[wiki] Cataclysm DDA : mangez des foetus en sniffant de la coke.

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La version 0.8 "Romero"est disponible :


Citation :
In honor of improved graphics (tile support) and the ability to generate a game with huge cities full of egregious numbers of zombies, Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead version 0.8 is titled "Romero". This release also comes with complete or near-complete Russian and Chinese translations, a player memorial file, save compatibility moving forward, and probably the most frequently requested feature of the game, shopping carts.
Un gros morceau pour Cataclysm Dark Days Ahead, avec la venue de la version stable 0.A ! L'un des changements majeurs concerne ici les mutations, mais ce n'est que l'un des changements. Chaque version de CDDA apporte de très nombreux changements et nouveautés, sur tous les plans : qualité, quantité, performance...

Citation :
The Kaufman release is named in honor of a huge expansion to Cataclysm's mutation system. The release, our largest yet also brings innumerable bugfixes, performance enhancements, new items, a long-awaited module manager, new monsters, fullscreen mode, better mouse support, new map tiles and an unheard-of level of stability.

Some highlights:

Module manager now supports enabling and disabling large swaths of content.
Fullscreen mode.
Many mutations, more refined mutation progression.
Improved view options for driving, your view can shift in the direction of your travel, and the game can display a crosshair indicating facing.
Improved item handling, including category views, partial stack handling, and examining the contents of a grabbed vehicle (e.g. your trusty shopping cart).
Mouse move and mouselook.
Fishing, grab a pole!
Working Refrigerators for fish and other comestibles.
Pour rappel, le jeu supporte depuis plusieurs versions les tilesets graphiques, et on en trouve pour tous les gout :




Changelog :

Here's the changelog:
Module manager.
Fullscreen mode.
Many mutations, more refined mutation progression.
Improved view options for driving.
Improved item handling, including category views, partial stack handling.
Mouse move and mouselook.
Working Refrigerators.

View item on mouse hover in SDL.
Mouse move.
Basic LUA support.
Vehicles disintegrate into their constituent parts on impact.
Fuel tanks preserve their contents when removed/installed.
Vehicle construction and repair using duct tape.
More distinct mutation trees, including branch thresholds and post-threshold mutations.
Interact with monsters on stairs.
Guilt from killing monsters tapers off as you kill more of them.
Can track vehicles with a GPS module.
Allow filtering constructions by the ones you can do right now (can toggle).
Idling for vehicles, can effectively run as generators.
Minifridge that keeps food fresh longer.
Clothing pockets and hoods only activate when needed. (for warmth)
Inventory and crafting menus support listing items by category.
Expanded underwater combat.
Item spoilage rate varies based on temperature.
More info in list monsters menu.
Rechargeable battery pack mod for tools.
Gunmods are installed on rails now.
Better gender handling at character creation.
Expanded vehicle electrical system.
Can pick up or drop partial stacks.
Shove items out of the way when closing a door.
Radioactive items.
Mutation friendly clothing.
Remove prompt to resume task, of course you want to.
Vehicle facing indicator (option).
Fullscreen mode.
Show contents of grabbed vehicle (e.g. your shopping cart) in advanced inventory pane.
Fishing, find a pole!
Automatic view shifting when driving (option).
Zoom mode that dynamically resizes tiles (pretty slow when zoomed unfortunately).
Search known recipes by output, tool or component.

Overmap tiles moved to json.
Lots of warning cleanup.
More development of internal json library.
Mod manager.
Can define mapgen for tiles in json or LUA.
Traps moved to json.
Standalone json checker.
Refactored monsters and players to have a common parent class.
Retrieve items from inventory based on location instead of invlet.
Ammo types moved to json.
Blacklist and whitelist for including/excluding content.

Sleep increases rate of fatigue recovery and healing over time.
Remove automatic matches and poketknife from player spawn.
Add skintight flag for underwear-type clothing to negate layering penalties.
First Aid and bandages take time to apply now.
Increased city size variability.
Turrets have finite ammo.
Reduce rate of damage for "real armor" as opposed to "clothes".
Zombies spawn at last stand locations.
Burning ammo only throws shrapnel, no explosion.
Increased crafting distance to 6 to enable large workshops.
Progressive difficulty searching for lab notes.
Progressive difficulty searching for lab notes.
Large-scale vehicle rebalances.
Improved code that determines what body part is hit by an attack.
Water purification methods use one charge per unit of water.
Buffed water resistant clothing.
Removed acid puddles from acid rain. (no more melting items).
Buffed most zombie HP.
Large nerf to solar panels.
Effectively remove cap to starting points option (set to 1,000).
More interesting gun misfire/jam mechanics, guns can take damage now.
Varied rate of projectile breakage with a flag, more differentiation between arrow types.
Ammo with special effects (smoke, teargas, explosions) now go off when burned.

Atomic coffee, energy drink and hypospray, lawn darts, MOLLE pack, fingertip razors.
Too many mutations to list, including mutagen types and recipes.
Map types, ammo reloads, vehicle curtains, creepy doll, whiskey barrels.
Hibernation mutation, lots of cop and fireman gear, IV mutagen, piles of new traits.
Mutation-themed dreams, cowbell, atomic batteries, dojo and contents,
vending machines and bank cards.
Dinocataclysm added as a mod at long last!
Lots more terrain and furniture is now bashable.
Several new houses and other buildings.
Variations of vehicle condition (damaged, blood-splattered, engine running, etc)
Creatures fling around appropriate fluids and chunks when gibbed.
Several content packs that allow enabling/disabling different categories of content.

