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Patch du serveur test d'aujourd'hui:
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  • Crushing Smite - Replaced DoT with execute affix and 4s cooldown. Restores spirit based on remaining Armor.
  • Titanic Slam - Damage increased and cooldown increased to 8s. When below 50% Armor, gain 50% Armor and deal bonus damage equal to 0.5% per 1% remaining Armor. When above 50% Armor, this damage bonus is doubled.
  • Colossal Roar - Removed Spirit cost. Now grants a 6s buff which increases Colossus’ maximum health and defense rating.
Emma Frost
  • Telepathic Mastery - Constitution buff duration increased from 2s to 8s
Invisible Woman
  • Restored damage shield from live in place of 10% damage negation
  • Righeous Frenzy - Now has Melee tag
  • Brimstone Blitz - Now has Melee tag
  • Bamf Bomb - This power now has a 2s grace period for bonus damage after stealth
Rocket Raccoon
  • Razor Sharp Wits - Added damage rating
  • Gravity Mine - Projectile speed increased
  • Heavy Plasma Rifle - Projectile speed increased, attack speed slightly increased
  • Photon Minigun - Remove BossKiller in favor of 40% bonus damage while Combat Shield is not empty
  • Groot - Increased cooldown to 10s, increase Groot's directed power damage by a large amount to compensate
  • H7 Fleetslayer - Removed Spirit cost. Added Specialization tech, converting the old Assault & Battery passives and adding a third option, creating a build that focuses on not using any summons and amplifies explosives:
  • Battery Specialization
    • H7 Fleetslayer's damage is increased by X% of your summoned ally bonus damage.
    • Summoned ally damage increased 30%
    • Summon power spirit costs reduced 50%
    • Groot gains 25% critical and brutal chance
    • Summon an additional Blaster Turret
  • Assault Specialization
    • Makes Heavy Gauss Rifle a cooldown layer.
    • H7 Fleetslayer restores X (scaling) spirit per activation
    • Gun power spirit costs reduced 25%
    • Gun damage increased 25% (damage mult)
    • Adds an extra DoT to Gun powers
  • Explosives Specialization
    • H7 Fleetslayer gains 1 extra shot
    • Gravity Mine gains 8s cooldown & bonus damage
    • C7 Stun Grenade gains 8s cooldown & bonus damage
    • Heavy Plasma Shot damage increased 150%, reduced by 15% for 30s when you place a turret (stacking up to 5 times), and an additional 30% if Groot has been summoned
  • Amazing Smash - Spirit cost removed
  • Flawless Emulation - Damage negation procs reduced to 5% each for a total of 10%
  • Fearless Acrobat - Melee damage rating increased
  • Peerless Archer - Ranged damage rating and Brutal Strike rating increased
Patch du lundi sur serveur test:
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Rocket Raccoon
  • Combat Shield - now absorbs all incoming damage, but has a much lower capacity. Passive effect now grants 10% damage negation, projectile deflection, more defense rating, and the endurance / shield restoration on orb pickup effect formerly on Razor-Sharp Wits.
  • Razor-Sharp Wits - has gained the cleanse active, Dexterity team buff, and dodge rating of Keen Planning.
  • Keen Planning - has been removed from Rocket's power trees.
  • Photon Minigun - bonus damage affix changed to "Bonus to enemies affected by M78 Plasma Launcher". Base damage slightly increased.
  • Tactics Specialization - is renamed back to Battery Specialization. The power once again summons 2 turrets per activation. Spirit cost reduction of summons increased to 100%
  • Assault Specialization - Spirit restoration per Fleetslayer activation increased to 50
  • Explosive Specialization - grenade bonus damage increased to 300%. Heavy Plasma Rifle bonus increased to 200%, but decreases from turrets and Groot increased. Adds 2 extra activations to Fleetslayer.
  • Heavy Plasma Rifle - now deals bonus critical damage.
  • Photon Pistols - now restores Spirit on hit.
  • My Friend, Groot - cooldown change reverted to previous build
  • Colossal Roar - now additionally restores Spirit for the duration of the buff
Ms. Marvel
  • Infused Uppercut - cost reduced to 12, added DoT
  • Stellar Flare - no longer a chargeup power, now has 8s CD, cost reduced to 25. Animation adjustments to improve responsiveness.
  • Crashdown Strike - DoT duration increased to 8s
Il semblerait que les limbos arriveront avant la salle des dangers selon la derniere estimation:
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I can answer a few of these:
  • Rebuilt Limbo game mode probably soon-ish; this will play more like the Age of Ultron game mode in that you enter as a team, fight through a set of challenges, then complete as a team
  • Danger Room later this year
  • Story Content Refit in stages over the rest of this year and possibly into early next year as well; this will involve fleshing out a lot of the existing zones, cleaning up legacy issues, and overall trying to make it a reasonable choice reward-wise for a player's time
  • New Secret Invasion chapter currently expected out later this year.
  • New patrol mode tied into and incorporated into the end of the Secret Invasion chapter content
  • New patrol mode (in addition to Secret Invasion chapter one) with a lot of new art, a couple of new bosses, and new mob pathing tech that will let this patrol have some dramatically new gameplay mechanics
  • New raid
  • Brand new major gameplay element called [REDACTED], probably next year

