audited to ensure that they indicate they are not trash items.

The Tome Trainers in the Capital City library have had their titles changed to 'Librarian' from 'Trainer' to indicate their purpose in serving the Tome of Knowledge. The visual icon over their head remains as a training icon.

Maps - The following map changes have taken place:
The Dark Elf Chapter 20 map has been added into the Tome.

Map points have been added for High Elf and Dark Elf Warcamps in Caledor.

Old World Armory - The unlock text for a small number of armor set pieces have been updated to fix a bug in which the wrong piece unlock text was being given.

Tutorial Introduction Quest - The tutorial introductory quest text has been tweaked for content as well as grammatical and spelling issues.
Players can now create dyes. To create a dye, a player will need a Pigment, Fixer, and a special container. Crafting merchants sell Fixers and Dye containers. Pigments are usually obtained as a byproduct after a very successful Cultivation attempt.

Players can now create Gold Essence. To make a Gold Essence, a player will need a Goldweed, Quicksilver, Gold Dust, and a special container. Goldweed is grown by Cultivators. Gold Dust can be found by Scavenging or on some humanoid monsters. Quicksilver and Gold-Essence containers can be bought from crafting stores.

Potions effects have been revised. Healing potions are now more potent.

Potion makers can now have two types of super success. The first type of success results in the next level up of that potion, which usually has a higher level requirement. The second type of success results in a more potent potion that has the same level requirement (these are very good).

The UI tooltips regarding the 'yellow zone' on the Unstabilityometer have been revised. Note that if the stability of a mixture is in the yellow zone, depending on the overall stability, the recipe will fail or be volatile.

Volatile potions can go wrong when they are used. The side effects can either knockdown a player, make them mute for a short time, or make them drop their weapons.

The stability of Cloudy Water has been increased.

Soil, Nutrients, and Watering Cans all now reduce the time it takes to grow a plant. These 'additives' also increase the chance of hybrids and other weird items being grown, as well as the chance that a seed will be returned as a product.

Players can now obtain dye Pigments when they cultivate. For example, Musty Elvish Parsley (used to make restoration potions) can be grown into a hybrid called Trenchant Elvish Parsley, which can be used to make healing potions. Sometimes when Trenchant Elvish Parlsey is grown, you will also get Honeycomb Extract as a bonus product (it rubbed off an insect). Honeycomb extract can be used by Apothecarists to create Yellow dye.

Stabilizing Apothecary ingredients can now appear as Cultivation bonus products.

Growth times have been reduced.

Players with these skills can butcher/scavenge any corpse.

When a player butchers/scavenges a corpse, the loot that is obtained is dependent on the player's skill level. The higher the player skill, the better the loot. However, monsters will not give loot that is above their level.

When a player butchers/scavenges a corpse, the chance of a skill-up is dependent on the player's level versus the monster's level.

The skill-up chance becomes less the closer the player's skill is to 200.

Magical Salvaging
Players with this skill can break down items that are of uncommon rarity or higher into fragments and essences. Fragments are the main ingredient in Talisman Making.

When a player salvages an item, the rarity of the obtained fragment is one rarity lower than the salvaged item. There is a small chance that the player will get a fragment of the same rarity as the salvaged item.

When a player salvages an item, he or she gets to choose which stat bonus to extract from the item. The resultant fragment is of that type.

When a player salvages an item, that item is destroyed.

Players can refine essences by right clicking on stacks of those items in their backpacks. Ten Echoes will refine into one Whisper. Five Whispers will refine into one Magic Essence. Magic Essences are used in Talisman Making.

Tier 1 and 2 monsters can now also drop very-badly damaged equipment (Shattered, Ruined, and Sundered Equipment). These uncommon items can't be repaired, but can be salvaged. Players will be able to skill-up Salvaging using these items.

There are Salvaging trainers in each chapter 2 and in each city.

Talisman Making
Players can create Talismans by combining a fragment, a Gold Essence, a Curio, and a Magic Essence in a Talisman-Making container. Fragments and Magic Essences are obtained by Magical Salvaging. Curios can be also found on some humanoid monsters and from scavenging.

Gold Essence is created using the Apothecary skill. To make a Gold Essence, you need a Goldweed, Quicksilver, Gold Dust, and a special container. Goldweed is grown by Cultivators. Gold Dust can be found by Scavenging or on some humanoid monsters. Quicksilver and Gold-Essence containers can be bought from crafting stores.

Talisman-Making ingredients have 'power'. The higher the skill-level requirement and rarity, the higher the power. The final properties of a crafted Talisman depend on the total power of all ingredients used to make it.