Prevent artifact swords from sticking all the time.
Royal jelly and blood filter heal dermatik infections.
Make active items (ticking bombs, rotting food) work in vehicle storage.
Prevent teleportation and stairclimbing from erasing monsters.
Lots of UI tweaks.
Fix bug where items couldn't be thrown over water.
Erase scentmap when we move between floors.
Handle adjacent overmaps better, including notes.
Lots of recipes moved fro auto-learn on skill thresholds to being learned from books.
Fixed vehicle rendering when dragging.
Can craft from items in vehicle storage.
Only count loudest vehicle engine for noise generation instead of adding them together.
Fix weird bug where being too strong made you bad at throwing things.
Fixed several related vehicle board/unboard bugs.
Player displayed in correct position when peeking.
Fixed lots of menu drawing glitches.
Height/width options make more sense, total instead of based on view width.
Limit indoor dimly lit areas to the same view distance as outside.
Fix bug where vehicles and windows projected light at dawn and dusk.
Targeting defaults to nearest enemy.
Toggling between enemies includes hostile NPCs.
Vehicle turrets no longer shoot player or their own vehicle.
Fixed issue where exploding items could destroy themselves and cause a segfault.
Check for errors when attempting to write files and take appropriate action.
Fixed some lab finale features.
Fixed vehicle workshops being usable as components in recipes.
Cruise control is now smooth, even the sportscar is driveable.
Sinkholes don't turn into pits after you step in them.
Can no longer block attacks in your sleep.
Translations build and ship with releases.

Many overmap generation performance improvements.
Stop updating scent if player hasn't moved for a while, makes waiting and sleeping go much faster.
Optimized bitflag methods for very frequently used flags.
Heavy refactor of crafting menu for more speed.
Heavy optimization of scent diffusion.
Declare strings as const to avoid reallocating them all the time.
Lots of caching of vehicle parts.
Vision calculation speedups.
Refactored map loading to chunk up map data into tiny (1KB or so) files, so save/load is nearly instantaneous.
Release Candidate pour 0.B !

Pas de changelog, mais ça dégouline de changements, ajouts et améliorations. Ceux qui jouent via les versions Experimentals régulièrement ne verront pas de changements majeurs, ceux qui ne jouent qu'en versions stables, bah... vous avez quelques nouveautés à assimiler.

La toute dernière entrée, c'est la possibilité de construire des ponts, un simple rondin pour humain ou une plateforme capable de supporter un véhicule.

Sinon de ce que je me souviens au gré de mes parties ces derniers mois, on trouve des pelletées de nouveaux bâtiments, objets, recettes... les mutations fonctionnent comme des "arbres de compétences", et certaines mutations en (dé)bloquent d'autres. L'introduction d'un pseudo axe-z pour avoir des bâtiments à étages. Il existe maintenant des "traits de profession", par exemple toutes les professions de type "agent de l'ordre" ont un badge qui permet d'assoir son autorité sur les PNJ... à oui, les PNJ ne font plus planter le jeu, donnent des missions, peuvent suivre le joueur, garder un lieu, etc. Pas encore totalement au point, mais ils ne plantent plus systématiquement la partie. On trouve du coup des nouvelles factions, des campements de bandits humains, des survivants dans des maisons isolées parfois, etc.

Bref, ce jeu est d'une très très grande richesse, et il est de plus en plus possible de jouer n'importe quel personnage qui passe par la tête, du Robocop cyber modifié aux clodo mutant en passant par la pute accro aux drogues, le mécano asthmatique qui fait de toute pièce un camion-de-la-mort, un survivaliste sur armé, un génie de l'électronique, Indiana Jones, etc.
Je n'ai pas joué avec les tiles graphiques depuis longtemps, si c'est bien la question "skins". Là je dispose seulement d'un eeepc pour encore environ une semaine, et je ne peux jouer qu'en ASCII. CataDDA est particulièrement lisible je trouve, mais dès que je peux, je lance une (dix) partie en mode graphique pour voir ce que ça vaut. Aux dernières nouvelles (plusieurs mois) c'était déjà très bien, je suppose que ça n'a pas régressé depuis.
Je joue en toujours en expérimentale et à part quelques versions qui explosent, c'est tout à fait jouable. Les version experimentales sortent au rythme de... plusieurs par jours ! Il est bon de garder une version expérimentale "stable" dans un coin quand on teste une experimentale plus récente, histoire d'avoir toujours un Cata jouable de côté.

Le patchnote de la version Release Candidate (future Stable), qui peut évoluer mais grossièrement restera en l'état. Attention c'est énorme.

Patchnote 0.B par rapport à 0.A.

