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zone 45-50 avec majorité de quêtes solo/petite communauté, Forochel se situe au nord d' Evendim si ma mémoire est bonne.
Ils ont prévu de quoi nous éviter de nous taper la traversé de l'eau à la nage contrairement à Evendim on perdra pas des heures là dessus et ça c'est bien aussi.
(d'ailleurs à ce que j'en ai compris on pourra pas nager dans l'océan, logique su sa température...)
des infos dans le dev chat US du 10 mars

[17:07] AutumnKiss: Good evening, folks! Welcome to Allakhazam's LotRO Developer Chat! For the next hour or so we will be taking questions from you, the community, and whipping the devs into submission to provide you with answers!
[17:08] AutumnKiss: Please join channel #lotro-ffa for open discussion during the chat.
[17:08] Keth_Turbine: huh, I didn't realize whipping was involved tonight.
[17:08] AutumnKiss: And now, we'll let your Dev Team introduce themselves...
[17:08] Rowan: Down Keth, down!
[17:08] Annuvin_LOTRO: 5 weeks into parenthood...
[17:08] Annuvin_LOTRO: I remember... sleep. Now... I am hollow. So tired... So very... tired.
[17:08] Annuvin_LOTRO: I'm the Creative Director. I'm so tired, it's easy to be creative, hard to be lucid enough to direct.
[17:08] Annuvin_LOTRO: I almost feel drunk... Like, Keg'O'Doom drunk.
[17:08] Annuvin_LOTRO: Cardell, I think.
[17:08] Annuvin_LOTRO: Yeah.
[17:09] Scenario: Good evening all! My name is Matt "Scenario" Elliott, Lead Worldbuilder for LOTRO. My team is responsible for the look and feel of the world and most gameplay associated with it. Yes, that is right - we gave you the overly aggressive deer in Evendim. Don't you love us?
[17:09] Keth_Turbine: Ahoy hoy everyone, I'm Keth. I'm a Content Designer guy, I sort of help people on team and I wear a dress... in-game that is.
[17:09] Keth_Turbine: Pretty soon I hope to be wielding a frying pan, if the art team fills my request! YEAH!!!! Dig it!
[17:09] Rowan: Hello all! I'm Aaron "Rowan" Campbell, Live Producer for LOTRO. I enjoy aggravating trolls and making art directors cry (no relationship between the two). As always, I'm here to make sure Saffron stays on her best behavior.
[17:09] LOTRO_Saffron: Greetings! I'm Vanessa "Saffron" Price, I'm the Online Community Specialist for LOTRO and I drank from the Keg of Doom and lived to tell about it! (Not that I remember much.)
[17:09] Meghan_Turbine: Hi everyone! Thanks for coming tonight. I'm Meghan "Patience" Rodberg, community manager for Turbine and rabid Hello Kitty fan. Don't forget to floss!
[17:10] AutumnKiss: Please remember to send your questions to [QT]Wordaen.

[17:12] AutumnKiss: Ap0kalyps3: Are there any plans to look over the itemization in LOTRO? End game class sets are quite limiting, and those who enjoy mix and matching proc'able gear can't do so. There are no procs in LOTRO besides +stat, and effects that only give+stat, and was wondering if there are any plans on putting in items with original procs (spell damage, DoT,crit %, debuffs, etc) so we can chose gear configurations instead of only 1
[17:12] Annuvin_LOTRO: It's funny you asked about this, Mister! I think that we'll be revisiting the 'awesomeness' of our end game instances 'soon'. I'm pretty sure, actually. You can expect a strong, forceful revisitation, that should elevate how awesome our items are.
[17:12] Annuvin_LOTRO: I think that's correct. I could have also dreamt it.

[17:13] AutumnKiss: Avocet: Why was the Track Crops skill given to Farmers, who can't use the "crops," instead of to Cooks, who need tham?
[17:13] Keth_Turbine: Mostly because Farming is all about the food resource creation and gathering, that's their role.
[17:13] Keth_Turbine: Giving that to Cooks would have taken a bit of shine away from Farmers.
[17:15] AutumnKiss: Beoward: I suppose this is considered a bug; I fell off the bridge inside the Rivendell reputation area and didn't die, so I walked around a bit and found a place called "FIX ME:Unassigned" and it said I entered bree and I could read breelands chat. That area had some light and what looked like a waterfall
[17:15] Keth_Turbine: By Design!
[17:15] Scenario: So... that is totally a bug. Please use /bug to report it.
[17:15] Scenario: Don't listen to Keth.
[17:15] Keth_Turbine: Report to the Rift for your reward!
[17:16] LOTRO_Saffron: He's been drinking from the Keg o' Doom as well.

