Patch du 17/01

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Gros patch ce matin !

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Vanguard Build 01689 Patch Notes 1/17/2007

- Experience has been made approximately 20% easier across the board. The experience gained from 2 dot and 3 dot (challenge level 2 & 3) NPCs have been slightly increased relative to higher dot value (challenge level) NPCs.
- Attributes caps for all things that they effect have been raised from 11*Level to 18*Level. The majority of factors that they modify have been scaled up in effective by a factor relative to the increase in range from average value to the increased cap value. This change will allow players to be much more specialized in their gear selection and still reap full rewards. Many players were hitting the old caps early in their careers.
- There has been a general migration in all the adventuring gameplay logic too soft caps. There were a few soft caps before, there were a few hard caps and a few uncapped lose ends. These are now all soft caps and those related to attributes start at the new cap amount of 18*Level.
- Energy has had some significant enhancements. The vitality attribute now directly controls energy regeneration and is much more substantial than in the past. Your base regeneration from vitality (as displayed in the vitality tool tip) is your in combat energy regeneration. When in combat using an ability will halt regeneration vitality similar to endurance, however the delay before restarting is slightly longer. Out of combat energy regeneration is now also based on your vitality and is approximately 150% of in combat regeneration. For out of combat regeneration speed increases more option will be available in the near future.
- The new energy regeneration is still clamped to the old out of combat regeneration times as a maximum down time.
- Endurance regeneration is now only halted by use of a melee type attack.
- Energy regeneration is now only halted by use of a spell or tactical maneuver and only during cast time. While in global you still gain full energy regeneration, this makes instant spells VERY exciting.
- Endurance regeneration pacing has changed. You now earn a regeneration tick after wait slightly longer than 2 seconds. This time interval restart with each attack or when some regeneration occurs. This should resolve the issue with melee gameplay revolving around waiting for the endurance bar to fill all the way up.
- Energy regeneration delay has been shortened.
- Current work orders will no longer have their difficulty rating calculated off of your adventuring level.
- NPC spell and melee special attacks have been reduced in damage for NPCs that are greater than 2 dots (above challenge level 2).
- Gnome and Dark Elf Racial abilities are now active.
- Gnomes:
Chrysol Distillers will be available for purchase in Mekalia. New gnome characters will start with a Class D Distiller, Gnomes currently past level 10, up through 30+ will want to check out the Class C, B, A, also for purchase in Mekalia.
- Dark Elves:
Dark Elf racial pets will be available to dark elves who are level 8+. Your pet and its abilities will be based upon your level and arch-type.