Citation :

Random characters have professions applied.
Wearable tools.
Martial arts techniques can trigger when wielding appropriate weapons.
Wing mirrors for vehicles.
Prototype hordes.
Adjust zombie speed with mods.
Made butcher menu's first entry match the butcher hotkey, so you can just hold down the button to butcher all.
You can dig down stairs with proper equipment.
Scabbards, holsters and sheathable weapons.
At high skills you can quick draw/attack with weapons.
Fish spawn as distinct creatures, and they're used for fishing checks.
Quivvers for arrows.
Furniture can act as a tool.
Corpses rot and eventually disappear.
Armor is assigned to a layer, and armor on different layers doesn't impose layering penalties.
Destroyed vehicle parts get ripped off the vehicle.
Player can start at various locations.
Special support for mapsharing installs:
lock down debug menu
lock players to their username
more configurable file placement
locks around map files
Language switch is dynamic now.
Guns such as revolvers no longer eject casings when fired, they're instead ejected on reload.
Internal furnace is toggleable so you're less likely to eat random objects by accident.
Spending more time near traps has incremental chance of finding them, spotted traps are remembered.
Thrown items above a trap-defined threshold will trigger traps.
You can now peek through curtains and some doors.
Smashing a broken window again clears out the broken glass (relatively quietly).
Autopickup can get at anything you can reach, i.e. adjacent tiles.
Can set exclusion zones for autopickup, so you can avoid accidentally picking up all your stuff in your base.
Contents of books are unknown until first read (which ios faster than usual).
Can craft recipes if you have a book in range that provides it.
Can learn recipes by practicing them.
Roof of the vehicle you're currently in is not drawn.
Faction hostility is back.
Kiln operates without player being nearby.
Radio operated items.
Switched to seed-based weather generation.
Options are only displayed when they are applicable to your build.
Can perform unspeakable acts upon zombies to turn them into your packmule slave thing.
Messages give feedback on melee misses.
Foraging is seasonal, fruits will grow each season, but once picked are gone until the next.
Pet menu to interact with friendly monsters.
Starting scenarios stitch together profession, traits, and starting location.
Picking up and dropping multiple items is now an interruptable activity.
Activatable mutations.
Heavily moddable gun platform.
Fire creates invisible hot air fields, which meander around in enclosed spaces and warm them up.
Factored windchill and humidity into body temperature calculations.
Vehicles smash items when they (wheels) run over them.
Refined vehicle/terrain collisions.
Hulks and Brutes now have a very damaging fling attack.
Jumper cables can be used to link together electrical systems of vehicles, including vehicles outside the reality bubble.
Crafting a large batch of items can apply a discount to the crafting time required.
Overhaul of "cut up" system:
Cannot cut up an item if it includes a material that can't be cut up (e.g. shotgun).
Cutting up returns items from each material that makes up the item.
Cuting up most items should respect the total volume of the item.
Most terrain can be smashed now, if you can hit it hard enough.

Switched to SDL 2.0.
Made paths configurable for packaging and installation support.
Finished pushing martial art definitions out to json.
Tilesets can provide a per-category fallback tile to handle new monsters/items/whatever.
Silenced all the warnings, now it's easier to keep new ones from cropping up.
Lots of string handling infrastructure, making translated string handling easier.
Missing tiles in tilesets can fall back to ASCII.
Saner glyph cache handling.
Components used to craft an item are stored in the item.
Debug overlay for hordes.
Improved window handling.
Generic iuse functors unify many types of iuse functions.
JSONized bullet pulling recipes.
Generic support for foldable vehicles, still need support for *crafting* them.
Encapsulation applied to map accessors.
JSONized monster drops.
Damaged fuel tanks leak fuel on the ground.
Most menus use input context now, and therefore have configurable keybindings.
Switched build to c++11.
Items can have a list of iuse methods instead of just one.
Drug effects can mostly be defined in JSON.
Scripts for querying json in tools_json_tools.
Beefed up utf-8 input handling.
JSONized NPC definitions.
Unified recipe requirements across constructions and crafting.
Better error handling when initializing SDL.
Recipes can have byproducts.
Added a standalone map layout utility.
Monsters are saved to the overmap instead of per-submap, clearing the way for horde support.
Hgamelaunch start script.
Items can spawn with variable amounts of charge.
Monster blacklists are applied consistently to all spawn code.
Different ammunition-bearing monsters (turrets, robots) have customized loadouts of their various ammo types.

Give most starting professions decent starting equipment.
Nether spawns near corpse spawns.
Capped skill gain from many activities, especially crafting.
Melee weapons can take wear and tear damage based on their primary material.
Categorized CBMs you can get from butchering things.
Armor values nerfed.
Mutagen spawn rates slashed.
Overhauled mp3 player morale bonus to make micromanagement of it suboptimal.
Amount of damage blocked by a block technique based on strength and skill of blocker.
Removed damage to animals from acid rain.
Nerfed speed of many zombie animals.
Starting professions supplied with cold-weather gear to match hthe expected climate.
Standing in a fire less likely to ignite clothes.
Lying in fire (when one or more legs is at 0HP) causes MUCH more damage.

