Update 2 : ce qui arrive !

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Citation :
Publié par Storm
Il est temps de faire un point sur les nouveaux éléments sur lesquels nous travaillons en vue de la publication de l’Update 2. Nous avons travaillé dur pour ajouter du nouveau contenu, améliorer le PvP, polir le jeu, équilibrer les compétences et les missions des différentes nations, corriger les problèmes soulevés par la communauté. Nous apportons les dernières touches à l’Update 2 et il est actuellement testé en interne avant d’être envoyé au département QA de NCsoft. Bien sûr certains éléments de cette liste peuvent être amenés à changer mais nous vous voulions vous dire ce que nous faisions actuellement.

Voici une liste sommaire de ce que vous pouvez vous attendre à trouver dans ce nouvel update :

# Nouvelle arène de combat : Emergence. Cette arène constitue l’évolution des deathmatchs en arène d’Auto Assault. La jouabilité est encore plus rapide et l’arène de contient de tout nouveaux bonus de puissance. Attention à l’anneau de saut !
# Nouvelle zone : Le Colisée. Il s’agit d’une nouvelle instance que l’OCD a construit pour mettre à l’épreuve les pilotes d’élite dans le cadre d’un challenge unique, de plus en plus difficile. Il existe des épreuves pour les niveaux 60, 65 et 70. Le Colisée apportera aux joueurs une expérience nouvelle et les aidera aussi à progresser vers le niveau 80.
# Nouveau contenu dans Ground Zero. Une vingtaine de missions ont été ajoutées à GZ pour permettre aux joueurs de niveau 60 à 80 à relever de nouveaux défis.
# Nous avons aussi améliorer les performances dans les zones de départ : Les Landes Incultes, Mine Vert-de-gris, Fort Logan, Tocado et Upside.
# Nous avons augmenté le temps nécessaire pour la capture des avant-postes dans GZ. Nous espérons ainsi donner une raison supplémentaire aux joueurs de constituer des convois et aux défenseurs de réagir pour tenter de changer les conditions de bataille.
# Nous avons ajusté les consommables de réparation en réduisant la temporisation des utilisations en convoi. Nous avons aussi ajouté de nouvelles compétences pour les ingénieurs, shamans et cyberteks. Ces changements devraient améliorer la recherche de ces classes lors de la constitution des convois dans GZ ainsi que la jouabilité de ces classes en général.
# De nombreuses missions et enchaînements de missions ont été corrigés pour chacune des nations.
# Toutes les récompenses en expérience des missions mutantes du niveau 6 au niveau 59 ont été augmentées de 10%. L’expérience des missions biomeks (6-59) a été augmentée de 5%.
# Les jetons gagnés dans GZ lors de la capture des avant-postes pourront désormais être échangés contre le nouveau set d’objets Battlemaster. Un magasin prévu à cet effet a été ajouté à la zone. Ce nouveau set est impressionnant, brutal et rougeoyant, symbole de votre statut de chasseur dans Ground Zero.
# Les classes disposant de familiers ont subi une nouvelle passe destinée à équilibrer et revaloriser leurs invocations pour chacune des nations. Dans les plus hauts niveaux, ces invocations durent désormais près d’une heure. Leur précision et leurs points de vie ont été augmentés et normalisés entre les nations.
# La valeur des caractéristiques des équipements épiques a été revalorisée. La meilleure capacité de réparation automatique a été ajoutée. Une grande partie de ces améliorations ont déjà été implémentées au travers des dernières mises à jours urgentes.
# Un certain nombre de nouvelles armes ont été intégrées au jeu pour augmenter la disponibilité et la diversité des types de dommages disponibles. Il y aura beaucoup plus d’armes moyennes et lourdes pour équilibrer la présence importante des petites armes en jeu. La variété des armes non énergétiques ou à cadence de tir élevée a été augmentée.
# Enfin, de nouveaux objets de tuning s’ajouteront à la liste de ceux disponibles pour améliorer les options de personnalisation de vos véhicules.
Pour moi, qui joue depuis Avril et qui commence a trouver le temps long à GZ, c'est pratiquement un sans faute. Ne reste qu'à voir les détails.
Citation :
Publié par Hanny Drocéphale
On paper, even communism works !
We can also write that DnL is a good game

Bon j'ai toujours pas trop de le temps de jouer en ce moment mais je compte bien reprendre le jeu et c'est vrai qu'on sent qu'ils écoutent vraiment les joueurs.
ils écoutent , mais ils ne doivent pas comprendre grand chose.

