Mise à jour du 20 mars 2008

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Publié par http://www.guildwars.com/support/gameupdates/default.php
Update - Thursday March 20
Skill Changes

  • [Fox's Promise]: functionality changed to: For 5..20 seconds, your dagger attacks cannot be blocked. This enchantment ends the next time you fail to hit.
  • [Guiding Hands]: decreased number of attack skills that cannot be blocked to 0..3.
  • [Enchanter's Conundrum]: functionality changed to: For 10 seconds, target foe casts enchantments 100% slower. When this hex is applied, that foe takes 30..120 damage if not under the effects of an enchantment or hex spell.
  • [Mantra of Concentration]: decreased duration to 1..38 seconds; increased recharge to 30 seconds.
  • [Hex Breaker]: decreased duration to 5..80 seconds.
  • [Angorodon's Gaze]: decreased Energy cost to 5; decreased Health stolen to 10..40; decreased Energy gained to 1..9.
  • [Mokele Smash]: decreased adrenaline gained to 2 strikes.
  • [Magehunter's Smash]: increased adrenaline cost to 8 strikes; updated the animation to match Hammer Bash.
  • [Sundering Attack]/[Penetrating Attack]: decreased damage to 3..10; decreased armor penetration to 10%; increased recharge to 4 seconds.
  • [Power Shot]: decreased damage to 5..20.
  • [Precision Sho]t: decreased damage to 3..18.
Automated Tournaments
  • You now lose K value (25 for daily, 50 for monthly) rating if you sign up for a tournament and forfeit the first round.
  • Tournament Reward points are now based off the number of teams who did not forfeit in the first round.
  • Bonus tournament reward points are now awarded for playing in every round of a daily tournament: 5 for 1v1 daily tournaments, and 15 for GvG daily tournaments.
Bug Fixes
  • Fixed a bug that caused the map marker on the reward NPC to not appear when the Clear the Chamber quest completed in the Underworld.
  • Added new text to Kun Shao regarding the Xunlai Tournament House.
*Rééquilibrage (encore !). Pas grave cette fois-ci y a rien qui m'embête ou m'avantage.
*Changement dans les règles des tournois automatisé pour éviter les abandons.
*correction d'un marqueur de quête dans l'Outre-monde.

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