[Beta US] Un mot de Mark Jacobs sur la Preview en cours

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marrant mythic on dirait qu ils bossent comme moi.
wéwé on a l temps ca va aller, et deux semaines avant la fin du projet, omg on est a la bourre, et hop ils ne dorment plus et font peter la cafetiere et torchent 4 mois de taff.

Le dommage c est que si ils avaient fait tout ca avant, il y aurait eu de bien meilleurs retours de la beta et donc une meilleure pub.

enfin bon ca a l'air d aller dans le bon sens.
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Publié par Douze
marrant mythic on dirait qu ils bossent comme moi.
wéwé on a l temps ca va aller, et deux semaines avant la fin du projet, omg on est a la bourre, et hop ils ne dorment plus et font peter la cafetiere et torchent 4 mois de taff.

Le dommage c est que si ils avaient fait tout ca avant, il y aurait eu de bien meilleurs retours de la beta et donc une meilleure pub.

enfin bon ca a l'air d aller dans le bon sens.
On est plus ou moins tous comme ca ^^.

Je suis pareil.
Preview Weekend Update par Mark Jacobs (25/08)
Source : http://www.warhammeralliance.com/for...54&postcount=1
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Okay, it was a wild and crazy weekend in WAR and while some of you might be tempted to go all Samurai on us for a couple of the bugs, overall things went very, very well. As long-time readers of my notes now, I won’t do a Nick Winters and we are anything but pathological liars so we’ll always own up when we make a mistake and we made a couple here. So, let’s talk amongst ourselves and have a little chat about the top nine list of the biggest issues and where we stand in regards to them.

(1) Client Crashes – I’ve talked about this as one of the reasons why we didn’t release the NDA until recently. Here’s the current status.
- Just a little too many currently. While we are better off than we were in beta, we must do better still before release.
- A number of players will lower spec machines had more CTDs than higher spec machines.
- Number of fixes already in pipeline. They are working their way through our testing servers and will be pushed to the players once they have been vetted internally.
- Engineering time for CTD issue has remained heavily committed; our top engineers are working on the various issues.

(2) Monster Pathing and AI – Well, what can I say other than not even all of King Tut’s wealth could have made us feel better for messing up on this one. Well, maybe all his wealth. 
- “Yes, that monster seems to be behaving a little oddly”. Monster responsiveness was very sketchy, odd pauses and tethering issues.
- “Oh, was I supposed to go in that direction?” Pathing sometimes wonky - mobs get stuck or go in wrong direction.
- Utter confusion at times as both monsters and pets will engage and disengage seemingly at random
- Internal server optimizations last week broke the pathing/AI. And I mean really, really broke it. This truly was a “Opps, we broke this code” moment for us and we don’t have many of them.
- Going to ensure that this problem is fixed this week. As I said in my first Preview Weekend, this is a major concern for us. Fortunately we have no underwater combat in this game or some of the NPCs may have been appropriately dubbed land sharks.

(3) Pet Responsiveness – With similar issues to Monster Pathing and AI, this was not our finest hour.
- Need to transfer "combat responsiveness" fixes to pets - have pet move immediately on button press.
- “Oh no, Mr. Bill!” Pets suffer from same pathing and lack of response as general monsters. Pets hopping around like they were headed to Del Staters.

(4) Global Cooldown Timers –This seems to be a hot topic for players to talk about. However, things aren’t always as they seem.
- Reality and perception are two different things, Warhammer has a GCD of 1.4s, WoW has 1.5s
- “Ability not ready” messaging needs to be improve, a sound effect if Global Cooldown in effect, maybe more cowbell?
- Need to improve on the feeling of sluggishness of the GCD and UI. Bug with display where our timer shows 2s when it is really 1.4
- The next best thing to a queue is? We will add in better "slop timer" to allow players 0.3s extra to pre-queue a second ability followup.

(5) Better animations
- So much more coming in the next two versions of the client. We are currently incorporating serious amounts of new animations into the game. Hopefully nobody will sneak a coneheads model into the game.
- Look at what my XXXX does now? Over the next month we will address many class-attack specific issues across all 20 careers.
- “U think you can dance?” Nope, but we have added new racial animations for movement, fidgets and redid some emotes.

(6) Texture Blurring
- Textures are currently cached in a manner that results in blurriness on entering a region.
- We will look at adding a client scalar.