The rarity of the Fragment used determines the rarity of the crafted Talisman. There is a small chance that whenever a Talisman is crafted it will be one rarity higher than expected.

Member and Officer notes sections have been added to the guild UI.

We have reformatted and improved layouts for Public Quest, Battlefield Objective, City and Scenario trackers.

Talisman-Making ingredients have 'power'. The higher the skill-level requirement and rarity, the higher the power. The final properties of a crafted Talisman depend on the total power of all ingredients used to make it.

The rarity of the Fragment used determines the rarity of the crafted Talisman. There is a small chance that whenever a Talisman is crafted it will be one rarity higher than expected.

There are Talisman-Making trainers (Hedge Wizards) in each chapter 2 area and in each city.

Some equipment has Empty Talisman Slots. If a player Shift+Right-Clicks on an item with a talisman slot, that player can then drag a talisman onto the slot and fuse it to the equipment. The equipment will then get the bonus from the talisman.

Common, uncommon and rare talismans have timers on them. The timers begin to countdown when the talisman is fused to an item. Very-rare talismans do not have timers.

Merchants sell very basic Gold Essences, Curios, Magic Essences, and containers.

Known Issue: Armor and resistance talismans will not work if they are attached to a weapon.
We have finalized our character introduction cinemas and narrations. Please note that during Open Beta only, for characters that already exist, you may see the introduction play at a random location upon first log in of each character.

Entry to the Leader's Hall requirements now match in game descriptions.

Cloak Heraldry is now visible to other players.

Respawning in a scenario now triggers the zone load screen instead of the scoreboard load screen.
il a raison sur un point, il sait exactement qu'au maximum il y aura 55k demandes...
Alors que pour l'open bêta il ne savait pas combien de clé il avait distribué.

Ah oui + les demandes de la SE qui vont s'ajouter, enfin ça ne peut que mieux se passer, n'est pas ? dites moi que j'ai raison ?
J'ai une petite question concernaant la définition même de cet accès anticipé:
est ce que cela concerne un accès au jeu tel qu'il devrait-être à sortie?
ou encore une pseudo beta, ou version pas finie du jeu?(je sais que cela est relatif vu qu'un mmo à sa sortie est rarement fini mais je parle bien de l'état du jeu à sa sortie offcielle).

Car j'ai envie de ne découvrir le jeu que dans sa version finale pour garder tout le plaisir (certains vont me prendre pour un fou mais tant pis...)
Donc vu que j'ai preco la version collector j'hésite toujours à y aller dès le 14.
Bah la seule différence avec maintenant c'est que tu garderas tes persos à la release, sinon ça sera le même client (avec le patch de demain et éventuellement le patch de 3go qui finalise la localisation et rajoute les sons).
Citation :
5. Yes, we will be applying patch 4.1.1 Friday morning. Theoretically, we could patch tonight but we don't want to bring down the servers during European prime time. European testers have already lost enough Open Beta game time.
Ou comment faire en sorte que personne ne sache si le patch améliore effectivement les performances comme annoncé, mis à part en achetant le jeu...
A priori l'accés anticipé va se faire sur la derniere version stable du jeu donc oui ce sera la même que le jour de l'ouverture officielle.

Bon maintenant on est pas a l'abris de patch de dernière minute s'il y a gros bug.

Mais sur le papier la version du jeu a l'accés anticipé est la meme qu'a l'ouverture officielle.
Citation :
Publié par Pouloum
il a raison sur un point, il sait exactement qu'au maximum il y aura 55k demandes...
Alors que pour l'open bêta il ne savait pas combien de clé il avait distribué.

Ah oui + les demandes de la SE qui vont s'ajouter, enfin ça ne peut que mieux se passer, n'est pas ? dites moi que j'ai raison ?
Oui je pense, ils se sont manger pas mal dans la gueule je pense ses dernieres jours...
J'espère que goa va pas se planter
C'est peut-être un geste pour compenser les problèmes de l'OB. Ce serait le bienvenu en tout cas.
les gens, qui vont installer WAR directement avec le DVD, ils auront aussi le patch de 3 go a DL ?? (ca fait bocoup qd meme, 3 go pour un patch)

Citation :
Publié par Lab
Pour les US, annonce officielle de Mythic ce matin sur les dates Head Start :


13 sept : fermeture de l'OB
14 sept : Early Access CE
16 sept : Early Access SE
18 sept : Release

Donc si les dates de GOA sont bien confirmées, les Européens en version SE gagnent un jour d'accès anticipé sur les US
Hmm le 16 sept pour l'edition standart? cetait prévu le 15 non? (sur la boite préco SE euro, cest mis 3 jours avant la release)...grrmmff je sens que GOA, va nous faire le coup du 16.

