La Campagne du Nord est finie - cherchez pas.

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Un jump de cap coute 72% de la capa et non 95 (95% c'est ce qui est affiché dans le show info et sans skills). Si tu cloak à l'arrivé du warp de 1M de Km il y a peu de chance de t'être fait prober, ensuite faut pas croire qui a un mec prêt à probé à n'importe quel moment à H-W, puis reste la solution de tenter de Jump out à 2min avant le DT, y a rien de plus simple...
Les super carriers sont simplement bullé , les pilotes listé, si un seul se connecte ---> pif paf pastèque

Pour info, lors du roam d'hier sur Delve, un titan IT et 2 Supercarrier ont été bullé de la même façon, le titan s'en est sortit en DD les dictors/bulle, les MS suite au manque de Firepower du gank PL/NC ont pu sortir des bulles et partir.

Avec le skill Jump drive Operation lvl5 (obligatoire pour skiller calibration qui lui est obligatoire pour voyager sinon faut oublier ^^) il ne faut QUE 70% de capa pour pouvoir jumper, lorsque je jump à la limite du capacitor, il me reste à peine de jus pour warper vers la station destinée a regen ma capa en dock/undock, ce qui est plus rapide que d'attendre qu'elle se regen d'elle même
Même sans tenir compte de la capa.

Tout le monde sait sur quelle moon ils ont déco. Les prob sont donc déjà placées. Quand le gars sort de son warp, il a déjà des Hictor pour l'attendre.

La seule solution pour ne pas suicider son ship est d'être ultra patient (en espérant qu'il a une skill vraiment longue de lancée).
Le 15 Mai dernier :
A 0h25 : Un Aeon est mis en vente.
Entre 11h41 et 12h, perte de 4 sc par AAA dans H-W.
A 18h49 : Mise en vente d'un Nyx.

Le carnage chevauche les ordres de vente, ça me laisse perplexe pour le coup et on peux pas en tirer de conclusions mais je reste persuadé qu'un tentative de jump out à 2min du DT reste totalement faisable, à la reco le ship a 100% capa, tu instant jump out à l'arrivé du warp sans problèmes, et si tu chie dans la colle, en 1min30 t'es impossible à tomber, ou tu ctrl-q avant d'être lock tu disparait en 1min.
Oui Ethann, Atlas conseil à ses pilotes de supcap de se connecter une minute avant le dt, fleeter avec un cynoteur dès qu'ils apparaissent ig, et bridger dès qu'ils sont sur place.
Ça peut fonctionner.

(Et btw "La Campagne du Nord est finie", ou presque.)
Donc en bref, même tenter de les vendre ne garanti strictement rien.

A part ça, et ceci n'est pas un troll ou quoique ce soit du genre, mais toute mesure gardée, ça ressemble quand même à une déroute tout ça.

Bon, bien entendu, c'est peut être reculer pour mieux sauter mais cela n'expliquerait vraiment pas ces pertes ponctuelles de supercaps.
Faut pas vendre la peau de l'ours, je veux bien qu'il y ait encore une mobilisation chez IT et peut être une grande motivation, mais tout de même.
Si des pilotes tente de reco à l'arrache comme ça, c'est que soit ils ont des instructions de leur lead qui joue ses super camps sur des coups de dés, soit qu'il sont laissés à l'abandon et doivent se démerder.

A part les supercaps qui se font prendre dans le papier tue mouche il se passe quelques chose ?
Des offensives ? Des prises de sov ? On manque de vrai Battle Reports.
En admettant qu'il y en ait bien entendu
Citation :
Publié par Ethann F.
Chribba est un joueur qui propose un service de "3rd party", et qui est connu et réputé pour sa fiabilité en la matière, il n'en est pas à son coup d'essaie comme tu peu voir à son compteur de valeur de ship échangés
Un peu HS, mais sur ces 21k BISK, je me demande quelle commission il a retirée...
C'est dingue, ce mec n'a plus besoin de rien, son nom est une garantie en soi et il n'est plus concurrençable
Il est concurrencé par Darknesss, l'ancien leader de TRI (inutile de dire qu'il n'a pas un franc succès dans le nord).

