Version 1.110

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Citation :
Publié par Belk
Oh shi-, j'ai lu en diagonale. Merde Sérieux, j'vais pas économiser mes aurulites 4 mois non plus !
et tu compte en faire quoi de tes aurulites une fois la 1.110 en place ?
Citation :
Publié par stav
et tu compte en faire quoi de tes aurulites une fois la 1.110 en place ?

Citation :
Toutes les récompenses en Aurulite obtenues dans les vaux ont été remplacées par des parchemins qui accorderont une quantité de prime quand le joueur l'utilisera dans le val où il l'a acquise.
J'ai pensé que c'était rétroactif... Me trompe-je ? En même temps, là, j'y réfléchis et bah, ça a l'air stupide comme pensée. Ouais nan, c'est pas rétroactif ?
Citation :
Publié par Belk
J'ai pensé que c'était rétroactif... Me trompe-je ? En même temps, là, j'y réfléchis et bah, ça a l'air stupide comme pensée. Ouais nan, c'est pas rétroactif ?
j'en doute fortement !
Citation :
Publié par Belk
J'ai pensé que c'était rétroactif... Me trompe-je ? En même temps, là, j'y réfléchis et bah, ça a l'air stupide comme pensée. Ouais nan, c'est pas rétroactif ?
Je ne vois pas du tout pourquoi ça serait rétro-actif, c'est pas une modification d'item ou autre, c'est une autre récompense.
Citation :
Publié par Yalinea / Heilios
Bien marrant le repop massif d'enchant en tout cas
D'après certains bruits qui courent le puissant Bilasparky serait même sur le retour.
Modifications :

Pendragon Patch - 10/13
Posted by Kai Schober | 2011 Oct 12 15:34:27 -0400 GMT
We will be bringing the Pendragon Test Server offline for maintenance on Thursday, 10/13, at 2:00pm EDT (20:00 CEST). During this maintenance we will be implementing some class changes as well as additional bug fixes for issues discovered in test version 1.110. At this time we anticipate that Pendragon will be back online no later than 6:00pm EDT (Midnight CEST).
You can find the Patch Notes below..

