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17/10/2017, 20h29 Dofus - Le Village des Tofus Perdus
Alpha & Oméga
Réponses: 3 175
Citation :
Publié par Pugz
Et essayez pas de me faire croire que 3 serveurs ça coûte moins cher à gérer qu'un gros serveur sur-dimensionné pour être sûr
Ce n'est pas une question de coût, les serveurs physiques ont des performances maximales et donc des capacités d'accueil maximales.
Il n'est pas possible actuellement de pouvoir faire des plus gros serveurs de jeu DOFUS qui accueilleraient plus de joueurs.
La partie serveur de jeu de DOFUS utilise des technologies qui profitent assez peu de la parallélisation (utiliser plusieurs serveurs physiques pour répartir une charge importante).
Les serveurs de jeu DOFUS ont surtout besoin de processeurs avec des cœurs extrêmement performants mais profitent peu d'un très grand nombre de cœurs ou de machines supplémentaires en parallèle.
Nos serveurs physiques sont déjà très proches de ce qu'il y a de plus performant sur ce point.

Nous n'avons donc pas d'autres choix que d'augmenter le nombre de serveurs de jeu pour répartir le nombre de joueurs.

C'est la seule solution que nous avons pour accueillir plus de joueurs.

Citation :
Publié par Hazes
Comment fermer ses serveurs en les fusionnant pour ré-ouvrir (probablement) 4-5 serveurs derrière?? Ankama vous êtes des génies.
Nous avons désormais la possibilité de fusionner des serveurs de jeu, si les serveurs classiques deviennent moins fréquentés, nous lancerons d'autres fusions.

Si les joueurs se déplacent durablement des serveurs classiques vers des serveurs monocomptes, nous fusionnerons ces serveurs classiques et nous continuerons d'ouvrir des serveurs monocomptes tant que la demande est présente.

S'il faut fusionner des serveurs monocomptes dans 1 mois, 6 mois ou 3 ans nous le ferons.
Nous essayons via ces ouvertures et fusions de serveurs, de répondre à une demande de la communauté.
Il n'y a rien d'illogique à fusionner des serveurs de jeu d'un type pour en ouvrir d'autres d'un autre type si la demande existe.

Citation :
Publié par FreeeD
le problème c'est pas les serveurs de jeu
Nous ouvrons des serveurs de jeu monocompte supplémentaires car les actuels sont pleins et ne peuvent pas accueillir de nouveaux joueurs.

Citation :
Publié par Maniae
Je ne sais pas ce qui est le pire.
Le fait qu'Ankama ne soit pas fichu de prévoir que la sortie de ce serveur aboutirait à un tel pic de connexion.
Le fait qu'Ankama réitère EXACTMENT la même erreur que pour la sortie des serveurs 2.0, à savoir sortir de nouveau serveur à la va-vite alors que c'est évident qu'ils vont se vider.
Le fait que la dernière erreur se produise une semaine après la dernière étape d'un processus attendu depuis des années et qui a duré de longs mois, conséquence de l'erreur commise au lancement des serveurs 2.0.
Le fait que sortir des serveurs ne réglera bien évidemment aucun problème puisque c'est un enfer de se connecter à n'importe quel serveur de jeu.
Le fait que quand bien même ce serait une bonne idée, ils les sortent un par un de façon à enchaîner les goulots d'étranglement alors qu'ils auraient pu tous les sortir en même temps.
Il est en effet très probable que la population sur ces serveurs monocompte baisse progressivement après quelques semaines.
Nous les fusionnerons si cela s'avère nécessaire.
En attendant nous pensons qu'il est préférable d'ajouter plus de serveurs monocomptes car ceux en place ne suffisent pas pour répondre à la demande.

L'anticipation de l'affluence pour ce nouveau mode de jeu est complexe, nous suivons depuis l'annonce de ce mode jeu l'effervescence qui anime la communauté, nous avons prévu plusieurs serveurs supplémentaires (déjà mis à profit) en cas d'affluence importante.
Ces serveurs de jeu sont dimensionnés pour accueillir le maximum de joueurs possible, mais ça ne suffit pas (d'où la nécessité d'ouvrir de nouveaux serveurs monocompte).

Nous n'avons pas souhaité ouvrir plusieurs monocompte en même temps car nous voulions nous assurer de les ouvrir uniquement si la demande était réelle.
Nous n'avons pas su estimer en avance s'il serait nécessaire de prévoir 1/2/3/10/20 serveurs monocomptes.
C'est clairement un point sur lequel nous devrions nous améliorer, je vous le concède.

L'infrastructure des serveurs de connexion a été améliorée au fil des années, notamment avec une parallélisation de ces serveurs, mais ça ne suffit pas encore. Nos équipes travaillent sur ce point en ce moment pour essayer de mettre en place de nouvelles optimisations.