- All Classes – Abilities that Mesmerize now have a delay before they will begin to heal their targets.
- Staff Users – Staff nukes have had their damage upgraded, please look into these and report any bugs you find.
- Pet Classes - Pet damage has been reworked significantly.
- Bard – Irion’s Tune of Safety now actually increases block, dodge and parry.
- Bard – Irion’s Tune of Safety is now a voice song.
- Bard – Irion’s Tune of Warding is now available at level 50
- Bard – Emboldening Embellishment now buffs Dexterity instead of constitution.
- Bard – Mellarian’s Anthem of War now mods damage by 10% instead of a straight amount.
- Bard – Mellarian’s Anthem of War is now a Voice song.
- Bard – The maximum number of Embellishments is now 3. Each embellishment will now be more powerful individually.
- Bard - The maximum number of Lyrics is now 3. Each lyric will now be more powerful individually.
- Bard - The maximum number of Coda is now 1. Each coda will now be more powerful individually.
- Bard - Ariezel's Assonance of Pain is now a chorus.
- Bard - Increased the attack slow portion Tynen's March of the Mire to 15%.
- Bard - Hazoc's Rhythm of Rapidity is now called Hazoc's Harmony of Haste and has been changed to an embellishment.
- Bard – Mellarian’s Harmony of War is now a voice song and its damage mod has been doubled.
- Blood Mage – Steal Mortality no longer has a chance to kill your opponent – or do any damage for that matter
- Blood Mage – Steal Mortality has been renamed to Grim Harvest
- Blood Mage – Grim Harvest is now given at level 14
- Blood Mage – Added new ability line Cleansing Symbiote at level 14
- Blood Mage – Added new ability line Controlling Symbiote at level 14
- Blood Mage – Added new ability line Plated Symbiote at level 18
- Blood Mage – Added new ability line Hollow Symbiote at level 22
- Blood Mage – Added new ability line Frenzied Symbiote at level 26
- Blood Mage – Added new ability line Renewing Symbiote at level 30
- Blood Mage – Added new ability line Quickening Symbiote at level 34
- Blood Mage – Added new ability line Vitalizing Symbiote at level 38
- Blood Mage – Added new ability line Conducive Symbiote at level 42
- Blood Mage - Removed old Symbiote ability lines
- Blood Mage – Transfusion of Serak no longer heals your opponent when cast.
- Cleric - Rout should now be doing proper damage.
- Disciple – Your revamp is live. Please train your new abilities
- Monk – The new Fighting Style quests are now in place. Additionally, there are lead-in quests to put you on the path at every location where monks can currently train skills.
- Ranger – Added snare to Nature’s Guise
- Rogue – stalking time requirements have been dramatically reduced. It now takes only 45 seconds to reach maximum stalking down from several minutes. This is one step to increase rogue DPS.
- Paladin – Blessing of Vothdar and Champion’s Might now stack
- Paladin - Your auras should now allow you to use your special abilities.
- Shaman – Flesh Rot and Hoarfrost will now stack properly.
- Shaman – Wings of Hayatet now increase the critical chance of fire spells
- Shaman – Ignite now adds a spell accuracy debuff
- Shaman – Damage for all spells has been increased
- Shaman – The damage shield portion of Burning Mantle should now be working
- Warrior – Fixed the agro mod on defensive form and made the results clear in the description.
- Warrior – Chains have been fixed and should not open all the time

- Hathor Zhi Taskmasters should have WOs for everyone now
- Tables for Smith and Artificer should have gear on them now
- Fixed issues that was allowing decon of mundane items
- The not enough room in inventory issue should be resolved
- Empty bag issue should hopefully be resolved
- The dyemaker in Lomshir now asks for the proper continental club.
- Thestran Amateur Quest blacksmith recipe for armor now takes sheets and has the proper ingredient action.
- Amateur Quest artificer recipes now all function properly.
- A number of quest recipes were not showing up under the proper Unique heading. This has been fixed.
- Added some more items to the rare tables for 5 item work orders
- Blacksmith Initiate quest recipe has been fixed.
- Tanvu outfitter recipe introduction from Mias now directs you to Oranku as intended.
- Dien Hatelt will now offer a trade change.
- Dien Hatelt of Halgarad will now direct 10+ outfitters to the amateur quest giver.
- Deconstruction of crafted items has been turned off as it was only there for beta purposes
- Thestran Amateur Artificer quest recipes have more accurate names.
- Apprentice Outfitter quest recipes have been fixed.
- Multiple finishing item options for apprentice tier quest recipes should now work.
- Multiple finishing item options for journeyman tier quest recipes should now work.
- Harvesting tools and clothes are now craftable.

- Wrap Up with the Heartsworn should now finish properly.
- Implemented quests in the following areas with cards as quest rewards. All require 40 skill and a variety of presence values: Martok, Tursh, Khal, and Ca’ial Brael.
- Glossaries and Instructional NPCs may now be found in all starting cities and cities currently supporting Civic Diplomacy. They carry the title “Voice of Kaerellun.”
- Preceptor Indradi now can be defeated by mere mortals.
- C’estari Erenai is now willing to talk to players.
- The invincible dream infiltrators are no longer invincible – Icho Sho can now defeat them!
- “Facts and Evidence” card can now be used properly.
- Bordinar’s Cleft has temporarily had its Civic Diplomacy lever thresholds turned down to 20. Please test Civic Diplomacy in that city to determine if multiple buffs are causing any problems. The levers will be turned back up in the next patch.
- Icons have been added to parley options showing you which Expressions (colors) are allowed for that conversation. Pre-planners rejoice! These icons are also used in the tutorial to show the relationship between the colors and Expression names.
- Diplomacy clothing is now beginning to filter into the world in the form of quests and brokers. First and second tier clothing (intended for players with 0-200 skill) are here… with tier 3 (intended for players 201-300) not far behind!
- Blackmail Broker is now in Halgarad. Look for the Lesser Giant with the attitude. He only takes Crude Hearsay Blackmail right now.
- Plots Broker is now in Bordinar’s Cleft. Look for Khagin Ironheart in Merchant’s Hold. He only takes Crude Hearsay Plots right now.
- Cost to turn in Crude Hearsay has been reduced to 10.
- Trends Broker is now in Rindol Field. Look for Jarry Summermead there. He only takes Crude Hearsay Trends right now.
- Diplomacy tutorial has been slightly altered for ease of play. Please feedback!

