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Bonjour tout le monde

Il y a beaucoup de belles choses sur ces screens

J'ai quelques questions:

Dans celle-ci:

- Comment avoir cette barre de cast?

Questions diverses:

- Comment faire pop un bouton cliquable quand je me fait empoisonner ou que je me prend une maladie svp? J'ai vu ça dans une vidéo dont je n'ai plus le lien. Par exemple, je me prend une fleche empoisonnée de la par d'un chasseur et hop, un bouton pop ou je veux sur l'écran et quand je clique dessus ça m'enlève le poison, puis il disparaît? (je suis chaman )

Merci d'avance

Pour deplacer ce que tu veux dans ta fenetre et entre autre la minimap: MoveAnything

Pour ta derniere question sur les poisons, la reponse est a mon avis l'add-on DAB: Discord Action Bar .

Ce dernier te permet de placer un ou des boutons comme tu l entends mais aussi d y mettre des conditions.
Par exemple, j ai 2 barre d'attaque. Une de debut de combat et une de pleine combat; Celle de debut de combat et tjrs affiché et la 2d barre ne s affiche qu uniquement quand le combat a commencer. C un element par defaut de cette Add-on qui permet ces subtilités.
Ce que tu demandes est plus difficiles. A mon avis, avec cette Add-on, tu dois ajouter un Script qui te permettra de faire cette apparition sous condition. Par ma part, je ne sais pas comment faire. Si tu trouve la solution, je serait ravi d avoir des retours.
Oki merci, ça avance bien, je posterais un screen quand ça sera fini

Sinon 2 problèmes:

Comment afficher tout le temps statusbars? La commande /statusbars enable always ne marche pas.

Comment bouger les frames de castparty? Même en activant le truc pour les bouger elles veulent pas

Voila merci
Pour castparty c'est oki, me reste à config statusbar et l'interface sera en beta 1

Qqun à une idée sur comment afficher tout le temps, même hors combat, les frames de statusbars ?


Citation :
Publié par Ozaroth
Pour castparty c'est oki, me reste à config statusbar et l'interface sera en beta 1

Qqun à une idée sur comment afficher tout le temps, même hors combat, les frames de statusbars ?


C'est une ligne de commande a taper en fonction des Options que tu as referencées.

Citation :

Keep the shift key pressed and drag a bar to move the group it belongs to. If the bars are locked you will have to type /statusbars unlock first.

The behaviour can be controlled via the /statusbars slash command.

Syntax: /statusbars (lock|unlock)
Syntax: /statusbars (load|save) (<name>|defaults)
Syntax: /statusbars <target> <option> (<value>|print|reset)
all, player, target, pet, power, tpower, ppower,
health, mana, rage, energy, focus, combo, druid, buff, debuff,
thealth, tmana, trage, tenergy, tfocus, tdebuff, tbuff
phealth, pmana, prage, penergy, pfocus, phappy, pbuff, pdebuff
alpha (decimal, default=1)
enable (always/never/combat/combatonly/auto)
color, tcolor, pcolor (string, see Readme.html)
flash (on/off)
group (player/target/pet/group1/group2/...)
percentage (none/left/right)
ptext (string, default = &frac%, see Readme.html)
scale (decimal, default=1)
text (string, see Readme.html or print the current value)
warn (decimal, default=0.6)

Friendly buffs are hidden for the player and pet by default. To enable them, type

/statusbars buff enable combatonly
/statusbars pbuff enable combatonly


The target determines in which bars the option is to be set. Using all will set the value in all applicable bars, using power or tpower will set the value in the mana, rage, energy and focus bars. player and target will set set value for all bars in the group.


alpha Opacity of the bar. Decimal value between 0.0 and 1.0. Default = 1.0.
enable When the bar should be visible.
always, never: As expected
auto: When the current value differs from the default i.e. when damaged, when mana is not full, etc.
combat: As auto, but also displays when in combat.
combatonly: Only displays in combat, no matter what the value is.
color, tcolor, pcolor The color of the bar, text and percentage text. Can either be a simple named color (red, yellow, etc), a hexadecimal color in rgb or rrggbb format, or a color expression.
flash If the bar should flash when high/low.
group Which group the bar should belong to. player, target, pet or one of the generic group1, group2...
percentage Placement of the percentage display. none, left or right.
ptext Text to be displayed in the percentage field, subject to variable substitution.
scale Scale the bar. Will only work well if all the bars in a group are set to the same scale.
text The text to be displayed in the bar, subject to variable substitution.
warn Distance from the default value where the bar will start flashing if enabled. Default = 0.6, which represents 60%.

Option Management

Options can be loaded, saved and reset using the commands /statusbars load <name>, /statusbars save <name> and /statusbars load defaults.

You can use the name of another character to load or save the settings of that character, or use an arbitrary name to save settings for later reference.

Text Variable Substitution

The text to be displayed in the bar is subject to variable substitution; any occurences of &cur, &max, &frac, &-cur, &name, &rank, &class and &lvl will be replaced with the current value, maximum value, current percentage, lost value, name, rank, class and level.

This can be used to customize the information displayed in the bar. For example; if you do not like the percentage display but would like to see the target level and percentage next to the name in the target health bar, issue these commands:

/statusbars thealth percentage none
/statusbars thealth text &name, &lvl (&frac%)

This will remove the percentage display and instead show text similar to "Defias Looter, 13 (43%)".

If you would like to see the amount of health lost as well as amount left, use:

/statusbars thealth text &cur / &max (-&-cur)

This will show "580 / 700 (-120)".

Color Expressions

Color expressions are used to make the bar color dependant on the current value. The facility is perhaps best described by an example, the default health bar color is:

<25%:red <50%range <75%:yellow green

This reads as "If health is lower than 25%, the bar is red. If health is below 50%, the bar is orange. If health is below 75%, the bar is yellow. Otherwise, the bar is green."

The available conditions are =, !=, <, >, <= and >=.

The value to test against can be either absolute or a percentage.

Conditions are tested in order and the first one that matches will be selected, so make sure you list conditions in the reverse order they are expected to apply. The exception is the default color, which does not have a condition and is applied when no condition matches. Every color expression must have one and only one default color, and its placement is irrelevant.

As a trivial example, the default mana bar color is:


The following examples implement a request for functionality I got earlier:
"Is there any way to color the combo bar. Like for 1/2 points it's red. 3/4 points it's yellow. 5 points it is green?"

/statusbars combo color =5:green >=3:yellow red

"Energy bar: Could it be yellow if Energy >= 40 (Sinister Strike), orange >= 35 (Eviscerate), and red for Energy < 35?"

/statusbars energy color <35:f00 <40:ff8000 ff0

In the last example, colors were specified in hexadecimal rgb for illustration. You can use your favourite html color picker to find out the hex code for a color.

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