[17:16] AutumnKiss: FatwiseOnArkenstone: Thanks for a great game! Is there any new news about Patience's "Month of the Kinship"?
[17:17] Meghan_Turbine: Dude, so, I missed the last chat, and I haven't had time to read the transcript, and that's definitely the last time I miss a chat since I have no idea what bus I was just thown under. That said, it probably has something to do with the fact that the community team has
[17:18] Meghan_Turbine: brought a lot of ideas from the community back to the dev team about what they'd like to see in features for kinships. So stay tuned.

[17:20] AutumnKiss: Ignatius: Orion haspreviously mentioned the Creep dedicated healing class,the Defiler. How will the introduction of this class effectthe playstyle of and direction that the developers want to take the Warleader?
[17:21] Rowan: The Defiler is a great new addition to Monster Play that you'll be hearing more about soon. His focus is on healing, but also has some great debuffs and direct damage abilities. I could say more but I'll save it for Orion's upcoming developer diary.
[17:22] Rowan: The Defiler and Warleader have distinct playstyles, much like the Loremaster v. the Captain, and I think they'll continue to play very differently.
[17:22] AutumnKiss: Ryvick: With the release of the Bay of Forochel in Book 13 just how much will be Land compared to Water in the new zone?
[17:24] Scenario: We know that players love water. I am certain you will be disappointed to know that water in... our Book 13 region... will act effectively as an impassable and will actually discourage players from taking the plunge. Taking the body of water of this region out of the equation, you'll have a near-North Downs size region to run around in.
[17:24] Scenario: And now our friend Keth has a special announcement related to this!
[17:25] Keth_Turbine: And for more information, go to your local library! Or check out this link:
[17:25] Keth_Turbine: (Link:

[17:25] AutumnKiss: brandiemch: How do you get to be a developer, To get Turbine to notice you and want you on the team?
[17:25] Keth_Turbine: beg, whine, cry, threaten.
[17:26] Meghan_Turbine: Hi brandiemch! People get into the games industry (and Turbine) in all sorts of ways - it depends on whether you want to get into design, or art, or producing.. a lot of people start out in QA as testers, actually. I know a couple of game company CEOs who got their start that way.
[17:26] Meghan_Turbine: You can always check out (Link: In fact we're hiring for the community team right now!
[17:26] Keth_Turbine: (well, that's what worked for me.)
[17:26] Meghan_Turbine: But you still whine and cry.
[17:26] Keth_Turbine: that's true, it worked so well for me in the past.
[17:26] Meghan_Turbine: And it still works!

[17:26] AutumnKiss: Mazrizzle: any word on increasing bag size? bank size?
[17:27] LOTRO_Saffron: A little birdy said that we are currently looking into how items stack in order to conserve pack and bank space.

[17:28] AutumnKiss: Angelina_Rayne: Is there at all any possibility that we will see maybe a higher tier in questing other than raiding?
[17:28] Annuvin_LOTRO: (insane mutterings) diapers... so... full.
[17:28] Annuvin_LOTRO: Ahem. We're committed to our six man content, and our staple quest lines. Overall, we only have 2 raids in our shipped content, and that's because we want to ensure that we provide great support for our non-raiding players.
[17:28] Annuvin_LOTRO: With that said, we want to make harder, more challenging content for our players. While not everything will be a raid, you can expect some difficult 6 man instances in the near future as well.

[17:28] AutumnKiss: Jables: Keth: With the new Annuminas revamp, I was wonder if there'll be an update to the Ranger sets for the barter items. Also, will there be any changes to the Annuminas dungeons themselves besides the repeatable quest, BoA fragments, etc?
[17:29] Keth_Turbine: Well, for those of you wondering what Jables is talking about, check out this link:
[17:29] Keth_Turbine: (Link:
[17:29] Keth_Turbine: As for looking at the armour, that won't be happening in Book 13, but will probably get some attention in Book 14, when we examine a lot of our higher level loot.