Dernière modification par Associal ; 02/06/2015 à 07h31.
le secret invasion j'attend ça avec impatience, un de mes arc préférés avec le délire marvel zombie.
-A tout les coups on aura droit à la princesse sous l'apparence de jessica drew.
-Et pas mal de version skrull des persos.

Par contre c'est bizzare , ils se dirigent vers secret invasion .
Alors que les films et série se dirigent vers civil war , et je trouverais ça bizzare de sortir du secret invasion avant civil war .
Bon sinon vu que tout le monde s'en tape de la review de Thing, j'y vais de mes petites observations après test sur le TC.

Ben c'est vraiment pas fameux. Après les reviews de Punisher et Cap, j'avais de gros espoirs, là c'est un peu la douche froide.
- Le seul point positif c'est que le gameplay est un peu plus nerveux mais ça reste très en dessous des attentes. Là ça sent vraiment la review faite à l'arrache sans aucune ambition et idées pour le perso. Sa barre, faut juste taper non stop sinon elle descend furieusement vite.
- Les cooldowns sont justes inexplicablement et abusivement longs.
- La branche de droite est nulle à chier. A la limite le summon de HT sert à quelque chose mais pour le reste c'est la bulle. Mais alors le Yancy Street Gang
- Le Clobbering Time devient un passif donc on ne peut plus l'entendre gueule "It's clobbering time !"
- Son skill pour se déplacer est d'un ridicule...
- Toujours ce problème de spirit non résolu : les skills coûtent relativement chers pour un pool excessivement faible.
- En ayant plus de PV que Jugg' il encaisse moins bien.

Sinon on peut marrave les mobs avec des parcmètres.

J'espère qu'ils ne vont pas le sortir en l'état.
Merci pour le retour, c'est justement un perso que j'avais mit de côté en me disant que j'attendrai la review pour le pex.
Sur le forum de TC les problèmes que tu énonces ont été soulevés? Ils sont plutôt à l'écoute des joueurs pour les review il me semble quand même.
J'ai pas vu de réponses officielles sur le forum. Juste quelques personnes qui disent qu'il y a des trucs à revoir notamment la survivabilité et le problème de spirit.
Le reste des gens tombent systématiquement sur ceux qui disent qu'il y a problème(s) sur un perso donc ça donne pas vraiment envie de débattre.
Après Thing c'est pas vraiment un perso populaire. Même sur le TC j'en ai vu que deux en y ayant joué une bonne grosse heure.

Les cooldowns qui durent autant que ceux de Strange qui lui a plus de skills à jouer, c'est juste incompréhensible.
Je crois que c'est Ryolnir qui disait que la review de Thing était vraiment awesome et qu'il avait hâte que les gens testent, ben franchement je ne comprends pas.
Doomsaw spoiler pour l'anniversaire

This year we are focused on one larger gift each week. Easier to message and easier on your inventory...
I believe it's along the lines of:

Permanent Retcon / Birthday Cake Mark 2 week 1

Surprise Free Coupon for a the Hero of Your Choice week 2 (excluding Doom)

Surprise Pet week 3

Surprise Team-Up week 4

Something like that, but I'll double check the promotional schedule.