mais ça progresse, maintenant c'est aussi équilibré que Daoc à la sortie ( le premier qui mez-stun gagne )
C'est vrai que c'est étonnant, cette forte impression que ND ne tient pas/trop peu compte des erreurs et problèmes de jeux antérieurs de type MMG. Et surtout pénible, car meme si les dév' sont à l'écoute, on part de tellement loin que pour combler le fossé vers un jeu aux p'tits oignons... va falloir du temps
Je vous trouve mauvaise langue. C'est sûr que c'est pas parfait mais c'est pas aussi raté que vous le dites. Enfin moi je suis que lvl 43 je joue très peu. J'ai pas eu de gros problème dans le jeu. Quand à ceux qui parle de Daoc, au début je suis désolé mais c'était bien pire qu'AA. Le problème c'est qu'à l'époque de Daoc y'avait quasi 0 concurrence maintenant il faut jouer aussi avec cette concurrence.
tous les problèmes commencent au lvl 60 , jusque là il n'y a pas trop d'ennuis ( quelques quêtes qui foirent .. )

le rapprochement avec Daoc, c'est pour l'équilibrage du pvp simplement, et pour la ressemblance avec le gros défaut de chain stun/mez qu'avait daoc a la sortie

mais vraiment, le lvl 70-80 c'est la misère, rien à voir avec le reste du jeu.
L'update 2 est maintenant sur le PTS.

Citation :

- Added three new convoy instant repair skills at level 55. These skills repair the caster and all nearby members of the caster's convoy, making it a very efficient repair option in groups.
- Human Engineers receive "Coordinated Repair"
- Mutant Shamans get "Revitalize"
- Biomek Constructors get "Reformation".
- Emergence arena ready for play
- Introduced 10 exciting new "Battlemaster" series items that may be purchased from the new Ground Zero Outpost Rewards Store. The Battlemaster series of items are some of the most amazing items found anywhere in the Auto Assault world and they are only available to be purchased with Ground Zero Outpost Souvenir Tokens.
- New missions added to Ground Zero: Sticker Shock, Token of the Past, The Ends of the Earth, Sample Size, The Creeping Terror, Spinal Trap, Bitter Dregs, Static, White Noise, Resupply (x3, one for each race)
- Added 66 new weapons to fill in damage type and size including large and medium, front and turret weapons. These weapons have contamination, corrosive, and fire damage types and are typically high refire rate. They are spread across all level ranges and will help to fill in weapon gaps.
- Added front weapon rewards to all three tutorial maps in mission where player kills instructor. Missions: Final Exam, Test of Metal, Way of the Champion.
- INC Rest Stop - Added INC Junkyard to provide outlet for exotic weapons, armor, and power plants.
- Added Outpost rewards store to Fort Logan, Upside, and Tocado. INC will sell Battlemaster rewards from these stores.
- Added refinery chief to the town of Duenna where there had been none before.
- Added sounds to pick-up of all power-ups
- Arkbay - Humans have begun storing Osterakes in the caves for protein. They sure breed quickly, though!
- Tierra Roja Dam - Osterakes have been spotted in the Training Course.
- Wastes - Added wall around General Dunlop so new players won't inadvertently drive past him
- 6 new crafting missions added in Ground Zero with high end ‘broken’ rewards waiting to be claimed, crafted, and possibly memorized! These rewards include Xeno Synthetic Armor, Xeno Core Power Plant, Ground Zero Veteran Ornament, Hellfire Laser MG, Xeno-Modified Radiated Pulse Laser, and the Mozak Replica!


- Consumable repair kits are now grouped into two categories: Instant, and Repair Over Time. All instant repair of any kind (instant self, and instant AE) will now share cooldown timers, and all repair over time kits now share cooldown timers.
- Many Mutant and Biomek missions have had their XP payouts increased.
- Updated Sgt. Garrison’s loot drops.
- Changed the name of Outpost Souvenirs to "Outpost Token".
- Fixed driving, physics, and turret problems with the Human Bounty Hunter "Hydra GT2" Chassis, including increased stat bonuses to be level appropriate.
- Outpost Capture timer doubled from 15 to 30 seconds
- Removed Outpost Terminal from Moat
- Broken Items will now drop, on average, with better stats than their non broken equivalents. This pertains to items that have broken status upon creation in the world, not for items broken by reverse engineering.

