[Archive] Patch notes, état du serveur et infos [Aoû. 09]

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Voila, je me suis laissé séduire par le concept de MO (probablement pour les mêmes raisons que vous), j'ai donc payer un compte et dl la version digitale du jeux hier (à ce propos, le paiement des 49€.. je croie.. donne un accès illimité à la béta ou y aura t-il un prelevement menseul ?). Bref, apres avoir mis à jour tous les drivers, directX, physX etc... j'ai pu lancer le jeu hier .
Aujourd'hui je bloque sur une mise à jour (la ?) : il me scanne bien les fichiers, j'ai un bref apercu d'une maj de 1Go je croie mais après "error downloading a file... retry...".
J'ai parcouru le fofo off et le fofo jol (c'est pas fastoch de tout rependre en cours de route )
Faut il que je fasse qq chose de particulier ? ou attendre gentillement la maj ?
Merci et désolé si j'ai loupé un topic traitant le problème
Ce serais des sources sur l'état du serveur que j'aimerais perso ...impossible de savoir si le retry download actuel vient d'un bug ou du fait que le patch n'est pas encore prenable.

Civsimp , il est potentiellement en offline le serveur actuellement vu qu'un patch y est appliqué .
Citation :
Publié par CivSimp
Salut à tous
Voila, je me suis laissé séduire par le concept de MO (probablement pour les mêmes raisons que vous), j'ai donc payer un compte et dl la version digitale du jeux hier (à ce propos, le paiement des 49€.. je croie.. donne un accès illimité à la béta ou y aura t-il un prelevement menseul ?). Bref, apres avoir mis à jour tous les drivers, directX, physX etc... j'ai pu lancer le jeu hier .
Aujourd'hui je bloque sur une mise à jour (la ?) : il me scanne bien les fichiers, j'ai un bref apercu d'une maj de 1Go je croie mais après "error downloading a file... retry...".
J'ai parcouru le fofo off et le fofo jol (c'est pas fastoch de tout rependre en cours de route )
Faut il que je fasse qq chose de particulier ? ou attendre gentillement la maj ?
Merci et désolé si j'ai loupé un topic traitant le problème
Attends un peu, c'est un nouveau patch.
Faudra redownloader tout cela. Toute les 2 semaines environs, tu as un nouveau patch, tes personnages sont effacer et il faut retélécharger le jeu.

Citation :
Publié par elriks
Ce serais des sources sur l'état du serveur que j'aimerais perso ...impossible de savoir si le retry download actuel vient d'un bug ou du fait que le patch n'est pas encore prenable.

Civsimp , il est potentiellement en offline le serveur actuellement vu qu'un patch y est appliqué .
LOL et tu ne peux pas attendre un peu? C'est une question de vis ou de mort c'est ça?
Sois pas si dépressif, le suicide, c'est mal.
Ah re-télécharger le jeu complètement ?

Ils procèdent comment d'habitude ? via torrent par le site ou ?

ps : non Tankoua , Depuis que j'ai accès à la béta, en 4 jours, je n'ai jamais pus y jouer tout bêtement plus de 4 mn (avec un perso buggé ) donc vu que j'ai collectioné tous les bugs possible et imaginable, je suis juste curieux de savoir si la malédiction est partie
Message supprimé par son auteur.
wow (argg que ce mot fait mal) merci pour cette prompte réponse
Donc toutes les deux semaines il faudra re-telecharger le client, les éventuelles mises à jour au lancement du jeux ne servant qu'a des hot fix ?
Sinon hier soir, après avoir essayer quelques trucs, le jeu se bloquait très rapidement (écran figé et ctrl-alt supr obligé) à chaque relance. j'ai lu aujourd'hui qu'il fallait tué un process dans la liste des taches. Ca peut être la cause ?
Message supprimé par son auteur.
Message supprimé par son auteur.
Message supprimé par son auteur.
Je vous conseille de DL le torrent, c'est bien plus rapide. Edit : en fait, non, il rame.

En tout cas le housing est bien présent et on peut savoir comment il fonctionne.