New monster, Wraith.
Hops, barley, and molasses as brewing ingredients.
Yeast for fermenting brews and baking some bread foods.
Sugar beet as a renewable source of sugar.
Fruit wine and Brandy.
Moonshine and home-brewed beer.
Grappling hook.
Many new house layouts.
Wells and well digging.
CQB CBM that provides martial art style.
Decorative terrain and furniture.
Parasites and diseases from unsafe foods.
Curtains for vehicle doors and windshields, privacy please!
Foraging (in bushes, shrubs, trees).
Towel usable for many handy things (still not at HHGttG level).
hehe, honey.
Wearable rx12 auto-injector.
Slime mutants can slop through tight spaces, spawn friendly slimes.
Some insect-like mutants can sip nectar from flowers (but at a cost...)
Mutagen gives you wings! (butterfly wings)
Bird mutations.
Killed bots drop (disassemblable) broken bot items instead of corpses.
Bear mutations.
Bio operator zombie.
Spider nest basements.
Nice looking road ends and roundabouts.
Exploding gasbag zombies.
Pizza parlor building.
Notes left by other survivors scattered all over.
Brain blob directs nearby blobs to move intelligently.
Mall location.
Several toolbox items to streamline carrying around your crafting needfulls.
Cotton and many cotton-based recipes and items.
Plant mutations.
Audit of all item prices to try and get a sensical baseline for them.
Supercharged military turrets.
Make Fedora activatable, m'ilady.
Road barricades.
Rollerblades and skates.
Evac center and piles of NPCs and missions.
Bandit camps.
RC car and remote-detonated bombs, and a remote controlled lamp.
Automated gas stations.
E-ink tablet and laptops can display recipes and act like books.
Can take pictures of monsters and view them on laptops or tablets.
Fish traps.
A "Thrilling" monster easter egg.
Riot control bot.
Extensive mutation chain culminating with player effectively joining the MArloss faction.
Extensive expansion of Marloss monsters/structures.
Various power substations, with new monsters.
Diesel added as a vehicle fuel.
Added craftable pontoon bridges.
Rat mutants can burrow, Cephalopod mutants can grow a large shell, lizards can regrow limbs.

Expanded armor layering window.
Added way to swap panes in AIM.
Animation and duration for smoking activity.
Action menu that displays all actions in a tree menu.
Highlight things you can interact with when 'e'xamining.
Many strings are properly pluralized and have support for doing so when translated as well.
Standardized overmap building colors.
Vehicle examine menu shows used/capacity of fuel tanks and cargo space.
SDL builds can play music.
Log messages colorized.
Books colorized by category.
Different weather types get their own animations.
Save/load log messages.
Fuzzy river borders.
Scrolling text animations when things are damaged and on some effects triggering.
Lots of menus now have sorting, categories, and search.
Animation delay option.
Player can write and read sign items.
Added a menu displaying martial art style characteristics.
Perishable and rotting items colorized.
UPS no longer activatable, now act as passive batteries.

Greatly sped up construction menu.
Overmap scrolling speed greatly improved.
Turn number added to calendar since it's called a gajillion times.
Switched a lot of large collections to use std::unordered_map() or std::unordered_set().
SDL framebuffer cache.
Extracted rain animation code from main drawing code.

No bleeding effect if your armor absorbs all the damage.
Make game stop treating trees, walls, etc as hallucinatory with respect to vehicle collisions.
Prevent drug furniture from hoovering up items.
Option to force software rendering to work around hardware support issues.
Players are ejected from vehicles when their seats are destroyed.
Contents of items destroyed by interacting with them are dumped instead of being deleted.
Restored function of area melee attacks.
Made various battery mods play nice together.
Prevent segfault in the unlikely case that you miss so badly that you shoot yourself.
Don't cause blood spatters when the attack does no damage.
Avoid crashing when loading a corrupted submap.
Avoid resetting creature speed to 100 when a creature is saved/loaded.
Option to disable joystick input in case you have a broken joystick.
Always practice at least one of the melee skill types when attacking.
Fixed off-by-one error that made 100% coverage armor 99% coverage.
Move critical multiplier calculaton after armor absorbs damage.
Added move cost for interacting with computers.
Use maximum heard sound for effects (such as deafness), not the sum.
Player graveyard works as intended, most recent player save is moved to the graveyard folder.
Factored weight of items in furniture into cost of dragging the furniture.
Gunmods with firing modes finally make correct sounds when fired.
Difficile de résumer, les changements touchent à tous les domaines du jeu, de la mise à jour en SDL 2 à l'interface retouchée, de l'ajout de dizaines de recettes à la modification de la visualisation des véhicules, de nouveaux bâtiments à l'inclusion de la pêche...

Je tente, dans l'ordre visible lorque l'on joue.

Beaucoup d'options pour créer le monde : taille des villes, longueurs des saisons, présences de hordes, zombie statiques ou dynamiques, avec ou sans PNJ , PNJ fixes (dans certains lieux clefs) ou aléatoire, ou les deux, etc. Facile d'intégrer des mods (zombies plus lents, plus rapides, dino, pas de "magie", pas de monstres d'un certain type etc).

A la création du personnage, le choix des métiers englobe maintenant des compétences, attributs, traits et inventaires, tout en laissant le choix de faire un personnage entièrement personnalisé.

Possible de récolter des fruits qui reviennent par saison, chopper des graines, cultiver, récolter, brasser, produire des boissons alcoolisées... bref il est possible de vivre totalement en mode fermier.

Poissons et pêche, monstres marins, bâteaux, construction de ponts.

Les "armures" sont assignées à des couches, et porter plusieurs couches différentes n'encombrent pas, alors que porter différents vêtements de la même couche encombre.

Si PNJ activés, factions, missions, relations...

Possibe de... "torturer" certains monstres, pour en faire des esclaves par exemple un zombie porte-sac.

Certaines mutations sont activables, par exemple une queue longue peut servir de fouet. Les mutations fonctionnent par branches. Meilleure logique dans les bioniques.

Meilleures collisions véhicule/décor, le toit des véhicules ne s'affichent pas quand le joueur conduit de manière à mieu voir l'intérieur, rétroviseurs, les armures de véhicule changent la couleur de celui-ci. Le roues de véhicules sont prises en compte pour rouler sur des obstacles, cadavres, mines, etc. Meilleure gestion de la carte globale/locale.