[17:29] AutumnKiss: Jables: Keth: With the new Annuminas revamp, I was wonder if there'll be an update to the Ranger sets for the barter items. Also, will there be any changes to the Annuminas dungeons themselves besides the repeatable quest, BoA fragments, etc?
[17:29] Keth_Turbine: is there an echo in here?
[17:29] Keth_Turbine: We are also looking at the instances, and I've already revised the Gardens a bit, and that change will be coming in Book 13.
[17:29] Keth_Turbine: The other instances may get some further attention, as we are going back and doing some more play testing on them to see what areas we'd like to improve.

[17:30] AutumnKiss: BigAl: Is there going to be any enhancements done to the beryl shard drops? I have been playing the game since it went public last year and have found a total of 2 and used them now that I have GM'd a craft. I thought they were going to be put into random drops on random monsters in book 10-12
[17:31] Scenario: Hey Al! Beryl Shards are a topic near and dear to my heart (largely because of their involvement with Rare Monsters). With Book 12, the rare monsters in Angmar adopted the event-driven spawning mechanic that was introduced with the High Pass and Tal Bruinen. The intent with this change is to allow rare monsters a larger home range and enable players to encounter these monsters over the course of normal play.
[17:31] Scenario: The number of rare monsters in the game is only going to grow as we introduce regions so your chances of finding a rare monster (and subsequently a crafting gem-shard) will only improve!

[17:32] AutumnKiss: Slipknoted: Is there any chance of a port to Mac machine's in sight?
[17:32] Meghan_Turbine: Sorry, Slipknoted, at this time we have no plans for a Mac version of LOTRO.

[17:33] AutumnKiss: Caldrien: is there a possibility that there will be higher player levels?
[17:33] Annuvin_LOTRO: New levels?!? Easy! Just turn some numbers up!
[17:33] Annuvin_LOTRO: In all seriousness, there are always possibilities.
[17:34] Annuvin_LOTRO: As for concrete dates, or approaches? That's a bit harder.

[17:35] AutumnKiss: capjlp: does Turbin have rights to the silmarillion
[17:36] Meghan_Turbine: Hi capjlp! The rights to the Silmarillion are still held by the Tolkien Estate. We have the rights to The Lord of the Rings from Tolkien Enterprises. So the short answer is no. However, considering how much just The Lord of the Rings gives us to work with, we think we'll do it all justice!

[17:36] AutumnKiss: Godot: When can a new raiding instance be expected?
[17:36] Keth_Turbine: Well, not offering specifics right now, but you can expect some new raids within the year. Sorry I can't provide more details right now!

[17:37] AutumnKiss: [SMS]Gortok: Just to get it finally answered once and for all: Is LOTRO a casual MMO? Or is it an MMO where you are hoping to hook as much of the player base as possible?
[17:39] Annuvin_LOTRO: Well, this answer is going to start more threads than it's going to end.
[17:39] Scenario: Impossible!
[17:39] Annuvin_LOTRO: LOTRO is a game, that is meant to appeal to all sorts of players. Much like politics, each and every feature appeals to X % of our players, means nothing to Y% of our players, and enrages Z% of our players. Trying to encapsulate an MMO in a blanket statement of "just for casual" is sort of like trying to say baby wipes are 'just for noses'.
[17:40] Annuvin_LOTRO: My analogy sort of sucks, but I think you can understand.

[17:40] AutumnKiss: branderic: When are you going to add player rewards so we can get more character slots and horses?
[17:41] Keth_Turbine: You will be seeing both sometimes this year! More vagueness for you!

[17:41] AutumnKiss: Ryvick: With regards to the Captain Faction Heralds (The 3 Dwarves) are there any plans to speed them up a lot in order to make them keep up with captains normal heralds? Even I as my Dwarf Guard can out run them
[17:41] Rowan: Your companions of whatever type should be keeping up with you. Just consider the hobbits who run alongside you every day! We'll definitely take a look, to make sure these dwarves aren't movement impaired.