Sinon, il prend 300 M pour un échange en low sec et 500 en 0.0.
Citation :
Publié par Tessen
A part les supercaps qui se font prendre dans le papier tue mouche il se passe quelques chose ?
Des offensives ? Des prises de sov ? On manque de vrai Battle Reports.
En admettant qu'il y en ait bien entendu
Il ne se passe pas grand chose, toutes les pos SC sont en renforced, (samedi y en avait presque 20 qui en sortaient, dont 10 en moins de 2h), certaines sont sauvé par la SC, mais rf de suite pas la NC, à force il n'y en aura plus.

En gros c'est du Pos warfare et SBU Warfare (ils en posent un paquet sans les défendre) avec de petite escarmouche sans incidence par ci et là, et H-W perma campé pour bloquer les cap SC.

Molle a tenter un all-in sur H-W qui c'est soldé par un échec cuisant, je ne pense pas que le moral soit au beau fixe dans ses rangs.

Un extrait de mail d'un des leader d'une alliance SC qui se retire de la campagne du Nord concernant H-W, pour avoir une idée de ce qu'ils pensent à propos de ce qui c'est passé :
Citation :
So how did we end up sieging H-W instead, I have no fuckin idea to be perfectly honest -- but whatever happened, happened and by the time the day was through it seemed Molle had some misguided conception that he could camp H-W in a PR-8 style as goons/nc had done to BoB before the fall of Delve. The only problem was he failed to realize the details in that when PR-8 was camped up, it was like 25 alliances vs his mainly 2 alliances (IT/-A-) whereas H-W was our collective 6-8 alliances vs NC blob's however fuckin many alliances. Worst yet there was little to no success to date on our part to demoralize/fracture NC numbers, so when H-W was threatened, it was like walking into a bear cave in the middle of winter and popping off a few rounds for lols then sticking around to see if you get eaten or not. Well ladies, we got eaten.
Voila, et à noter que comme le dit Ethann, "Atlas se retire et pas en très bon termes avec IT" : Atlas crache clairement sur iT et Molle, expliquant que s'ils l'avaient fait à leur manière ça serait passé sans soucis, mais que tout ça est de la faute de Molle et qu'ils ne s'y feront plus reprendre.
Citation :
Publié par Selty
Voila, et à noter que comme le dit Ethann, "Atlas se retire et pas en très bon termes avec IT" : Atlas crache clairement sur iT et Molle, expliquant que s'ils l'avaient fait à leur manière ça serait passé sans soucis, mais que tout ça est de la faute de Molle et qu'ils ne s'y feront plus reprendre.
Sa pour cracher, les gens savent le faire. mais passer aux actes et tenter des trucs c'est tout de suite plus difficile ^^.
GG IT. Et continuons !
Citation :
Publié par Tessen
ok, merci.

pour ceux que cela intéresse, le mail complet est reproduit ici (très instructif).
Même si j'suis pas fan des Atlas, faut avouer que le texte est du genre motivant et aborde toutes les grandes lignes politiques et techniques de ce retour à la maison.

Par contre, sa critique ouverte des IT et des choix de Molle, même si je suppose qu'elle ne mènera pas à un retour de bâton, augure-t-elle d'un sud bien moins unis qu'il y a quelques mois ? Voire à la création d'un deuxième/troisième bloc dans la région ?

En parlant du sud, on dira ce qu'on voudra mais il est clair que Dominion a favorisé l'installation de petites alliances. Suffit de regarder la map constellée de couleur pour s'en rendre compte et en ce sens, je trouve que CCP a rempli sa mission avec succès.

Bref, Atlas sur le départ, AAA qui devrait suivre et IT aux abois, nul doute que la défaite sur H-W a sonné le glas de cette campagne (à moins que... ?)
Y'a des pilotes affiliés qui auraient des idées sur la suite éventuelle pour IT ?
Le plan initial de Molle était pas mauvais en soit. Sauf qu'il a jamais été suivi, même par Molle lui même.

En soit attaquer plusieurs endroits en même temps en laissant les entités se fritter chacun dans son coin, c'était pas mauvais, si la NC défendait contre IT, les autres auraient progressé.

Mais concentrer toutes les fleets de toutes les alliances dans le système HQ de la NC, c'est.. Juste.. Le truc le plus débile possible.
D'après ce que j'ai compris, le gros de la Flotte IT n'est pas redescendu dans le Sud.
Du coup, je serais pas étonné qu'un assaut surprise se prépare.