Dans les nouveautés de contenu, on trouve des mutations de plantes, des barrages routiers, une nécropole, on peut prendre des photos de monstres pour les regarder ensuite sur un laptop par exemple, tourelles et robot anti émeute, coton et un tas de recettes liées...

Ils ont déplacer pas mal de trucs en .json pour les mods. La version graphique sait utiliser l'ASCII si il manque un élément suite à une mise à jour par exemple, la version SDL peut jouer de la musique, la souris est prise en charge pour certaines actions comme regarder une case ou se déplacer.

Bref, jouez-y.
Et voici la version finale "O.B Brin" !

Plus de 9000 entrées depuis la dernière version stable !


Je colle le changelog en /code car il est trèèès long.

Random characters have professions applied.
Wearable tools.
Martial arts techniques can trigger when wielding appropriate weapons.
Wing mirrors for vehicles.
Prototype hordes.
Adjust zombie speed with mods.
Made butcher menu's first entry match the butcher hotkey, so you can just hold down the button to butcher all.
You can dig down stairs with proper equipment.
Scabbards, holsters and sheathable weapons.
At high skills you can quick draw/attack with weapons.
Fish spawn as distinct creatures, and they're used for fishing checks.
Quivers for arrows.
Furniture can act as a tool.
Corpses rot and eventually disappear.
Armor is assigned to a layer, and armor on different layers doesn't impose layering penalties.
Destroyed vehicle parts get ripped off the vehicle.
Player can start at various locations.
Special support for mapsharing installs:
  lock down debug menu
  lock players to their username
  more configurable file placement
  locks around map files
Language switch is dynamic now.
Guns such as revolvers no longer eject casings when fired, they're instead ejected on reload.
Internal furnace and Battery System CBMs are toggleable so you're less likely to eat random objects by accident.
Spending more time near traps has incremental chance of finding them, spotted traps are remembered.
Thrown items above a trap-defined threshold will trigger traps.
You can now peek through curtains and some doors.
Smashing a broken window again clears out the broken glass (relatively quietly).
Autopickup can get at anything you can reach, i.e. adjacent tiles.
Can set exclusion zones for autopickup, so you can avoid accidentally picking up all your stuff in your base.
Contents of books are unknown until first read (which is faster than usual).
Can craft recipes if you have a book in range that provides it.
Can learn recipes by practicing them.
Roof of the vehicle you're currently in is not drawn.
Faction hostility is back.
Kiln operates without player being nearby.
Radio operated items.
Switched to seed-based weather generation.
Options are only displayed when they are applicable to your build.
Can perform unspeakable acts upon zombies to turn them into your packmule slave thing.
Messages give feedback on melee misses.
Foraging is seasonal, fruits will grow each season, but once picked are gone until the next.
Pet menu to interact with friendly monsters.
Starting scenarios stitch together profession, traits, and starting location.
Picking up and dropping multiple items is now an interruptable activity.
Activatable mutations.
Heavily moddable gun platform.
Fire creates invisible hot air fields, which meander around in enclosed spaces and warm them up.
Factored windchill and humidity into body temperature calculations.
Vehicles smash items when they (wheels) run over them.
Refined vehicle/terrain collisions.
Hulks and Brutes now have a very damaging fling attack.
Jumper cables can be used to link together electrical systems of vehicles, including vehicles outside the reality bubble.
Crafting a large batch of items can apply a discount to the crafting time required.
Overhaul of "cut up" system:
  Cannot cut up an item if it includes a material that can't be cut up (e.g. shotgun).
  Cutting up returns items from each material that makes up the item.
  Cuting up most items should respect the total volume of the item.
Most terrain can be smashed now, if you can hit it hard enough.
Can turn individual vehicle engines on and off.
Filling an item with water from e.g. a river is now an interruptable action.

Switched to SDL 2.0.
Made paths configurable for packaging and installation support.
Finished pushing martial art definitions out to json.
JSONized multi-tile building generation, leading to huger buildings.
Tilesets can provide a per-category fallback tile to handle new monsters/items/whatever.
Silenced all the warnings, now it's easier to keep new ones from cropping up.
Lots of string handling infrastructure, making translated string handling easier.
Missing tiles in tilesets can fall back to ASCII.
Saner glyph cache handling.
Components used to craft an item are stored in the item.
Debug overlay for hordes.
Improved window handling.
Generic iuse functors unify many types of iuse functions.
JSONized bullet pulling recipes.
Generic support for foldable vehicles, still need support for *crafting* them.
Encapsulation applied to map accessors.
JSONized monster drops.
Damaged fuel tanks leak fuel on the ground.
Most menus use input context now, and therefore have configurable keybindings.
Switched build to c++11.
Items can have a list of iuse methods instead of just one.
Drug effects can mostly be defined in JSON.
Scripts for querying json in tools_json_tools.
Beefed up utf-8 input handling.
JSONized NPC definitions.
Unified recipe requirements across constructions and crafting.
Better error handling when initializing SDL.
Recipes can have byproducts.
Added a standalone map layout utility.
Monsters are saved to the overmap instead of per-submap, clearing the way for horde support.
Hgamelaunch start script.
Items can spawn with variable amounts of charge.
Monster blacklists are applied consistently to all spawn code.
Different ammunition-bearing monsters (turrets, robots) have customized loadouts of their various ammo types.
Obsolete mods can be marked as such, preventing debug spam if a save containing them is loaded.

