Du nouveau?

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Bonjour ici,

Du nouveau sur le jeu? Population, bug, nouveauté....

Il n'y a pas grand chose de bien en ce moment. Je ferais bien un petit retour dans le jeu voir ce qu'il s'y passe.


franchement sympa pour le moment , pas de lag mais bon je suis a TOXAI donc pas bcp de monde ... après bah pas de bug flagrant, faut que je vois dans la soirée un peu plus loin
j ai vu des pets donc je pense que le jeu a pris un peu de contenu

en tout cas dawn est passé par là c'est tjr ca ^^

Dernière modification par Alexander Supertramp ; 05/12/2011 à 20h39.
[Concernant le serveur reboot]

quelqu'un arrive à ce log ? ou il vous dit aussi que votre version n'est pas à jour ?


Dernière modification par Tempests ; 05/12/2011 à 22h51.
Oui enfin le patch qui fait bougé le serveur, dont voici le correctif :

As always – the full contents of this patch are not listed.

• You can now add friends to your house, even if they are not online!
• Fixed house build issues, structures should now fully complete without issue.
• Fixed some building issues – more people helping should help more!
• Removed the ‘work’ messages when building.
• Stats for building structures should now correctly work.
• Fixed an issue where some houses wouldn't update their collision once built.
• A number of changes and tweaks to spawns and creatures have been made.
• Rebuild the calculation around tower connection it should now be a lot safer and faster.
• Fixed issues around tower connection to keep.
• Fixed scaling on the keep map, it should now be a lot more accurate.
• Fixed tower UI issue where it was not showing the right amount of towers in a cluster.
• All items will now be placed using the same system as the towers. This includes siege-weapons/fires/portables and game tables.
• Fixed an issue with mail, the mail system is now back online.
• Towers can now be used to take cities and towns!
• HP of towers has been increased; defence will work much better now too.
• All guilds will now clean up guild members with a rank of 0 or lower and make that rank 1.
• Fixed an issue where some towers would find towers of the same guild to be "enemy towers" thereby stopping them from growing.
• All items have had their mesh fixed to resolve floating.
• Weapons hitting houses will now take twice the damage to their durability.
• Fixed issue with towers that wouldn't correctly update their materials.
• Fixed an issue where a tower to got destroyed would spawn 2 fractured meshes.
• Fixed some issues with stats, they should now update more correctly.
• Guild storages npc’s should now correctly respawn!

Donc voila que du bonheur




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