Mr vacher, une info la dessus, svp ?


O---||=======> MARDUK LEGION <=======||---O

Citation :
Publié par ThoR/LegenD
C'est peut-être un geste pour compenser les problèmes de l'OB. Ce serait le bienvenu en tout cas.
qu'ils fassent ce qu'ils ont à faire pour l'early et ça sera déjà pas mal comme geste
j'ose même pas imaginer ce qui va passer sur les fofo si ils se vautrent ...
Patch 4.1.1 : Traduction française
Patch 4.1.1
Installation ce vendredi soir

Améliorations du jeu

Introduction des personnages
Il y a désormais une introduction mise en scène et narrative au monde lorsque vous créez votre personnage. Notez que pour les personnages déjà existants, cette séquence apparaîtra dans un endroit quelconque lors de la première connexion.

Amélioration des performances et de la stabilité du client
-Amélioration des performances du client et des crashes vers le bureau.
-N'oubliez pas de mettre à jour vos drivers de carte graphique ET de carte de son. Il semble que pas mal de problèmes du dernier patch venaient de votre carte son.

Réactivité du combat
-Amélioration de la réactivité des sorts afin d'éradiquer le problème du message « ce sort n'est pas encore prêt »

Comportement des mobs
-Grosse amélioration du comportement des mobs : désormais, ils viendront quand vous les provoquerez, attaqueront au lieu d'hésiter comme des poules mouillées comme auparavant, et engageront l'ennemi proprement au lieu de rester au loin. De plus, nous avons réglé le problème de « cette cible est inattaquable », et ils ne disparaîtront plus non plus au beau milieu du combat.

Serveurs RvR ouverts : changements des règles
-Changement des règles des serveurs RvR ouvert : il n'y a PAS de supression de poulet, mais celui-ci ne s'activera désormais plus que deux tiers en dessous de votre tier actuel. Il sera donc désormais possible de visiter l'unique tier inférieur sans être transformé en poulet. Au niveau 40, il sera toujours possible de visiter le T3, contrairement à avant où cela était impossible.
Cette règle ne s'applique qu'aux serveurs Rvr ouvert, pas les serveurs normaux qui gardent le poulet pour chaque tier inférieur.

Amélioration des graphismes
-Notre priorité première est de permettre aux joueurs de jouer dans de bonnes performances. C'est important pour un jeu rvr de proposer un jeu fluide et d'être accessible à un maximum de joueurs. Nous avons donc amélioré les performances et amélioré la manière qu'ont les textures de s'afficher.
-Nous avons rajouté des options pour les ordinateurs de bonne qualité pour pouvoir afficher de meilleurs graphismes, notamment le cache des textures.

De nouvelles animations d'ambiance ont été ajoutées dans les zones RvR. Dés qu'un objectif ou fort est pris par votre royaume, les personnages non joueurs réagiront d'une manière positive, criant leur joie tout en étant heureux. De plus, un message RP sera envoyé à tous les joueurs présents dans la zone rvr.

Amélioration de l'itemisation en RvR
-Nous sentons qu'il est important pour les joueurs de pouvoir jouer en rvr et en pve sans perdre l'accès à de bons loots pour leurs niveaux et carrières. Regardez en dessous pour découvrir nos ajustements :

dans les objectifs de champs de bataille
-Les sergents des champs de batailles seront réglés comme des mobs champions de Pve et auront donc la même table de loot. Cela ne veut pas dire qu'ils dropperont un super objet à chaque fois, mais ils lâcheront de meilleurs objets plus souvent en toout cas !
dans les forts
-Augmentation des sacs de butin qui tombent d'une capture de fort de 4 vers 12. Nous avons aussi augmenté à 2 les sacs de butin dorés. Les joueurs verront donc de meilleurs équipements à travers les forts.
dans les forteresses
-Augmentation des sacs de butin qui tombent d'une capture de forteresse de 8 vers 18. Nous avons aussi augmenté à 4 les sacs de butin dorés. Les joueurs verront donc de meilleurs équipements à travers les forts.
-Nous vous avons entendu et avons amélioré les loots ! La monnaie gagnée sera la même qu'en pve, ainsi que les objets !

Les joueurs peuvent désormais créer des teintures. Pour créer une teinture, le joueur aura besoin d'un Pigment, d'un Fixateur, et d'un conteneur spécial. Les marchands de craft vendent des Fixateurs et des conteneurs de Teinture. Les Pigments sont généralement obtenus grâce à la Cultivation.
Les joueurs peuvent désormais créer des Essences Dorées. Pour créer une Essence, le joueur aura besoin de : Goldweed, Quicksilver, Gold Dust, et d'un conteneur spécial. Goldweed est obtenu par les cultivateurs. Gold Dust peut être trouvé par Pillage. Quicksilver et le conteneur d'Essence sont vendus par les marchands de craft.

