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Vous trouverez ici toutes les informations connues sur les Carrières (ou classes) de Warhammer Online. Ces informations proviennent des informations données par le jeu et des retours d’expérience des joueurs de la bêta européennes et américaines. Attention cependant, les compétences et par conséquence le rôle des Carrières peuvent encore un peu changer durant la béta, et nous pouvons nous attendre à ce qu'elles subissent également des modifications après la release, comme tout bon MMO qui se respecte... Les compétences présentées sont toutes celles que peut posséder une carrière donnée au niveau 40, ceci comprenant les compétences de bases et celles de spécialisations. Les valeurs des compétences, données à titre d'indication, sont celles de personnages de niveau 31 avec 5 points dans chaque voie de Maitrise, issus de la version 3.2 de la Beta. Description généralehttps://war.jeuxonline.info/carrieres/detail/6 - Points Forts & Apport de la classe au groupe :
- Points Faibles:
- Gameplay de la classe (catégories) :
-Voies de Maitrise [*]Big Shootin' : combat à l'arc de longue portée[*]Stabbin' : combat au corps à corps[*]Quick Shootin' : combat à courte portée et à l'arc en mouvement /!\ Listes ci-dessous non à jour (1.3) CompétencesBehind Ya! 25 Action Points 65 ft range Instant cast 10s cooldown Target must be facing away from you A sneaky bow shot which deals 200 damage to the target. Bite No Cost 5 ft range Instant cast 10s cooldown Requires Squig Armor A powerful bite that deals 270 damage and has a greatly increased chance to critically hit. Bolster War Engine No Cost 5 ft range 3s cast 300s cooldown Only usable on Siege Engines Siege Targetted buff. Increases damage done by that siege engine by 10% for 30 seconds. Does not work on Rams. Only one effect of this type per siege engine. Bounce No Cost 5 ft range Instant cast 15s cooldown Requires Squig Armor Knocks your target down for 3 seconds. Choking Arrer 30 Action Points 100 ft range 1s cast 30s cooldown A Crippling shot that deals 103 damage and silences your target for 5 seconds, making them unable to use magic. Chomp 40 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast 10s cooldown Requires an active pet Commands your pet to deal damage. Claw No Cost 5 ft range Instant cast 2s cooldown Requires Squig Armor Forces your Battle Squig to claw at the target, dealing 150 damage. Cut Ya! 25 Action Points 5 ft range Instant cast An Ailment which deals 231 damage over 9 seconds. Diminish War Engine No Cost 100 ft range 3s cast 300s cooldown Only usable on Siege Engines Siege Targetted debuff. Decreases damage done by that siege engine by 10% for 30 seconds. Does not work on Rams. Only one effect of this type per siege engine. Don't Eat Me 20 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast 15s cooldown You Detaunt your target, making them hate you less and causing them to deal 50% less damage to you for 15 seconds. If you attack anyone that you have Detaunted, the effect will immediately end. Don't Hit Me! 40 Action Points 5 ft range Instant cast 10s cooldown You deal 100 damage and interrupt your target's building ability. Drop That!! 20 Action Points 5 ft range Instant cast 30s cooldown Target must be Ailing A Crippling attack that deals 125 damage and disarms your target for 5 seconds, making them unable to use melee or ranged weapons. Only usable against a target that is Ailing. Explodin' Arrer 40 Action Points 100 ft range 2s cast 10s cooldown An Ailment which deals 136 Elemental damage to your target and then explodes, dealing an additional 168 Elemental damage over 9 seconds to the target and all other enemies within 20 feet of them. Farty Squig 60 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast 20s cooldown Requires an active pet You cause your pet to explode, dealing 300 damage to enemies within 30 feet. For the next 10 seconds, the next different squig other than the one that just exploded will be summoned instantly. Finish 'em Off. 25 Action Points 100 ft range 2s cast 5s cooldown Deals 273 damage if your target is below 20% hit points, or 136 damage otherwise. Foot Stab 45 Action Points 5 ft range Instant cast 20s cooldown A Crippling attack which deals 175 damage and stuns your target for 3 seconds. Gas Squig 60 Action Points 2s cast 30s cooldown You may only have 1 active pet Summons a Gas squig pet which you can order around. This pet attacks from range, but is very weak to attacks. The maximum range of your bow attacks is increased by 10% as long as this squig is alive. Cooldown will begin when you lose control of your pet for any reason. Hamper War Engine No Cost 100 ft range 3s cast 300s cooldown Only usable on Siege Engines Siege Targetted debuff. Increases the times it takes to fire that siege engine by 2 