Instable / Océane

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Perso je comprend pas ce que ça change en pvp.

Vous spammez vos items 1.25 pendant les pvp vous? Y'a 10mins de cd dessus, n'importe qui les a de up pendant la totalité du fight. En gros ça change absolument rien du tout, c'est juste un confort.
J'aimerai bien voir un type switch ses items comme dit dans se post pendant un pvp de mass sinon ça risque d'être drole.

Bref ça change rien et c'est moins casse couille pour les gens qui sont stuff.

Ou alors faut m'expliquer ce qui déséquilibre totalement le jeu car j'ai pas compris.
Je suis pour qu'on ne change pas la CA que donne aléatoirement la ceinture instable et qu'il faut toujours la flood pour avoir la meilleure CA possible.

Une CA constante n'est pas cool pour certains builds qui sont à la limite de tenir vs les drakes.
Ils tiennent grâce à la CA maximum de la ceinture instable. Le temps qu'on la flood pour trouver la meilleure CA on se fait défoncé

Concernant le switch osef, ça ne m'a jamais embêter de switcher, j'y suis habitué depuis Chaos.
Citation :
Publié par Abomination

This would have several effects. 1) reduced time to activate gems 2) free macros 3) if option 2 is chosen more items able to be equipped, which would make players more powerful than with option 1
Abomination, certainly all players have good ideas, good ideas should be voted.
I can say, a lot of BR players will like this idea.

So, go to and make one poll for EVERY good idea, or change you think about to do. And only registered players can vote.

Spiltz the way the Gem would work would be similar to Bluestone Armor. If you do not have the piece equipped then you do not receive the bonus. There is no need to have a quest check for it when I can have the item check and cast on the success rate based if they actually have the item in their backpack.

Essentially it would work like this. Success: If itemcount(gem of regen, rejuv, immortals, etc)>0 then 100% cast else 0% cast.
Or it would check the equipped and work the same way but also have a hook attatched that will deactivate if unequipped.
*this is not how it would look in the editor but the equation would work like that


We can not vote on everything or nothing will get done .


Ok so the original question in this thread was if Unstable will work when he unequips and uses Bluestone?? or the other way around? Sorry for this apparent off topic created by myself!! I misunderstood.
Citation :
Publié par Abomination

We can not vote on everything or nothing will get done .


Ok so the original question in this thread was if Unstable will work when he unequips and uses Bluestone?? or the other way around? Sorry for this apparent off topic created by myself!! I misunderstood.
not everything.. but few things should be voted (xp orbs, etc). And my itention about poll on is just for every player know what going on.. since i have to come on JoL for check news and try read French because you/Mouse post/read a lot of things here that you/Mouse dont post/read on bible... If we have one T4C portal, use the portal!

and yes.. people want use bluestone armor and use unstable at same time.. if we cant obtain the bonus of unstable.. no point for make bluestone chars since y lose bonus when y dont have bluestone full equiped.
Citation :
Publié par Max-him
It's already the case. you put BS belt activate Stone, then put Stable belt and activate, why do you ask for change ?
So let say i XP, i'll do that every 2mins, then put back Stable and activate.

Clearly, I'll do that till level 160. 30 times for each 1 hour of XP. Yeah Lot of fun.
Citation :
Publié par Lowel Vicles
So let say i XP, i'll do that every 2mins, then put back Stable and activate.

Clearly, I'll do that till level 160. 30 times for each 1 hour of XP. Yeah Lot of fun.
if it's to hard why play blue stone build?....
Switching is just a waste of time and boring. Putting a gem that allows to active them all at once is not a "addition" but a modification.

Plus as said by a couple of people, it's not like it will "affect" the gameplay (if refreshing and switching the items is a gameplay ofc) or power of your character.

ps : yeah the system that nms uses for unstable is very good indeed.

+1 for no switching.
Citation :
Publié par Max-him
if it's to hard why play blue stone build?....
Before CS quest, in old versions of t4c i mean, all builds use full armor equiped.
When CS show up.. every other builds got benefit from unstable belt.. but only Bluestone build chars get pissed off with change belt 30 times in one hour.

So unstable become unfair with BS builds in my opnion.
Here is your solution:

- make the unstable belt behave like an unstable+bluestone belt for the boost calculation when BS belt is in the player's backpack (edit bluestone gem to check for bluestone belt OR unstable belt when granting boost). This way it will be normal for everyone else, and BS builds won't lose their unstable bonus nor BS bonus while still requiring the full set.

- One gem to activate them all (if the items are equipped) is a great idea (you could also set the timer to infinite), but deactivate as soon as you take the equipment off.
It's part of the game to struggle with mana / AC when you want to wear more powerful items. Keeping crimson boosts at all times for everyone will not unbalance the game, but it will make it easier. You might as well set a permanent boost like the wrath of the ancients for mana / hp / etc and get rid of the items altogether.

You want your char to be stronger, give up the convenient boosts. You're lazy, give up a bit of power. This is the essence of t4c, it should not change.
Sinon retournez aux items CS de la 1.25.

Tu peux déséquiper l'item et le buff reste, comme ça pour l'océ faut switcher toutes les 10minutes ce qui est mieux que 2 minutes.

J'avoue, c'est pour ce problème que je n'équipais pas de full océ sur Sarge.

Pour ne plus switcher du tout c'est simple, il suffit d'avoir uniquement la gemme dans le sac, et quand tu l'active elle te file les boosts point.
Comme un consommable en gros.

