Monday Mini Update - Chugging Along

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Quick Monday Morning Update:

Black Panther internal testing continues and iterations are being performed each day as we approach public testing. Expect public testing to begin March 24. The focus on his review is overall playability, adding a few new powers and smoothing out his weaknesses. He is a fun hero already, so we want be massively changing his gameplay patterns, just making him even better. (Note: This doesn't mean he will be bad, just that we aren't killing current builds)

As above, Black Widow continues to move along, but will be ready by end of April. Natasha's kit will have some nice quality of life improvements, along with an impactful ultimate and some improved animations and VFX where appropriate.

Wolverine's level 52 review will follow in May, roughly around the X-Men movie.

Other level 52 reviews are in various stages and keep chugging along through the pipeline. We are likely doing one every month and sometimes two if the timing works out. Many of the heroes don't need a ton of new powers, just a few surgical improvements and quality of life improvements.

Achievements system chugs along through the design, UI and engineering phases. The backend for the system will be completely new tech and will serve as a platform for new features for years to come.

Fortune Card Mark V is being finished up by Cosmic Cupcake and should be ready fairly soon. She'll give some more details soon.

Raid work is chugging along. Encounter 1 and 4 are the most complete, with other's following. The final main boss fight is going to visually and mechanically impressive.

Doctor Strange is in the pre-Alpha testing stages. Tuning and VFX/SFX are next up to be completed this week, likely with public testing next week. Early reports from internal testing is quite positive on his game mechanics and visuals. The VFX team really wanted him magic to appear impressive and crunched many hours making that come true.

The team continues to analyze every item in the game and review metrics on how often it's used and by whom. The item review pass should be complete in mid April. In the meantime, new artifacts and uniques are also being worked on to fill in the most popularly-requested "gaps" in itemization.

Team Ups are making their way through the pipeline, with a few surprise team ups in development for sometime after launch. Don't pay attention to the data mining if you want to be surprised. The first team up will be the classic Spider-Man (the star of the Marvel comics Team Up franchise), followed closely by the Winter Soldier version of Falcon. The model for Falcon is extremely solid and makes me want to make him a playable hero some day.

Recipes for duplicate uniques and new lifesteal core options should occur around the same time as the Captain America movie. More on those next week.

The team is focusing today on addressing any and every bug reported over the weekend in order to have a fix in this week's mini-patch build.

Very early work is chugging along on the new story chapter and continuation of the Marvel Heroes story, which will premier after Asgard and after Bronx Zoo, likely in late summer.

Between Asgard and the new story chapter, we will launch Bronx Zoo (which fits into chapter 2), along with a new terminal and new items to accompany the 2 new bosses in the zone.

More Updates:

Stark Tech is on hold until some new tech is created related to the achievement system. Will be worth it, it's like a completely new mini-item game related to it.

Team Ups will now have 3 modes: 30s duration with big impact on entrance, unlimited duration (great for solo and small group play) and "always off" - each with their own benefits and balance.

20 new inventory slots coming with Dr. Strange patch.

30 new inventory slots coming with Cap movie (from team ups).

Both of the above are free.

Deadpool Pulp and Hawkeye Fear Itself are in Fortune Card Mark V

We have a bunch of new modes, zones and terminals coming throughout the year, that's info for a big update when I have more time

Cosmic Doops are still in development, but should be ready in a matter of weeks.

Attributes rework slated for the same time as items review so both can be done in cooperation with each other (they actually have a huge impact on each other, particularly for items with +attributes that will get better or worse and therefore need to be handled carefully)

Legendary Quest sharing is still on the list to work out and requires a couple of tech changes in development.

Lots more stuff going on, but I must get back to work.


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Quick notes:

Stark Tech is on hold until some new tech is created related to the achievement system. Will be worth it, it's like a completely new mini-item game related to it.

Team Ups will now have 3 modes: 30s duration with big impact on entrance, unlimited duration (great for solo and small group play) and "always off" - each with their own benefits and balance.

20 new inventory slots coming with Dr. Strange patch.

30 new inventory slots coming with Cap movie (from team ups).

Both of the above are free.

Deadpool Pulp and Hawkeye Fear Itself are in Fortune Card Mark V

We have a bunch of new modes, zones and terminals coming throughout the year, that's info for a big update when I have more time

Cosmic Doops are still in development, but should be ready in a matter of weeks.

Attributes rework slated for the same time as items review so both can be done in cooperation with each other (they actually have a huge impact on each other, particularly for items with +attributes that will get better or worse and therefore need to be handled carefully)

Legendary Quest sharing is still on the list to work out and requires a couple of tech changes in development.
Autre info pour les team-up venant de Doomsaw :

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Team Ups are no longer an item, they are instead a new tab in your Hero Roster and will be treated more like Heroes. They are not bound to any hero, you can "attach" them to whatever hero you wish in any sort of arrangement.

I will do a big blog post on team-ups in the future, but some notes:

They have 4 item slots for team up items. (Team Ups items affect team up stats and sometimes your stats).