Amélioration des potions. Les potions de soin sont plus efficaces.

Les créateurs de potions peuvent désormais avoir deux types de succès. Le premier type de succès résulte en une montée de niveau de la potion, qui a nécessite généralement un plus haut niveau. Le second type de succès résulte en une potion plus efficace qui nécessite le même niveau.

Les bulles d'aide par rapport à la zone "jaune" sur l'échelle de stabilité ont été revues. Notez que si la mixture est dans la zone jaune de stabilité, le récipient échouera ou sera altérée.

Les potions altérées peuvent affecter le joueur quand elles sont utilisées : elles peuvent soit les mettre à terre, faire tomber leurs armes ou les muter pour une courte période.

La stabilité de Cloud Water a été améliorée.
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Soil, Nutrients, and Watering Cans all now reduce the time it takes to grow a plant. These 'additives' also increase the chance of hybrids and other weird items being grown, as well as the chance that a seed will be returned as a product.

Players can now obtain dye Pigments when they cultivate. For example, Musty Elvish Parsley (used to make restoration potions) can be grown into a hybrid called Trenchant Elvish Parsley, which can be used to make healing potions. Sometimes when Trenchant Elvish Parlsey is grown, you will also get Honeycomb Extract as a bonus product (it rubbed off an insect). Honeycomb extract can be used by Apothecarists to create Yellow dye.

Stabilizing Apothecary ingredients can now appear as Cultivation bonus products.

Growth times have been reduced.

Players with these skills can butcher/scavenge any corpse.

When a player butchers/scavenges a corpse, the loot that is obtained is dependent on the player's skill level. The higher the player skill, the better the loot. However, monsters will not give loot that is above their level.

When a player butchers/scavenges a corpse, the chance of a skill-up is dependent on the player's level versus the monster's level.

The skill-up chance becomes less the closer the player's skill is to 200.

Magical Salvaging
Players with this skill can break down items that are of uncommon rarity or higher into fragments and essences. Fragments are the main ingredient in Talisman Making.

When a player salvages an item, the rarity of the obtained fragment is one rarity lower than the salvaged item. There is a small chance that the player will get a fragment of the same rarity as the salvaged item.

When a player salvages an item, he or she gets to choose which stat bonus to extract from the item. The resultant fragment is of that type.

When a player salvages an item, that item is destroyed.

Players can refine essences by right clicking on stacks of those items in their backpacks. Ten Echoes will refine into one Whisper. Five Whispers will refine into one Magic Essence. Magic Essences are used in Talisman Making.

Tier 1 and 2 monsters can now also drop very-badly damaged equipment (Shattered, Ruined, and Sundered Equipment). These uncommon items can't be repaired, but can be salvaged. Players will be able to skill-up Salvaging using these items.

There are Salvaging trainers in each chapter 2 and in each city.

Talisman Making
Players can create Talismans by combining a fragment, a Gold Essence, a Curio, and a Magic Essence in a Talisman-Making container. Fragments and Magic Essences are obtained by Magical Salvaging. Curios can be also found on some humanoid monsters and from scavenging.

Gold Essence is created using the Apothecary skill. To make a Gold Essence, you need a Goldweed, Quicksilver, Gold Dust, and a special container. Goldweed is grown by Cultivators. Gold Dust can be found by Scavenging or on some humanoid monsters. Quicksilver and Gold-Essence containers can be bought from crafting stores.

Talisman-Making ingredients have 'power'. The higher the skill-level requirement and rarity, the higher the power. The final properties of a crafted Talisman depend on the total power of all ingredients used to make it.

The rarity of the Fragment used determines the rarity of the crafted Talisman. There is a small chance that whenever a Talisman is crafted it will be one rarity higher than expected.

There are Talisman-Making trainers (Hedge Wizards) in each chapter 2 area and in each city.

Some equipment has Empty Talisman Slots. If a player Shift+Right-Clicks on an item with a talisman slot, that player can then drag a talisman onto the slot and fuse it to the equipment. The equipment will then get the bonus from the talisman.

Common, uncommon and rare talismans have timers on them. The timers begin to countdown when the talisman is fused to an item. Very-rare talismans do not have timers.

Merchants sell very basic Gold Essences, Curios, Magic Essences, and containers.

