[Archive] Compétitions & Drama : le topic de l'e-sport [Juin. 13]

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Publié par Souporiz
Et personne ne réagit?
osef d'elle, stou
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Woong at it again.

1. Woong's team participates in an online tournament watched by thousands of people late into the night.
2. Woong's team loses badly with their mid-laner getting stomped.
3. With only one more victory needed by their opponents in order to go through, Woong sudden requests for a roster change for the next match.
4. It is of course against the rules.
5. Suddenly, MiG's mid-laner starts to carry his team.
6. The itemization placements of the mid-laner suddenly becomes vastly different (the original player always had his boots in the fifth compartment for hundreds of games, but curiously puts it in the 3rd compartment after the player exchange is denied). The champion that the mid-laner suddenly is carrying the series with, is a champion that the player in question has only played three times before with his current ID.
7. Woong's team is disqualified for using a different player despite it being against the rules. The guy who filled in for the mid-lane spot suddenly starts to search for a game in solo-que the moment people start to wise up to his antics.

Mdr. La triche au WC ne lui a pas suffit, woong doit tricher partout.
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Publié par Silver Squeez
Mdr. La triche au WC ne lui a pas suffit, woong doit tricher partout.
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Looks like he made a woong move.

wtf is going on

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Hey guys, I keep up with the Chinese scene a lot and the current top teams (IG, WE) are getting dominated by a new team running NO JUNGLER it's really interesting.
They run Two AD's and Two Support, they take every buff level one which gives every lane huge EXP advantage (Imagine how advantageous golems were, now imagine an entire buff). Which is raising question is this a legit strategy or a flaw in the new jungle that will be fixed?
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Publié par Silver Squeez

wtf is going on
C'est juste parfait avec ton avatar.

Sinon, le contrôle du dragon/ nashor doit être chaud avec cette strat. A moins qu'un laner prenne un smite?
pkoi ca serait pas legit du jeu sans jungler, c'est pas "nouveau". (mais considere comme troll quand tu le fais en ranked :'( meme si tu roules jusqu'au nexus)
ca serait un joli, pour le coup. Et si ca donne des envies a certains, encore plus
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