[Mémoria] Présentation de ce que nous savons du serveur d'AmalGame-Online

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En fait tu n'A pas mis les bons passages en gras je crois.

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Posté par Vircom en juin 2003
Montreal, June 10, 2003 - Vircom announced today that Pole, SARL has acquired the operation license of its world-acclaimed MMORPG "The 4th Coming", previously held until December 2002 by French operator GOA. The new operator has signed an exclusive license for France, Switzerland and Belgium to operate servers in French.
After several months of negotiation with Paris-based operator Pole, Vircom has signed the exclusive European license and is now helping the new operator set up its service. "We are very happy to have finally come to an agreement with Pole", says Sylvain Durocher, President and CEO of Vircom. "We are convinced that Pole will offer European T4C fans a good service and a great gaming experience".
Pole is currently preparing the official launch of the game, scheduled for July 2003. "T4C players from all over French-speaking Europe are in for a great surprise" states Khac-Tuyen Dinh, president of Pole, SARL. "We have planned every aspect of the service to be efficient, fun and simple. And we even added a few surprises", added Mr. Dinh, referring to the new add-ons released by Vircom last summer.

About Pole
As a strong Internet application developer, Pole has decided to broaden its activities by offering massively multiplayer online games (MMOG). Vircom's The 4th Coming is the first persistent world offered by Pole. Other RPGs will be launched later on as the company evolves.

About T4C
"The 4th Coming" is a massively multiplayer online role playing game (MMORPG) designed by Vircom and first released in 1998. It soon became one of the most popular of its genre with hundreds of thousands of enthusiastic players worldwide enjoying its numerous adventures and quests. Today, the game is in operation in ten countries and five languages and has become a real cult for MMORPG enthusiasts.

About Vircom
Since 1994, Vircom specializes in advanced Internet infrastructure and client-server solutions. Last year, the company has ceased MMORPG development to focus on its core business, secure messaging and anti-spam solutions. However, Vircom has vowed to continue offering operation licenses of its world-renown MMORPG "The 4th Coming" at players' general request.

The new operator has signed an exclusive license for France, Switzerland and Belgium to operate servers in French. >> Le nouvel opérateur as signé une entente exclusive pour la France, la Suisse et la Belgique pour opérer des serveurs en français.

French-speaking Europe >> l'Europe francophone.
J'ai procédé à une grosse mise à jour du sujet en fonction de l'annonce qui vient d'être faite ici même. Si vous voyez des erreurs, dites le moi, mais cependant le mieux est encore d'aller voir l'annonce en question.
Louli je reconnais plein de gens avec qui j'ai jouer bon .. On va laisser WOW de coter et voir ce que sa donne j'attend l'ouverture du Serveur avec impatience bon j'ai du rater 200000 de train pendant que je tuer du Hordeux Azugeros et j'en passe ....
Citation :
Pole, SARL has acquired the operation license of its world-acclaimed MMORPG "The 4th Coming"
Citation :
AmalGame Online has acquired an operation and development license for its world-acclaimed MMORPG "The 4th Coming"
Dites, vous pensez que la notion de "development" qui est uniquement présente dans l'annonce pour AmalGame signifie que par rapport à Pole ils pourront faire plus de choses ( operation + development ) ?
Ou c'est juste parce que Vircom voulait pas écrire deux fois exactement la même chose donc ils ont rajouté "development" uniquement pour faire joli ?
Le contrat restant confidentiel et ne connaissant pas le contrat de pôle, cela me semble difficile de répondre à cette question et de savoir si on a le droit à plus de chose qu'eux.

Néanmoins je vais poser la question à Corbeau.
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