Il est clair que ce lancement n'est absolument pas satisfaisant (pour vous comme pour nous) mais je tenais à apporter quelques précisions sur des points d'incompréhension.
13/10/2017, 19h08 Dofus - Le Village des Tofus Perdus
Alpha & Oméga
Réponses: 267
Citation :
Publié par (Hem)Ziou
Dans le pire des cas, si les 5 retenues ne rentrent pas dans vos contraintes, aucune se sera appliqué ? Et par extension, vous suivrez le calendrier initial de ce que vous aviez prévu ?

Ce vote communautaire va nous permettre de connaître globalement quels sont les chantiers prioritaires pour la communauté.

Pour certains chantiers il existe plusieurs réponses possibles.

Par exemple, pour le chantier "Amélioration de l'expérience à bas niveau", il existe différentes réponses complémentaires (améliorer les tutoriels, la progression des métiers, les recettes des objets à bas niveau, équilibrer certains monstres, améliorer les premières quêtes, la cité d'Astrub etc.).

Si nous ne parvenons pas à planifier en 2018 toutes ces sous-tâches, nous pourrons peut-être travailler sur certaines d'entre-elles.

Sur les différents choix qui seront proposés dans le vote communautaire, nous avons déjà exclu ce qui nous semblait techniquement irréalisable dans un délai raisonnable. Globalement tout ce qui sera soumis au vote pourrait techniquement être réalisé, mais ça demanderait plusieurs années de travail, il faudra faire des choix.

Pour certains chantiers proposés par la communauté, nous pourrions estimer ne pas avoir de réponse adaptée à vous proposer et dans ce cas il est possible que l'on se focalise sur un 6e choix plutôt que le 3e (par exemple).
13/10/2017, 18h33 Dofus - Le Village des Tofus Perdus
Alpha & Oméga
Réponses: 267
Citation :
Publié par Mage-Noir
D'après ce que j'ai compris, ils vont faire une liste d'une vingtaine de proposition, les soumettre à la communauté pour le sondage, et les 5 idées les plus votées seront retenus pour l'année 2018.
Citation :
Publié par (Hem)Ziou

Par conséquent, les 10 idées les plus votées (chez Ankama) sont celles qui verront le jour en 2018 ?
Le vote communautaire ne va pas déterminer de façon stricte ce que nous allons faire en 2018, c'est un vote qui nous permet de voir quelles sont globalement les attentes principales de la communauté.

Ce vote communautaire ne prend pas en compte nos contraintes (temps de production, faisabilité technique, pertinence des demandes etc.), il est donc normal que les résultats du sondage communautaire soient soumis à notre analyse et que les demandes communautaires ne soient pas systématiquement appliquées les yeux fermés.
09/10/2017, 16h15 Dofus - Le Village des Tofus Perdus
Alpha & Oméga
Réponses: 1 358
Il n'y a pas de "refonte" des sorts de la classe Sram prévue pour décembre (et rien de tel n'est planifié après décembre).

Pour décembre, nous travaillons sur les variantes de sorts pour toutes les classes et nous en profitons pour apporter des modifications sur certains sorts actuels.

L'ajout des variantes apportera nécessairement de nouvelles synergies et de nombreuses possibilités supplémentaires mais ne vous attendez pas à ce que les sorts actuels soient massivement modifiés.

Désolé pour ce malentendu.

Le sort Corruption sera modifié.
29/09/2017, 17h59 Dofus - Le Village des Tofus Perdus
Alpha & Oméga
Réponses: 4 069
Citation :
Publié par Winda

Y'a une faille ou un bug j'sais pas comment on peut appeler ça.
Le pack à 3 500 ogrines pour 1 mois d'abo avec inscrit la phrase '' Cet abonnement est disponible uniquement pour les comptes n'ayant jamais été abonnés'' est pourtant disponible et marche, j'avais 4 000 ogrines donc j'ai testé sur mon sacri abo depuis plus de 6 ans et ça l'a validé.
Ce n'est pas un bug, mais une erreur de formulation. Le pack est accessible aux comptes abonnés mais ne peut être acheté qu'une seule fois par compte.
19/09/2017, 11h28 DAoC - Général

DAoC Community Lead,

Grand duc / Grande duchesse
Réponses: 16
The undying Glapato!
13/09/2017, 23h25 Camelot Unchained - Forum général

City State Entertainment

Comte / Comtesse
Réponses: 169
My apologies!

Please accept my apologies for my absence here the last couple of weeks. After returning to the office last week, the infamous "ConCrud" caught up with both Andrew and I, apparently not as hard as it hit Jerry Pournelle (which is truly awful for him) and I'm just now catching up with my backlog and starting to feel like myself again. As some of our Backers here can tell you, I've been mostly absent from our Forums as well.