New User Experience
- Added new slower chassis to all new Auto Assault characters (existing characters are not affected). This will make it easier for new users to acclimate to driving and also make the first chassis upgrade a significant speed increase.
- Greatly increased experience rewards for levels 1-6 and slightly increased experience rewards for levels 7-9 for killing enemy AI.
- Greatly reduced defensive and offensive capabilities of AI creatures (excepting bosses) level 1-5, include perception, defense, offense, and damage values. This will result in a much easier new user experience.
- Improved many mission reward items for levels 1-6
- In order to speed up new character progression in tutorials and intro-highways, greatly increased experience rewards for completing missions, across all races, levels 1-8 by the following amounts:
- Increased all racial and INC Repair Pads repair ability by 50% per pulse. This will result in less downtime!
- Reduce hit points of AI Vehicles levels 1-5
- Reduced Aggro Radius of AI creatures (excepting bosses) level 1-5 by a scaling amount such that at level 1 they will not aggro and by level 5 their aggro radius is roughly half of what it used to be. This will result in a much easier new user experience.
- Reduced movement speed of AI creatures (excepting bosses) levels 1-5 by 10%.
- New characters are now awarded 2 research points at level 5 instead of 1 point at level 2 and 4.
- Enemy creatures from levels 1-5 now attempt to place themselves in front of the player's vehicle instead of picking a random point around the vehicle to run to.
- Removed several extraneous first-time hints from the game. Also removed the initial UI overlay explaining each window’s function (this can still be seen when the help window is open)
- When the character create screen asks you to look at the vehicle options screen, it now takes you to that screen immediately rather than just highlighting the button.

- Human Engineer Repair Stream (Ally), Biomek Constructor Repair (Ally) and Mutant Shaman Origeneration (Ally) repair skills have had their skill point cost per level increases cut in half.
- Many summon skills across all races/classes have had their hit points increased significantly. This does not include mines and recon summons.

- Many summon skills across all races/classes have had their offense (accuracy) rating increased significantly. Some were already maxing at high values and were not improved. The following skills had their accuracy percentages increased:

Race Summon Skill
Biomek AssaultMek
Biomek Autocannon Mek
Biomek Biomek Flamer Device
Biomek BlastMek
Biomek LaserBot
Biomek MG-Mek
Biomek Nano Impedance Turret
Biomek Nano Restriction Turret
Biomek Nano Scrambler Turret
Biomek TechBot
Biomek Titan Mek
Human Combat Drone
Human Grav Sink Trap
Human Hestia Aerial Raider
Human Laser Turret
Human Maser Turret
Human Microtank
Human Mobile Command Unit
Human Repair Pods
Mutant Phaseform Alligrake
Mutant Phaseform Bloodretch
Mutant Phaseform Crawler
Mutant Phaseform Crusher
Mutant Phaseform Rake
Mutant Phaseform Revenant
Mutant Phaseform Spiritdew
Mutant Phaseform Spitblossom

- Many summon skills across all race/classes have had their durations greatly increased. Mines and turrets were not included in this change. The durations will now scale to a maximum skill rank duration of over one hour. This will result in additional power being available to classes with summon skills. The following summons were included in this change:

Biomek AssaultMek
Biomek Autocannon Mek
Biomek Biomek Flamer Device
Biomek BlastMek
Biomek LaserBot
Biomek MG-Mek
Biomek TechBot
Biomek Titan Mek
Human Combat Deployment
Human Combat Drone
Human Hestia Aerial Raider
Human Holo-Trooper
Human Microtank
Human Mobile Command Unit
Human Shock Trooper
Mutant Phaseform Alligrake
Mutant Phaseform Bloodretch
Mutant Phaseform Crawler
Mutant Phaseform Crusher
Mutant Phaseform Rake
Mutant Phaseform Revenant
Mutant Phaseform Spiritdew
Mutant Phaseform Spitblossom
Mutant Phaseform Ursaic Monolith

- More than doubled the duration of Mutant Spririt Shells skill. Added accuracy (all) bonus to Spirit Shells.
- Reduced the accuracy bonus of Human Tactical Uplink to be inline with other skills of its type. It was previously much higher in bonuses than any other skill of its type. Also, reduced the power cost of Tactical Uplink, especially at higher ranks of the skill.
- Added an accuracy (all) bonus to Mutant Shaman Blood Spike skill. Increased the duration of Blood Spike by over 50%.
- All three battle modes for Engineers, Shaman, and Constructor classes now work on "self" instead of just on a convoy. This will help add additional power to these three support classes.
- Reduced cost of Biomek Total Armor factional skill and slightly improved critical hit defense %.
- Human Commandos now get 10 ranks of Quantum Methods skill instead of 7. This is now identical to the other classes who share the same skill at 10 ranks.
- Human Engineer Repair Surge (Self) and Repair Stream (Ally), Mutant Shaman Origeneration (Self) and Origeneration (Ally) and Biomek Constructor Repair (Self) and Repair (Ally) have had their skill point costs reduced.
- reduced the cost of Human Tech Certification and Theoretical Studies skills.
- Human Bounty Hunter Cheap Shot skill has greatly reduced ranks (35 to 15) and greatly increased efficiency. Power cost was reduced, damage was increased, skill cost was greatly reduced, and stun duration was slightly reduced.
- Added specific text to all blind skills so they specifically state what is happening with Blind status "...causing final to hit chance to be reduced by 50%". This includes the following skills: Brilliant Flare, dimda.virus, electrical radiation, phase cloud, phased illumination, firefly spirit, and swarming nanites.

