Petit test amusant

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En effet très sympa


Eve as a game is supposed to be fun. You have your fun when you get to take stuff from other people by out-witting them. Hopefully they'll have fun too, and the situation will let them learn a thing or two. You gladly help out new players, and you don't hold a grudge. Balance is important, but you will always adapt to changing circumstances, and you don't whine about stuff you can't change anyway.
*Killmail is coming...*
Tiens c'est marrant, ca tombe en plein dedans...


You enjoy Eve's economic model and you find that the greatest challenge of the game lies in mastering the market. System security status is a matter of profit/no profit for you, and you always factor in the possibility/probability of PvP in your estimates. To you, Eve isn't a PvP or a PvE game. It's a simulation of capitalizm in its purest form, and a place where the savvy wins the day.
Eve is a PvP game. The PvE parts of the game are there to drive the economy in order to produce more PvP. Multiplayer is key, and even though solo-play can be fun, the game should be balanced as a multiplayer game. High-sec is as much of a warzone as low- and nul-sec. It's just a matter of finding ways to get at the people living there. You usually play with other people, because when the going gets tough, the tough get some backup.


Ca me va
Eve as a game is supposed to be fun. You have your fun when you get to take stuff from other people by out-witting them. Hopefully they'll have fun too, and the situation will let them learn a thing or two. You gladly help out new players, and you don't hold a grudge. Balance is important, but you will always adapt to changing circumstances, and you don't whine about stuff you can't change anyway.


ça corresponds assez ^^
Citation :
Publié par Fiirnill
Tiens c'est marrant, ca tombe en plein dedans...


You enjoy Eve's economic model and you find that the greatest challenge of the game lies in mastering the market. System security status is a matter of profit/no profit for you, and you always factor in the possibility/probability of PvP in your estimates. To you, Eve isn't a PvP or a PvE game. It's a simulation of capitalizm in its purest form, and a place where the savvy wins the day.
tout pareil !
Voilà le résultat que j'ai:

Eve is just a game. People tend to get really worked up about it, and this is highly amusing. The best moments of Eve is when someone throws a hissy fit after you pwned them when they didn't expect it. You often use the "it's a PvP game-line", but what you really mean by that is that the game is supposed to be exploited and won. No trick is beneath you as long as it lets you get a laugh at the expense of someone else. Everything is valid until CCP says it's not.


Comme Saul. Naboléon.


Eve is a game about virtual conquest. It's just like any other strategy game out there, although in Eve, the tokens moved about on the playing field are actual players. Everything in the game is put there to drive the big strategic theater, and although certain things might need to be balanced for the plebs, it's all small potatoes. What matters is gaining territory and crushing your enemy.


Je suis axé combat (pvp et pve), jamais touché à la prod (même pas un brin, rien nada). Trade un peu, mais je ne suis pas réellement doué. J'ai répondu uniquement dans une optique RP autant que faire se peut aux questions...

Ca doit expliquer cette réponse limite absurde..... T_T

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