Problèmes connus GW2 beta

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Combat audio may not play correctly when enemies or players are struck.
The Gem Store and the Trading Post may not be viewable by some players.
The amount of time between enemy waves in some escort events may be long.
Queensdale: on occasion, the centaurs encountered during the “Battle for Beetletun” event may become stuck on the sprinklers.
Hardware Compatibility
Display: the graphics-settings slider has only a minor impact on performance at this time.
We are currently optimizing Guild Wars 2, making ongoing improvements to the game’s frame rate. Presently, the game is CPU-bound on most high-end systems, so lowering graphics settings or upgrading your video card may not have a large impact on performance.
On older or lower-end machines, it is recommended that you try disabling reflections to improve frame rate.
Installing the game client into the Program Files directory on Windows Vista or Windows 7 can lead to issues with the patching process.
It is advised that you install the game to another folder or launch it as an administrator.
Forcing anti-aliasing through AMD Catalyst™ Control Center or AMD VISION™ Engine Control Center typically results in a black screen when playing. ATI cards that are known to cause the black-screen issue while using the latest drivers (12.3) include:
HD 2900
HD 5770
HD 6970
Windows TDR (Timeout Detection and Recovery) will sometimes restart a user’s graphics drivers if they become unresponsive, resulting in a notification that the graphics driver has been restarted.
Alienware ATI Laptops: the Guild Wars 2 client does not restore properly after being minimized.
Currently, adjusting the core clock speed of the GPU or CPU typically results in lower performance.
It is advised that you leave core clock speeds at factory defaults.
AMD CrossFire™ and NVIDIA® SLI™ are not currently supported.
These features should be disabled while running the game.
Enabling NVIDIA 3D VISION® may cause a crash on some systems.
If you experience a crash while this setting is enabled, it is recommended that you disable it in the NVIDIA Control Panel.
Dyes: equipping new armor does not keep the old dye settings.
Occasionally, multiple NPCs may overlap with each other while walking.
Interacting with walking NPCs may cause them to stop, disappear, and then reappear at another point in their path.
Personal Story
On rare occasions, a player’s personal story may not progress correctly. Restarting these instances and trying again should allow you to continue.
While progressing through your personal story, some of the recorded audio lines will not match the text that is displayed. This is due to changes made after the lines were originally recorded, and will be corrected in future versions of the game.
Additionally, during your personal story, some of the NPCs will not have accurate (or any) lip-sync animations. This is an additional effect of lines having been changed after they were originally recorded.
Points of Interest
While trying to completely explore maps and find all points of interest, it is important to note that some of these locations are not labeled on the correct floor.
Click on the map-level icons in the lower-right corner of the world map—or use the Page Up and Page Down keys while viewing the world map—to reveal the different floors.
Renown Regions
In some cases, the voiced audio of a scout’s description of nearby renown regions is not played.
Queensdale: on rare occasions, the shell game in the "Support the citizens of Beetletun " renown region may not function correctly.
Queensdale: completing the “Unite the ettins” renown region does not count toward map completion. As a result, the maximum completion for the Queensdale map is 16 out of 17 renown hearts.
Hall of Memories (PvP Lobby): renown regions are currently shown without descriptions.
Chat: using a bound letter key to begin a chat reply (for example, after assigning “y” as the hotkey for chat replies) results in that letter being typed into the chat message field.
Contacts: some players appear offline.
Guilds: there is an infrequent issue with members not appearing on the roster of a guild.
Parties: on very rare occasions—affecting users on a case-by-case basis—players are unable to join or create parties.
Display: selecting the “Windowed Fullscreen” option does not save the setting.
Mouse: Using Alt+Tab while auto-running with the mouse will disable theGuild Wars 2 custom mouse pointer and replace it with the Windows cursor. This will affect the player’s ability to perform certain actions in the game.
Restarting the Guild Wars 2 client will correct this.
Sound: the “Mute when GW2 is in the background” setting does not function properly.
Most of the audio for BWE1 is available in German and French, but some voiced audio is still missing. Lion’s Arch is particularly affected by this issue as most of the voiced audio heard there plays in English.
If a recorded line of audio is outdated, it will still play. This means that some subtitles will not match the voiced audio you hear, since the subtitles have been updated.
In the event that no voiced audio has yet been recorded in English, no audio will be heard.
Gender issues
Anytime female player characters address themselves or are addressed by an NPC with nouns like “friend,” “shaman,” “hero,” etc., the voiced audio will not reflect the gender correctly. The subtitles should, however, reflect the correct gender.
Timing issues
Currently, some of the timing in the French and German audio is not correct. As a result, the voiced audio in some conversations between multiple NPCs overlaps or is cut off.
Some translations do not reflect the correct names. The jeweler crafting discipline is particularly affected by this.
Newly added achievements are missing their translations.
Lion’s Arch
Some conversation text still appears in English.
Commerce panel
The text in the tabs of the Commerce panel (Gem Store, Trading Post, etc.) has not yet been localized and will appear in English.
Sur le forum GW2
Cool, merci !
Ahaha bon bah j'viens de solutionner le soucis avec ma 6990 et les écrans noirs, suffisait de ne pas toucher l'AA dans le CCC...

