[Actu] GamesCom 2010 : Un « RvR Pack » pour Warhammer Online

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Il y a donc modification des zones t4 pour acceuillir les skavens

Au final : nouvelle zone t4 et modification des zones t4 existantes.

C'es pas ce qu'on demande depuis longtemps maintenant ?
Citation :
Publié par Raegan
Il y a donc modification des zones t4 pour acceuillir les skavens

Au final : nouvelle zone t4 et modification des zones t4 existantes.

C'es pas ce qu'on demande depuis longtemps maintenant ?
Tout à fait en espérant qu'ils les agrandissent
Citation :
Publié par Tortues Geniale
Tout à fait en espérant qu'ils les agrandissent
Comme a précisé Phrancque, il parle de changer le mécanisme des zones et non de modifictions (tailles et autres) de celle ci.
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Hello everyone, Carrie and Stuart here from BioWare Mythic, coming to you live from GamesCom!!!
Friday August 20, 2010 3:15 Davidinho

I see some Camelot players are here! Big hello to the DAoC crowd!
Friday August 20, 2010 3:18 Davidinho

[Comment From MoneoMoneo: ]
The most important question: What up with the transfer Glamorgan -> Ywain, is it finally coming?
Friday August 20, 2010 3:24 Moneo

I can't give a definite yes or no right this moment, but we are definitely looking at Glamorgan closely.
Friday August 20, 2010 3:25 Davidinho

I haven't forgotten the WAR players. We love you guys! Ready for questions, keep em coming!
Friday August 20, 2010 3:26 Davidinho

Carrie - The news is all being shared at GamesCom, but the press are hitting up a lot of different places, so they need time to write it up! If you're eager for WAR news, keep an eye out there, we're giving several interviews a day!
Friday August 20, 2010 3:29 Davidinho

Testing our new name!
Friday August 20, 2010 3:29 Davidinho

[Comment From Psychoic Psychoic: ]
What common content will be shared between the differing RvR Packs?
Friday August 20, 2010 3:29 Psychoic

Carrie - The content that is shared between the different packs is different in theme in some respect (power, progression, personality) but they all share that they tie into the RVR experience in some way. This pack, unlike LoTD is RVR focused, in everything we're doing.
Friday August 20, 2010 3:31 Davidinho

[Comment From Tom Verhaegen Tom Verhaegen: ]
Will there be a new RVR zone introduced?
Friday August 20, 2010 3:32 Tom Verhaegen

Carrie - Yes!
Friday August 20, 2010 3:32 Davidinho

[Comment From Khazar Khazar: ]
well, what are the future plans for DAOC, are you revealing it here or maybe later in the gamescom?
Friday August 20, 2010 3:36 Khazar

Stuart - The future of DAoC is quite bright. Now that we have the EU players under the Mythic umbrella we want to focus more on giving everyone the best possible play experience. We have done a few Live Events and will continue running them into the future. We are also working on a Multi-Lingual server so French, German, and English speaking players can all play together.
Friday August 20, 2010 3:36 Davidinho

[Comment From Multani Multani: ]
Do you not fear that the up of renow rank up to 100 will not make the game more difficult for the new player against well equiped player ?
Friday August 20, 2010 3:40 Multani

Carrie - Gonna try to answer a couple things about the RR questions. RR 81-100 will be difficult, but we are going to help players who haven't hit RR80 yet to get up there. We're very aware of power gap problems and will be keeping that in mind for new players and alt-a-holics.
Friday August 20, 2010 3:40 Davidinho

Stuart - Yes, Chris, we ALL know that DAoC is the best MMO *looks at Carrie* but right now we want to focus on the things that make DAoC so awesome. That is why we are doing Live Events and such. It's partly the players that make DAoC so good, and we want to make sure we have a fun experience for you guys (and gals),
Friday August 20, 2010 3:44 Davidinho

Carrie - @Icpong - Yes new armor past Sov.
Friday August 20, 2010 3:45 Davidinho

[Comment From Khaldar Khaldar: ]
Carrie- You said the future of WAR would be announce in the end of summer, will there be an official annoucement soon?
Friday August 20, 2010 3:46 Khaldar

Carrie - The RVR pack is what I'm referring to as the future of WAR, and we're very excited about it. Of course more details will come as we continue to talk about it, at GamesDay there will be a full presentation on the stuff we're telling the press here, additionally I have a producer's letter coming up... etc.
Friday August 20, 2010 3:48 Davidinho

[Comment From Ivan Reynoso Ivan Reynoso: ]
Is the new RvR zone going to be accessible without purchasing the RvR Pack?
Friday August 20, 2010 3:48 Ivan Reynoso

Yes, but a lot of the cool stuff that you can get from the RVR zone won't be!
Friday August 20, 2010 3:49 Davidinho

[Comment From Oberheim Oberheim: ]
When "moving away from the huge expansion pack system every 2 years." How ofted do you plan to release new packs?
Friday August 20, 2010 3:49 Oberheim

Carrie - Depends on you guys, which ones you like, etc. We have lots of ideas and plans!
Friday August 20, 2010 3:49 Davidinho

[Comment From cyric cyric: ]
Is making the Renown Rank process smoother in the lower Ranks going to be done by changing the amount you need to earn for those Ranks ?
Friday August 20, 2010 3:50 cyric

Carrie - More likely going to involve renown-boosting buffs. But the important thing is that it will be easier!
Friday August 20, 2010 3:51 Davidinho

[Comment From Khannage Khannage: ]
Does the RVR packs include updates to the SC system. Made something to help more casual R40 players against those steam rolling pre-mades?
Friday August 20, 2010 3:52 Khannage

Carrie - We are focusing on ORVR, but we are doing some investigation around SC matchmaking as we're aware of the community concern.
Friday August 20, 2010 3:53 Davidinho