I need to catch up on our Forums and get some other things done but I'll be back here soon, I promise.
11/09/2017, 18h00 Dofus - Le Village des Tofus Perdus
Alpha & Oméga
Réponses: 159
Pour ceux qui rencontrent des soucis de déconnexions, utilisez-vous le port de connexion 443 ?

Pouvez-vous essayer de vous connecter sur le port 5555 à la place (chez certains utilisateurs, il semblerait que les soucis de déconnexions ne se produisent qu'avec le port 443) ?
08/09/2017, 14h47 Dofus - Le Village des Tofus Perdus
Alpha & Oméga
Réponses: 159
Pour les problèmes de déconnexions / latences / désynchronisations, n'hésitez pas à nous transmettre plus d'informations :

- Période
- Serveur
- Pays de résidence (si vous jouez en dehors de la France).

Merci d'avance.
07/09/2017, 13h51 DAoC - Général

DAoC Community Lead,

Grand duc / Grande duchesse
Réponses: 15
Haven't heard of this....for most you're getting this when trying to reactivate, or just regular billing?
05/09/2017, 22h56 Camelot Unchained - Forum général

City State Entertainment

Comte / Comtesse
Réponses: 33
LOL, if not, you will really have a good reason to be disappointed.
05/09/2017, 22h01 Camelot Unchained - Forum général

City State Entertainment

Comte / Comtesse
Réponses: 33
Citation :
Publié par Torkaal
I know, that's what I said, you had announced it, so no surprise. So I'm not disappointed for that, you said it right here.
I just regret the content, and the link you gave on the official forum that shows only a few images of the conference, no transcription of the questions / answers asked at the DragonCon, it could have been interesting. Maybe you'll talk about it in the next wrap up?
We don't have a transcription of the questions asked, almost nobody does that at a show like this. You folks get to ask me questions almost every week during our updates and, as you know, even if you can't attend, there are Backers who will ask your questions for you. Believe me, you didn't miss anything other than seeing the game run on a laptop with crappy bandwidth.

The images from the document were just a Top Tenish for the year since we were at Dragon Con, folks such as yourself have heard them all before.
05/09/2017, 21h44 Camelot Unchained - Forum général

City State Entertainment

Comte / Comtesse
Réponses: 33
Citation :
Publié par Torkaal
I think you did not understand the disappointment in our reviews. The number of bot is impressive but known, and we are agree on the importance of having mass fighting with few lags and stable.

Where people are disappointed, it is on the content that one would have hoped to see for a conference where you are moving. that's all. But as I said, you had announced it. So nothing to do with any beta announcement or not.
Star Citizen's panel featured two guys (one writer, one community manager) talking, Q&A, and one piece of concept art of a "speeder" that you can buy. Most of their answers to questions were "Maybe, don't know, don't ask about 3.0 or the game's release"

Our panel featured the two co-founders of the studio, the co-designer of the game, a LIVE session of the game (not a video), and an extended Q&A. We answered every question from the technical to the design. We had not announced/hinted/teased that we were going to do anything special at Dragon Con and I had specifically said that we were not going to announce anything or spend a lot of time on the presentation. Dragon Con is not E3, Gamescom, etc. yet our studio had the two co-founders talking about their game/studio.

Based on the reaction of the guests, nobody there was disappointed. If you and other people are, that's because you were expecting something that I said we weren't going to do. I didn't even talk about the LIVE play session until I was sure that it would work on the convention's bandwidth (which is notoriously bad) because I didn't want to disappoint them. And I was clear to our Backers (as you know), that we also weren't going to announce anything there because I didn't want to disappoint them.

I'm sorry you're disappointed but we did what we did more than we said we were going to do, so any disappointment you feel is not our fault (this time). We were clear, open, and honest about what we were going to do at Dragon Con.
05/09/2017, 21h27 Camelot Unchained - Forum général

City State Entertainment

Comte / Comtesse
Réponses: 33
Citation :
Publié par Torkaal
c'est ce qu'il avait annoncé. Mais c'est clair qu'on ne peut qu'être déçu.
Unless you saw 2,500 Bots running around, while on a laptop, through crappy hotel bandwidth and still maintaining a high FPS.

You do know that no other game in the universe can do what we can do and we showed that to everybody who attended the show?

BTW, as I said on our Forums, there were a number of industry professionals in on our panel and they were blown away by what they saw. And all of them agreed that no engine they have ever seen can do what ours can do right now, in Alpha. Even the rendering part, which is only slightly less difficult, only a few teams can do, but the networking part, nobody else can do.

You may be disappointed by this but it really depends on whether you care about the future/longevity of the game or the announcement date for Beta 1. If you are all about the later, yep, you can be disappointed that we didn't announce the date. OTOH, if you care about the former, we just proved, again, that our engine will handle the demands of this game and when we launch, we can launch in a way that will justify our Backers' faith and patience.
05/09/2017, 18h40 Camelot Unchained - Forum général

City State Entertainment

Comte / Comtesse
Réponses: 169

Just got back from Dragon Con late yesterday. After catching up with my day job, I'll pop back here and look at the comments/questions that are waiting for me.