[17:42] AutumnKiss: dogonfire: I am sure one of the biggest questions out there is when the world is going to expand?
[17:42] Scenario: We are expanding the world in Book 13! We've been teasing the community about the identity of our Book 13 region for a while now. We figured instead of just saying what it was, we'd show you! ((Link: in case you missed it)

[17:42] AutumnKiss: Jables: Will we ever see bug fixes in between books? For example, the new Seven Swords quest is still bugged and has been out since book 12's launch. I also read about some burglars/guardians having trouble with their tinkers/peddlers.
[17:45] Meghan_Turbine: Hi Jables! We do patch between books; in fact we have a patch scheduled for this Wednesday (though no guarantees that it addresses those particular issues). We've done at least 2 patches in between every book. The patch notes for the upcoming patch are at (Link:

[17:46] AutumnKiss: packrat_teddy: In thel ast devchat Turbine stated that there will be no new 12or 24man raid content appearing in Book 13. What end gamecontent besides the Annuminas revisit can we expect? Will there be any additional 6 man instances introduced?
[17:46] Keth_Turbine: You can expect Book 13 to be a bit like Book 9, you'll have lots of new quest content and a new epic story.
[17:46] Keth_Turbine: Book 14 will have quite a few revisions to existing 6 man instances along with some new ones. In fact I'm planning on making some 6 man instances of a type that we haven't done too often in our game.
[17:48] AutumnKiss: Elmrond: I'm new to the game and am loving it! Are there any "in game" tools being worked on to make finding/joining a kinship easier, outside of just the chat channel? Thanks
[17:51] Rowan: Socializing is a major part our focus. We're adding some brand new tools in Book 13 to make grouping and socializing easier - for the moment these are focused on questing.
[17:51] Rowan: We definitely would like to give that kind of love to kinships as well. Currently I'd suggest you get to know the people on your server and check out the Kinship listings on

[17:52] AutumnKiss: Slipknoted: How long can you extend the book quests for? You can only go as far as the oringal books go by J.R.R Toklin did.
[17:52] Keth_Turbine: Fortunately, we still have a lot of Tolkien's world to explore. Currently we've only gotten about 2/3's of the way through the first Book!
[17:52] Keth_Turbine: We still have Moria, Rohan, Isengard, Fangorn, Lorien, Gondor... a whole lot of places to go and explore!
[17:52] Keth_Turbine: I suspect we won't have a problem of running out of places to go any time soon.
[17:52] Scenario: and Forochel - don't forget about that!

[17:52] AutumnKiss: trilluser: Are there plans to allow houses to be traded/sold to other players for ease in upgrading?
[17:52] LOTRO_Saffron: Too many voices in my head say, "No."
[17:52] LOTRO_Saffron: In all seriousness, we don't actually have any plans for trading houses.

[17:53] AutumnKiss: Branderic[Landroval]: Any word on key rings?
[17:54] Keth_Turbine: I have a word for you, and that word is "Hope!"
[17:54] Keth_Turbine: There is hope, we want to do them and will try to fit them in to a Book update really soon.

[17:54] AutumnKiss: RamiroS: Are there any changes for crafting in the near future? more customization? new tiers? new recipes?
[17:56] Keth_Turbine: You will be seeing some changes in Book 14, and some more extensive changes later in the year. (I'm vague again!)

[17:56] AutumnKiss: Blue_Beard: Are there any plans for major changes/new features in the Ettenmoors in the near future? I'm still waiting for user-operated catapults and ballista's!
[17:56] Annuvin_LOTRO: We've been paying attention to the Ettenmoors since the launch of the Ettendeep. Suffice to say, we plan on spending some 'kwality' time there, in order to mix things up for folks. Expect additional elements in the future, though they might not be siege weapons.

[17:56] AutumnKiss: mitnamni: Whats your favorite Rift boss?
[17:56] Keth_Turbine: (Ettendeep was the internal name, you know it as the Delving of Frór)
[17:57] Meghan_Turbine: Annuvin. He's big and scary.
[17:57] Annuvin_LOTRO: And sleep deprived.
[17:57] Annuvin_LOTRO: Hrm... there are bosses in the Rift?
[17:57] Scenario: No Power is Greater Than Barz!
[17:57] Keth_Turbine: I like Frûz, I like his style.
[17:58] LOTRO_Saffron: He'll gnaw your bones!
[17:58] Annuvin_LOTRO: I like the Balrog, personally.
[17:58] Annuvin_LOTRO: He's large, and even though he's somewhat round, he's not friendly.
[17:58] Annuvin_LOTRO: Have to let it all hang out for the non-jolly fat man.

