# Leagues & Ladders
* A new Grandmaster League has been added for 1v1 ladders. This league represents the Top 200 players in each region. o Players are automatically drafted into Grandmaster League shortly after a new season starts, and will remain in the Grandmaster league until the end of the season. If a Grandmaster player’s available bonus points get too high due to inactivity, they will be automatically removed from the league and a replacement player will be drafted in. o The Grandmaster League can be viewed by all players through the new Leagues & Ladders > Grandmaster tab * The bonus pool has been reduced for arranged teams. * Leagues will now be locked during the final weeks of the season. As a result players will not accumulate additional bonus points and will not be promoted or demoted out of their current division during this period. o This will allow players to focus on moving up in their current league without being promoted during the final weeks of a season, and having to fight their way up from the bottom ranks of their new higher league. o Players can still utilize any points they previously accumulated. * Ladder data from the prior season can be viewed through the new Leagues & Ladders > Last Season tab. * New league icons have been introduced to indicate division rank. These will indicate the Top 8, 25 and 50 players in each division. * Loss counts are no longer displayed in Profile and Ladder pages for players below Master League. Balance * GENERAL o Players can no longer hide units by setting them in a close proximity patrol (Viking flower). * PROTOSS o Mothership + Units leaving the Mothership's Vortex are now un-targetable and immune to damage for 1.5 seconds. o High Templar + Khaydarin Amulet upgrade (+25 starting energy) has been removed. o Zealot + Charging Zealots will now hit fleeing targets at least once. * TERRAN o Battlecruiser + Movement speed increased from 1.406 to 1.875. o Bunker + Build time increased from 35 to 40 seconds. o Tech Lab + Stimpack upgrade research time increased from 140 to 170 seconds. * ZERG o Infestor + Health increased from 90 to 110. + Fungal Growth # Stun duration decreased from 8 to 4 seconds. # Damage increased by +30% vs. armored units. # Now fires a missile instead of being instant cast. le reste : http://us.battle.net/sc2/en/forum/topic/1213111662 Le gros point c'est donc le nerf du early rush T et push mid game bio tous bon quoi Y'a des nouvelles map zoulie aussi : http://www.teamliquid.net/forum/view...opic_id=196358 |
26/02/2011, 02h46 |
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Patch note 1.3 sur PTR !
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Bon, jdémarre le premier troll,
Le plus gros buff zerg ever # An alert has been added when the Spawn Larva buff expires." |
26/02/2011, 03h06 |
ahaha pwnd les terrans!
26/02/2011, 07h05 |
Le retrait de l'amulette fait très mal..
26/02/2011, 08h23 |
un nerf protoss apres un up Quoi de plus normal
Adieu le rush stimpack aussi |
26/02/2011, 08h48 |
Va y avoir de l'encre virtuelle qui va couler
26/02/2011, 09h09 |
Shakuras qui sors du map pool officiel NA
26/02/2011, 09h39 |
l'augmentation des hp de l'infestor de 22% fait plaiz aussi
26/02/2011, 11h19 |
J'ai hâte (l).
26/02/2011, 13h21 |
Bon patch je trouve
Surtout au niveau du map pool qui semble plus grande que celles qui dégagent (on se traînait SoW depuis la beta quand même....) |
26/02/2011, 14h37 |
les maps de ladder actuelles sont étranges...
26/02/2011, 16h00 |
'tain par contre l'entrée dans la grand master league ça va être showtime J'vais devoir switch T Et apprendre à me défendre d'un 4gate 8D |
26/02/2011, 16h40 |
Moi qui arrivait à tuer les Terran seulement gràce au HT en end game, maintenant je suis mort d'avance.
26/02/2011, 21h15 |
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