Les héros de la prochaine mise a jour !

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nouveau héro, pour le 3 decembre:


A denizen of Newerth's uncharted depths, Myrmidon has arisen to check the Hellbourne advance before it reaches his beloved seas. Like the ocean whose form he can take on, Myrmidon is powerful, fickle, and at times even cruel. With his ability to transform into a monster of terrifying strength and power, some question where his loyalties truly lie, but his might is certainly a welcome aid to the Legion in the war against the daemons.


Weed Field: Myrmidon calls forth a line of seaweed from the ground in a line in target direction to bind his enemies after a short delay. Bound units are stunned and take magic damage over time.


Magic Carp: Myrmidon sends his fish friend after target enemy unit. The magical carp will follow the target until it hits, dealing magic damage to the target. In addition, if the target is moving at the time of impact, it is stunned.


Wave Form: Myrmidon manifests the sea's rage, turning into water and crashing to target location. Enemies he passes through are slowed and have their magic armor reduced.


Forced Evolution:Myrmidon transforms himself, exchanging his ranged attack for more durability and power. In his transformed state, Myrmidon attacks at melee range, dealing magic damage to and slowing the target with each hit.


Je croyais que c'était Morphling
En gros c'est un mélange de jakiro pour le 1st skill, avec un dot en plus, morphling pour le 3rd avec un slow à la place du stun, mais ça ressemble plus à la charge de kraken en voyant le gif, et wild soul avec harkons et icebrand gratos pour l'ulti.
J'attends de voir les stats, mais il se pourrait qu'il soit aussi OP que Moraxus

Le second skill a l'air sympa par contre.
Nouveau hero pour demain m'voyez:
Do I... dazzle you? http://ve3dmedia.ign.com/images/08/39/83908_Dampeer_edit_orig.jpg
In the darkest days of the war, when starvation stalked the land, it is said that some men turned to eating the flesh of the dead -- and then, the flesh of the living. Perhaps that is the origin of Dampeer, a monster who feeds on the lifeforce of his foes, spreading terror before his tattered wings, his pants the only remnants of his humanity.
Abilities: Terrorize: Dampeer instills terror within nearby foes, damaging them and causing them to run around like headless chickens.

Vampiric Flight:
Dampeer takes flight toward his target enemy, damaging and stealing life from foes he passes through.

Dampeer and nearby allies gain lifesteal on attacks.

Dampeer takes a massive bite of an enemy's flesh, inflicting damage and healing himself for the damage dealt.
Dampeer is coming to a Newerth near you to find his Bella on Wednesday, Dec. 22nd 2010.
un incube, why not.

Initiateur possible avec son deuxième sort suivi du premier. (à voir encore avec les descriptifs plus tard)
J'espère qu'il sera équilibré par contre.
Originale, elle va bien me plaire je crois
Le mur est une bonne idée, tout comme l'ulti. On connaît pas encore les chiffres, mais à mon avis elle va surclasser une bonne quantité de supports.
Et des chiffres bcp moins fumés, par rapport à Pugna j'entends.

Pugna, c'est 9s de lifeleech sur 850 de distance et ça bouffe 95/140/185 avec un cooldown ridicule qui passe à 0 une fois que t'as un aghanim.
Thumbs down
J'aime bien Empath, ca change de Dampeer. En parlant de lui, il devrait être supprimé, il est ennuyeux aussi bien à jouer qu'à affronter. Le pire héros du jeu pour moi.
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