  • Necromancer pets will now receive buffs from the NPC buffers throughout the realms.
  • The primary channelers in each realm have had their teleport option dialog updated.
<H1>Class Balance</H1><H2>Bard Balance Changes
  • All Bards have been given a forced respecialization.
  • Greater Heal spells have been returned to the Regrowth Specialization line.
  • The defensive proc spell has been moved from the Regrowth Specialization Line to the Nurture Specialization Line.
Blademaster Balance Changes
  • The level 21 Celtic Dual style Hurricane has had its endurance cost reduced from High to Medium, and has had its growth rate adjusted up significantly.
Healer Balance Changes
  • All Healers have been given a forced respecialization.<LI sizset="44" sizcache="4">A new defensive proc spell has been added to the Augmentation Specialization Line:
    • Level 9 - Amelioration of Eir - Group - 3.0s cast / 20 minute duration - 1500 range - 25% Chance to Proc, Heals for 15 - 9 power
    • Level 17 - Purification of Eir - Group - 3.0s cast / 20 minute duration - 1500 range - 25% Chance to Proc, Heals for 32 - 11 power
    • Level 25 - Recovery of Eir - Group - 3.0s cast / 20 minute duration - 1500 range - 25% Chance to Proc, Heals for 49 - 15 power
    • Level 33 - Reparation of Eir - Group - 3.0s cast / 20 minute duration - 1500 range - 25% Chance to Proc, Heals for 66 - 19 power
    • Level 41 - Reconstruction of Eir - Group - 3.0s cast / 20 minute duration - 1500 range - 25% Chance to Proc, Heals for 83 - 24 power
    • Level 49 - Emendation of Eir - Group - 3.0s cast / 20 minute duration - 1500 range - 25% Chance to Proc, Heals for 100 - 32 power
  • The target cap on the Pacification Baseline Amnesia spells has been removed.
  • The target cap on the Pacification Specialization AoE Mesmerize spells has been removed.
  • The target cap on the Pacification Specialization Instant AoE Mesmerize spells has been removed.
  • The target cap on the Pacification Specialization AoE Stun spells has been changed to be 16 targets at all spell levels.
  • The target cap on the Pacification Specialization Instant AoE Stun spells has been changed to be 16 targets at all spell levels.
Nightshade Balance Changes
  • The level 21 Celtic Dual style Hurricane has had its endurance cost reduced from High to Medium, and has had its growth rate adjusted up significantly.
Ranger Balance Changes
  • The level 21 Celtic Dual style Hurricane has had its endurance cost reduced from High to Medium, and has had its growth rate adjusted up significantly.
Shaman Balance Changes
  • All Shamans have been given a forced respecialization.
  • The defensive heal proc in the Mending Specialization line has been removed.
Warden Balance Changes
  • All Wardens have been given a forced respecialization.
  • A new group heal has been added to the Regrowth Specialization Line:
    • Level 13 - Healing Conflux - 2.6s cast - 2000 range - 85 health - 28 power
    • Level 22 - Renewing Conflux - 2.4s cast - 2000 range - 139 health - 43 power
    • Level 34 - Restoring Conflux - 2.2s cast - 2000 range - 211 health - 60 power
    • Level 44 - Reviving Conflux - 2.0s cast - 2000 range - 271 health - 72 power
World Changes Realm vs. Realm Battlegrounds Changes
  • [All Battlegrounds]: Adjustments have been made to experience and bounty point rewards for Battleground quests.
  • [All Battlegrounds]: Adjustments have been made to prices for Bounty Point armor, weapons and accessories in the Battlegrounds.
Bug Fixes
  • Killaloe and Thidranki Bounty Store Mythirians will now have consistent prices.
  • [Hills of Claret]: The Albion bounty merchant, Osazel, will now sell a two-handed hammer instead of an extra pair of greaves.
  • [Lion’s Den]: The Hibernian bounty merchant, Ampia, will now sell a one-handed sword instead of an extra shortbow.
Dungeons Changes
  • Teleporting to the Shar Labyrinth, Inconnu Crypt, and Kobold Undercity can now be done at level 30 and above without having to use the obelisk first.
World Zones Changes
  • The Help Window’s formatting has been adjusted to allow for easier navigation.
  • All New User Journey Lesson quests have been transcribed to the Help Window.
  • All New User Journey Hub locations and level ranges have been transcribed to the Help Window.
  • The primary channelers in each realm have had their teleport option dialog updated.
  • Necromancer pets should now receive buffs from the NPC buffers throughout the realms.
Bug Fixes
  • Thelgar the Hafheim Channeler in Mularn no longer offers Seer sub-classing.
Quests Changes
  • All New User Journey and Battleground quests have had quest acceptance and completion sounds added to them.
  • All New User Journey quest Armor Rewards will now be arranged in descending order by Armor Factor.
  • All New User Journey quest Dye Rewards are now able to be sold and dropped.
  • [Saving Zarees]: Tym and Zarees have been moved from Cotswold and Mag Mell. They can now be found outside the gates of Camelot and Tir na Nog, respectively.
  • [Saving Zarees]: Tym should once again display his quest icon for the Saving Zarees quests (Level 7 and 48), in all realms.
Albion Bug Fixes
  • [Heretical Hermit]: This quest will now more reliably grant quest credit for killing Sirelian.
  • [Olorustos’ End]: This quest will no longer become stuck and unable to be advanced.
  • [Lesson: Know Your Foe]: This quest can now be completed in Albion.
  • [Epic Encounter: Mulgrut’s Demise]: The amount of summoned maggots required to be killed has been reduced to 20 in order to proceed to the second “stage.” Messaging has been added to help players realize their progress.
Midgard Bug Fixes
  • [Epic Encounter: Hold the Line]: The amount of vendo required to be killed has been reduced to 20 in order to proceed to the second “stage.” Messaging has been added to help players realize their progress.
Hibernia Bug Fixes
  • The weapon quality for the Connla hub weapon store has been increased to be consistent with the other hub weapon stores.
  • [A Dispatch to Fintain]: Ekim the Dun Cormyra Channeler will now respond to the appropriate keyword.
  • [Earning Glory]: The Wild Crouch for this quest have had their hit points reduced.
  • [In Defense of Fintain]: The Albion Sentries have had their difficulty reduced.
  • [Annihilating Albion]: The Albion Sergeants and Commanders have had their difficulty reduced.
  • [Reclaiming Dun Cormyra]: The Midgard Invaders no longer hit for 0 damage.
  • [Epic Encounter: Infested Waters]: The amount of koalinths required to be killed has been reduced to 20 in order to proceed to the second “stage.” Messaging has been added to help players realize their progress.
Engineering Server Bug Fixes
  • The out of combat movement speed bonus which was erroneously affecting Cathal Valley and the Passage of Conflict has been fixed.
Client Changes
  • Tooltip delay has been added to the options window. You can set the Delay to "No Delay", "0.5 sec", "1.0 sec", "1.5 sec", "2.0 sec", and "No Tooltips".
  • Effect icons at the top of the screen can now display delve tool-tips.
  • Tooltip and full delves now show a spell's Magic Type (aka Damage Type).
  • Right-clicks on the effects icons at the top of the screen now go straight to the new style delves.
Le barde conserve le soin rapide.
La sentinelle gagne le soin de groupe.
Le style de dos ADC est enfin mis à jour.
Cap de 16 joueurs pour l'ae stun ?
Excellentes modifications !