Functionality / User Interface
- Character Creation should be a bit easier to navigate intuitively using Enter, Escape, and the arrow keys to select your character (message box will always take precedence. Also, you don't always have to have 'focus' on the current window pieces for those keys to still work).
- Auto-targeting is now enabled by default (users who previously had already created vog.opt files by playing the game will still have this option turned off unless they turn it on manually)
- Having auto-targeting enabled will now automatically set your target to the first enemy that attacks you if you don't have a target.
- Increased the rate at which vehicles turn from a standstill via holding just 'a' or 'd'
- No more heat accumulation in any form until level 6
- Spray weapons can have explosive properties and still show correctly in the rollover now.
- You can now select the new "Mouse-move in Vehicle" option under the interface options to use the mouse to control the movement of your vehicle


- The following Zones have been optimized for better performance:
Ark Bay Tutorial
Fort Logan
The Warren

- The Moat: Players should no longer spawn at wrong repair stations when killed.
- The Warren: Added text trigger in front of exit to the Depths. You need to use a Keycard to exit.
- Scrap Valley - fixed bad refire rate for 2 heal pads
- Cinderfall - Fixed two plants next to each other fighting.
- Cinderfall - changed chassis store to contain only vehicles, and marked vehicles only.
- Stalwart - Added a terminal next to the refinery and also fixed Control, Fabrication, and Reactor buildings.
- The Falls (The Tubes) - Fence pieces should now appear at all angles.
- Clicking on a lootlinked chassis and then zoning should no longer cause the player to crash
- +1 to all faction/specialty skills enhancements on equipment should now work correctly both inside and outside of town. It will now automatically update all passive skills on the player immediately when equipped/unequipped instead of only upon zoning.
- Fixed a bug where all equipment-based stat enhancements were reporting double in town (+2 combat would show up as +4 combat etc). While broken, unequipping the item would cut the bonus in half but then re-equipping the item would have no further visible result.
- Fetid Bayou - fixed issue with being locked out of Bloodfarm and not able to complete the mission chain.
- Mission, Tied to the Path - Text fix, Replaced all instances of Scow with Patroller.
- Mission - Strange Mutations - Changed mission giver from Champion Onofre to Avenger Hidalgo.

Items / Environment
- Fixed floating objects in Dreamtime, Grand Junction, The Moat
- Fetid Bayou: Placed large rock in depression where you would take water damage
- Lost Stronghold (Rush Ridge): Fixed invisible physics block in front of exit tunnel. You should not be able to drive into tunnel object now.
- Ground Zero - Mutant base. Moved a store building that was placed in the path of patrolling Mutant guards.
- Detention Facility - Added reaction that deletes gates if you have objective to enter the Detention Facility or Upload virus.
- Western Front - Players should no longer be able to get into the lake at Squentin Gardens.
- Cinderfall - moved entry point from off the map to Biomek Repair station by Moat exit.
- Fixed all Human Engineer Minos chassis to have a 6 wheel definition. This chassis should now properly accept 6 wheel sets.

Text changes / fixes
- Corrected naming problems with various tank chassis defensive bonuses which incorrectly read "Offense Bonus".
- Typos of the following Medals fixed: “Lower Apollo Outfall Pass” and “Pimp Clip”