Known Issue: Armor and resistance talismans will not work if they are attached to a weapon.
Changements de classe
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Melee DPS Archetype
Jagged Edge: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Broad Swings: The buff window tooltip for this ability has now been fixed.

Tank Archetype
Shield Wall: This ability now requires a Shield.

Shield Wall: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Raze: This ability's effect now plays for every damage pulse.

Guard: This ability will now display a visual effect when splitting damage. Also, its hate redirection has been changed to 35%.

Challenge: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Empire Racial Tactic
Sigmar's Favor: Racial tactic will no longer benefit from Willpower or be able to land a critical.

Golden Aura: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Black Orc
Save Da Runts: This ability now has visual effects when hitting a guarded target.

T'ree Hit Combo: This ability now hits 5 times instead of 3, and its damage per hit has been reduced.

Da Big Un: The damage of this ability has been reduced, but it now has a much longer range.

Bright Wizard
Slow Boil: This ability no longer incorrectly plays its debuff visuals on the player.

Magic Dart: This ability no longer hits before the projectile arrives.

Annihilate: This ability no longer places an icon in the buff window.

Funnel Power: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Fireball Barrage: This ability no longer places an icon in the buff window.

Flame Breath: This ability no longer places an icon in the buff window.

Suppression: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Disciple of Khaine
Thousand and one Dark Blessings: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Chant of Pain: This ability will now properly do damage and heal on each tick.

Napalm Grenade: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Phosphorous Shells: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Oath Friend: This ability no longer requires the Ironbreaker to be grouped with his ally.

Oath Friend: The Ironbreaker and the target of the Oath Friend can now remove this ability by right clicking the icon on the buff window.

Heavy Blow: This DoT will no longer stack with itself.

Oath of Vengeance: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values..

Earthshaker: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Avalanche: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Skin of Iron: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information.

Rend Winds: This ability now hits 3 times as intended.

Daemonic Maw: This ability is now a magical attack instead of melee.

Scything Talons: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Hulking Brute: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Grungni's Gift: This ability now has an instant cast animation.

Rune of Shielding: This ability now has an instant cast animation.

Oath Rune of Sanctuary: This ability now works correctly.

Spellbinding Rune: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information

Rune of Immolation: This ability's effect can no longer be removed by right-clicking.

You Got Nothin!: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Eeeek!: The knockback portion of the ability will not fire if the shaman is stunned or rooted.

Squig Herder
Sharpened Arrers: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Horned Squig: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Gas Squig: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Sharp Toofs: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values, and the ability now functions correctly.

Sword Master
Wings of Heaven: This ability is now more reliable when it leaps to the target.

Warrior Priest
Vow of Silence: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values..

Soulfire: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values..

Weight of Guilt: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Sigmar's Fist: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Castigation: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Witch Hunter:
Declare Anathema: The knockback portion of this ability will not fire if the Witch Hunter is stunned or rooted.

Confess!: The debuff icons for this ability now display correct timers.

Burn Armor: The debuff icon for this ability now displays information.

Fanatical Zeal: The debuff icon for this ability now displays information.

Sudden Accusation: The debuff icon for this ability now displays information.

Feinted Positioning: The buff window tooltip for this ability now displays the correct information

White Lion
Pounce: The White Lion cannot activate this ability if stunned or rooted.

Witch Elf
Agile Escape: The knockback portion of this ability will not fire if the Witch Elf is stunned or rooted.

Kiss of Betrayal: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Pierce Armor: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Kiss Of Death: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct duration.

Masterful Treachery: The tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Flash of Chaos: This ability now has an instant cast animation.

Mark of Remaking: This ability now works correctly

Chaotic Blur: Zealot now fades out correctly when using this ability, and the tooltip for this ability now displays the correct values.

Réglage de bugs

-Les sorts ne disparaîtront plus de votre barre en quittant un scénario.
-Tous les objets qui montraient une mauvaise icône ont été réglés.
-Réglage du bug qui ne montrait pas les titres.
-Les Rally masters des tiers 1-2 des hauts elfes vous donneront un autre livre de binding si vous avez perdu ou détruit l'ancien.
-Auparavant, dans certains endroits, les marchands « normaux » vendaient également le stuff de renommée. Désormais, les vendeurs vendront leurs bons objets uniquement.
-Auparavant, les bannières de guilde tombaient loin des déposeurs. Ils tomberont désormais pile poil à leurs pieds. (merci Durak)
-Réglage d'un problème qui faisait disparaître l'interface des familiers avant qu'ils ne disparaissent.
-Réactivité du familier et cheminement de celui-ci a été vraiment amélioré, et amélioration des familiers du magus et des tourelles de l'ingénieur.

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