Il était temps que le cap sur l'aemezz mid disparaisse... Le cap sur l'aestun était pas indispensable par contre.

Dernière modification par Squaal ; 14/10/2011 à 00h54.
Enfin pour Hurricane, il leur aura juste fallu 3 ans et demi pour réaliser leur bourde!

Déçu de les voir persister dans la voie de la senti spe jeglandeparcequejejouesur3compétences (je joue ça en ce moment c'est d'un pauvre niveau gameplay...).
Au moins le barde s'en tire. Ravi aussi de voir que les mids auront un super proc heal généralisé aussi, c'était bien trop facile de tuer les mages mids au cac, il y a une justice.
Avec le greater heal sur le bard et le heal de groupe sur le warden, ça me semble tout de suite moins bancal avec un moins gros poids sur le druid (même si je ne suis pas fan pour autant a priori).

Le up de hurricane est cool, mais ça sera toujours pas suffisant pour avoir assez de punch à l'avant
Citation :
Publié par Nehylen
Ravi aussi de voir que les mids auront un super proc heal généralisé aussi, c'était bien trop facile de tuer les mages mids au cac, il y a une justice.
Ils l'ont juste changé du chaman au heal buff quoi qu'il en soit ca sera toujours un plus petit proc que si il était resté sur le chaman.

et hib gagne aussi le proc heal sur le barde en ligne buff.

Sinon très sympa ce correctif je trouve.
Citation :
Publié par Baanks
mythic se reveil aprés 10 années d'hibernation
bof, c'est juste un roulement perpétuel de up en tout genre

mid n'a pas finit d'être up, alb non plus etc...

déjà que c'est pas évident d'avoir 2 factions différentes avec un potentiel équivalent alors 3...

il y en aura toujours une derrière c'est certain
Citation :
Publié par Squaal
Excellentes modifications !

Il était temps que le cap sur l'aemezz mid disparaisse... Le cap sur l'aestun était indispensable par contre.
pour tant les stuns magiques ne valent rien à ce qu'il parait, du moins d'après les pissants mages hib

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