- Adjusted the difficulty level of certain NPCs inside The Riftseeker’s Torrent.
- The Redcap Beastmaster should now spawn randomly every 4-10 minutes.
- The Aeokor Betrayers are more reasonable to solo now.
- Travel Journal Locations have been fixed for quests Death to the Betrayers, Dark Weapons, Cleansing the Wretched, Undead Investigation, and Final Rest.
- Keep a sharp eye out as you travel through the Temple of Dailuk chunk. Rumors have it that Nerksawl the Cyclops has been seen passing through. Note: Nerksawl is a high end full group mob and is a rare spawn. If you see him, it is best to stay away. You have been warned.
- Quivers and Bolt Cases can no longer hold harvested items.
- Quest: Bandit Bait has been revamped slightly. Players will no longer need the Bandit Map and just have to follow the road from the Beacon south towards Ahgram. If you are already on this quest, you will need to abandon it and restart it.
- Quest: Okhnom's Supplies: Clearing the Way – Killing Bloodhowler Brutes will now update the quest properly.

- Offensive targets that are aggro, but can't see you (due to stealth or invis) now display their names in light red instead of red on the offensive target window.
- Character sheet combat stats information and ability tool tips have been updated with the new caps and soft caps.
- Added time/gametime to connection meter tooltip.
- You may now drag a song from your song list to a hotbar, which will automatically create a /playsong macro for that song. The default icon will be the melody icon for the song.
- The Bard Song composition window will now show the base cost of the song, the rest reduction of the song, and the final cost of the song.
- Bard song components no longer show up in the normal abilities list and are instead accessibly by clicking the button for each component type in the song window.

- Customization racial limits have been updated. Existing characters will be brought within these new limits.
- Many improvements to NPCs walking backwards and also visually warping away in combat although the game still behaves as if they were in front of you. This particular type of warping should now be fixed.
- Noticable hitch reduction when first entering a new area. No longer as necessary to do a "hitch spin" before you can start moving.

Un pet pour les DE
Citation :
==> Donc on ne pourra récupérer des poudres qu'en faisant des works orders ???
En deconstruisant les loots et recompenses de quetes aussi.

La deconstruction des objets craftés etait temporaire pour permettre aux artisans de tester facilement le procédé.

Seulement a terme ca posait un enorme probleme, parce qu'on pouvait generer des dusts quasi a l'infini (une dust suffisant a enchanter 5 ingots et donc quasi 5 objets enchantés a la sortie, on multipliait a l'infini la production de dusts).

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- Harvesting tools and clothes are now craftable.
Testé ce matin, les Tools sont nettement meilleurs que ceux actuellement achetables aux marchands et il existe meme les versions rares (par contre pas testé).
Citation :
Publié par FitzChevalerie[MP]
C'est malin faut que j'aille voir ça avant d'aller taffer maintenant.

M'enfin, à tous les coups ca va être un pet de 2min sur un recast de 30min ou une connerie du genre...
Apparement c'est un recast de 20 min et on m'a dit que le pet restait en vie au moins 10 minutes. A confirmer
En tout cas, on peut remarquer qu'ils ajoutent des trucs qui sont totalement absents de ces patch note. Notamment des armes et armures, plus de particules sur les sorts etc^^...