Genre après avoir laissé passer un ou 2 week end à blanc pour faire croire à la NC qu'on est à genoux, on attaque en force le WE suivant.

Stratégiquement, attaquer loin de H-W serait une bonne chose, cela obligerait la NC soit à débloquer la place, ce qui permettrait aux Supercap encore coincés de se dégager, soit, si la NC décide de continuer à camper H-W, de prendre quelques victoires territoriales.

Bref, je spécule (j'adore ça) mais tout le monde sais qu'il est urgent d'attendre.
De toute façon, la seule chose dont on peut être certain, c'est qu'IT n'est pas morte. Elle peut perdre ses alliers, je ne pense pas que cela lui pose un réel cas de conscience.
Citation :
Elle peut perdre ses alliers, je ne pense pas que cela lui pose un réel cas de conscience.
Certes mais elle risque de s'en faire des ennemis, la cela change la donne.
joli reset ? Bof :
- c'est des gens qui ne sont pas frontaliers d'Atlas
- et même comme ça, ils évitent soigneusement de s'attaquer avec des fleets trop significatives. Ca reste un nap (pacte de non agression), sans standings.
Il à l'air de se passer aussi des choses dans le Sud non ?

Syst.K. à l'air de perdre c'est systèmes au profit de Coven, Stain Empire ( qui réapparaît) et R.O.L, ou je me trompe ?
Mise à jour du topic pour la guerre en cours ...

Le lead des AAA vient de donner l'ordre de repli à ses pilotes.

Dearest Filthy Killah's ,

time for an update. The Tl;dr is as follows:

Going Home / Standings Reset / Chill Break / Didn't want that campaign anyway / NC is Gay ( I make excuses and point fingers) / FSI - Need more peeps / SBI- need leaders / FC Training / Group Hug / SSE Trial Continues in -A-

So its been a little while since Ive given a update and explanation of events. So I decided I wanted to take some time and bring you all up to speed on what has happened and what will happen over the next coming months. First off I just want to thank you all for everything you all do. There is alot of people in this alliance that go out of there way to help out and assist in making things happen. Also I just wanted to point out that it has been 6 straight months of active campaigns. So I have alot of subjects to cover and ill try to give a TL;DR for each section.


So starting last December we saw several corps go to Fountain to assist in purging Pandemic Legion. I don't think out impact there was big but everyone had a good time playing king of the hill and locking down Fountain core.

Next we moved on to a short week trip to Black Rise taking out several tech moons for alliance income. RTSQ milked these for a few months and overall the profit we received from them justified the trip.

We then attacked 49-U to draw Goonswarm out of Fountain and force them to defend a vital foothold system in Querious. The day we launched the assault and started pooring capitals into 49-U Goonswarm issued orders to recall all pilots capitals and supercapitals from Fountain. Secondary goal was to try to break sov in 49-U. We had some epic battles for weeks straight as we would attempt to break sov but come up short due to timezone warfare. Every major engagement we trounced Goons Im sure everyone remembers the lag but the fun that was had here.

While we engaged and committed in the diversion assault on Querious CVA made a play for our space. This enraged all of you and numbers went through the roof. I can remember it seemed for weeks we would be crisscrossing between 49-U , Catch and Providence having fight after fight. It was glorius and some of the most fun ive ever had in eve. Fleets were up from Downtime to Downtime as we would repel CVA and assault Goons. Awesomesauce is all I can say.

It came a realization that our primary objective of diverting Goons attention had succeeded. That we had to stop Proviblob and also that timezone warfare against Goons wasn't a easy undertaking we pulled out of Querious. I know alot of people don't like Goons but I have to say respect for the fight they put up I think both sides enjoyed 49-U.

Next we assaulted D-G in Providence as retaliation against the attacks on the Motherland ( god im a fag for the propagandist terms but it makes for good story telling ) . I had several talks with Aralis and other Providence leaders before and after the D-G assault. Honestly im disappointed we couldn't come to a amicable agreement with Proviblob. They were a unique chasm in Eve and our relationship of " sparring partners" was greatly beneficial to both sides. What happened in D-G was simply overkill I remember thinking that day as the final capships were exploding " Damn we just broke provis back" I knew this was a point of no return for there morale and honestly I was sad about that.