30/08/2017, 00h01 Camelot Unchained - Forum général

City State Entertainment

Comte / Comtesse
Réponses: 169
Citation :
Publié par Torkaal
Je pense que le vrai problème, et j'espère que si Mark lit ce sujet, c'est que pour le moment on fabule tous sur le peu d'éléments qu'on a concernant le gameplay, et que tant que l'épais brouillard concernant ce pan du jeu, primordial, ne sera pas dissipé, on sera toujours dans le doute.
Ce sera durant la bêta 1 à priori, mais bon, on s'en approche, ce serait bien de réellement commencer à y voir plus clair sur les fondations du gameplay de CU.
Du style, savoir enfin ce que les premiers archétypes de classe ont dans le ventre en terme de capacités, ça aiderait déjà à y voir plus clair.

ps ; le friendly fire c'est de la merde, désolé (pas moyen qu'on foute ça pour mon futur mage Pbae ffs ! )
Of course I'm still reading this topic. I hadn't answered today because of work and the fact that there were no questions about Camelot Unchained. You folks were discussing Dark Age of Camelot.

As to Beta 1, yes, there will be a lot more information as more of the document is revealed and Ben/I have sessions talking about the classes and what will be in for Beta 1. Will it be enough information for everybody? Nope! I think you've heard me say the same thing on our Forums more than once or twice.
29/08/2017, 10h10 Dofus - Le Forum des Bêtes à Test
Alpha & Oméga
Réponses: 385
Citation :
Publié par Chanceuz-Hyrkul
Salut @Briss. Selon toi, il serait possible d'avoir arriver des items pouvant s'acheter contre des kolizétons?
Ce n'est pas envisagé, de nombreux objets comprennent déjà des Kolizétons dans leurs recettes et nous ne souhaitons pas que les différentes activités du jeu soient totalement indépendantes.
Nous souhaitons au contraire qu'elles soient interdépendantes (via le commerce principalement).

Citation :
Et des obtentions de panoplies en fin genre Koulosse ou WaWabbit (avec plus de limitations). Tu fini le donjon, tu peux choisir un item de la pano qui sera lié au compte. Ça permet aux mono-compteurs d'avoir des items plus facilement et aux teams de ne pas pouvoir farm 1 dj pour mettre en vente 8 items. Bien-sûr il y aurai un craft pour pouvoir vendre les items.

Vous avez peut-être de bonnes raisons de ne pas le faire ?
DOFUS repose en grande partie sur les échanges entre joueurs, l'interaction entre les activités, les métiers, le commerce etc.
Intégrer des objets directement utilisables et liés au compte ne va pas du tout dans cette direction, il s'agirait d'une régression par rapport à la richesse et la profondeur des systèmes actuellement proposés.
En outre, les récompenses des Succès de Boss permettent déjà de fabriquer un ou plusieurs objets d'une même panoplie de façon quasi déterministe (en validant les Succès).
28/08/2017, 23h04 Camelot Unchained - Forum général

City State Entertainment

Comte / Comtesse
Réponses: 169
Citation :
Publié par zac
comment sera dosé le friendly fire ? beaucoup trouvent absurde que le défenseur d'une porte de château puisse se prendre de l'huile sur la tête sans dommage alors que l'attaquant subis de lourd dommages, pour apporter une dose de réalisme ne devons nous pas avoir davantage de friendly fire que sur daoc ou war ?
I agree that friendly fire would add more to the game but friendly fire is one of the easiest things for griefers to do to spoil the game for others. As such, there are no plans for that in the game at the present time except if we have Free-for-all servers.

Citation :
Publié par Dreej
Waw, i'm impressed.

Why would a CEO from a Kickstarter game waste his time to talk with guys in this strange far away land called France ?

Thanks for being here Mark !
I hope it will make some more sceptical folks here change their minds and thoughts about CU.

Thank you! As to why, well, it was simple, I was asked about posting here so I'm here for now at least.

As to changing peoples' minds, that's up to them. I'm actually not looking to change minds but rather, to give people an opportunity to ask some questions, chat, etc. As you and some others may know, I made a pledge to our European Backers not to treat them like second-class citizens with our game. We're not on a financial position to afford to do everything I would like to do but things like this, having helpful translators should, I hope, show that we do care about folks outside of North America. And I've said elsewhere, one of the big ways I've proven this is that I'm not licensing (I've never even asked/allowed a conversation with outside folks) CU to anybody in Europe. We will handle it all ourselves, by ourselves, and for all of our Backers in North/South America and Europe.

Citation :
Publié par Urmarcht
Hi Mark,
I'm greatly surprised and impressed to see you here. I'm Kickstarter backer but I took many distance since the old BSC days were you showed some (important) things that didn't pleased me, but I made the choice to give it a try, who knows maybe I'll like it.