- Fixed Pious Archon escort mission
- Citadel - Fixed Trigger for Photofinish
- Ark Bay Tutorial - made Gunny Sioux’s path even shorter.
- "All INClusive" - should show up properly in the journal now.
- "Clear and Present Danger" - should correctly count kills now and changed max level on kill target from -1 to 80
- "Dereliction" - now gives players a reward.
- "End Transmission" - should complete properly now.
- "Friend in Need" is now level 22.
- "Home for the Holidays" - changed fail distance on escort mission from 100 m to 200 m.
- "Justice Mastery" - can now be marked active in the journal.
- "Positive ID" - Jugo no longer gives out Hestia IDs. Players must actually wreck humans to get them.
- "Rites of Immolation III and IV" now give more details about what targets players have to fight.
- "Sac it to Me" Mission items will now be removed from player inventory when the mission completes.
- "Salvage" mission fixed
- "The Cell" - should show up properly in the journal now.
- "Xeno Inversion III" - Removed Justice vehicle from list of targets. Added Xeno Vehicle.
- “EILM Mastery” - now correctly reports the mission target level.
- “Right Or Not At All” - now correctly reports the completion NPC’s location.
- “Snake Charmer” - should now complete normally.
- “The Racketeer” - will now give players experience when completed.

Mission Texts
- Fixed Typos in missions "Rough Rider", "Shot Up in the Chest", "Pawn Ornaments".
- "Test Basis" - Changed text to reflect the right number of kills (from 12 to 15).

- Fixed Biomek Terminator's Frost Plate skill to properly provide resistance bonuses.
- Fixed Biomek Terminator's Soft Spot Skill to properly debuff all resistances and added a 40m splash damage radius.
- Fixed incorrect Power consumption of Human Commando skill Repulsor Shield.


- If you have items equipped that have +skill effects, and you then add points to an affected skill, you will need to zone to make the client show the values correctly. The server has the correct adjusted values immediately, but the local client may show incorrect or inflated values. Zoning will correct this.
- Coliseum is OFF. If you do get a mission from the Coliseum NPC, you will get a spam of text messages saying “That area is closed for maintenance.” You can stop the message spam by either leaving the immediate area around the NPC, or simply abandoning the mission.
Les items battlemaster :
Et leurs coûts :
Et je traduis rien, parce que vous êtes pas beaux.
Bien sympa tout ça quand même ! Snake charmer va enfin disparaître de mon journal de quête , enfin ça serait bien qui se penchent un peu plus sur le ''fun'' du haut level plus que des lvl 1-5
Un aperçu des nouvelles armes :

Une arme battlemaster en vidéo, avec en guest star un boss de raid qui ne devrait pas être la.
Au sujet des missions épiques, et du set battlemaster :
Citation :
Publié par Storm
We feel that the first tier epic missions are difficult but reasonable. And the real problem lies in the final tier missions, which are a bit ridiculous. So we have cut the requirements in HALF for this final tier mission and also made the drops obtainable by an entire convoy and not just individually. This will also aid in encouraging grouping.

Il faudra 50000 objets au lieu de 100000 pour terminer les missions épiques et contrairement à ce qui se passe actuellement, le objets tomberont pour l'ensemble d'un groupe

As for the Outpost Token Store, it's a slippery slope. There are players who have already saved up 2000-5000+ tokens, and we didn't want them to automatically purchase the majority of the items on day 1, but we also don't want to make it overly difficult for players new to Ground Zero. And people have made very good points about the actual number of tokens being obtained has gone down since the server merge and more challenging PvP environment.

So we're going to be greatly reducing the costs of items in the Outpost Rewards Store to 500/1000/2000/5000 tokens. Of course, we will continue to monitor stats of actual tokens owned by players moving forward and introduce new items to the store that account for these changing token counts. Also, we're likely going to introduce alternative ways to obtain Outpost Tokens other than just capping an outpost.

Au lieu de demander 1000, 5000 ou 15000 souvenirs, les objets du set seront déclinés en 500, 100, 2000 ou 5000. De plus, ils vont ajouter de nouveaux objets payables en souvenirs, et augmenter les moyens d'en obtenir.
signé Hanny, l'aventurière des mondes en faillite. ( non je déconne LOL )
L'update 2 est sur Nexus depuis qq jours.

Le détail des nouveautés et modifs en français sur le site officiel :

J'ai pas l'impression - même si ça progresse dans le bon sens - que ça solutionne en bloc les choses qui m'ont fait stopper (pas que moi d'ailleurs) mon abo à AA (en gros déséquilibres entre nations, potions en perfusion et "qui stun gagne") mais camarades joliens fous du volant, veuillez nous faire part de votre expérience de cette "version_0014114"
L'update n'a absolument rien apporté au niveau de l'abus des potions de soin, au déséquilibre des nations/classes (mis a part les buff en plus pour les ingé, mais rien de très significatif).

Ton stund dure 4secondes et celui de ton ennemi 13, 13-4=9, si tu sais survivre 9secondes tu as une chance de gagner...

D'autres choses sympa sont arrivées, mais le plus important reste dans le pipe des développeurs...

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