Ils recommandent de ne pas oc les cpu/gpu, j'ferais le test ce WE pour voir si ça change.

C'est bizarre ça

Je pige pas trop comment ça pourrait être pire que sans oc.
Je testerais ça aussi du coup.

Les problèmes courant qu'il peut y avoir, ça serait à cause du matériel ou de la configuration mais les pertes devraient être partout, pas que dans un programme.

Dernière modification par Glaystal ; 25/04/2012 à 08h52.
Citation :
Currently, adjusting the core clock speed of the GPU or CPU typically results in lower performance.
It is advised that you leave core clock speeds at factory defaults.
Non mais c'est quoi ce délire! J'aimerais bien plus d"infos sur le sujet!
Spa la mort non plus, ça prends 20 sec de changer ça sous l'os pour les détenteurs de 2500k et d'une cm non entrée de gamme.
Pareil pour l'oc gpu, perso j'ai rien touché, je verrais ce WE, fraps à l'appui tranquille .
Cela dit j'aurais fait comme eux, ne pas touché trop à l'optimisation (dire ce qui empêche de jouer comme les écran noirs) et voir avec un test massif ce qui se passe pour corriger.
Pfff, tu parle. Va falloir que je note tous les paramètres que j'ai modif dans le bios pour OC mon i5 760, sinon je vais encore galerer a retrouver les bonnes tensions de stabilité.
@Svik >> sauvegarde le profil et prends une feuille de papier pour tout marquer. Cela dit à mon avis ça va pas changer la face du monde si tu laisses tout comme ça, laisse ceux qui peuvent changer ça les doigts dans le nez si c'est trop chiant.

@RpGmAx >> Ouep bien sûr, screen du fps oc/non oc dans des zones surpeuplés (genre au lvl 1 lors du combat de l'elem de terre contre le centaure, à la première ville etc).
J'vais me marrer .
D'un autre coté, vu comme la phrase est tourné, ça veut pas dire que c'est le cas de tout le monde.
Je testerai aussi.
Pour une utilisation de tout les jours j'ai touché qu'au multiplicateur de toute façon, alors ça va vite
Et pour la cg c'est sur windows.
ça me prendra moins de temps de reboot que d'installer l'utilitaire
Puis je préfère m'en tenir au bios, j'aime pas trop les progs d'overclocking.
Avec un oc de 41% sur le proc et de 20% sur la cg (8% sa ram), en jeu j'ai un gain d'environs 20% de fps, et plus pour les fps mini (le principal intérêt) surtout dans les jeux gourmand comme les mmo.
Et 28% de plus sur 3d mark.

Mais bon il est vrai que ça dépend des jeux, mais j'ai jamais eu de perte.

(après pour la capacité d'oc, ça dépend des procs/cg)
Et un mauvais oc peut entraîner une désynchronisation avec la ram, ce qui a pour conséquence des pertes de donnés et donc des pertes de performances, mais du coup c'est de partout.

Dernière modification par Beroq ; 25/04/2012 à 12h21.
J'avais lu que l'oc du proc permettait d'augmenter surtout les fps mini, et légèrement les fps max.
Avec un peu de lecture l'oc est gratuit donc pourquoi s'en priver?

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