Plus besoin d'équiper un item (ceinture bracelet etc) avec cette méthode, il faut juste avoir la gemme dans le sac.
Staff can afford this for real dunno how the fuck u can ask something like this... it's like i coming in to ask gm to let use my
Ancestral plate with my full HE, mates Stops dreams if u hate u'r build don't do it, gm's will not change all the balance only for u'r self

3 choices
100% Blue stone = Good resistance
95% blue stone + Stable = Mid resistance High def
100%blue stone + Stable = Hard to switch all too minuts but high def / high resistance
C'est bien mieux de pouvoir les lancer, sans mettre les amulettes et compagnie,

Comme dit "Lowel", on verra beaucoup plus de personnes full équipé

2 anneaux, 1 amu, 1 bracelet ^^
Citation :
Publié par Sonny de T4C
C'est bien mieux de pouvoir les lancer, sans mettre les amulettes et compagnie,

Comme dit "Lowel", on verra beaucoup plus de personnes full équipé

2 anneaux, 1 amu, 1 bracelet et 1 ceinture ^^
ce qui fait 5 items de plus à la place.
Mais clairement, je comprend même pas comment on peut être contre.
On peut déjà le faire IG (si on part du principe que le switch sera comme sur Chaos et non comme Abo1/2) c'est pas dur, c'est juste chiant en fait.

Et à part le fait qu'on verra surement plus de gens en oce, le reste des perso n'en sera que très peu affecté, 10mins de buff, ça change rien en pvp, les pvp de plus de 10mins c'est très rare quand même.

Enfin sinon du coup ça confirme que le switch sera comme sur Chaos? Cool ça.
Qui a dit que tlm serais en oce? J'dit juste que ça encouragera à la porter le fait de pouvoir mettre l'instable avec sans se prendre la tête toute les 2mins à passer par l'inventaire. Y'a rien de dur à switch contrairement à ce que tu dis au dessus, c'est juste bien casse couille en fait et complètement dépassé comme système.

ps : t'es pas fr toi?²

Dernière modification par Ilhya Ark ; 31/07/2013 à 13h39. Motif: Post en doublon signalé par l'utilisateur.
Dunno why you only dream on blue stone lol....
After changing Stable you will ask Ancestral plate activation too ?
So don't ask something that u will want see changing more when you will need it.

never seen kids like this...
I won't play T4C anymore, but I will give my opinion anyway.

Citation :
Publié par Je Graisse Les Flots
Here is your solution:

- make the unstable belt behave like an unstable+bluestone belt for the boost calculation when BS belt is in the player's backpack (edit bluestone gem to check for bluestone belt OR unstable belt when granting boost). This way it will be normal for everyone else, and BS builds won't lose their unstable bonus nor BS bonus while still requiring the full set.
It would reduce the complete Bluestone armor to 5 parts (Chestplate, Helmet, Leggings, Boots and Gloves) instead of 6.
Even though it's somewhat "easy" to get all the items required, it's still one item less to get in order to have the full set. And if so, Lord Stonecrest would drop one useless item.

But if the gem could check for the belt's presence in the backpack, that would solve the problem.

Citation :
Publié par Je Graisse Les Flots
- One gem to activate them all (if the items are equipped) is a great idea (you could also set the timer to infinite), but deactivate as soon as you take the equipment off.
It's part of the game to struggle with mana / AC when you want to wear more powerful items. Keeping crimson boosts at all times for everyone will not unbalance the game, but it will make it easier. You might as well set a permanent boost like the wrath of the ancients for mana / hp / etc and get rid of the items altogether.
I'd set the timer to infinite for Crimsonscale's quest items (bar Armlet of Flames), but keep the mana cost and the timer for the Bluestone armor's buff. Checking if the item needed for the buff is equiped is necessary.

A permanent boost would make the game "easier" because of the Amulet of Renewal/Replenishment. I don't really believe that everybody will have a Hero's Amulet everytime, but it would remove the mana's issue when using it. (and things like Meditate for a priest using Symbol of Hope/Turn Undead would be rendered completely useless)
yeah change all the game for only 10 ppl Yeah go unbalanced all the game Yeah !!!! Direct go on neerya mates.. don't stay here to wait more powerful unbalanced changed
Citation :
Publié par Max-him
Dunno why you only dream on blue stone lol....
After changing Stable you will ask Ancestral plate activation too ?
So don't ask something that u will want see changing more when you will need it.

never seen kids like this...
So you've never played on a pvp server, because I was here every time
I ask nothing, Abomination asks our opinion, and I think there is no reason to be against this change.
It does not affect the gameplay, not the balance, nothing.

Switch items every 2mins it's not hard at all, it's just boring.
And everyone on the server already practice the switch, so... His change absolutely nothing.
Citation :
Publié par Yaelis
So you've never played on a pvp server, because I was here every time
I ask nothing, Abomination asks our opinion, and I think there is no reason to be against this change.
It does not affect the gameplay, not the balance, nothing.

Switch items every 2mins it's not hard at all, it's just boring.
And everyone on the server already practice the switch, so... His change absolutely nothing.
Lol..... Blue stone is still over powered and you want Up it ?

ok ok i'm wrong i am the kid you are too stronk for me Bybye Abo 3 this will be without me
Citation :
Publié par Max-him
yeah change all the game for only 10 ppl Yeah go unbalanced all the game Yeah !!!! Direct go on neerya mates.. don't stay here to wait more powerful unbalanced changed
Let them make a poll then.

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