[17:58] AutumnKiss: Alright folks, that's the end of tonight's Dev Chat with the team from Lord of the Rings Online: Shadows of Angmar! Please join us next time!
[17:58] LOTRO_Saffron: Just remember: Far to the north, beyond the borders of Evendim, lie the icy barrens known as Forochel. Visit this page ((Link: for a user-friendly glimpse of what's coming in Book 13!
This post contains questions asked after the dev chat, and the answers given.
On Character Customization (Customisation?)
[SMS]Gortok: My question: As a Level 50 minstrel, there are only a few options available to me for my traits. There isn't a whole lot that differentiates me from another minstrel, stuff that makes me 'me'. With this in mind, what are your plans to provide more depth for character development?
[21:04] Annuvin_LOTRO: Gor, I'd love to answer that specific question, but give me a week.
On Trophies in Crafting (Icons)
[21:04] Liminal: Can you scholars think of a simple solution we could suggest to make telling they eyes apart easier? Like maybe recolor them?
[21:04] Keth_Turbine: Actually Liminal, we are looking at reducing the variety of the trophies needed for crit'ing, so your life may get easier.
On Adding Character Depth (But not too much!)
[21:05] [SMS]Gortok: For what it's worth, annuvin: I don't want this to be like DAoC, where you spend 3 months getting a character to 15, and realize by 40 (and two years later) that you totally borked your race/character/ 'trait' development, and realize you have to spend another two years getting it back.
[21:05] Annuvin_LOTRO: Yeah. I won't ever make this game like that, so long as I'm working on it.
[21:06] Annuvin_LOTRO: During dev, one of my few 'mandates' was 'no making a choice that you regret 40+ levels later.
On Rifts and Raids
[21:05] SiSL: its like 4% of entire population does raid but we get its question
[21:06] [SMS]Gortok: SiSL: I would be interested to know what the percentages are that spend time in the rift, compared to other 'lesser' instances.
[21:07] Annuvin_LOTRO: Currently, the Rift is highly visited. We're processing that info, and trying to ensure that we can spread some of that love around the high level instances.
On Forochel
[21:07] [SMS]Gortok: What levels will it be open to?
[21:09] Annuvin_LOTRO: re: Spreading the love, we'd be targetting other folks at 50, Gor.
On the UI, and complaints about it
[21:08] Annuvin_LOTRO: As for our UI: It has its ups and downs. What about it 'specificall' do you not like? The AH? The backpack? The Social Panel?
[21:09] SiSL: my only UI problem is with crafting, better horizantal layout like AH or quest journal
[21:09] Vlantar: my only ui issue is on one toon i cannot change the color of user chats.. nor get it to display the px size.. resets ever time i log in and does not change while i am in
[21:10] Annuvin_LOTRO: Ahh. Well, I'm a bit surprised we didn't get more skinning going on with our game, but I suppose that's no excuse. As things stand, we try to introduce more gameplay options as we move from book to book.
[21:10] Annuvin_LOTRO: Overall, we have to consider where our time goes, as every book we only have a finite amount of time.
Book 14: Much needed side humor
[21:12] Keth_Turbine: not sure how much longer I'll be about, it's about time I get home... after I tweak some EXCITING BOOK 14 CONTENT SPECS.
[21:12] DBSRick: exciting book 14 specs? does that imply there are unexciting book 14 specs?
[21:12] Keth_Turbine: oh yes, I am designing the most boring and uninteresting instances every conceived.
[21:12] Keth_Turbine: they will actually suck in other instances and make them uninteresting.
[21:13] Keth_Turbine: instances in other games even.
On Being 50 and Beryl Shard ("Rare Spawns") Droppers
[21:10] [SMS]Gortok: One thing, at 50, I don't find much time to just canvas the area -- e.g., I'm always mapping somewhere, and thus missing out on the oh so random 'event based' droppers. Any thoughts to sticking some of the drop rates in instances (GT throne room, GT Drop? Rift drop? Rift throne room?)
[21:12] Annuvin_LOTRO: re: Gortok Yeah, we'd like to revisit most of our previous instances, and try to make them more enticing. We'll see where it falls in the upcoming books.
[21:13] Vlantar: btw i likes the annuminas instances.. been runin then alot now that i convinced my kin to do them they are fun
[21:13] Keth_Turbine: yeah, I like them too, but they do have some barriers to make them truly, truly fun.
[21:13] [SMS]Gortok: I'd love to do annuminas, but the set drops never seemed worth the time it took to get the barter items.
[21:14] Keth_Turbine: yeah, that's why we tweaked the quests. I'm still not opposed to tweaking the bartering rates, but I'd like to see how the quests impact it before we do that.
Marketing Ninja Alert!
[21:17] Bludwyng2: Remember, Folks. The idea is to try to do these Dev Chats every month for each game on Allakhazam.
[21:18] Bludwyng2: It takes alot of work to set these up, but we hope to do focused chats in the futire, where each chat is on a specific topic or group of topics
In Response to a comment about Another 20something level area (besides Lone Lands)
[21:22] Keth_Turbine: if I had infinite time and resources, I'd like to see revisions to Ered Luin and another Lone-lands level region.
[21:22] Annuvin_LOTRO: Heh, well, I know you never really get credit for revisiting the old, only adding the new.
Misty Mountain Silver (aptly named, it seems)
[21:22] Peneros: will there be misty mountain silver in forochel?
[21:23] Keth_Turbine: you know the fundamental problem with Misty Mountains Silver is that it is called "Misty Mountains Silver."
[21:23] Keth_Turbine: it is really difficult to put it anywhere else.
[21:23] Annuvin_LOTRO: True. Maybe if it was called "ultra cold" silver, it would be there.
On Mounted Swimming, Horses Underwater, and Boats Jousting (Reverse those)
[21:24] Daakkon: Annuvin_LOTRO what about swimming, will it ever be possible to swim underwater?
[21:25] Annuvin_LOTRO: Good point of debate. I'd rather introduce boat combat before that, and I'd rather introduce mounted combat, before that.
[21:25] Keth_Turbine: and unlike other more high fantasy games, we are limited in how long we could let you stay underwater.
Where Fishing makes an appearance
[21:26] Keth_Turbine: I'm honestly not sure what you can fish up, but I have heard some interesting things.
[21:26] Annuvin_LOTRO: Boots.
[21:26] Annuvin_LOTRO: Rings.
[21:26] Annuvin_LOTRO: Nazgul.
[21:26] Keth_Turbine: you can actually fish up an empty bottle to store potions in...
[21:27] DBSRick: oooo! If we fish up a Nazgul can we keep it!?
[21:27] Keth_Turbine: (little Zelda reference there.)
J'espère que ce sera une zone 50+ et non une 45-50, car je vois pas trop ce que ça apporterait de nouveau au jeu.
Il y a bien assez de zone 45-50 actuellement même plus que nécessaire pour faire son jeu et ses niveaux.