We paused after D-G to try to talk to Aralis and other Provi leads and place pressure on them to come to there senses. After no avail 9UY was hit and followed by another pause to give ANOTHER chance for them to reconsider there position. After 9UY it was mop up and we saw the strategy shift from defense to denial of entertainment for us. I have to tell you it took shear willpower on my part to stay the course and finish what we started. Shooting that many structures with 0 fights was so terribly boring. In reality this inflicted more damage on -A- than any ships losses could. At the end of this campaign many people were burned out and didn't want to think about shooting structures for a VERY long time. I share this opinion as well.

The North

I had been on the fence about this campaign and if it was in the best interest of -A-. After several talks with people within the alliance who I respect and the general consensus of the alliance that shooting the NC would be fun I committed us to the task. Im not going to place blame on anyone or anything ultimately it is my job to make sure that things go "Correct" for all of you. Its pretty clear I failed in this regard. There was alot of talks between allies in regards to goals and initiatives. Honestly though beyond fracture relationships and cause damage there was no realistic or tangible goals. For the most part we were " winging it" poking around trying to inflict damage and guage responses and weakness's.

I think we can all agree this isn't a coherent strategy and the effort we were expending was not making a impact on the NC. I talk alot with friends from Eve that I've made over the years. One night I was sitting chatting with Satan from Burn Eden. We were discussing how to inflict the most damage to the NC. Both him and I agreed that H-W was a prime target. So I talked with Molle Bobby and others about it. The concept I came up with is that we would launch on the morning of the 14th @ 08:00. I had pitched this plan to the allies on the 7th of May. The idea was that INIT , ROL , IT , Atlas , -A- , GC & COW would prepare tower kits and rabble rouse there members of a big attack happening on the 14th. As a feint Molle Bobby and I would park our alts in key Pure Blind systems. We would also SBU in different places to " Rope A Dope" the NC.

H-W was picked because its the main staging system for 99% of all NC ops. It was a main market hub and cap/warstock staging points. Not to mention it had 2 important bridge links that NC relied on heavily. I felt and still feel this was the correct target. The problem is preparation communication and execution. The timetable got moved up for " expedience to give my members something to rally too" to quote one alliance leader. Bobby and I were not very happy about the timetable change as it basically left no time for us to communicate and verify all parties would be able to fully commit. It negated any chance for us to rally our memberbase and communicate the urgency of the assault.

Bobby and I chatted and decided to once again try to "Wing" it. As the chance was to good to pass up. We knew there would only be one chance to assault H-W and create a PR- style nightmare for the NC. You all know the rest it failed and failed horribly. The NC is very very good at communication between allies and integration. Plain out the "SC" suck at it and it was our fault for not having the patience to take the time to make sure we could execute properly. I apologize to all of you for my part in this. We did have some nice engagements in H-W and a capital fight that we stomped the NC in. The overall failure of the H-W assault out shadows any battles we may have won there.


So after 6 straight months of active campaigns I have decided it is time to return home and relax a bit. Movement orders/ops will be issued soon so please take the time and make sure you are checking jabber and alliance mail for posted ops. Ultimately I have no real grudge against the NC. I dislike what they stand for. They are playing a different game than us. I think eve is more "Farmville or Settlers Online" there whole theory is to circle as many wagons as possible to ward off any attacks. This would be fine with me if they minded there own business. They could happily farm and mine and circlejerk themselves into a BFF Bliss until the servers die for all I care. What I don't like is when groups inside there circle of wagons come down south and think they can push there agenda around down here. But when parties go to repay this favor they have to deal with the entire NC.

Honestly I now think the best strategy is to let them be. Let the weight of there own apathy crush them as there pilots ragequit from boredom and lack of PVP content without traveling 40 jumps. If/when they come south there numbers are weak and they have no staying power just as we have none up there.

Standings Reset

Plain out were dropping 75% as a rough estimate of the people were blue too. Honestly I don't think coalition warfare is very exciting and having to travel 40 jumps for PVP is a unhealthy thing for a alliance. So I will be scaling back our standings list to something that works for us and makes sense. I don't have any designs to go conquer anyone else's space as we already have more than we can ever need. There is a chance this will put us at odds with some of the people we call allies now. To be honest that's there problem its my job to do what is the best interest for us. All I can say is if they don't like it " Come invade us about it ". What this means to all of you is lots and lots of targets for you to go have fun with. Ultimately I think this is a healthy move for all parties involved even though I'm sure some won't see it this way.

