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Sinon pour changer un peu du DFM et pour patienter en attendant la présentation du DFM, vous pouvez vous faire une idée de la carte de l'univers persistant en 3D en dans un navigateur (compatible WebGL), planifier vos futurs voyages ou embuscades, explorations et commerce, c'est par là :


From CPC :
Citation :
Tres intéressant: "Interestingly enough he was told that players are almost essential in certain areas of the Idris when in combat especially in areas like electronics and engineering. Why? Players will be able to hack your ship through electronic "cyber" warfare and possibly blow airlocks in certain compartments or even lower your ship's shields just before missiles are about to impact. Your only countermeasure will be someone actually watching for these hacks and counter hacking. These hacking techniques are not only unique to the Idris but rather can be used against ALL SHIPS of ALL SIZES."

C'est extrait des questions que les fan ont pu posés aux dev durant la PAX East: https://forums.robertsspaceindustrie...ax-east#latest

On y apprend 2 - 3 trucs intéressants.
Un sondage amateur sur le forum des abonnés donne quelques infos intéressantes sur la participation financière moyenne de ces derniers.

Sur plus de 800 votes, le don moyen est d'environ 2400 dollars par abonné, pour un total de plus de 1,7 million de dollars récoltés par ces mêmes abonnés.

Le sondage étant toujours en cours, les chiffres continuent d'évoluer.
Quelques infos :

La vidéo du DFM / PAX revue et corrigée par CIG :
(Les choses intéressantes commencent à 25 minutes, avant c'est un prologue jusqu'à la pax)
En résumé dans la vidéo on voit en plus :
- Menu pour accéder au DFM
- Missiles
- Flares
- Atterrissage
- Éjection du cockpit
- Zero-G
- Destruction de certaines parties du vaisseau (thrusters)

Sans transition :

Citation :
Time Question Summary of Answer
0:28 Can you update us on the server back-end? CIG is still planning to use multiple server nodes to handle content delivery. The plan is to have a player data server, a system server, an instance server, etc. More below. All custom.
2:41 What are your plans pertaining to Mantle & Dx12 for development? CIG will be using both and has no particular allegiance to either API, they just want to bypass as much overhead as possible. General discussion on why Dx has been an issue in the past.
5:15 Can you put polygon count into perspective for us? As discussed previously, CIG is heavily-invested in high-poly modeling and will continue to use LOD'd high-poly models. Character models are 90k-100k polys, something like the Hornet is 300k+, Constellation is 1.5 million, etc. In CoD, you'll find that a lot of character models tend to be closer to 10k-30k polys.
7:23 You showed off a first-pass of PBR at the unveil... CR talks briefly about physically-based rendering, graphics solutions in Star Citizen, and high-fidelity visuals.
7:45 Any plans for electronic & information warfare? Yes! Multi-crew combat on larger ships will likely involve support from an officer working on a battle station that has electronic warfare capabilities.
9:13 How are you making multi-crew combat interesting? See above. You'll also be running around to close off sections of the ship, make repairs, etc.
12:00 Will power diversion / repairs be handled through a UI? Automated? Discussion on the above -- how most of these repairs and conflicts will not be automated.
12:25 Any thoughts on espionage? It will exist. There are plans to make espionage a possibility in-game between competing organizations.
12:40 Thoughts on population count & how players drop-in / drop-out of instance servers? Discussed more heavily in the FPS video. Currently testing with 11 active players in the same conflict, but will expand as testing goes on. Drop-in / drop-out is handled on the instance server level and is based on several settings (as already discussed).
Ben lesnick a propos des hotas :

Citation :
I think everyone is used to gamepads for demos - it lets you stand back from the screen for the camera instead of block it and they're easy to transport for remote events. We did have sticks at the Logitech booth for people to try out, and I don't think anyone had an issue with them! I use a HOTAS support myself in the office, and I can confirm that throttle support is already functional. (And that it feels a hell of a lot cooler to play that way.)
Un planning venant du magazine Allemand Gamestar mais non confirmé officiellement par CIG circule en ce moment :

Citation :
Arena Commander - April/May
FPS Module - June
Arena Commander 2 - August - Gamescom
Arena Commander 3 - Winter 2014/15
Planetside Modul - Spring 2015
First 10 Missions SQ42 - March 2015
Next 10 Mission - June 2015
PU Alpha with 2 Locations first - then 10 - Winter 2015
Beta - Mid 2016
Release PU - End 2016
Citation :
Publié par Alderic
Un planning venant du magazine Allemand Gamestar mais non confirmé officiellement par CIG circule en ce moment

Arena Commander - April/May
FPS Module - June
Arena Commander 2 - August - Gamescom
Arena Commander 3 - Winter 2014/15
Planetside Modul - Spring 2015
First 10 Missions SQ42 - March 2015
Next 10 Mission - June 2015
PU Alpha with 2 Locations first - then 10 - Winter 2015
Beta - Mid 2016
Release PU - End 2016
Le journaliste de Gamestar qui a publié les nouvelles estimations de dates a posté dans le forum RSI pour donner plus de détails et citer ce que Chris Roberts a dit pendant l'interview : https://forums.robertsspaceindustrie...ussion/124159/

En lisant un peu, on se rend compte que le journaliste a pas mal extrapolé pour établir ce planning prévisionnel, parce que Chris reste assez évasif.

Les infos validées par Chris sont donc les suivantes :
  • Eté 2014 : module FPS
  • Septembre 2014 : module DFM v2
  • Fin 2014 - début 2015 : module Planetside
  • Mars 2015 : premières missions de Squadron 42, avec de nouvelles missions tous les 2-3 mois ensuite.
  • Fin 2015 (estimation très floue) : alpha de l'univers persistant.

Il précise aussi que Chris était très ouvert quand à donner ces estimations, ce qui est assez inhabituel dans le milieu. Sur la plupart des productions de jeu habituelles, les dates de sorties sont des infos très sensibles distillées au compte-goutte. Ça change donc de d'habitude, mais ça veut dire aussi que ces estimations sont moins fiables, il ne faudra pas s'étonner si d'autres reports surviennent.
ding 43M$

44M$ :
Citation :
Stellar Cartography – Walk among the distant horizons you’ve charted in Star Citizen’s dedicated “map room” featuring a 3D holographic representation of the known universe. Your map room will start with a basic guide to the United Empire of Earth, and will expand into something that is unique to you as you explore uncharted worlds and discover new secrets. Build the most in-depth universe map possible and show it off to visitors, or lock down your secret jump points and hidden trading posts so that no one else can follow. Interface directly with the Observist guide to find out everything from what ores are in demand on MacArthur to who serves the best pasta on Terra. And with the ability to leave your own notes about your encounters and travels, it’s more than a map: it’s your digital diary!

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