Draven Summary: Draven’s passive will now consume all stacks on kill to grant bonus gold, although the gold granted per stack has been reduced by 1. Additionally, Draven’s passive will grant at least 50 bonus gold per kill. Context: Considering Draven is obviously the greatest champion ever in League of Legends, his new League of Draven passive feels a little flat right now. We’re looking at ways of making his Adoration mechanic more rewarding - both functionally and visually – during late game and multikills. League of Draven
Context: Fiora’s Blade Waltz has been hindered by reliability issues for a while now, so we’re making some quality of life changes to help ensure that her ultimate is suitably satisfying to use. Blade Waltz
Summary: We’re reducing Idol of Durand's cooldown at all ranks and fixing the mana cost to a flat number (lower overall) at all ranks. Context: Galio's ultimate has several measures in place to keep it in check, but between the counters and the resource costs (mana and cooldowns), we feel it’s currently too constrained overall. By reducing his ult’s cooldown and mana cost, we should ensure that Galio stays a viable pick at all levels of play. Idol of Durand
Iron Man
Death Sentence
Phoenix Stance
Summary: Zac's chunk drops are now more contestable by opponents. Context: When we first designed Zac, our initial concern was that his chunks would be difficult for Zac players to use if we didn't stack the variables in his favor. So we coded the chunks so Zac would absorb them even when his enemies were closer and should have been able to crush the chunks. Then we launched Zac, who in turn launched himself straight into the “awesome” category over multiple levels of League play. We’re still balancing Zac out, but these changes should give Zac's opponents a fair and equal chance to stomp out the chunks in lane and stop the green goo champ from sustaining so effectively. Cell Division
The following changes are for Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline only Sanguine Blade Context: Similar to the removal of Needlessly Large Rod in 3.10, we’re changing the recipe on Sanguine Blade to alleviate frustrations that come with saving for a B.F. Sword.
Context: Nidalee’s Bushwack traps grant too much vision and zone control on wardless maps. We’ve lowered the trap durations to reflect the shorter games on Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline.
Context: Like Nidalee, Teemo's Noxious Traps grant too much vision and control on wardless maps. We've reduced their durations to reflect the shorter games on Crystal Scar and Twisted Treeline.
The following changes are for Crystal Scar only Kassadin Context: Kassadin is in a much better place after his initial changes, but he's still a little strong. This change to his silence duration should bring him in line while still allowing him to remain competitive.
Context: Kha'Zix's isolation mechanic is too accessible on Dominion. With these changes, he’ll still have plenty of killing power, but his enemies will have a chance to react and dish some damage back.
Context: Turns out giving Lulu an ult with amazing team utility almost every fight was giving the Fae Sorceress a little too much power. Oops.
Context: Wukong was getting a lot of free tank stats which allowed him to build damage without being too squishy. We've increased the cooldown on Cyclone to help remedy the situation.
Context: Solo lane Yorick has some strong opponents, but if you don’t specifically counter him, he tends to crush his lane opponent. These changes are meant to reduce some of his harass and sustain.
Context: Accidentally bought a B.F. Sword on Swain? We’ve added an undo button to the item shop, giving Runeterra’s most mis-clickiest of players the chance to undo their recent purchases. Purchases can’t be reversed if those items have had an irreversible impact on the game (dealing damage, mitigating damage, healing, providing a bonus that is used by a teammate, etc).
Team Fight UI Context: We’ve developed a new Team Fight UI for spectator mode that minimizes and concentrates the UI so that it’s easier to focus on the action during team fights. With this change we’ve optimized the display of battle information in team fights, including who’s involved in the fight, who’s winning, and how many people have died on either team.
Loading screen borders will now show a border from your highest rank achieved in the previous season in any tier (previously displayed your Season 2 rank for the specific game type you’re loading)
http://beta.euw.leagueoflegends.com/...atch-311-notes |
04/09/2013, 01h45 |
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Patch 3.11
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Je ne comprend pas Riot. Je ne sais pas s'ils veulent complètement détruire le principe de second account ou s'ils veulent rendre encore plus désagréables le jeu à bas niveau.
04/09/2013, 01h49 |
La première option, même si dans les faits, il y aura toujours des [Personnes avec un manque clair de jugeotte] qui trouveront le moyen de pourrir des parties low lv.
04/09/2013, 01h51 |
Moche présentation 1/10 je vais attendre l'actu d'écarte.
04/09/2013, 01h58 |
04/09/2013, 02h00 |
The empty patch is the deadliest.
04/09/2013, 02h29 |
Vivement que la fin des worlds, qu'ils puissent enfin nerf ce foutu Zed
04/09/2013, 02h33 |
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04/09/2013, 02h41 |
#337929 |
Nerf Yorick et Wukong ? Ah oui, c'est clairement d'eux dont faut s'occuper actuellement !
04/09/2013, 03h37 |
Alpha & Oméga
Ils sont p-ê trop fort en Dominion, pour ça qu'ils sont nerf dessus.
04/09/2013, 03h54 |
Pony "Genja" Nyan |
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Pfff Kylink tu postes le patch note en anglais sur un forum français.
HON-TEUX. Sinon, pour cette histoire de bordure d'écran, quelques précisions: Citation :
Vu le whine constant sur Reddit et le forum off depuis l'annonce, ce n'est pas étonnant qu'ils fassent marche arrière ceci dit... Dernière modification par Bya ; 04/09/2013 à 04h53. |
04/09/2013, 04h45 |
Putain j'ai eu peur et j'ai lu en diagonal sorry
04/09/2013, 05h07 |
Message supprimé par son auteur.
04/09/2013, 07h06 |
#190979 |
Lissandra n'a pas été fix ? Elles ne sera pas aux WCS donc ? Ce serait dommage pour tel champion ( un peu pété certes,mais quand même )
04/09/2013, 08h43 |
Encore hier j'ai acheté 2 wraith, et ben on s'est bien foutu de ma gueule !
EDIT : Non, ya pas :'( Dernière modification par Moomounette ! ; 04/09/2013 à 09h08. |
04/09/2013, 08h54 |
Servers up en tout cas, heureusement que ça a pas duré 6heures comme prévu
04/09/2013, 09h05 |
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