I'll just ask one question, it may look stupid but Races, their looks and their "Philosophy" is one of the most important things to me. And I dislike playing Human races (my Avatar is a hint ). So may we hope some changes with CU's races? I mean TDD and Arthurians have some choice in non-humanish races (respectively 5 and 4) while Vikings which is culture I love most have... 1 (the giant is just a fat human and the valkyrie was a great idea, but unfinished)

PS: je passe pratiquement jamais ici mais coucou les joliens et bravo au boulot abattu par les traducteurs et rédacteurs, c'est pas évident de se motiver vu "l'avancée" du jeu en 4 ans.
More races are coming for all the Realms. As I've told our Backers, we're not making any push on new races until we get into Beta 1. Nothing is more important than that.
Citation :
Publié par Arnfiarnunn Neanias
Toutes les races ne sont pas encore dévoilées et certaines ne seront pas là en release.

Parmi les races proposées, une partie devrait être votée par les Backers. Certaines races, comme les Dvergars ou Valkyries, ne seront pas proposées au vote car trop impliquées dans l'histoire pour ne pas se retrouver en jeu.

A terme, chaque royaume devrait voir la release avec une race humaine, une race hybride (mi-humain mi-autre), une race démonique, une race géante et une race petite.

Citation :
Publié par Svidrir
Y ferait mieux de bosser au lieu de déconner sur les forums le Mark .....

(Je déconne !)

Et merci les traducteurs (cf un post plus haut) moi je comprend rien, et google trad c'est pas top top .
LOL, I don't mind posting here every so often. I generally work about 10-12 hours a day during the week, so I have the time to drop by here, Massively, MMORPG, etc.


Thanks again folks!
27/08/2017, 22h26 Dofus - Le Forum des Bêtes à Test
Réponses: 385
Il y a peu d'anneaux sur cette mise à jour parce qu'on a principalement fait des panoplies. Faire des panoplies avec des anneaux les rend assez faciles à combiner avec d'autres panoplies (d'autant plus si on ajoute aussi le slot de bouclier désormais).

La solution pour la création de plus d'anneaux est effectivement d'en faire en dehors des panoplies mais pour cette mise à jour, nous n'avions pas prévu de faire plus d'objets de ce type en dehors des boucliers et armes. Ça sera peut-être pour la prochaine série d'objets !
25/08/2017, 23h41 Camelot Unchained - Forum général

City State Entertainment

Comte / Comtesse
Réponses: 91
Part 2 is up now as well.

To the folks who helped translate this in time for a simultaneous release: Merci beaucoup!
25/08/2017, 17h56 Camelot Unchained - Forum général

City State Entertainment

Comte / Comtesse
Réponses: 169
Citation :
Publié par Glamdring Arathiel
I finally participate fairly little in the forums JOL and CU however I am of ready the news of CU and I run the forums daily. I take advantage of this thread to address the team of CU my encouragement.
The "game design" is splendid far from that of the "mangas" which does not really correpond to me and yet we can sometimes find here and there some subtle influences, gameplay, skill system, ect ... in short everything goes to me.
We are very excited to test all this in beta 1, to make our contribution to the finalization of this game which gathers all the hopes of a community in evil of a good big game rvr. We are orphans since DAOC and WAR.

Continue, but faster, look forward to the release
Thanks for the kind words and support, they are appreciate!

We hope to continue to improve our pace as we have done for the last few months as the Seattle team gets even more comfortable with our code base. As our User Stories also show, while we are still make lots of tech improvements, our gameplay related improvements have increased in volume and frequency.

Citation :
Publié par chewa
Hello Mark,

First of all, thank you for coming here

As a player, I tend to believe that the genre of mmorpg went down since the past decade because of 1 main reason; the absence of discovery. The same universes, the same mechanics, the same daily and repetitive tasks, again and again....

But, 1 thing that is also contributing to the 'absence of discovery' is the way developers communicate to the players, or the business models they use for their games. Here I'm talking about the early access system, the multiple betas, the weekly or monthly reports during the development that explain what all has been done by the team and how the game is evolving.

Most of the time, the players know 80% of the game before it even gets released. And when they finally get to play it, it's not about 'discovering a game', it's all about consuming a content they already know.

I put lot of hope in CU, I'm not worrying about the content of the game, because I'm pretty sure that you will do a great job.

But dont you think that communicating too much (and publicly) about this content would actually kill this feeling of discovery that we all want to have when the game will finally be released ? Why not having the game under NDA ?
Thank you, it's good to be here! In terms of releasing too much info, it is always a concern. OTOH, who's to say that some things, such as The Depths, won't be revealed before the game's release.

