Massively interview Chris Cao -infos sur la 1ère maj-

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Des hôtels de vente feront leur apparition avec la 1ère mise à jour

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Any word in regard to the auction houses, which are still not active in the game?

Chris Cao: Yes, definitely, with the first update. We're actually working on it right now. We had some issues in beta with making sure that fonts were readable and the UI was working well. We've worked hard to fix those things, and [it is] basically the very next thing on the docket to get out to all of you. You have stuff in your bags, and you need a way to trade it -- we understand that.
Ils vont améliorer le chat et l'UI

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We've seen some complaints about social interaction, especially on the PS3 side. What kinds of things are you putting in to address that?

There are some improvements for chat and social interactions that we're planning on. Basically, as we're playing and continuing to react to feedback, we see that it's not lightning-fast like we had before, so we're looking at improving usability and the UI.

Overall, there are some usability issues for chat and social things that need more polish than anything else, things like making sure you can set your default chat channel instead of having /g to talk to group, being able to more easily control which channels you're in, improving push-to-talk on the controller. Basically there are some little things that we need to do to make it easier for you, in that sense of things
Le personnage va pouvoir s'assoir quand il sera en "repos" (trop important )

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We actually have, in the next update coming out, a resting mode. In some games it's called "sit," but in superhero games, they look far different than that. For example, on the Serious type characters, it's very much like the Batman-styled crouch-on-a-gargoyle kind of look.
Le journaliste lui demande quelle sera l'évolution du jeu en gros. Cris répond qu'actuellement personne n'a encore dépassé la phase 1 de la bat cave. Il dit que d'autres phases sont en bêta et seront releasé le moment voulu ...

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Can you talk a little about the next step in the evolution of the game, story-wise? What's next for players in their bid to defeat Brainiac? [NOTE: SPOILERS]

Right now, no one has beaten phase 1 of the Bat Cave, let alone any of the other phases that we beta tested and will be releasing to you guys. Essentially, Brainiac has taken over the Bat Cave; he's taken over Brother Eye and the O.M.A.C.s and is dominating technology. He's using all the technology on Earth. He's even attacked the Watchtower and the Hall of Doom, so he continues to be a huge presence. I mean, Batman can't even use the Bat Cave -- he's got to operate out of the Watchtower right now, so it's up to players to go in there and take [Brainiac] out, to stop him. It's up to villains to do it too, to smash him, because Brainiac isn't good for anybody.

So, that's the setting of the game -- and it's day three. I'm going to let players get a chance to play a little, raid a little, and get some gear and the like before we push them back a little and take the next step. Because while it is three days, nobody's had a chance to beat him yet or even gotten to the first phase of Brainiac. The Avatar of Technology, which some people may have seen in the end of beta event, is the end-boss of that first raid-cycle in the game.

There's some ways to go, really. DCUO has a full gear progression, raid progression. You start off with the first set of gear; the [next set of] gear, you work towards that, and then you get a com badge for the Batcave 1, which is the first section of that raid content. We did a lot of betaing on them and are actually changing them a lot, continuing to up the quality on them as we go. We're also making it more and more challenging. [In] any other MMO, there's a lot of things to do with your friends to make sure you can accomplish things, and of course you can show it off with the gear you get. The difference here is that wearing a Bat symbo
Y'a des trucs qui ont du m'échapper c'est plutot long, merci de compléter si c'est le cas
Merci, si d'emblée il améliore le chat et l'ui et qu'il ajoute l'hôtel de vente ca promet du bon pour l'avenir il soigne vraiment leur bébé !
Merci pour cette interview, même si elle est malheureusement incomplète. Où l'a tu choppée ?

En très simple, on apprend que les dévs sont au courant des problèmes d'interface (même s'ils mettent plus l'accent sur la PS3, étrangement) et qu'ils y travaillent, qu'ils surveillent aussi le end-game en vérifiant que les joueurs déjà HL aient des trucs à faire et en préparant la prochaine phase de Brainiac, et qu'à part ça, ils travaille aussi sur l'esthétique du jeu.

J'ai un peu l'impression que cette release n'est qu'une phase plus avancée de leur bêta. Mais ça promet que du bon, même si je le prends comme un "le jeu est pas fini, mais je le prends comme un moyen de payer pour y jouer avant sa sortie si on ne peut pas attendre". Je sais pas ce que vous en pensez..
moi en tout cars je m éclate bien sur le jeux ^^ a part le gros probleme d interface et les deco en instance qui sont tres chiante sa fait un moment que javais pas acrocher comme sa ^^ aller SOE continuer comme sa.
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Publié par Senrael
Pas de salutations, pas d'adieu, la dernière phrase du gars coupée... c'est forcément incomplet.
En même temps, j'ai posté les liens dès le début du 1er post. J'ai juste repris quelques passages
Merci Elpi.

Les dev's ont déjà un point d'avance sur d'autres MMO's actuelle : Ils ont réussi le parie de sortir un jeu accrocheur, dynamique et surprenant. Certes loin d’être exempt de défauts, DCUO, a des arguments et un charme certain.

Avec de telle bases ils ont intérêts à nous la bichonner notre simulation de déguisement SM (SM = Super Méchant... bande de pervers ! )
bé c'est deja un bon début.

D'ailleurs j'avais lu quelque part qu'ils avaient comme but de faire un maj mineure par semaine et un patch majeure par mois. Si ils s'y tiennent, c'est du tout bon !

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