Give most starting professions decent starting equipment.
Nether spawns near corpse spawns.
Capped skill gain from many activities, especially crafting.
Melee weapons can take wear and tear damage based on their primary material.
Categorized CBMs you can get from butchering things.
Armor values nerfed.
Mutagen spawn rates slashed.
Overhauled mp3 player morale bonus to make micromanagement of it suboptimal.
Amount of damage blocked by a block technique based on strength and skill of blocker.
Removed acid rain until it can be made into a local event.
Nerfed speed of many zombie animals.
Starting professions supplied with cold-weather gear to match the expected climate.
Standing in a fire less likely to ignite clothes.
Lying in fire (when one or more legs is at 0HP) causes MUCH more damage.

New monster, Wraith.
Hops, barley, and molasses as brewing ingredients.
Yeast for fermenting brews and baking some bread foods.
Sugar beet as a renewable source of sugar.
Fruit wine and Brandy.
Moonshine and home-brewed beer.
Grappling hook.
Many new house layouts.
Wells and well digging.
CQB CBM that provides martial art style.
Warehouse building.
Decorative terrain and furniture.
Parasites and diseases from unsafe foods.
Curtains for vehicle doors and windshields, privacy please!
Foraging (in bushes, shrubs, trees).
Towel usable for many handy things (still not at HHGttG level).
hehe, honey.
Wearable rx12 auto-injector.
Motel locations.
Slime mutants can slip through tight spaces, spawn friendly slimes.
Some insect-like mutants can sip nectar from flowers (but at a cost...)
Mutagen gives you wings! (butterfly wings)
Bird mutations.
Killed bots drop (disassemblable) broken bot items instead of corpses.
Bear mutations.
Bio operator zombie.
Spider nest basements.
Nice looking road ends and roundabouts.
Exploding gasbag zombies.
Pizza parlor building.
Notes left by other survivors scattered all over.
Brain blob directs nearby blobs to move intelligently.
Mall location.
Several toolbox items to streamline carrying around your crafting needfulls.
Cotton and many cotton-based recipes and items.
Plant mutations.
Audit of all item prices to try and get a sensical baseline for them.
Supercharged military turrets.
Make Fedora activatable, m'ilady.
Road barricades.
Rollerblades and skates.
Evac center and piles of NPCs and missions.
Bandit camps.
RC car and remote-detonated bombs, and a remote controlled lamp.
Automated gas stations.
E-ink tablet and laptops can display recipes and act like books.
Can take pictures of monsters and view them on laptops or tablets.
Fish traps.
A "Thrilling" monster easter egg.
Riot control bot.
Extensive mutation chain culminating with player effectively joining the Marloss faction.
Extensive expansion of Marloss monsters/structures.
Various power substations, with new monsters.
Diesel added as a vehicle fuel.
Added craftable pontoon bridges.
Rat mutants can burrow, Cephalopod mutants can grow a large shell, lizards can regrow limbs.
Many new starting locations.
Curing hides and tanning leather.
Full coverage of tiles in Retrodays and MShock's tilesets!

Expanded armor layering window.
Added way to swap panes in AIM.
Animation and duration for smoking activity.
Action menu that displays all actions in a tree menu.
Highlight things you can interact with when 'e'xamining.
Many strings are properly pluralized and have support for doing so when translated as well.
Standardized overmap building colors.
Vehicle examine menu shows used/capacity of fuel tanks and cargo space.
SDL builds can play music.
Log messages colorized.
Books colorized by category.
Different weather types get their own animations.
Save/load log messages.
Fuzzy river borders.
Scrolling text animations when things are damaged and on some effects triggering.
Lots of menus now have sorting, categories, and search.
Animation delay option.
Player can write and read sign items.
Added a menu displaying martial art style characteristics.
Perishable and rotting items colorized.
UPS no longer activatable, now act as passive batteries.
Prompt to continue studying a book until all recipes learned.

Greatly sped up construction menu.
Overmap scrolling speed greatly improved.
Turn number added to calendar since it's called a gajillion times.
Switched a lot of large collections to use std::unordered_map() or std::unordered_set().
SDL framebuffer cache.
Extracted rain animation code from main drawing code.
Tile lookup speedups.

No bleeding effect if your armor absorbs all the damage.
Make game stop treating trees, walls, etc as hallucinatory with respect to vehicle collisions.
Prevent dragging furniture from hoovering up items.
Option to force software rendering to work around hardware support issues.
Players are ejected from vehicles when their seats are destroyed.
Contents of items destroyed by interacting with them are dumped instead of being deleted.
Restored function of area melee attacks.
Made various battery mods play nice together.
Prevent segfault in the unlikely case that you miss so badly that you shoot yourself.
Don't cause blood spatters when the attack does no damage.
Avoid crashing when loading a corrupted submap.
Avoid resetting creature speed to 100 when a creature is saved/loaded.
Option to disable joystick input in case you have a broken joystick.
Always practice at least one of the melee skill types when attacking.
Fixed off-by-one error that made 100% coverage armor 99% coverage.
Move critical multiplier calculaton after armor absorbs damage.
Added move cost for interacting with computers.
Use maximum heard sound for effects (such as deafness), not the sum.
Player graveyard works as intended, most recent player save is moved to the graveyard folder.
Factored weight of items in furniture into cost of dragging the furniture.
Gunmods with firing modes finally make correct sounds when fired.
Guns spawn with ammo when mapgen calls for it.
Fixed longstanding bug where displayed warmth would fluctuate wildly if your body temperature was optimal.
Prevent player from taking damage when driving over an acid puddle.
Taught zombies how to pick the right stairs.
Fixed bug where zombies can attack at range after a knockback.
Lots of window refresh cleanup.
Turrets and vehicle turrets now respect friendly status when burst firing.
Fixed a bug where monsters could see further than they should in circular distance mode (they still used square dist).
Je vois que le développeur parle de relations avec les PNJs mais j'arrive pas a en savoir plus, on peut faire autre chose que tuer du zombie ? J'avais développé un mec avec un katana et une armure lourde genre lvl7 et il était increvable (j'avais des biomachins)
Depuis le temps, le jeu est toujours très suivi par ses développeurs, et même s'il n'y a pas eu de grosse sortie depuis la 0.C début 2015, en version jouable on a plusieurs mises à jour par semaines. C'est seulement dans la branche de développement, qi est très jouable si on évite les options vraiment très expérimentales.