One thing to keep in mind as well is that we have a limited lift of the NDA during Beta *if* we need to. I'm not a big fan of NDA until launch since that can be used to hide the product's true quality (or lack thereof), but I also think allowing livestreaming of the game too soon can also be a problem. It's a fine line to work and one that is a problem for all of us (developers and players) in the very different world that we all live in now.

Citation :
Publié par zac
le système de loock de capitale sur war était très mal fait pour trois raisons, la première, beaucoup de défenseurs perdaient exprès pour accéder à la bataille de la capitale, la deuxième, le défenseur pouvait changer autant de fois d'instances qu'il le voulait, pour ne plus avoir de grosse guilde en face, la troisième est qu'il avait les mêmes loots que les attaquants car toutes les instances étaient indépendantes du fait d'avoir perdu la capitale.
ma question : perdre récompensera aussi le joueur ou seules les victoires donneront des avantages ? ( ce qui me parait normal).
Winning and losing both have to have consequences, we have said this from the beginning. "Keep Trading" has been a problem in many games and we have to have a better system in place for this game or the game will not be as much fun and successful as it could be. Losing has to hurt, and losing when your Realm/side has a numerical advantage on the server should hurt even more.

Citation :
Publié par Gaffeur
Oh, hi Mark

Since Warhammer online, some PVP MMOs have designed their mass pvp model with hard caps on aoe abilities, I would like your personal opinion on the subject : what is your state of mind about aoe caps, is it a good thing or bad thing and any plan to incorporate them to CU ?

thanks for your kind consideration

Hi Gaffeur! This is an easy one, as we have said that hard AOE caps can work to the disadvantage of fighting against the zerg. While it is important to make sure that AOE caps also aren't abused by the zerg, I think we have some good ideas of ensuring the small(er) group play vs. larger groups is not forgotten and also a perfectly acceptable way to play the game.

Citation :
Publié par Kaeril
Hey MJ,

I can't miss the occasion to ask you directly.

Do you happen to have any blog, forum post, public place... where I could read some of your thoughts and reflections on virtual world design and the current state of the MMO industry?

The question may sound weird, but it's been a hot topic of interest to me lately. As a younger that wasn't around in the era of MUDs during the 90s, I've been actively browsing through the Internet, digging up old archives... The fact is, it's quite easy to read from good folks such as Raph Koster, Brad McQuaid, Dr Richard Bartle (I've been amazed with his old book Designing Virtual Worlds, seeing how relevant it has remained after all these years, even though it was written at a time World of Warcraft did not even exist!). I just can have a look at their own blogs, and their devblogs. And as you've been in the virtual worlds scene for longer than most of us even lived, I've been wanting to read some of your personal thoughts on these topics for a while as well. It has proven to be much harder actually. Perhaps I haven't explored the CU forums enough yet!

Heck, I wish there was some kind of modern, equivalent take on MUD-Dev. The community, the debates, the reads I dig up there are a special kind of gold, and all of this value is being lost to younger generations of players and designers. I believe this is a key point in many problems that we have with MMOs nowadays.
My old blog (Online Games are a Niche Market) is still online. One of these days I have to update it -

I agree with you on the MUD-Dev thing, I still miss MUDs, even today.

Citation :
Publié par Coconutz groove
Hello MJ

Do you think that the delay CU will not be fatal in the current commercial context of the mmo industry?
Example if a person invested in this game will have a guarantee to be able to benefit before the end of 2018?

If you take the time to answer my questions I thank you in advance
You're welcome, thanks for taking the time to ask me the questions!

As to your questions:

1) Do I think our delay will be fatal for us? - Nope, WoW was delayed more than a few years and it didn't hurt them. The key is not the delay, but whether the game is worth the delay. If it isn't, yes, it would hurt us. Fortunately, I know our delay has already helped our Beta 1 progress as our Backers will be getting a better Beta 1 game than they would have otherwise.

2) Do I think people who bought a tier will be able to see some benefit before 2018? Yes. We know we are late and we are sorry for it. However, unlike most other Kickstarter-backed developers, we have planned to do things to make up for that delay. Some of which I have already talked about, and others that I/we will be talking about over the next two months as we move through the Thirty Day document (Part 2 is being released today).

Citation :
Publié par Tenacious
Nice to see that you have kinds considerations for your french community Mark

I hope we'll see you some time or another around there, keep going on the great work !
Thanks! I'll be here for a while. As I've always said, once I was asked to drop by, I said yes. I'm so easy!

Citation :
Publié par Eodis
Hello Mark, huge fan of DAoC and War.

I could have ask everything on CSE forums but since you are here i will do now.


My first concern is about classes. From what i understand we won't have "mirror" classes between realms like your previous games but i'm afraid we will have too much similarities like the first version of DAoC had and some classes on War. I mean some type of spells were just moved from a class to an other without real others distinctions so they were different classes but with the same mechanics at the end and the same specialization to follow a metagame.
I'm hoping for more subtlety, more identity and original gameplay like we had with Minstrel, Theurgist and all classes from the catacombs expansion (Warlock wasn't super balanced but i still find this chamber system and primary/secondary spells genious). Can you tell us if some classes will truly have this gameplay identity ?