Do not mention that I discussed this, it's between you and me.
Patch de ce soir sur le serveur test :
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  • Pets & Summons damage increased by ~25%.
  • Medkits can now be used when players are already full on health.
  • Damage of Ammo-spending powers has been reduced overall; a tuning error from a previous update was corrected that was artificially increasing the damage of these powers. Overall base damage was increased slightly after this fix to compensate.
  • Head Shot heavy weapons multiplier restored to 50% bonus damage.
  • Web Shield now grants 20% spirit cost reduction while active.
Luke Cage
  • Unbreakable Skin damage negation increased to 25%.
  • Hero's Call now gives him a short buff of additional damage and negation.
  • Master Sorcerer total damage bonus is now flat rather than scaling per rank, also grants damage rating.
  • Spatial Deception now gains 20% of summoned ally damage as bonus.
Ms. Marvel
  • All Photonic spenders deal 150% bonus damage instead of 100%
  • Kree Toughness damage rating increased.
  • She-Hulk's Combo Point meter now has unique artwork.
Rocket Raccoon
  • Photon Minigun now scales in damage over time rather than dealing bonus damage to M78 affected targets.
  • Combat Shield pause time reduced to 2 seconds. Capacity slightly increased. Restoration on orb pickup increased to 25%.
  • H7 Fleetslayer is now tagged as a Gun power.
  • Assault Specialization DoT proc now matches tooltip damage. Spirit cost reduction and damage bonuses increased to 20%.
  • Battery specialization summon damage bonus increased to 75%.
  • Adamantium Skeleton damage negation increased to 20%.
  • Heart of a Beast damage negation increased to 20%.
Ainsi que les dernieres modifications sur les team ups 2.0 et leur equipement cosmique:
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Hey folks,
Today's Test Center build contains the new Team-Up gear changes! Here are the details:

Cosmic Team-Up Items
With the introduction of Team-Up 2.0, we have made some changes to Team-Up items. One of the biggest changes is the addition of a new tier, Cosmic Team-Up items.

These function very similarly to the player Cosmic items, but with different cosmic affixes. Cosmic Team-Up items will always have one of the following affixes:
  • When a Team-Up Away effect is triggered, you gain 25 spirit
  • When you defeat an enemy, your Team-Up gains 1% damage for 60 seconds, which stacks up to 30 times (can only gain 1 stack every 10 seconds).
  • When you use a Medkit, your Team-Up gains 100% health.
  • When you use a medkit, your Team-Up gains a 20% damage boost for 5 seconds.
  • Bosses and Elites hit by your attacks take 20% more damage from your Team-Up for 10 seconds.
  • -3s cooldown to Team-Up Away Powers
  • 10% when your Team-Up is attacked for them to become invulnerable for 4 seconds(10 second cooldown).
Changes to Existing Team-Up Stats
As Team-Ups now have their own leveling system, we’ve improved the stats on gear to better work with that system.
Before Team-Up 2.0, some item affixes were rating-based, using static numbers. We’ve upgraded this to a percent system to ensure Team-Up items scale nicely with Team-Up levels. Team-Up items now have a chance to contain the following stats, depending on slot:
Basic Stats (White Font) - Affixes that Enhance Team-Ups:
- Slot 1 - 20% Base Damage
- Slot 2 - 30% Damage Negation to All
- Slot 3 - +10 Credits per drop, 10% RIF, 10% SIF
- Slot 4 - 15% Crit Chance, 1% Health Regen per second
Green Stats - Affixes that Enhance Team-Ups:
- Slot 1 and 3 - Up to 10% All Team-Up Damage Types
- Slot 1 and 3 - Up to 50% Basic Damage
- Slot 1 and 3 - Up to 20% Special Damage
- Slot 1 and 3 - Up to 10% Crit Chance
- Slot 1 and 2 - Up to 30% Crit Damage
- Slot 3 and 4 - Up to 15% Brutal Chance
- Slot 2 and 4 - Up to 10% All Damage Negation
- Slot 2 and 4 - Up to 20% Dodge Chance
- Slot 2 and 4 - Up to 20% Projectile Deflect
- Slot 2 and 4 - Up to 1% Health Regeneration per Second
- Slot 1, 2, 3 and 4 - Up to 3% Cooldown Reduction
Green Stats - Affixes that Enhance Players
- Slot 1 and 3 - Up to 3% Physical Damage
- Slot 1 and 3 - Up to 3% Energy Damage
- Slot 1 and 3 - Up to 3% Mental Damage
- Slot 1 and 3 - Up to 3% Ranged Damage
- Slot 1 and 3 - Up to 3% Melee Damage
- Slot 1 and 3 - Up to 3% Crit Damage
- Slot 2 and 4 - Up to 1% Defense Rating
- Slot 2 and 4 - Up to 1% Dodge Rating
- Slot 2 and 4 - Up to 4% Projectile Absorb
- Slot 3 - Up to 4% Bonus Health
- Slot 2 - Up to 10 Extra Credits Per Drop
- Slot 1 - Up to 10% Rare Item Find
- Slot 4 - Up to 10% Special Item Find