Citation :
Player housing

The basics of player housing in Mortal Online are as follows. Currently there are two different types of player houses implemented in the game. These house types are: Type 1 and Type 2 houses. Please note that these houses look the same, the models are place holders to test functionality and server/client performance.

When you construct your house, the house will become a Tier 1 house; all houses have a total of three tiers. Houses also have Module slots. A module slot allows you to add an extension to your house. A Tier 1 house has one module slot, a Tier 2 house has two module slots and a Tier 3 house has three module slots.

To build a house, you need Tier plan and preferably some friends as constructing a house single-handedly will take a lot of time. A Tier plan can be purchased from house vendors. These vendors also sell Module plans. Once you have acquired your Tier plan, you will find it in your inventory. To find a location suitable for constructing your house, you need to open your inventory and right-click the Tier plan. Doing so will enable the location search. When you are close to a position where it’s possible to build a house, a semi-transparent “ghost model” of a house will appear.

Once you have found a suitable location for your house, press ‘R’. The “ghost model” will light up and you will be prompted if you wish to start constructing your house at this location. If you accept the location, you will see the foundation of your house. Please note that you need to be at some distance away from the “ghost model” to place the foundation. If you or someone else is too close to the “ghost model”, you will get a warning.

When you have placed the foundation of your house, a chest and a sign will appear at the site. You can store your belongings and materials in the chest; however you are not able to lock the chest until the house is finished. Players who are not the owner of the foundation/house will get globally allowed if they withdraw items from the chest. Depositing items into the chest, will not flag the player. We realize that your friends will get flagged if they accidently place a wrong item in the chest and then need to take it out, but this issue will get resolved when the friends/guild system is implemented.

Now it is time for you to gather materials and bring them to your foundation. Depending on which type of house you are constructing, the material groups you need will differ. Information on which material groups and how much of the materials you need to build your house can be found if you read the sign inside the foundation. The resource material you use for each material group will directly affect the quality (durability) of your house. If the house for instance requires “Stone”, you can choose between Calx, Saburra, Granum etc. (If you are unsure about if a certain material will work; try a small amount of it first.) Once you have gathered some or all of the required materials for constructing your house and placed them in the chest, it is time to start building the house. The house building will consume the material in the upper left slot in the chest first, and when it’s finished (or that material is gone) move to the material to the right of the first slot and so on. At any time you can deposit more material in the chest, and as long as there are valid materials in the chest the construction can progress.

Building the house works in two ways. As soon as one person, this can be the owner or any other player, steps inside the foundation, he is considered to be “working”, although in a very passive manner. However, it will take a very long time to construct a house by simply standing in it. Please note that this “self build speed” of the house, does not increase if more than one person is standing idle inside the house. To speed up the building process, while inside the foundation press ‘R’, you will then start actively working on your house as well. The more people actively working on your house, the faster the house will be built.

When your house is finished the remaining resources will be put inside the chest in your new home. Now it’s time to collect the key to your house from the sign next to the door. You can use your key to lock/unlock the doors of your house as well as your chest. It is also possible to change the locks on your house, should you lose your key.

To upgrade your house with a Module plan or new Tier, purchase the necessary plans from a vendor. Approach your house, stand at some distance, open your inventory and right-click the Module or Tier plan that you wish to upgrade your house with. When you wish to upgrade your house with a Tier, you will have to apply the upgrade and then construct it. This means you need to gather new material and then build it.
Houses in Mortal Online can be constructed, but they can also be destroyed by other players. The materials you choose to build your house out of will determine how durable your house is. Please note that players attempting to destroy a house single-handedly will be in for several days of grinding.

If your house gets demolished, a four day timer starts. During the first two days, the owner of the house is able to loot the ruins of their house. After the first two days have passed, anyone can loot the ruins of the house for the remaining two days. When the four days have passed, the ruin will be removed from the world. (By days we mean real life days, 96 hours or 345,600 seconds).

0 – 48 Hours – Owner can loot the ruins.
48 – 96 hours – Anyone can loot the ruins.
96+ hours – House ruin is removed from the world.