We've been very clear that we will not have mirrored classes and that each class must fit into our "Rock, paper, scissors" style of design. Since you've looked at our classes, I hope you agree that we laid the groundwork for making them non-mirrored, unique and interesting. Now it's up to us to bring that about. I hope you like what you see from us over the course of Beta 1.

My second question is about the economy and crafting system. Will we have to craft everything or we'll have some sort of loot in the world ? If everything is crafted how will you manage the system to be still attractive in late game, I mean when everyone gets his gear, the market is flooded, price goes down and you just connect once a month to craft some gear and consommables. Will we have a system like diarrhea to destroy our underwear so we have to replace it ?
At the moment i'm playing Albion Online (poor game but some interesting ideas) and there is some mechanics i find interesting for the economy like their "Black Market" where the game is placing buy orders for crafted gear so we sometimes have random loots from this market instead of silver. I don't know if you had time to take a look at their game.

We've said that the vast majority of gear will be made by crafters but that in times of need/scarcity, the game could supply items to an undermanned Realm. We have also said that crafters can progress by selling things to their King based on their need which can then be put up for sale by the Realm or given to new players. So, I think the answer to your questions is yes, we will have some interesting mechanics as well.

Finally, how will you manage end game progression ? I liked the idea of DAoC to have different type of levels : basic level, realm abilities level, champion levels. Will we have something similar ?
Since our whole game is based on horizontal progression with no PvE leveling (but there is PvE content), we don't need that type of system, as it is already built into the game.

Citation :
Publié par Shachi
Hi Mark,

Thank you very much for taking the time to answer our question here.

In my case I have just one : when can we have more detailed information on the horizontal progression system ?. As lot's of player here, I played DAOC when I was a student but I am now married with three daughters and less time to play.

I enjoyed DAOC for the RvR and not for loosing my time to improve my armor/weapons/shield...

So I hope the progression system will be really horizontal and there will be no time sink to have the better loots (by getting the best ores in the future very deep mines). I would love a system like in the beginning of Ultime Online when crafters could produce all the weapons and armor but the rare ores only gave armor will different colors/better durability but not with more DPS.
Our system is similar but even more in-depths than UO's system. The key to making a horizontal system work is to make sure that items, abilities, rewards, etc. have more things to work with than in most games. On other games, a sword may only have a few stats that matter, this makes it hard to make it fit in a horizontal system. On the other hand, if the sword has a dozen or more things that matter, then it can fit really nicely within a horizontal system. The same is true for armor, your home, abilities, etc.

Thanks all! Back to work I go, have a lot to do today since it's a Friday!
23/08/2017, 23h50 Camelot Unchained - Forum général

City State Entertainment

Comte / Comtesse
Réponses: 169
Citation :
Publié par Aiscence
Welcome Mark, you are really a patient and courageous man to do what you do!
Don't forget, more than a little crazy too.
23/08/2017, 23h42 Camelot Unchained - Forum général

City State Entertainment

Comte / Comtesse
Réponses: 169
Citation :
Publié par Fendriss
He says that he used to play a very powerfull/efficient melee squid in Warhammer, while 95% of the population were playing ranged squids because they were not aware it could be that great for melee. So he wonders if archers in CU will be able to be decent/good in melee, or if it will be mandatory to play them from a distance.

Second question : in Warhammer there was 4 “morale” levels. He wonders if there will be something very close to that, giving many customization options.

Pièce jointe 586982

I don't know if my english is clear, it was way better in french I think
Got it. I thought Google was having trouble and the word was coming out as "moral". I should have just checked the original French. I'll get better at this with time and patience. I modified my answer above.

Thanks for helping out.
23/08/2017, 22h49 Camelot Unchained - Forum général

City State Entertainment

Comte / Comtesse
Réponses: 169
Citation :
Publié par Pouah
Hello MJacobs ! I had very bad score in school because DAOC, I just want to tell you that's your full responsability
But I had also very good time on it! Just want to thank you about that ! And I'm quite happy that the BETA is coming soon

Seriously, I don't know if you are following DAOC and how the game change because EA and now Broadsword... but they made and makes shi... ! I liked how you seems someone "democratic" : listening everyone before the game launch... But during and after ? What will happen if you sell the game to another society like EA ? Do you think seriously about putting a pool in game about balance (classes) and player satisfaction ? A dynamic system like a kind of online election about important decision with big impact on the game ?

About DAOC, people played/play on free pirate server... on oldfrontier and with a queue on 2k players... more than 10 years after the launch... when the official server still want 15 dollars for playing an old game with nobody inside and silly change every 15 days. Hope will be not like this on CU and never free to play with online buy.
As to my responsibility for your grades at school, I hear things like that a lot.