Bref, j'ai relancé le jeu pour voir. Et c'est trop biiiien !

Tellement de changements et d'ajouts depuis ma dernière vraie partie, que je suis paumé, c'est cool.

En plus, ça se lance tout seul sur Linux, avec Tilesets, sans soucis. Je vais là et je prends le derniers de la liste (le plus récent) :

C'est à dire pour là de suite : [ ] cataclysmdda-0.C-7948.tar.gz 2018-09-21 05:42 62M

Ensuite, décompresser le fichier sur le disque, comme n'importe quel zip. Puis ouverture d'un Terminal, chmod +x cataclysm-tiles, puis ./cataclysm-tiles et paf.

Là où c'est plus long, c'est de fouiller les options, y'en a pour tous les goûts, c'est génial.

En tilesets, pour jouer en plein écran 1920*1280, j'ai pris Chesthole32.

Ça donne ça :


* Jeux1d100 ? Le blog Jeux1d100.net sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *
T'arrive à faire quelque chose dans le jeu?

Je vois beaucoup de personne en parler et y jouer sur un discord Rimworld. J'ose pas me lancer tellement que ça à l'air complexe.
Citation :
Publié par Petitpain
T'arrive à faire quelque chose dans le jeu?

Je vois beaucoup de personne en parler et y jouer sur un discord Rimworld. J'ose pas me lancer tellement que ça à l'air complexe.
Bah oui, j'y arrive !

C'est complexe, c'est le plus complet des jeux de survie que je connaisse, toute forme et tout thème confondu.

Gobbopathe avait je rois fait une série de tutoriels sur Youtube, je vais voir si je retrouve ça.

(édition : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=k4w5...F3Ht6QiqemmAGo
C'est vieux de 4 ans par contre, je pensais que c'était plus récent. M'enfin, ça donne une idée, et dans les grandes lignes c'est toujours bon)
* Jeux1d100 ? Le blog Jeux1d100.net sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *
J'ai les clefs si je veux commencer, c'est juste que j'ai pas envie de m'investir. On m'a donné ça sur mon discord, ptet que ça te sera utile :

Citation :
Download the latest experimental build from official site.
Use ChestHole tileset (afaik, enabled by default)
Use this soundpack:
Here's nice tutorial videos:
Use this wiki to see the items/enemies properties (in development tab, since you'll use experimental build):

CDDA-Soundpack - Soundpack for Cataclysm DDA

Cataclysm University - YouTube

Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead Item Browser
Item/recipe Browser for the Cataclysm: Dark Days Ahead roguelike game. You can look at items and plan ahead!
Merci, ça pourra servir aux nouveaux. Je ne suis pas du tout en expert, mais je joue de temps en temps depuis... 2011, semble-t-il.

J'ai relancé une partie ce soir, j'ai bien galéré au début pour les raccourcis clavier et la survie simple, ça fait du bien d'être "perdu" !

Citation :
Depuis mon abri, je me suis rendu vers la ville à l'ouest, où j'ai fouillé pour trouver un sac et quelques outils, en vain.

En entrant dans une boutique de vêtements, j'espérais m'équiper contre le vent, la pluie et la neige de ce début de printemps, mais là encore rien !

Je me suis retrouver à déchirer des rideaux pour me faire des loques...

J'ai voulu retourner vers l'abri, et je me suis égaré. Je l'avais bien noté sur la carte, mais comme un idiot, je visais un autre symbole. Du coup, je suis arrivé à une petite cabane en bois, par chance, vide. J'ai pu m'y reposer un peu et me remettre de mes émotions : un élan m'a attaqué sur le chemin, et j'ai failli perdre définitivement la vue, suite à une grosse blessure à la tête. "Failli", ouf.

À moitié mort de fin et de soif, j'avais seulement deux petites bouteilles d'eau... gelée... et pas de quoi manger. Au abords de la cabane, j'ai croisé un chien avec une muselière. Tant pis pour lui, je l'ai taillé en pièces, puis avec des morceaux du mobilier de la cabane, j'ai pu allumer un feu et me nourrir avant de dormir presque au chaud. Le feu à également rendu liquide la précieuse eau, mais j'ai toujours soif, et je suis très faible.

