(Serveurs up) Housing et problèmes

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Perso, je pense qu'il ont une gestion de conf merdique, j'ai vu certains bug lié certainement a leur evol en cours ( pas intégré normalement ) sur le clique des objets dans l'inventaire, qui n'était pas présent avant.
Je me demande comment le housing a fait pour tenir ainsi autant d'année sans incident comparable..

j'ai pas vraiment l'impression qu'ils prennent l'ampleur du souci et la problématique pour le client.. Cela laisse penser un simple bug qu'on résoudra peut être...
Citation :
Publié par Blackjack-Myme
Je me demande comment le housing a fait pour tenir ainsi autant d'année sans incident comparable..

j'ai pas vraiment l'impression qu'ils prennent l'ampleur du souci et la problématique pour le client.. Cela laisse penser un simple bug qu'on résoudra peut être...
Et comme si le housing n'était pas une partie majeure du jeu. La Chine vient de perdre 0,0000001% de son PIB à cause de BS.
Citation :
Publié par Xylene
Bien content d'avoir arrêté mon abonnement. Ils ne méritent pas mes 13€ par mois.

en fait, la mauvaise nouvelle c'est ça ...

Quant au problème de fond, la seule chose qui est vraiment inadmissible c'est le manque de communication. Les pb techniques ça arrive, et ça peut durer; le manque d'info ça non, c'est de leur entière responsabilité.
Jurisprudence apple... par principe on ne communique pas sur les difficultés (on a la même dans ma boite; rien de pire...)
Citation :
Publié par -Methanol-
We'll have another update later today for you, so please stay tuned to the Herald!
Après le bonus RP, une SC full capée à récupérer au roi pour qu'on arrête de raler avec un abonement pour le herobus
Citation :
Publié par -Methanol-
tu n'auras rien, n'y crois même pas un instant

déja si ils débloquent le housing cette semaine, ça tiendra du miracle
Bon bah j'arrête mon abo rejoindre "les autres".
Non mais avoue Fugo,

Ça fait bien rire quand même.

Maintenant pour le housing, reste plus qu'à prier car pour certains qui participe à l'économie de DAOC, les sacs sont pleins sur les rerolls ^^. Ça va faire augmenter les prix des objets (loi de marché oblige) avant un krach financier avec le retour des revendeurs ^^.
Alors :

Citation :
Ywain will be coming down today at 11:45 AM EST / 4:45 PM GMT to implement our fix for the housing data issues that cropped up after server maintenance last week.

We thank you for your patience during this downtime as we'll be doing some extra testing before opening the server to players. We expect the servers up no later than 9:00 PM EST / 2:00 AM GMT.

Please read the following notes very carefully as they will outline what to expect and how things should look in housing when the server returns today.


Ywain housing data should be reverted to the state it was in just prior to the server downtime last Tuesday (1/5/16).
Housing data specifically includes ownership of lots, house type, decorations, total CM money, permissions, etc.
Any changes made to a house while the regions were enabled on 1/5/16 (new purchase, decorations, transfers of ownership) will be rolled back and will be as though they never happened.
Please note that housing data does not include Consignment Merchant and House Vault inventories; which are a separate matter (see below).
Items sold from Consignment Merchants after last week's downtime will be restored to those CMs prior to the server being re-opened today. We decided to do this since the CM money will be reverted with the rest of the house data and since in some cases prices on CM items were incorrect when the housing regions were up on 1/5/16.
In other words, players that had items sold from their CMs will not be receiving the monies from those sales but will instead get the sold items restored.
Be sure to check your CM and house vaults as soon as possible. While we've made every effort to check the data for missing items, we couldn't check every item moved to CM and housing vaults during the time the housing regions were up on 1/5/16. However, the number of these items we couldn't check is extremely small and their restoration will be handled on a case by case basis by in-game support.
House vaults and Consignment Merchants may need to be picked up into your character's inventory and placed back down in the house to display their inventories correctly.
Any players noticing items missing from their House Vaults should first refresh their vaults as described above. Then, contact any friends and guildmates who may have had access to the vaults to see if the item was removed by them. If not, and you cannot locate the item(s) in the rest of your inventory, please file an in-game appeal with the following syntax:
<character name-server> placed items into the house vaults on lot <lot#-server> and they are now missing. The items were <item names/quantity>.
ALL items on ALL Consignment Merchants will have their prices set to 0 (not for sale) when the servers return. Please visit your house to re-price your items for sale.
Additionally, the Market Explorer has been cleared. If you had your items listed before, please visit your house and use the /listmerchant command to re-list your items.
We've done this to protect against any residual incorrect item pricing on the CMs.
Please log in as soon as you can and check your house, house vaults, CM items, prices, and house permissions. If you have lost ownership of a house that existed BEFORE the servers went down on 1/5/2016, please let us know as soon as possible. There's only going to be a short window available to research and restore house ownership after this fix goes live.

When the server returns, the RP bonus on Ywain will be increased from +50% to +100%. This bonus, the Midwinter Event, and the Traveling Merchants will be extended to last through January 25th.
The extra, temporary potions added to the Traveling Merchants while the housing regions were down will also be removed.
Citation :
Ywain will be coming down today at 11:45 AM EST / 4:45 PM GMT to implement our fix for the housing data issues that cropped up after server maintenance last week.

We thank you for your patience during this downtime as we'll be doing some extra testing before opening the server to players. We expect the servers up no later than 9:00 PM EST / 2:00 AM GMT.

Please read the following notes very carefully as they will outline what to expect and how things should look in housing when the server returns today.
Je crois que ça bouge !

+100% RP jusqu'au 25...
Citation :
Publié par Fugo
Dites les enfants, même si elles sont très drôles, n'oubliez pas, une image ne fais pas un message
Aller vas y ! steuplé !

Citation :
We thank you for your patience during this downtime as we'll be doing some extra testing before opening the server to players
Traduction : "On a prévu quelques slips propres, parce que la on se chie dessus grave sa race de ses morts"


Quand BroadSword dit qu'il va y avoir un update pour le housing et qu'ils te filent un fucking bonus rp :


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