(7) Client Performance – This is one of those issues
- Need better scalers on effects, sounds, graphics, etc to help lower end machines (already lots of additions to coders)
- This thing loves memory like Dan Aykroyd loves bass. We have already improved the memory consumption of the client and taken 100M out of current test best.

( Targeting, Camera, etc
- Currently our targeting system differs from many MMOs in terms of our features and how we go about things. We will identify and make a more standard initial setup but allow flexibility.
- Will add additional keybinding selections to allow flexibility

(9) Renown rank gear
- Unfortunately, a new bug (well an old bug we fixed and then managed to break again) which allowed Rank 10 RR 6 players can go to Tier 2 to get better gear and then come back to Tier 1 and own scenarios. We are currently working on a fix.

I hope you enjoyed the Preview Weekend and we thank you for your interest and we hope, patronage of our game.

Guess what folks, that’s the news and I am outta here!


P.S. The reason for all the Saturday Night Live references was that a poster or two dared me to work a certain phrase into the update. I kinda took that and ran with it.
Page G+ MMO
AO (off) -> WoW (off) -> TR (RIP) -> VG (off) -> AoC (off) -> WAR (off) -> DF (off) -> Aion (off) -> GW (off) -> EVE (ON) -> Rift (Off) > GW2 (off) > NVW (off) > TSW (off) > ESO (off) > AA (ON)
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Publié par Donov'
Ils disent que leurs serveurs vont bien mais bon, parfois à 50-100 dans une zone, tout le monde se met à ramer d'un coup pendant de longues minutes jusqu'à une accalmie dans les combats, signe que les problèmes viennent du serveur.
Espérons que ça ne concernera pas trop les serveurs de la release... Mais je suppose qu'il faudra s'attendre à des semaines (mois) d'ajustements.
Ou alors c'est juste les serveurs de GOA e qui n'est pas rassurent pour les EU.

Car pour beaucoup le problème principal de WaR c'est la lenteur de ses serveur qui bug certains sort sur certaines zone peuplé.
Et là il en parle pas du tout.
MJ vient de poster une mise à jour et fait l'état des corrections en cours en interne :

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Well, things have been, as usual, busy here at Mythic so I have lots of news to share. So, without further ado and no SNL references, here's the update on my update:

1) Significantly improved NPC pathing - Okay, in all fairness it wouldn't have taken much to improve on what we showed you folks during the PW. However, the NPC pathing is back to where it needs to be and while it still isn't perfect, well, it's a heck of a lot closer than it was just a short time ago. We identified a whole lot of bugs and squashed them.

2) Improved pet commands and responsivness - Well, pretty much same as above. Pets will no longer act as if obeying an order from you was the last thing in this world that they wanted to do.

3) Fixed an issue with textures blurring - Nothing like looking at textures through a blurred lens to make things look really sharp eh? Major improvements in and more OTW.

4) Enhanced Global Cooldown Mechanic - Well, for one the GCD actually shows the correct cooldown time and not the rounded up cooldown time (Hey, what a great idea, let's make it seem slower than it is. WOOT!). The slop timer is working fine right now and we'll continue to look at making the GCD and combat in general more responsive.

5) Continuing to improve Client Stability - As always, lots of fixes going in here. The client is supposed to be more stable (and looks like it so far) but until we get the masses back in...

6) Added new Graphics Settings and seeking more feedback from testers to guide future improvements. You asked for it, you got it. Well, in all fairness we were going to put these in anyway but it never hurts to nudge us a bit at times.

7) Target Nearest Target improved - Yeah! One of my pet peeves addressed.

8) Renown Gear changes and Potency of Potions increased. Tweaking, adding, subtracting, in other words (don't say "nerf", we're still in beta!) balancing.

9) Increased bonus for medal winners in PQs. PQs are supposed to be fun, joyous and not grindy. We'll continue tweaking and changing them wherever we need to do that to make it so #1. (okay, a ST reference)

10) Added more loot bags in Tier 1 PQs - Boy, it's going to be rather crowded when we launch so we just upped the loot for the Tier 1 PQs. We'll do the same to T2 as needed. And when the rush is over, we'll tweak downwards.

So, in terms of some other good stuff, lots and lots and lots of bugs fixed and lots of new stuff added to the ToK. But wait, there's more and we'll address some of it next week as well as more coming info in the next update.

Oh, and there's still no such thing as a miracle patch so don't expect one here. Just a ton of fixes, additions and adjustments. We have another major patch coming as well before launch. We don't believe in miracle patches (miracle whip is a whole other subject) here at Mythic but simply hard work and a talented team.

