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I totally understand people being guarded about this stuff. Of course we will need to follow through before many people will believe some of the things we talked about. I think that I have proven myself to be fairly trustworthy and honest in the answers I give out. I do feel a sense of responsibility to the Guild Wars players and I do my very best to represent what they need from a design standpoint. So, I can only hope that those who know me will have a little faith and trust this new process until we prove otherwise (which I hope we never do).
Yes, we fully intend on releasing details of some features in development well before build day. I say "some" because we do want there to be some surprises, so it is unlikely that everything will get teased beforehand. Basically, we don't want players to be just sitting around twiddling their thumbs for months on end with no content updates. We really wanted to do updates this new way so that we would have the time to really sink our teeth in and get some bigger projects going but some of us were worried it would make players feel more disconnected from us or even worse, like we really have abandoned Guild Wars as rumor has it. Since what we are doing now is so far the opposite from abandoning this game, we wanted to deepen the connection players have to what we are currently working on. We did not list everything we are working on in the Dev Update because like I said we want there to be some surprises, but more importantly it is hard to tell right now which of those things will definitely be going in to the build. We really really really don't want to promise things that we will not be able to deliver on. It isn't fun for us and it isn't fun for you guys.
Shayne: I would love to give you the answers to those questions, but I don't even know them yet. There are still a lot of hurdles to get through on this stuff and I would hate to tell you something that later on turns out to not be true because of technical limitations we don't know about yet. We will announce details on the various features planned for release once we have final designs nailed down. That does mean that we will need time at the beginning of each builds development cycle to work out design details and technical limitations before we can release info, but please trust me when I say it is coming.
Aba Malatu: Again, we can't tell you guys things that we don't know yet but information will come in time. As to the question of "why? why now?", I ask "why not now?". I know that there are some things that we have said we could not do (like additional storage) but if we can actually find a way to prove that wrong, why not do it?
I wrote up a whole rant about this "damned if you do, damned if you don't" attitude I keep seeing as it completely baffles me that some people are actually annoyed to get what they want, but I'm going to just leave it in my head. But really, what's up with that? - Linsey talk 02:16, 17 January 2009 (UTC)
Grosso-modo Linsey indique qu'elle comprend tout à fait les réactions des joueurs qui restent sur la défensive suite à cette annonce. Ils (Linsey et son équipe) feront le maximum cependant pour annoncer ce qu'ils mettront dans ces maj avant leurs publication ; mais pas trop longtemps avant non-plus, non seulement pour garder un certain effet de surprise mais aussi pour éviter que les joueurs ne soient déçut si certaines choses annoncées ne sont finalement pas publiées. De même il est possible qu'ils n'annoncent pas l'intégralité des choses ajoutées pour aussi laisser un peu de surprise. De plus ils ont pas mal de choses sur leur liste et c'est difficile de savoir déjà si ça sera rajouté ou pas au final (note de moi : pas faisable, demande trop de ressources, temps de devel trop long, besoin de plus de tests avant publication, etc...).
A ceux qui se demandent "pourquoi se lancer dans ce genre de modifs et surtout pourquoi maintenant ?", elle répond "pourquoi pas !".
L'idée de l'équipe est la suivante "si un jour nous trouvons les moyens* de réaliser quelque chose dont auparavant nous disions que c'était impossible, pourquoi ne le ferions nous pas si nous avons les ressources suffisantes et nécessaires pour le réaliser?". Bref, s'ils pensent que c'est possible et qu'ils ont les moyens de le faire, alors ils le font.
* note de moi : techniques (ex concret : espace de BD supplémentaire pour augmenter l'espace de stockage)