Affixes No Longer Used

The following have been replaced (as listed above) and will not appear on new team-up gear. The affixes will remain on existing gear.
  • Specific Types of Damage Negation
  • Crit Chance For Players
  • Tenacity
  • Strength
  • Durability
  • Energy
  • Speed
  • Intelligence
  • Fighting
  • Move Speed
Known Issues
  • Certain bonuses from Cosmic Team-Up affixes do not reflect on the Team-Up statistics page.
  • Bonus damage from the stacking buff Cosmic Team-Up affix is not granting the correct amount of bonus damage.
If you have not yet been on Test Center, you can find the basic details on the upcoming Team-Up revision below:
It's here! Team-Up 2.0 is ready for the first batch of testing.
Here's the highlights of what's available in the first part of the Team-Up 2.0 revision:

Power Trees & Leveling
Team-Ups will now gain experience and levels, along with their own power points to spend on powers. This allows all sorts of new build options to open up - customize your Team-Up to play how you want it to play. A Team-Up gains a power point every Mastery Level.
For players that prefer to use their Team-Up in "away" mode, build options are available, and "away" powers are now highlighted in the Team-Up's power UI. Many of these powers also have power synergies with other powers in the tree, so there very well could be multiple "away" builds for a single Team-Up.

New Powers & Signature
Almost all Team-Ups have received some new powers as part of the update, and all Team-Ups now have a purple-marked Signature power at the bottom of their tree. This is identical to a player's signature - a powerful attack with a cooldown. It can be increased using power points just like a player's signature is able to.

At the top-right of the Team-Up UI, you'll be able to select the Style, identical to the former "Tier 1" passive selection. The options available are Bodyguard (permanent Team-Up), Assist (short-duration high-burst damage Team-Up), and a third option unique to the Team-Up that provides a boost to the player while they are away.

New Team-Up items dropped in the world will look a bit different. The base affix pool has been significantly changed to allow for more impactful affixes, and have baseline stats that affect the Team-Up equally, ensuring that equipping items has a positive effect (similar to the defense rating on Slot 2-5 gear for players). The tuning of these revamped affixes is still ongoing and may be changed based on feedback.

Still to Come
Cosmic Team-Up items will be added to the drop table very soon, which will add some additional affixes to Team-Up items that further supplement certain playstyles.
Team-Up Instant-XP potions are not yet available, but will be provided before launch. These are a one-time use potion that will jump up the Team-Up's Mastery Level, to give existing Team-Up users a jumpstart into the new system.
Team-Up Gear Boosts are also not yet available, but will be before launch.
Désolé, deuxieme post mais ca va commencer à faire long pour un seul:

Rocket Racoon:
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Hrm. Seemed to have missed the patch notes:
  • Heavy Gauss Rifle is no longer a Charge & Hold power - base damage has been increased, and has a 4s cooldown...
  • It looks like its fully functional as intended, but the tooltip still lists the charge value and bonus damage (which doesn't apply anymore since the base damage has already been retuned).
Les affixes aléatoires des mobs/boss:
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Inferno will be disabled on the live patch. It appears to still have the cooldown issue unlike the rest of the affixes. It will likely remain disabled until a more broad review of crowd control has been completed.
I also want to provide a bit more insight as to the overall design philosophy here and highlight a few of the changes in better context:
Each affix on average has twice the cooldown as it previously did, and in many cases, have cooldowns 3-4x as long as before. We want affixes to be visible and meaningful, but not cause too much visual clutter. The boss should still be the highlight.
Damaging affixes have been reduced in power by an average of 25%. Certain affixes (Power Cosmic to be certain) have accounted for too much incoming damage compared to the boss itself, and we want these affixes to support the encounter, not become the encounter.
Cosmic Terminals no longer always have Power Cosmic, but instead, pull from an additional set of 7 potential Cosmic affixes. They may still get Power Cosmic, they may not. This will make Cosmic Terminal boss runs more randomized and interesting, and will prevent certain player archetypes from having more difficulty than others.
New affixes have been installed throughout the game to create new gameplay scenarios in enemy encounters. Many of these new affixes can be used by heroes to their own advantage, such as the Damage Amp Field affix. This creates an area on the ground which amplifies all outgoing damage of anyone standing inside - friend or foe. Kurse runs may be even faster if you utilize a Damage Amp Field's positioning.
Pas mal pas mal ! J'aime bien la modif sur les medkit, on va pouvoir lancer l'invul même si on a un perso a forte regen qui a récupéré toute sa vie juste avant que Surtur fasse tomber son épée
Oooooh putain crash du PC hier pendant la session.
Ecran noir depuis et rien n'y fait et là ça tombe juste quand il faut pas avec l'event anniversaire.
Je suis deg
Citation :
Publié par Zanka
Oooooh putain crash du PC hier pendant la session.
Ecran noir depuis et rien n'y fait et là ça tombe juste quand il faut pas avec l'event anniversaire.
Je suis deg
Si tu peux pas te co envoies des id et je le ferai les week ends pour que tu aies au moins les cadeaux
Faut entretenir les relations inter guildes avant CU
Citation :
Publié par allensan
Hero token de notre choix.
Ultimate token de mon choix ? Aucune idée de qui va en profiter (vu que je suppose qu'on ne pourra pas le garder pour "plus tard", idem pour le token team up)
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Publié par Xenobia
Ultimate token de mon choix ? Aucune idée de qui va en profiter (vu que je suppose qu'on ne pourra pas le garder pour "plus tard", idem pour le token team up)
+1 xD
De Doomsaw :

The free hero coupon will work very simply:

Everyone who logs in for that designated weekend during anniversary month (including Friday, I believe), will receive a "Free Hero" coupon item.

Players can bring it to a vendor and exchange it for the hero token of their choice.

The vendor has every hero in the game that we released in the first two years of the game, up to (but not including) Doctor Doom.

You use the coupon as a "currency" to each for the hero token of your choice.

You can essentially use it as an ultimate upgrade if desired.

Future heroes won't be added to the vendor, but the vendor will be around until the end of summer, so you won't feel rushed and can make a careful decision. We'll give lots of notice before the vendor goes away.

I like this particular gift because it's very useful for new players (especially now that you can try out every hero until level 10), it's good for "moderate" players (who don't have every hero) and it's still useful for more experienced players who may have every hero on the roster (which is fairly common).

Let me know if you have any more questions. I believe @Ryolnir will have more details when that particular weekend comes up (such as the location of the vendor, and such).

Take care.

@Xenobia, tu auras donc jusqu'à la fin de l'été pour utiliser le token auprès du pnj spécifique.
A prévoir pour le mois de juin:
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June marks the two year anniversary of Marvel Heroes!
To celebrate the anniversary month, we don’t want a ton of hype and flashy stuff, but we do have a few nice birthday gifts to distribute and a few solid systems improvements that we’re focusing on for the month.