Allez croisons les doigts, car il y a quand même énormément de joueurs 50 qui ont besoin d'aventures dignes de ce nom
vu comment on galère en Angmar avec mes compagnons, je suis bien contente de trouver une zone ou l'on pourra s'en sortir en petite communauté.

Je laisse volontiers les super guerriers s'occuper de Carn Dum si il y a des aventures plus à ma portée ailleurs.
Citation :
Publié par Gilkir
Vous pouvez aller ici, vous avez les détailles des prochaines mises a jour du jeu !
Le liens non officiel, non vérifier qui reviens en boucle. (juste une boutade amicale )

Bon ceci dit peut-être qu'au bout du compte on finira par ce rendre compte que ce lien n'était pas aussi délirant que ça, l'avenir nous le dira
Citation :
Publié par Yasriel
Bon ceci dit peut-être qu'au bout du compte on finira par ce rendre compte que ce lien n'était pas aussi délirant que ça, l'avenir nous le dira

Pas faux mais ce serai mieux si quelqu'un se souvenait de ce qu'ils avaient prévu y'a 6 mois pour voir si c'était réaliste.
Depuis juin que je compare… l’ordre d’apparition des zones est respecté… pour ce qui est des dates de sortie, c’est bien plus approximatif… Ce n’est pas d’une fiabilité à toute épreuve mais il ne se sont pas beaucoup trompé.