Much respect to my team that is really doing one heck of a job getting things ready for launch.


1- Amélioration significative du pathing des mobs : Ok, on pouvait difficilement faire pire de toute façon. Ceci dit, le pathing est revenu là ou il devait être, et bien qu'il ne soit pas parfait c'est déjà plus proche de ce qui est souhaitable. Plein de bugs corrigés.

2- Amélioration de la réactivité des pets : même chose que pour les mobs, ça va mieux.

3- Résolu un problème avec le flou des textures : Une amélioration majeure et plus à venir.

4- Mécanisme du Global Cooldown Amélioré : Déjà, le timer indique le temps réel qu'il reste au lieu d'indiquer plus comme jusqu'alors, ensuite le timer "tampon" (slop timer) fonctionne comme prévu. Nous continuerons bien sur à surveiller tout ça et ajuster si besoin.

5- Stabilité du client en progression : Comme toujours, plein d'ajustements ici. Le client est à priori plus stable mais il faudra voir avec le nombre.

6- Ajout de nouvelles options graphiques et nous collectons le feedback des testeurs pour de futures améliorations.

7- Ciblage "Cible Proche" amélioré

8- Sets de renoms modifiés et puissance des potions augmentées. Plein d'ajustements en plus et moins pour l'équilibre du jeu.

9- Augmentation du bonus des médailles dans les Quêtes Publiques pour limiter le grind.

10- Plus de sacs de loot dans les QP du tiers 1 à cause du rush initial des joueurs. Nous rajouterons peut être des sacs pour le tiers 2 si besoin. Après le rush initial, les sacs reviendront à leur nombre initial.
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Publié par Potem
Il parle plus des anims ! =(

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But wait, there's more and we'll address some of it next week as well as more coming info in the next update.
tu vois ??? ca va arriver j'en suis persuadé en tant que fanboy.
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Oh, and there's still no such thing as a miracle patch so don't expect one here. Just a ton of fixes, additions and adjustments. We have another major patch coming as well before launch. We don't believe in miracle patches (miracle whip is a whole other subject) here at Mythic but simply hard work and a talented team.
Il n'y a pas d'awesome patch. Mais il y a un autre gros patch à venir avant la release.
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Publié par Undefinited
il n'a que goa qui me rebute..
suis pas fan de mythic et encore moins de goa, ni de leur préposé à la com FR

j'ai aussi vraiment peur que les serveurs soient en carton, je ne suis plus prêt à accepter ce que j'ai accepter pour WoW à ses débuts, ça c'est clair.
Citation :
Publié par Molivio3
suis pas fan de mythic et encore moins de goa, ni de leur préposé à la com FR

j'ai aussi vraiment peur que les serveurs soient en carton, je ne suis plus prêt à accepter ce que j'ai accepter pour WoW à ses débuts, ça c'est clair.
A mon avis tu devrais attendre 1 ou 2 mois après la release que ça se calme un peu, parce que je peux te parier que les serveurs vont être littéralement pris d'assaut, et qu'on aura du crash. Les releases parfaites c'est pas prêt d'arriver.
Je suis très satisfait de la com . Et j ai tendance a faire confiance aux personnes qui admettent leurs erreurs / faiblesses . Bon évidemment si ils ne font que les admettre et rien d autre y a un soucis

Je ne m attend pas a trouver les premiers jours l eldorado des MMo , frigo remplit et chiotte en or . Faut que ca plante sinon c est pas vraiment un lancement de MMo Mais a priori je suis confiant .

Radi pour l OB ^^
Citation :
Publié par Yysh
Je suis très satisfait de la com . Et j ai tendance a faire confiance aux personnes qui admettent leurs erreurs / faiblesses . Bon évidemment si ils ne font que les admettre et rien d autre y a un soucis

Je ne m attend pas a trouver les premiers jours l eldorado des MMo , frigo remplit et chiotte en or . Faut que ca plante sinon c est pas vraiment un lancement de MMo Mais a priori je suis confiant .

