Patch 2.1.2

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v2.1.2 Update Details

Hi, it's Com2uS!

Summoners War v2.1.2 has been updated. Please check below for details!

[Update Times]
Global – 00:30am PDT
Europe​​​​ - 09:15am CEST
Asia – 3:00pm Taiwan Standard Timezone
South Korea – 3:00pm KST
Japan - 3:30pm JST
China - 2:45pm CST​​

* The actual update will be applied through an auto update during the maintenance. (Android/iOS)
* Details can be checked through the maintenance notice.

v2.1.2 Update Details

▶ 5 New Transmogrifications: Sleepy Occult Girl, Mission Commander Phantom Thief, Astronaut Brownie Magician​, Master of Harmony Taoist, Celestial Knight Vagabond

▶ The Raid Support Function has been improved.
- A new menu has been added to differentiate Invite and Support. This new menu can be accessed by going to Raid > Invite.
- Friends or Guild Members that can be Invited/used will be highlighted.
- The remaining number of Friend Supports available will be displayed more intuitively.

▶ Consecutive Summons has been added to the game. Now you will be able to “Summon 10 Times” using the Unknown Scrolls.
- The “Summon 10 Times” button will appear at the Summonhenge once a user reaches Lv. 30.
- The “Summon 10 Times” feature will Summon 10 Monsters at once, and if the Summoned Monsters include a 3★ Monster, the lightning effect will appear.

▶ You will be guaranteed to get a 6★ Legendary Rune on your first purchase of the Rune Packages.
- Previously, you would get five 5-6★ Magic Runes with one guaranteed 6★ Rune.
- Now, you are guaranteed to get a 6★ Legendary Rune on your first purchase additionally.
* This will be applied to the Rune Packages after the v2.1.2 update. All initial purchases during the sales period will count.

▶ Bug Fixes
- The issue of the Guild Points not appearing correctly at the Guild Info has been resolved.
- Fixed an issue of the chat becoming temporarily unavailable while the stage clear time record is being renewed.

▶Skill Bug Fixes
- The visual effect of Water Brownie Magician’s “Harmless Prank” has been modified to appear in more appropriate timings.
- The HP related Passive Skills of some Monsters will now work as intended when the team is moving on to the next wave.
(EX: Water Dragon Knight’s “Flow (Passive)” – Recovers HP at each turn / Dark Mummy’s “Cursed Body (Passive)” – Decreases the current HP by 5% each turn)
Citation :
▶ Consecutive Summons has been added to the game. Now you will be able to “Summon 10 Times” using the Unknown Scrolls.
- The “Summon 10 Times” button will appear at the Summonhenge once a user reaches Lv. 30.
- The “Summon 10 Times” feature will Summon 10 Monsters at once, and if the Summoned Monsters include a 3★ Monster, the lightning effect will appear.


Il l'ont fait !!
Citation :
Publié par Myrhdin
Si à la prochaine ils annoncent qu'on peut split les essences obtenues en essences d'un niveau moindre, ça devient carrément une semaine de vacances.
Si seulement x)
Citation :
Publié par AlexRiot
+ enlever les anims de critique !
je doute qu'ils le fassent depuis le temps que c'est demandé, et vu qu'ils ont amélioré l'utilisation des boutons pendant le crit. ça doit faire partie de la limitation du hl pour ralentir leurs runs ^^
Carrément les Toaists. Les Vagabons aussi ont un regain de classe.

Et les occult girls sont maintenant armées... d'une brosse à dent... ?
Citation :
Publié par AlexRiot

Il l'ont fait !!
Moi j'ai plutôt été genre dans un premier temps :


Et quand la joie est retombée, c'était plutôt :


Have Fun ! Have a Kitkat
No When
No Want
No Worries
Pseudo SW IG : Meliandre
La maj est cool et les skins vagabond, taoiste et voleur sont cools quoi. Je sais pas quoi faire^^.

Pour la maj, suis juste un petit peu déçu qu'ils n'aient pas corrigés les traductions comme on a eu le téléchargement des données pour y'a quelques jours. Mais c'est chipoter.
il manque plus que l'option qui permettrai de scroller direct tout en bas de la liste des monstres au power-up circle et je flambe mes 3k US par vengeance

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