Une chose que je remarque, c’est que les contours des zones qui sont annoncés sont assez précis (je n’ai pas dis fiable) et que les noms des livres futurs et leur contenus semblent assez étoffé…
Ce n’est donc pas une source officielle, mais force est de constater que ceux qui ont fait cette animation semblent assez bien renseignés.
En même temps Trubien a toujours dit qu'il ferait son développement en suivant les lieux par lesquels passe la Communauté et Tolkien a produit un monde très précis.

Sans dénigrer le boulot de ces fans, qui produisent en plus de smises à jour régulières, on sait tous quelles régions vont venir prochainement et dans quel ordre.

Le plus dur...c'est bien sûr les dates, forcément là seul Turbine peut répondre.
Citation :
Publié par Rogon Feuillegrise
En même temps Trubien a toujours dit qu'il ferait son développement en suivant les lieux par lesquels passe la Communauté et Tolkien a produit un monde très précis.

Sans dénigrer le boulot de ces fans, qui produisent en plus de smises à jour régulières, on sait tous quelles régions vont venir prochainement et dans quel ordre.

Le plus dur...c'est bien sûr les dates, forcément là seul Turbine peut répondre.
Certes, certes... mais pour autant que je m'en souvienne, Forchel était indiqué sur cette timeline depuis le départ... Si je ne m'abuse, à part peut être Gandalf, je doute qu'aucun autre membre de la Communauté n'y ai jamais mis les pieds...
C'est surtout qu'ils réactualisent la carte dès que Turbine donne des infos...

Le Livre XIV:aucune nouvelle zone,si Turbine en annonce une,je suis sur qu'elle va y apparaître 2 jours après...Dans le même ordre d'idée,ils rajoutaient une nouvelle zone par mois,j'y ai jeté un oeil,et ils ont retirés celles qu'ils avaient prévu au Livre XII,etc...Donc,au final,c'est sur que quand Turbine aura fini le jeu,la carte aura été mise à jour comme le jeu,mais dans le présent,c'est du grand n'importe quoi(suffit de regarder d'ici la fin de l'année,Edoras dans uns instance alors qu'on ne verra pas le Rohan avant je sais plus quand,d'après eux,etc...)!

J'ai toujours trouvé ça plutôt pénible,car ça induit pas mal de joueurs en erreur,qui risquent d'être déçus,après...

Pour Forochel,Turbine le confirme,bonne nouvelle,,et la nouvelle zone a l'air sympa et asse z grande(même sans compter l'océan)!
Loup solitaire
Commandeur et Maître des Lettres du LCA-TESO
"Penses à la solution,pas au problème"
Il me semblait avoir mis que ce site n'était pas officiel..

Toutes mes excuses !!!

Bref, j'aime quand même y aller faire un tour, parce que pour l'instant, ça propose depuis quelques mois (bien sur, on laisse passer l'addon's payant tant attendu qui a été repoussé et que tout le monde a vu sur ce site (n'empêche, imaginez, si c'était vrai, ça serait dans 3 semaines avril !!... ( troll : ils risquent gros à le mettre "qu'en" Décembre...)) quelque chose d'assez véridique !!!
ça donne un bon aperçu (subjectif certes) de l'évolution du jeu

Malgré le fait qu'il soit non officiel, je pense que de regarder seulement ça, ça permet de rester un peu rêveur... et convaincu que rester sur Lotro, c'est pas pour faire "rebelle anti-WOW" ou autre surnom débile qu'on pourrait nous donner, mais seulement rêveur d'un nouveau MMORPG qui va laisser une trace de patte d'ouargue dans l'histoire des jeux vidéos online...
En ces temps de réchauffement planétaire rien ne vaut un petit sorbet à déguster

je trouve assez sympa de nous proposer une zone quasi inédite et trés peu connue de la terre du millieu.

je prend aussi le pari que nous aurons du contenu 50 + à coup sûr

je sais pas si cela a été déjà vu mais j 'ai trouvé deux screens de la nouvelle région :

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