Je pense que ma fin est proche, mais au moins, je ne serais pas dévoré par les zombies. Au moins, pas dévoré vivant... Si je dois succomber dans cette cabane, je me jetterais au feu d'abord pour être sûr de ne pas "revenir".
* Jeux1d100 ? Le blog Jeux1d100.net sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *
Une vidéo rapide pour représenter le jeu, avec options visuelles + sonores, à comparer avec une capture de 2013. Le travail sur l'amélioration de l'interface, surtout le côté pratique, est impressionnant.


* Jeux1d100 ? Le blog Jeux1d100.net sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *
En attendant la version.E qui doit arriver prochainement (quelques semaines ?), je lis de temps en temps les nouvelles autour du jeu.

Cette simple entrée de Bug m'excite, me rappelle à quel point Cataclysm DDA est riche, complet, dense et nawak à la fois.

Citation :
No NPC Needs: Plant mutation leads to obesity ·
NPCs with roots go and sleep outside, which is nice.
However, the more time they spend rooted the fatter they get.
Ça dit que les mutations relatives aux plantes peuvent conduire à l'obésité.
Les personnages non joueur qui ont des racines vont dormir dehors, jusque là tout est "normal".
Et en étant dehors les racines pompent des nutriments, ce qui fait grossir le personnage.



Vivement la version .E Stable.
* Jeux1d100 ? Le blog Jeux1d100.net sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *
La Stable n'est pas encore là, mais les versions expérimentales sont quasi finales, donc c'est très stable.

J'ai commencé une nouvelle partie avec le scénario Prison.

On commence comme un prisonnier seul, presque à poil, à l'intérieur de la prison, et évidemment tout est fermé à clef, et on n'est peut-être pas si seul.

* Jeux1d100 ? Le blog Jeux1d100.net sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *
Voilà "enfin" la version stable 0.E Ellison !

Lien vers les notes de mise à jour, qui fait à peine 3525 lignes :


Citation :
# 0.E (Ellison)

## Highlights:
Long distance automove feature for walking, driving and boating.
Extensive bugfixes to inter-level interactivity, on by default.
Riding animals and animal-pulled vehicles.
More flexible Basecamp construction options.
Default starting date changed to mid-spring for better survivability.
Time advancement is rationalized, a turn is now one second.
Extensive river and lake systems, and boat support for navigating them.
Expanded NPC usefulness and interactivity.
Massive increases in location variety and consistency, especially rooftops.
Expansion of mi-go faction with new enemies and locations.
Batteries now store charge instead of being pseudo-items.
Overhaul and rebalance of martial arts.
Zombie grabbing and biting more manageable and predictable.
Overhauled stamina and damage recovery for grittier gameplay.
Crouching movement mode allows hiding.
Magiclysm and Aftershock mods have first class support within the game.

## Statistics:
4429 files changed, 4175739 insertions(+), 2881113 deletions(-)
13,507 commits
~400 contributors

New game entities (core): 12,290
J’y retourne, avec la version 0.E Ellison Stable, et je joue un archéologue schizophrène.

Soundpack Otopack : https://discourse.cataclysmdda.org/t...-otopack/23190
Simplement mettre le dossier décompressé dans /cataclysmdda-0.E/sound/ puis choisir en jeu et redémarrer.

Tileset (inclu en jeu) : Ultica Beta, à choisir dans les options en jeu.

Version Stable 0.F "Frank" disponible pour Linux, Mac, Windows et Android.

Cette version stable se veut "pleine de contenu et d’affinage".


Dans les

Citation :
4,500 new game entities were added, 123,162 lines of source code were inserted, and 77,727 lines were deleted.
on peut noter le très gros morceau sur l’inventaire, avec des "vraies poches logiques". On peut par exemple avoir un sac et le poser au sol et le reprendre à la volée, bien plus facilement qu’avant.

On note aussi l’ajout de multiples créatures et objets, l’amélioration des performances globales, un système de saignement, un axe Z (altitude) plus intéressant avec des ponts qui passent au dessus des rivières et les véhicules capables de passer d’un niveau à un autre.

Les trois très gros mods que sont Magiclysm, Aftershock, et Dinomod ont également sensiblement évolués avec de très nombreux ajouts, sans compter les corrections et ajustements partout.

Une vidéo assez mal expliquée et en anglais, sur la version en développement d’il y a 4 mois, sur le nouveau système d’inventaire (rien trouvé de plus récent pour le moment) : https://youtu.be/zZITgPwGw9I?t=205
* Jeux1d100 ? Le blog Jeux1d100.net sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *
J’ai commencé une nouvelle série "Tout va bien", avec l’une des dernières versions expérimentales (ça sort souvent).

Rien de très spécial dans la configuration de la partie :
- classe Burglar, douée pour forcer les serrures, et assez perceptive en général
- taille des villes très grande, avec un peu d’espace entre chaque, pour avoir des agglomération pleine de... vie... et d’opportunités
- vitesse des bestioles réduite à 70% (je préfère des zombies globalement plus lent qu’un humain)
- capacité des soins au repos à 75% (je régénère moins vite de mes blessures)
- 33% d’objets dans le monde (je trouve moins de butin partout)

Je ne m’attarde pas trop sur les règles du jeu ou l’interface sauf parfois pour expliquer un truc.
Je progresse avec un excès de prudence, donc lentement, je ne cri pas, je parle tranquillement, et j’utilise peu d’injures.

Premier épisode :

* Jeux1d100 ? Le blog Jeux1d100.net sur les jeux indécents et Linux, et la chaîne YouTube *

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