If your house has been assaulted by other players, but it has not been completely destroyed you are able to repair it. To repair your house, make sure you have the required materials in your chest, look at your house and press ‘R’. Repairs can also help you improve the durability of your house. If you have built your house of a lower quality material, you can “reconstruct” it with stronger materials. All you have to do is attack your own house and then repair itwith stronger material.

Trespassing is also integrated in the housing system. Any player, who enters a finished house that they do not own, will become globally allowed. You will not get globally allowed for entering a foundation. The globally allowed flag will persist up to two minutes after leaving a house.

Controls quick reference:

To start/stop searching for a house location, open your inventory and right-click your Tier plan.

To place your foundation, stand at some distance from the “ghost model” and press ‘R’.

To construct your house, bring your materials to the chest inside the foundation and simply stand inside the foundation. To begin working press ‘R’.
To upgrade your house, stand at some distance from the house; open your inventory and right-click the Tier or Module plan you wish to use.
To Unlock/Lock your doors or chest, look at the door or chest, open your inventory and right-click your key.
Citation :
Publié par elriks
Je conseil les 2 , si l'un plante ou mets 4 jour, l'autre aura finis demain matin

(le torrent parait être plus qu'essoufflé la)
le principe, c'est que ceux qui ont fini deviennent sources, cette nuit, les gens les plus rapides auront finis créant un effet boule de neige qui fait qu'en principe, demain matin, tout le monde a fini....pas sure que ce soit la cas pour la patcher!
J'aime bien le concepte des maisons avec 3 tier et les modules qui je supose servirons à la construction d'une écurie ou de magasin/forge, etc.

Leur système de monture semble également très intéressent.

La lecture du guide nous permet d'apprendre plusieurs choses intéressentes mais soulève également quelques questions.


Il y a apparement toujours pas de position accroupis, ramper dans MO et encore moins de "leaning" ou contrôles indépendant de la tête. J'aurais penser qu'au moins les deux premiers serais des mouvements plutôt basique dans un jeux tel que MO.

Bref, ca semble être bien difficile d'implanté des features tel que "crouching et crawling" dans un MMO malheureusement.

C'est quoi toutes c'est histoires de patching qui prend des jours, j'espère que ce sera plus rapide que ca avec la version gold lol.
Le patch additionnel :
Citation :
------ ADDITIONS & CHANGES ------

- Mounts will now play an animation when they throw of their driver.
- Player-loot will now go away after 15min rather then the old 5min, mob-loot still gets removed after 5min.
- Fixed MOST of the issues with riding through nodes, you might STILL ecounter glitches thou.
- You should no longer be able to jump while over-weight.
- Pets are now automatically set to stay when tamed with no loyalty cost.
- It is now longer possible to gain creature control skill when pet by its own accord attacks targets.
- When battling a creature and then tame it during the fight, there is no longer any risk that the pet will continue to attack you as tamed.
- You can no longer gain skills when attacking a house.
- You will no longer hit the torso of the the house with a bow.
- You can now lock you chest when upgrading your tier.
- You can no longer access the chest from outside the house.
- Stairs and modules will now show to ppl that logs in while house is in being upgraded.
- Shadow performance should now be a lot better.

------ BUG FIXES ------
- You now gain riding skill from just mounting a horse.
- Fixed a bug that made you raise your hands whenever some else pressed block.
- Fixed several server-crashes.
- Fixed issues with increasing speed on mounts.
- Fixed so that you no longer can mount mounts that don't belong to you.
- Fixed that you sometimes gained mounted skill after logging out and changing node while seated on a mount.
- The House inventory should now correctly remove depleted items.
- House should now be correctly saved on server reboot.
- Random copies of houses should no longer pop up in Myrland.
- You can no longer interact with the house when to far away.
- Traces for melee combat is no longer 2 times as long as the acctual weapon.
- Pet-commands are now working as intended again.
- You can no longer shield-bash people who are on a mount.
- You can no longer tame while mounted.- Possible fix for ghost
-weight with arrows and broken weapons.
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