Silver Snake Enterprises

Wanted to take a little time to welcome them into -A- as they start the next phase of there trial. The idea was to bring them inside the alliance so we all could get to them and vice versa. I think its a important step along the trial process that way both parties have a better chance to evaluate eachother and make sure its a good fit. The trial was very long when Havoc applied to -A- honestly though I was happy it was. It gave my corp the chance to get to know all of you and really understand what we were committing ourselves too. So I wish SSE luck in there trial and I hope it goes well. I put it to all of you and them to take the time to get to know eachother. Help them integrate and get involved. The process by design is to make sure all parties can exist together well and that the corp trialing can operate at the level we expect of eachother.

The Next few Months

As summer approaches and people are drawn to the big ball of fire in the sky we will fall into a relaxed period. You all should use this time to relax go roaming and have fun. If you need to make isk or if there is something shiny you have been wanting it will be a good time for you to pursue those interest. You all know things change at a moments notice in Eve but I plan to give everyone time to just have fun and chill. Expect lots of roaming gangs FC training and very few CTA's. Pretty much unless its for defense of our interest or the chance of a nice fight there wont be many CTA's

During this time I plan to relax as well. We will be working on alliance infrastructure and our reimbursement program. Vslash and I have had some initial talks of going to a all ship reimbursement program. No promises yet but we are looking at ways and means in which to give you all a greater slice of the pie. Id also like to point out Pallidum Trempona ( god I probably misspelled that) has taken the " Alliance Diplomat " spot. You all have seen here chatlogs her ability to troll people and field convos and be quickwitted is awesome. Honestly I needed help here because I was spending so much time responding to convo and evemails. Ive been floating with auto-reject on because it gets to be a little too much. So im happy she has taken up the job!


Still having a serious lack of coverage here. Usually this is attributed to lack of coverage of people able to hand out ships in a timely fashion. The few people that are in FSI cant always be online 100% of the time. We need more help here!!!! If you can place a alt into FSI please talk to Cat and do so. Don't take offense if she wants to speak to one of your directors and CEO's just to get the scoop on you.


This poor bastard child of a program needs a leader/program manager. Shoot me a mail if you are up to the challenge. Basically we will be looking to create a copy of how FSI currently works. This is in everyone's best interest to get this off the ground. Free bommahs & ammo anyone?

FC Training

Who's this guy leading me? Were going to be a few people a chance to get out there and get the confidence and experience it takes to FC. So expect some gangs and fleets being lead by less known faces. I and others will be in the background to guide them and help them develop.


Im pushing corps pretty hard to take a look at there corps leadership structure. It is clear that alot of corps directorship is " Bitter Old Vets" with lots of commitments outside Eve. I think its best for everyone that each and every corp have 2-3 active people that can interact with alliance leadership and " Make shit Happen". So im pushing for all corps to make sure this need is filled. As of late it is clear we have some deficiencies in this area.

Closing Comments

So the past 6 months has been a crazy ride with many ups and downs. We have been challenged in many ways some I don't care to repeat ( shooting 50 stations anyone). I think we have performed ok although there have been some moments I was simply amazed of what we can do. This is a ongoing struggle for all groups in eve. Someone said " your alliance is only as good as its last fight" . There is alot of truth in this and judging from our last few fights there are some things we do very well and somethings not so well. I think being honest enough to say " We fucked up here or there" is a good thing . If you can't admit your mistakes how can your learn from them or at least not repeat them.

I never set out to be a alliance leader I don't have a ego that I think I need to feed. I've always just wanted to be a team player who does what the team needs. I hate POS's but ill go assemble , fuel , teardown a POS if thats what my team needs. You guys/gals are my team and so I do this job of overlord for the team. If I were to grade my performance so far id give myself a C. I can do much better and so can all of you. I don't like to half ass thing and I don't want to be part of a team that is ok with that either.

I believe this alliance has raw fighting spirit. I really believe we do come together as a team. I also believe we can do much better. It will only be a matter of time before we are in a large conflict again. I look forward to it as im sure you all do as well. I think everyone of us owes it to eachother to do a better job than we have before. With all this wall of text said thanks for allowing to be part of our team. Thank you and have fun!

♥ Manny

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