Ma blood mage niv 7 a changé deux fois de robes sans que j'y joue et une fois de bâton^^... (je parle uniquement des skins hein^^)
yop tout le monde,
juste une petite chose que j'aimerai clarifier.
le patch la, il est pas petit a DL non ? car d'habitude les patchs ne sont pas aussi gros j'ai l'impression de retelecharger le jeu..ça se compte en heure de DL.voila.
si quelqu'un pouvait me dire si c'est normal ou pas.
Citation :
Publié par o0zora
yop tout le monde,
juste une petite chose que j'aimerai clarifier.
le patch la, il est pas petit a DL non ? car d'habitude les patchs ne sont pas aussi gros j'ai l'impression de retelecharger le jeu..ça se compte en heure de DL.voila.
si quelqu'un pouvait me dire si c'est normal ou pas.
Pas normal non. Les patchs sont nombreux mais se téléchargent en quelques minutes maximum.
Citation :
Publié par Furism
Apparement c'est un recast de 20 min et on m'a dit que le pet restait en vie au moins 10 minutes. A confirmer
oui recast 20 mn, par contre une fois le pet invoqué, il reste passif le mien et ne leve pas le petit doigt
ok bien ce qui me semblait...alors j'ai relancé plusieurs fois et ça me faisait la même..puis la je viens de relancer mais en lançant directement depuis le repertoire et la ça a l'air de pige le raccourci est bien celui du même .exe que je viens de lancer;.bon vais tester le nouveau patch ! il vient de se finir le temps d'ecrire mon post (la preuve que entre 10h de dl et 5 min..yavai tun soucis) . j'ai bien fait de vous demander
Citation :
ok bien ce qui me semblait...alors j'ai relancé plusieurs fois et ça me faisait la même..puis la je viens de relancer mais en lançant directement depuis le repertoire et la ça a l'air de pige le raccourci est bien celui du même .exe que je viens de lancer;.bon vais tester le nouveau patch ! il vient de se finir le temps d'ecrire mon post (la preuve que entre 10h de dl et 5 min..yavai tun soucis) . j'ai bien fait de vous demander
Tu as touché à ton raccourcis depuis?

Il faut absolument que tu es ça :

"disquedur:\ton chemin vers ton dossier vanguard\"

Dans "Démarrer dans :" de ton raccourcis sinon il va télécharger le jeu à nouveau là ou se trouve ton raccourcis^^...
le revamp disciple :

Citation :
Words cannot adaquatly describe the disciple revamp. I didn't get to play with it last night but I logged in and took a look at all the new abilities from 1-50. There is very little left the same, if you played disciple before the revamp then you honestly have no clue what disciple is like after it other than the fact that it melees and heals.

The spell based heals stayed largely the same just had name changes mostly. We still have the long and short cast heals but the instant cast heal changed a bit. Now the instant cast heal requires 2 jin in order to cast it(I'll get to jin later) and I don't think it grows in power with repeated use, at least it's not in the description anymore. The did add one heal though that was desperatly needed, group heal. Level 1 which is all I have right now is a 300 give or take heal to everyone in a 10m radius.

Sun and moon is at least useful now. Before the update it used to recover about 70 energy and was on a 5 minute recast so it didn't really do anything. If I rememeber my numbers right the first level does 400 energy give or take and costs 15 jin. It's not amazing but that's 3-4 more heals you can do so could be the difference in a tight situation.

We've been given a lot of new melee attacks with special debuffs, two of my favorites are one that adds extra agro to your defensive target so great for tanks, and another that for 30 seconds makes it so that every time a melee hits the mob he recovers hp. Paralyzing sweet looks interesting, it's a 10 second mez(meaning it breaks if mob gets hit) to anything hitting your defensive target. 10 seconds might not seem like a lot but it gives casters time to put a stronger mez on everything or evac if necessary.

We kept our same rez but were also given a new one at the same level that can be cast while in combat.

While I didn't play with it the general channel and shout were saying that certain combinations of skills produce hidden effects like heals and stuff. Speaking of melee chains we have some amazing abilities now with the jin system in place. Most of our special attacks build up jin when they connect, that jin can then be used to pull off some quite powerful attacks. I mentioned of course the instant cast heal earlier, and we've got one that does a lot of damage and then increases healing effectivness on an ally for 5 minutes.

I'll post more as I get to play with disciple a bit.

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