Here’s how the schedule looks for the month:

Week One (This Week):
  • Birthday Present! -- Birthday Cake Mark 2 Login Gift!
  • Dr. Doom is released
  • Thing’s Level 52 Design Review launches
  • Team-Up System 2.0 launches
  • Permanent Retcons are Permanent launches
Week Two
  • Birthday Present! -- Free Hero of Your Choice (pre Doctor Doom)
  • Plus, birthday cake slices drop and players can create more Birthday Cakes!
Week Three
  • Birthday Present! -- Free New Surprise Pet for Everyone! Dance!
  • Plus, the return of COWPOCALYPSE
  • Plus, the biggest Play with Devs event yet!
Week Four
  • Birthday Present! -- Free New Surprise Team-Up to Celebrate Team-Up Mark 2!
  • Plus, the return of the revamped A.R.M.O.R. Incursion Event!
Throughout the Month
  • Tuning Upgrades, More Unique Reviews, Bug Fixes, Quality of Life Stuff, Live Streams, server side exp boosts, another Team-Up from the Advance Pack, etc.
Oh! et :
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Two Med Kit changes are in the anniversary patch (today):
  • Med Kits now stack to 200
  • Med Kits can now be used anytime, even when you are at full health (since we have added so many "when you use a Med Kit" powers)
Someday, we are going to revamp the system to use a bunch of different unique Med Kits and explore that direction, but these two changes should hold us over for a bit.
Citation :
Publié par Wangbian
6.2 Go sur steam T_T

La maj pique un peux xd
3.3 Go sur le stand alone.

Sinon, bonheur le changement de stack max des medkit, jvais m'en faire un gros stock sous la main pour ne jamais être à cours quand j'ai besoin de lancer l'invul

Et ok sinon aussi pour la durée du pnj pour l'échange, ça me laissera le temps de choisir quel perso aura un +1 sur son ulti (storm en a pas mal besoin vu que je la sors beaucoup quand même ^^)
Citation :
Publié par Xenobia
3.3 Go sur le stand alone.
Oui, mais le stand alone entre les downloads a des phases de reconstruction de fichiers qui prend du temps. Ce que n'a pas steam (il re download tout).
Ils ont juste 2 méthodes différentes mais ce n'est pas plus rapide sur le stand alone
(Mon résumé perso, je dirais: si tu as une bonne connexion, Steam. Si tu n'a pas de bonne connexion mais un SSD, le stand alone. Si tu as les 2, steam aussi)
Citation :
Publié par Associal
Oui, mais le stand alone entre les downloads a des phases de reconstruction de fichiers qui prend du temps. Ce que n'a pas steam (il re download tout).
Ils ont juste 2 méthodes différentes mais ce n'est pas plus rapide sur le stand alone
(Mon résumé perso, je dirais: si tu as une bonne connexion, Steam. Si tu n'a pas de bonne connexion mais un SSD, le stand alone. Si tu as les 2, steam aussi)
La méthode de fonctionnement du stand alone a changé depuis quelques patches, c'est quasiment direct maintenant (il n'a plus de reconstruction longue, du moins je ne m'en suis pas rendu compte, je vais surveiller, il reste 500 mo à dl sur mon fichier), d'ailleurs, j'ai pu comparer une réinstallation de zéro entre l'ancienne et le nouvelle méthode, c'est le jour et la nuit (avant fallait télécharger les patches successifs 1 par 1, là c'est comme si on prenait direct la dernière version).

@Wang : ah peut être, 3.3 go c'est ce que je dl là, y'aura peut être d'autres fichiers après ? Je confirme après.

Edit@en dessous : oui c'est normal, le jeu est en train d'installer une mise à jour, les prévisions sur le forum étaient une réouverture vers 21h, peut être avant (mais peut être après aussi, on ne sait pas comment ça va se passer exactement )

Sinon, 2e download de 1.8 go après le 1er de 3.3, a voir si ça va monter jusqu'aux 12 indiqués sur le forum

Dernière modification par Xenobia ; 04/06/2015 à 18h26.

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