seconds for 30 seconds Horned Squig 60 Action Points 2s cast 30s cooldown You may only have 1 active pet Summons a Horned squig pet which you can order around. This pet deals more damage than a basic squig. It is strong against physical attacks, but weak against magic. Your armor is increased by 100% as long as this squig is alive. Cooldown will begin when you lose control of your pet for any reason. Lemme Out! No Cost Instant cast Requires Squig Armor Climb out of your Battle Squig, removing your squiggy armor. It will take you 3 seconds to work your way out, and you can not move during this time. The Battle Squig will vanish once you are out. Lots o' Arrers 30 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast 7s cooldown You concentrate on your target for up to 3 seconds, repeatedly shooting them for 64 damage as long as you maintain your concentration. Not So Fast! 20 Action Points 65 ft range 1s cast 10s cooldown A Crippling shot that deals 100 damage and reduces your target's Initiative by 50 for 10 seconds. This ability will continue to build up even if you move. Poison Arrer 30 Action Points 100 ft range 3s cast 5s cooldown Deals 412 Corporeal damage to your target. Rotten Arrer 40 Action Points 65 ft range Instant cast Target must be Ailing An Ailment which deals 297 damage to your target over 9 seconds and causes all healing effects used on them to become 50% weaker. Only usable on a target that is already Ailing. Run 'n Shoot 45 Action Points 65 ft range 1s cast Deals 75 damage to your target. This ability will continue to build up even if you move. Run Away! 55 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast 45s cooldown Requires an active pet You command your squig to Taunt all enemies within 40 feet and knock yourself forward. Shoot Thru Ya 50 Action Points 2s cast A piercing arrow which deals 166 damage to all enemies in front of you, up to 65 feet away. This ability will continue to build up even if you move. Shout No Cost 100 ft range Instant cast 10s cooldown Requires Squig Armor Your target's armor is reduced by 818 for 10 seconds, and they lose a small amount of Morale. Shrapnel Arrer 40 Action Points 100 ft range 2s cast 10s cooldown Deals 67 damage to your target. On contact, it will explode in to shrapnel, dealing 205 damage to all enemies within 45 feet of the target over 15 seconds. Spiked Squig 60 Action Points 2s cast 30s cooldown You may only have 1 active pet Summons a Spiked squig pet which you can order around. This pet attacks from range and has increased damage, but decreased toughness. Your chance to critically hit is increased by 5% as long as this squig is alive. Cooldown will begin when you lose control of your pet for any reason. Spin 'n Slash 30 Action Points Instant cast 10s cooldown Deals 125 damage to all enemies in an arc in front of you, up to 30 feet away. Squig Armor 60 Action Points 5s cast 300s cooldown Summons a massive battle squig which will promptly eat you. From within the battle squig, you can poke and prod it to move it around and make it attack. You will lose control of any squig pets once inside the battle squig. Squig Frenzy 40 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast 180s cooldown Requires an active pet You whip your pet in to a frenzy, causing it to do 50% more auto attack damage for 30 seconds. Sticky Squigz 30 Action Points Instant cast 20s cooldown All enemies within 30 feet become Rooted, making them unable to move for 5 seconds. Rooted targets have a 50% chance to break free when they suffer damage. Stop Runnin! 25 Action Points 65 ft range 1s cast 20s cooldown An Ailment which deals 75 damage and snares your target, reducing their run speed by 40% for 10 seconds. This ability will continue to build up if you move. Tastes Like Chicken 15 Action Points 100 ft range Instant cast 60s cooldown Requires an active pet You eat your squig, gaining 300 health. You will gain less health if your pet has taken damage. For the next 10 seconds, the next different squig other than the one that was just eaten will be summoned instantly. What Blocka? 45 Action Points 100 ft range 1s cast 5s cooldown An undefendable attack which deals 155 damage. Yer Bleedin'! 