Radi pour l OB ^^
Il n'y a pas de soucis à avoir, Mythic corrigera les bugs etc... C'est une boite qui a prouvé son sérieux par le passé.
S'il faut avoir des soucis, c'est dans l'équilibre du jeu, Mythic a coutume de nerfer/up les classes un peu au ptit bonheur la chance, DAOC en sait quelque chose... Apres faut relativiser, ca n'a jamais rendu le RvR injouable ( sauf à la release de DAOC ou il manquait l'immune au cc ... )
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Publié par Potem
Il parle plus des anims ! =(
De mémoire, dans l'ancien message, il disait que les nouvelles animations étaient déjà prêtes.
Ce qu'il restait à faire, ce sont les anims d'attaque, et c'est prévu pour le mois prochain.
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8) Renown Gear changes and Potency of Potions increased. Tweaking, adding, subtracting, in other words (don't say "nerf", we're still in beta!) balancing.
Haha, ça à tous les coups c'est à cause des américains qui ont crié au nerf du set RR6.

Sinon quand il parle d'ajout d'option graphique, vous pensez que c'est par rapport à ce qui se trouve maintenant ou ce qu'ils prévoyaient d'implémenter de toute manière (l'état final en gros) ? Si c'est le premier cas alors vous les avez (ou bientôt) sur le client bêta ? Remarque on n'est plus qu'à 1 semaine de l'OB. ^^
^^ le client beta est exactement le même que celui utilisé pour le WE preview aux US (la 3.3.1). Mais tous les serveurs Beta closed sont fermés depuis une semaine et ne ré-ouvriront (US comme EU) que pour l'Open beta du WE prochain.

Seuls les serveurs de la Beta Elder reçoivent les patches en avance, mais même eux ont eu droit à une coupure, quoi qu'ils devraient réouvrir sous peu avec le nouveau patch, mais ils sont toujours sous NDA (et le seront jusqu'a la release).

Bref, encore une semaine pour tater le nouveau patch.
Intervention Mark Jacobs sur WHA
Alors, pendant qu'on se branche copieusement sur JoL, d'autres fansites communautaires persistent à poster des news. La dernière en date renvoie vers cette récente intervention de Mark Jacobs :

Source : http://www.warhammeralliance.com/for...89&postcount=1

Citation :

Well, things have been, as usual, busy here at Mythic so I have lots of news to share. So, without further ado and no SNL references, here's the update on my update:

1) Significantly improved NPC pathing - Okay, in all fairness it wouldn't have taken much to improve on what we showed you folks during the PW. However, the NPC pathing is back to where it needs to be and while it still isn't perfect, well, it's a heck of a lot closer than it was just a short time ago. We identified a whole lot of bugs and squashed them.

2) Improved pet commands and responsivness - Well, pretty much same as above. Pets will no longer act as if obeying an order from you was the last thing in this world that they wanted to do.

3) Fixed an issue with textures blurring - Nothing like looking at textures through a blurred lens to make things look really sharp eh? Major improvements in and more OTW.

4) Enhanced Global Cooldown Mechanic - Well, for one the GCD actually shows the correct cooldown time and not the rounded up cooldown time (Hey, what a great idea, let's make it seem slower than it is. WOOT!). The slop timer is working fine right now and we'll continue to look at making the GCD and combat in general more responsive.

5) Continuing to improve Client Stability - As always, lots of fixes going in here. The client is supposed to be more stable (and looks like it so far) but until we get the masses back in...

6) Added new Graphics Settings and seeking more feedback from testers to guide future improvements. You asked for it, you got it. Well, in all fairness we were going to put these in anyway but it never hurts to nudge us a bit at times.

7) Target Nearest Target improved - Yeah! One of my pet peeves addressed.

8) Renown Gear changes and Potency of Potions increased. Tweaking, adding, subtracting, in other words (don't say "nerf", we're still in beta!) balancing.

9) Increased bonus for medal winners in PQs. PQs are supposed to be fun, joyous and not grindy. We'll continue tweaking and changing them wherever we need to do that to make it so #1. (okay, a ST reference)

10) Added more loot bags in Tier 1 PQs - Boy, it's going to be rather crowded when we launch so we just upped the loot for the Tier 1 PQs. We'll do the same to T2 as needed. And when the rush is over, we'll tweak downwards.

So, in terms of some other good stuff, lots and lots and lots of bugs fixed and lots of new stuff added to the ToK. But wait, there's more and we'll address some of it next week as well as more coming info in the next update.

Oh, and there's still no such thing as a miracle patch so don't expect one here. Just a ton of fixes, additions and adjustments. We have another major patch coming as well before launch. We don't believe in miracle patches (miracle whip is a whole other subject) here at Mythic but simply hard work and a talented team.

Much respect to my team that is really doing one heck of a job getting things ready for launch.

Bonne lecture

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