In terms of Dark Age of Camelot/EA/Broadsword, I have no comment on that. My former partner and I aren't on speaking terms anymore based on his actions while I was at Mythic,EA, and afterward (though my wife delivered some choices words his way a few years ago). Thus, I cannot comment further other than to say that I am glad that there are free shards for Dark Age of Camelot that are quite good, and I wish them the best of luck!

As to selling CSE to another company, that can always happen with any business, though we aren't focusing on that. Back in 2005, our largest investor (with my partner's support) pushed me to sell the company and I was outvoted. As I've said a few times in interviews, I had two choices, quit or sell the company. I then spent the next year making the best deal I could that protected *all* of our employees and benefited the investors as well. That wasn't easy.

As to polls/surveys, yep, we use be using them as tools, even during Beta 1.

Citation :
Publié par LhommeoursPorc
haha , génial.
greeting MJ nice to see you there
Thanks, good to be here!

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Publié par Tonnand
Bon courage pour la suite ! ! J espère que le jeu sortira au plus vite pour des nouvelles batailles
Thanks! Battles will be happening, even before Beta 1. Should be fun.

Citation :
Publié par Torkaal
En fait j'avais plus idée de faire un wiki regroupant les questions, ça permettrait ensuite de rajouter en dessous de chaque question, la réponse de MJ, dans un thread permanent et propre.
On pourrait en plus scinder les questions par thématiques, et ça donnerait une bonne lecture à tous ceux qui passent sur la section, plutôt que de se perdre à lire tous les sujets de la section.

Dis moi ce que tu en pense?
Makes sense to me.

Citation :
Publié par nanoko
Excellente idee de les collecter, les deja posée seront supprimées, en redirection au wiki
Citation :
Publié par Skaan/Darck
Oh oh welcome Mark !

But don't stay here and go open the door of the betaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa !

I joke of course !

PS : I need a Skald in CU plz

Bye !
LOL, thanks! The Skald was a great class, I hope you like our classes as much as you did your Skald.

Citation :
Publié par zac
Sur War, j'ai joué avec bonheur un squig cac aoe qui était très dévastateur, pourtant 95 % des joueurs jouaient cette classe à distance en ignorant tout son potentiel de mêlée. Ma question est de savoir si sur CU nous retrouverons ces archers capables d'évoluer autrement qu'à distance ?
seconde question, les morales de 1 à 4 permettaient des choix variés et d'intéressantes combinaisons, quelque chose de similaire sera t-il présent sur CU ?
Google Translate is having trouble with your questions. The English language version sort of makes sense but if my answer doesn't, maybe one of the folks here can do a better job of translating than Google. The folks helped, and so I'm editing this and responding.

In terms of the morale abilities, obviously I liked the mechanic for WAR. We'll be having a full class reveal for all of our Beta 1 classes and we will talk about it then. Sorry to be vague right now but I've been saying the same things to our Backers on our Forums.

In terms of archers only being archers, yes, our archers can be more than just long-range DPSers.
22/08/2017, 23h51 Camelot Unchained - Forum général

City State Entertainment

Comte / Comtesse
Réponses: 33
Citation :
Publié par Torkaal
Perso je me fais pas trop d'illusion concernant une annonce bêta, par contre, j'espère qu'on aura une nouvelle vidéo de contenu, avec si possible, du neuf, gardé en secret loin des stream hebdomadaires.
Du genre les fameuses mines animées avec présentation du craft, et des nouvelles animations, etc...
Sorry, no new video. We may show something from the Big Bot Battles, but we are not taking the time to do a video like we did in the past. We're late, spending the time to do another video right now would be the wrong thing to do. When we are ready to announce Beta, I'll think about a proper video, but not now.

Citation :
Publié par Shikaru
Comme Alysion je m'attends à une date pour la bêta. Je pense qu'on va avoir aussi une petite vidéo avec des choses inédites. Je vois bien une map spécialement créer pour l'occasion avec des structures et des vfx plus avancés que l'on a vu jusqu'à maintenant. En tout cas c'est ce que j'aimerai voir.

Je vois aussi un jeu de carte sur mobile "Camelot Unchained Legends Heart Of Zerging" sera probablement le nom.

Y'a d'autre trucs mais je vais m'abstenir parce que je suis pas certain que ça va arriver .
Same as above.

Citation :
Publié par Gaffeur
quand on fait l'annonce d'une annonce c'est qu'on a une info solide à donner.
que peuvent-ils avoir qui soit resté secret jusqu'ici et qui pourra aussi intéresser les joueurs externe au cercle des backers ?

Yep, once the main systems that we are trying to stress test now are ready, then we can make an announcement of the date. That being said, I think we will still have some fun in Alpha and not just load/system tests. We'll be talking about how we will do that as we post sections of our Thirty Day document, like we did last week.

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