Team Ups have a nice user interface with 4 ranks of powers (some passive, some active) that customize your team up.

They carry 30 inventory items.

They will not collect loot for you or go sell items, they are not valets, they are super heroes. (Although we are considering a Jarvis team up).

Team ups will level with your hero automatically, so you can call them at level 1 and they will be level 1 or call them at level 60 and they will be level 60.

Dernière modification par Othuum le Felon ; 18/03/2014 à 05h55.
En résumé :

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  • La "Review 52" de Black Panther est en test interne, le test publique arrivera le 24 Mars. Cette refonte permettra de rendre le personnage plus fun en lui rajoutant des pouvoirs et en comblant ses faiblesses.
  • La "Review 52" de Black Widow est en cours et arrivera fin Avril.
  • La "Review 52" de Wolverine suivra en Mai.
  • La carte de Fortune 5 est finit elle contiendra deux nouveaux costumes : Deadpool Pulp et Hawkeye Fear Itself
  • Les raids sont toujours en préparation.
  • Doctor Strange est en pré-Alpha, l'équipe porte une grande attention sur les effets magiques des pouvoirs.
  • Le premier Team Up sera Classic Spider-Man, suivit de la version Winter Soldier de Faucon.
  • A la fin de cet été un nouveau chapitre arrivera.
  • Entre Asgard et le nouveau chapitre une nouvelle zone sera ajoutée : Le Bronx Zoo. Cette zone du chapitre 2 contiendra 2 nouveaux boss et sera accompagnée de nouveaux objets et d'un terminal.
  • Un Team-Up a 3 modes : Un mode 30Secondes avec un gros impact a l'apparition, un mode illimité pour le jeu solo ou en petit groupe et un mode "Toujours OFF". Chacun possède ses avantages.
  • 20 Nouveaux emplacements d'inventaire seront ajoutés gratuitement a la sortie de Dr Strange.
  • 30 Nouveaux emplacements d'inventaire seront ajoutés gratuitement a la sortie du film Winter Soldier (Pour les Team-Up).
  • Les doops cosmiques sont en développements.
Il y a eu une nouvelle nouvelle aujourd'hui :

Je traduirais pas mais j'ai compris que :
- Cette semaine pas de grosse MaJ, quelques corrections diverses et variées

La semaine prochaine
- Dr Strange
- Mini review de Squirrel Girl
- 52 de black panther
- Nouveau terminal : Juggernaut
- Quelques corrections et des améliorations d'interface.

Pour après (juste après, pas de dates )
- D'autres annonces
- Les achievements
- Mise en place des échanges
- Link d'items dans le chat
- ...
Je squatte ce thread pour rajouter des infos tirées du stream que Ryolnir et MichaelMayhem ont fait hier soir :


- Les 3 premiers team-ups seront Falcon, Spiderman et Firestar


Au niveau de ceux qui pourraient arriver plus tard :
- She-Hulk (proposée par un participant, Ryolnir a répondu "Awesome idea")
- Dazzler ne sortira pas en héros en 2014 mais elle peut arriver en tant que Team-up.
- War Machine sera jouable, mais a de grandes chances d'être un Team-up avant.
- Jubilee : idée intéressante, mais aucune confirmation.
- Longshot : cf Jubilee
- Deathlok est en discussion depuis 1 an, mais rien n'a été établi.


Les Starktech sont redesigned et vu que le focus est, pour le moment, sur les Team-ups, ils ne seront pas pour tout de suite.

Bronx Zoo

Prévu pour les mois qui viennent, sûrement après le premier raid.


Il y aura peut être une deuxième vague de pack de prévente de personnages.
Sue Storm est confirmée pour avril, et Psylocke est bonne candidate pour Mai.

Psylocke est encore en phase de design, mais ils peuvent dire qu'elle sera psionique/télépathe, ninja-esque et portera un katana. Elle aura bien sûr accès aux psy-blade/knife et à des compétences de vitesse psy-ninja.

Thor ne recevra pas son costume Ultimate dans l'immédiat, mais va être doté d'un Old Man Thor dans les semaines qui arrivent


Le re-work de Wolverine n'a pas commencé. Ils sont toujours en train de décortiquer les feedbacks, mais ils confirment qu'il sera doté de plusieurs nouveaux pouvoirs.

Shuri aura droit à un Enhanced Costume Pack.

Merci Ori pour les infos ! Que du bon en perspective !

J'en reviens à mon idéfix () est ce qu'ils ont abordé le sujet des succès ? Ou c'est encore le flou total ?
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Publié par Rasetsu [Men]
Ils sont encore entrain de bosser sur la Tech permettant d'implanter les succes, mais c'est assez flou encore sur certains points. Ils ont dit que finalement ça serait lié en partie au Starktech, et que ça serait pour le courant de l'été.
Et le Starktech ça consiste en quoi ? ça fait plusieurs fois que je vois ce nom apparaître sans vraiment comprendre ce que c'est

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