25 Action Points 65 ft range Instant cast An Ailment which deals 165 damage to your target over 15 seconds. Tactics'Ere, Squiggy! When you are dealt damage, there is a 25% chance that 50% of the damage is dealt to your squig, if it is within 45 feet. Aimin' Quickly Plink now builds up 1 seconds faster. All By Meself You deal 25% more damage when you have no pets present. Clever Recovery If an enemy dodges any of your attacks, you will regain 75 Action Points.This effect will not trigger more than once every 3 seconds. Clever Shootin' All of your Path Of Big Shootin' abilities cost 35% fewer action points. Clever Stabbin' All of your Path Of Big Stabbin' abilities cost 35% fewer action points. Da Smell Don't Bother Me Squig Armor's cooldown is reduced by 120 seconds, and it will now last for 90 seconds. Da Waaagh Iz Strong Increases durations of Yer Bleeding to 24s, Stop Runnin to 15s, and Not So Fast! to 15s. Expert Skirmisher You deal 25% more damage when you are within 45 feet of your target, but 20% less damage when you are further than 45 feet away from them. He's A Biggun' Your summoned Squig's Strength and Toughness are increased by 124 I Feelz Yer Pain Any time you critically hit with a Path Of Big Shootin' ability, you will regain 50 Action Points. This effect will not trigger more than once every 3 seconds. I Got Lots Your Squig pets no longer have cooldown times. Pick On Yer Own Size Any time you defend yourself against an attack, your chance to critically hit will be increased by 30% for 10 seconds. Pierce Defenses If an enemy blocks, dodges, or parries any of your attacks, their chances to block, dodge, and parry will be reduced by 15% for 10 seconds. RUN AWAY! Any time you are hit, there is a 25% chance that your movement speed will be increased by 30% for 5 seconds. Sharp Toofs Chomp's damage is increased to 250, and its cost is reduced by 15 Action Points. Sharpened Arrers Explodin Arrer now deals 239 damage to the initial enemy, and 237 damage over 9 seconds with its explosion. Shootin' Wif Da Wind Increases the ranges of all Path Of Quick Shootin' abilities by 50%. Sneaky Stabbin Cut Ya, Drop That!, Don't Hit Me, Spin 'N Slash, and Foot Stab gain a 25% chance to ignore all of the victim's armor. Splinterin' Arrers Run 'N Shoot will now also damage all enemies within 20 feet of your target. Steady Aim Increases your Ballistic Skill by 124 Strength In Numbas Any time one of your groupmates hits an enemy, there is a 25% chance that you will regain 100 points of Morale over 3 seconds. This effect will not trigger more than once every 3 seconds. Too Smart For Dat Increases your Spirit resistance by 195. Whazat behind you?! Any time you are hit, there is a 25% chance that you will Detaunt the enemy, making them hate you less and causing them to deal 25% less damage to you for 5 seconds. If you hit anyone that you have Detaunted, the effect will end. MoralesArrer O' Mork Morale Rank 4 No Cost 40 ft range Instant cast 60s cooldown Deals 800 damage to all targets in front of you within 40 feet, and then deals an additional 800 over 10 seconds. Concealment Morale Rank 1 No Cost Instant cast 60s cooldown With luck and experience you are able to both Dodge and Disrupt all attacks against you for 7 seconds. Explosive Shots Morale Rank 3 No Cost Instant cast 60s cooldown All of your ranged attacks will explode for the next 10 seconds, dealing 210 damage to all enemies within 30 feet of your target. Focused Mind Morale Rank 2 No Cost Instant cast 60s cooldown For the next 10 seconds, you will remove and ignore any silencing, disarming, rooting, snaring effects and your abilities will build 50% faster and may not be set back. Hail Of Doom Morale Rank 4 No Cost 100 ft range Instant cast 60s cooldown You focus on a spot on the ground for up to 5 seconds, constantly shooting at all enemies within 30 feet of that area for 240 damage. Lots Of Shootin' Morale Rank 4 No Cost 100 ft range Instant cast 60s cooldown Deals 1648 damage to all targets within 30 feet of your target. Point-Blank Morale Rank 1 No Cost 65 ft range Instant cast 60s cooldown A mid-range attack that deals 480 damage and knocks targeted player away. Monsters will be knocked down. Soothin' Mushroom Wrap Morale Rank 1 No Cost Instant cast 60s cooldown Your group member's actions cost 50% less AP for 10 seconds. Squig Goo Morale Rank 2 No Cost 100 ft range Instant cast 60s cooldown Targeted AE attack that deals 720 over 9 seconds to all enemies within 30 feet, and snares the targets by 60%. Squigbeast Morale Rank 3 No Cost 100 ft range Instant cast 60s cooldown Pet Buff. Triples pet damage output and increases the size of your pet for 15 seconds. Unshakable Focus Morale Rank 2 No Cost Instant cast 60s cooldown A cold unyielding focus increases your damage by 100% for 7 seconds. Wind Up Da Waaagh Morale Rank 4 No Cost Instant cast 60s cooldown Deals 1600 damage to all targets within 30 feet of you |
19/08/2008, 17h14 |
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[Wiki] Carrière - Dresseur de Squig
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Classe très faible et bugué pour le moment
27/09/2008, 19h45 |
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ouai moi je joue chassou et j'ai ma capaciter pour:
-silence -bump -stun -debuff d'initiative qui bugg presque a chaque foie si goa ou mythic me lie régler moi se problème |
16/02/2010, 01h12 |
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