info ou intox ?

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Bah à moins que les développeurs baissent la puissance des Jedi, je ne vois pas pourquoi ils changeraient la donne à ce niveau la.

A mon avis çà gueulerai pas mal du côté des gars qui ont déjà débloqué leur slot Force Sensitif.

Je joue depuis plus d'un mois maintenant et je n'ai toujours vu aucun Jedi et pourtant j'ai quand même pas mal voyager

Mais bon je suis sur un serveur Européen (FarStar) qui date du 7 novembre alors peut-être n'y a t'il pas encore de Jedi, mais à mon avis, quelques bourrins ont déjà dû y parvenir, mais ils ne sont pas venu faire les kéké à Coronet pendant que j'y étais
Re: info ou intox ?
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Provient du message de zeross is back
Voilà selon certaines rumeurs jedi pourrais devenir une profession de départ d'ici peu, info ou intox ?
D'où provient la source de ces rumeurs ?

Citation :
Mais bon je suis sur un serveur Européen (FarStar) qui date du 7 novembre alors peut-être n'y a t'il pas encore de Jedi, mais à mon avis, quelques bourrins ont déjà dû y parvenir, mais ils ne sont pas venu faire les kéké à Coronet pendant que j'y étais
Je joue depuis Juillet/Août sur Bria et je n'ai vu en tout et pour tout que 2 jedis.

Le premier était de passage à Bestine et l'autre dans le medical center de Coronet (d'ailleurs il est passé en coup de vent le gars, juste le temps de découper un type en morceaux et de repartir).
Voici les dernieres rumeurs concernant les Jedis et les liberations de slot. Désolé, j'ai la flemme de traduire après les beuveries du reveillon


Ok, before you read this please take note that this was a rumor, HOWEVER due to its enormous credibility of being accurate, its led to be factual; in which SOE is the only thing that won't put it into concrete because they aren’t suppose to tell us how to unlock the Jedi Slot. Also note that these accounts of opening the Jedi Slot under this theory were done AFTER the hot fix, and pro-Akinom (The First Player Jedi) slot opening.

Now the theory states that every character, when created, was assigned 5 pre-determined professions they had to master. Pre-determined, meaning you can’t simply master just any 5 professions in the game. The holocrons were used as a guide to help you find 4 of those 5 professions you had to master. On your 5th holocron, it would be silent. This meant that your 5th profession you had to master, you had to figure out on your own. Now I know some of you say “Oh yeah, well I got 2 holocrons and my 3rd went silent”. According to the theory, this simply means that you had already mastered at least 1 of your Pre-determined professions BEFORE you received your holocron. Note, the holocrons are NOT required to open your Jedi Slot, and even SOE said this, they will just make the journey easier because they will give you at least 4 of the professions you have to master. Why is this theory supported as fact you might ask? Because over 20 players that unlocked their slot AFTER the hot fix said that this was exactly how they did it, and the numbers are increasing with confirmation of the theory. Here’s some OLD RUMORS and most likely the OLD WAYS of opening you Jedi Slot BEFORE the hot fix was put online:

You had to declare a residence
You had to be rebel
You had to be high rank in rebel
You had to have done the rebel theme parks
Had to have over 5 badges
Had to do the Jedi Missions
Had to do the Hermit Missions

^^All of those extras MIGHT have been PART of the way to open your Jedi Slot BEFORE the Hot Fix was put online. However, the Jedi’s that have most recently opened their Jedi Slot say they have done only a couple or NONE of what was listed there. So because this theory has been the most supported one as opening your Jedi Slot, I and hundreds of others has accepted this theory as FACT, but like I said, it’s only a theory, believe what you want, but please don’t brush it off your shoulders like nothing. If you want to be a Jedi, what do you have to loose? GO FOR IT!

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