[Comment From Heiko S. (Leiunn) - DAoC Heiko S. (Leiunn) - DAoC: ]
(DAoC) Are there any plans to make Warriors more needed in RvR? At the moment Warriors are not needed/wanted in rvr.
Friday August 20, 2010 3:53 Heiko S. (Leiunn) - DAoC

Stuart - We are going through all the careers to make sure that they viable in DAoC and RvR especially. In this last patch (1.105) we focused on the Bainshee, but other classes will be coming down the line.
Friday August 20, 2010 3:54 Davidinho

[Comment From Eaderbreca Eaderbreca: ]
In DAoC, Is there a plan to update the Enchanter RR5 with a more useful ability? The entire community feels it is, currently, lackluster.
Friday August 20, 2010 3:55 Eaderbreca

Stuart - In addition to class balance, we will also be looking at the RR5 abilities and making changes where necessary. I can't give details on when, but it is definitely being discussed around the office.
Friday August 20, 2010 3:56 Davidinho

[Comment From Eltn Eltn: ]
(war)Can we expect some upgrades of the current rvr zone with the rvr pack?
Friday August 20, 2010 3:57 Eltn

Carrie - Sorry guys! Last question!
Friday August 20, 2010 3:57 Davidinho

Yes, as a part of the pack, we are doing updates to the ORVR mechanics, which will tie into the Skaven theme very nicely
Friday August 20, 2010 3:58 Davidinho

Carrie - And we're off to more interviews. I know you're all hungry for info. and we love your excitement about the game. The press and bloggers we're meeting here need to get back to their hotels and home to write stuff up... so the info is coming! Also we will be recapping what we did here in the monthly producer's letters and more info in the coming weeks and upcoming events!
Friday August 20, 2010 3:59 Davidinho

Also Andz says hi and will see you Saturday night! AND OMG GERMAN KEZBOARDS.
Friday August 20, 2010 4:01 Davidinho
Citation :
Publié par Raegan
Il y a donc modification des zones t4 pour acceuillir les skavens

Au final : nouvelle zone t4 et modification des zones t4 existantes.

C'es pas ce qu'on demande depuis longtemps maintenant ?
+ une nouvelle zone aussi il me semble.
+nouvelles armures pour les fans du loot
+ skaven (a voir ce qu ils vont en faire mais il font durer le suspens) mais je rassure mes gobs c est pas parce qu il y aura des sales rat a cogner que je vais vous oublier

y a plus qu a attendre maintenant les trollboys et hateboy
et ceux qui trouveront que c est pas terrible comme rajout .


bjerk buveur de bières
Je trouve que ça sent beaucoup l'intégration des skavens sous forme de 3 ième faction quand même...

- Modification du fonctionnement du T4 : création d'un système de contrôle de zone pour 3 factions, et non plus un système binaire comme actuellement ?

- Création d'une nouvelle zone pour accueillir les skavens : Forteresse + Capitale Skavens?
Je suis déçu, une seule de mes questions a été retenue .

Citation :
The press and bloggers we're meeting here need to get back to their hotels and home to write stuff up... so the info is coming!
Je trouve quand même qu'il n'y pas beaucoup d'info qui sont sorti, au final c'est un peu maigre
Citation :
Publié par bjerk
+ une nouvelle zone aussi il me semble.
+nouvelles armures pour les fans du loot
+ skaven (a voir ce qu ils vont en faire mais il font durer le suspens) mais je rassure mes gobs c est pas parce qu il y aura des sales rat a cogner que je vais vous oublier

y a plus qu a attendre maintenant les trollboys et hateboy
et ceux qui trouveront que c est pas terrible comme rajout .


bjerk buveur de bières
Moi non plus je ne te laisserais pas tout seul nous rush pendant que tes mates reculent XD
cool les News un cadeau pour un noyeux joel

Batii buveur de vin
Citation :
Publié par Leviathans
Comme a précisé Phrancque, il parle de changer le mécanisme des zones et non de modifictions (tailles et autres) de celle ci.
Ils vont les "skavenifier" donc implicitement ça veut dire qu'ils vont les modifier, le changement de mécanique va avec ces modifs et laisse penser que les skavens feront office de troisième faction.
Citation :
Publié par Eltharin \o/
Ils vont les "skavenifier" donc implicitement ça veut dire qu'ils vont les modifier, le changement de mécanique va avec ces modifs et laisse penser que les skavens feront office de troisième faction.
haha des combats dans un monde souterrains , après les combats dans l eau a la daoc , des combats sous terre a la warhammer.

bon me lâche un peu la mais on a le droit de rêver un peu non ?


bjerk buveur de bières
Citation :
[Comment From Ivan Reynoso Ivan Reynoso: ]
Is the new RvR zone going to be accessible without purchasing the RvR Pack?
Friday August 20, 2010 3:48 Ivan Reynoso

Yes, but a lot of the cool stuff that you can get from the RVR zone won't be!
Friday August 20, 2010 3:49 Davidinho
Lol tu vas dans la zone tu vois le loot tomber tu peux rien en faire.
Quoi que a la réflexion ça sent le nouveau craft ^^.
Citation :
Publié par bjerk
haha des combats dans un monde souterrains , après les combats dans l eau a la daoc , des combats sous terre a la warhammer.

bon me lâche un peu la mais on a le droit de rêver un peu non ?


bjerk buveur de bières
Tu peux tu peux ! tu n'es pas le seul à en rêver
Citation :
Publié par Der Weise
C'est ce qu'ils avaient déjà annoncé. Il n'y aura normalement pas de nouveau 1.3.X. Et les patchs sortent à un intervalle d'environ 3 mois.

Confonds pas avec la 1.4 ...

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