Mythic : If It's Friday, This Must Be the Grab Bag

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Q: Which servers will be clustered?

A: I don't know. No, really, guys, I have no idea. It's the top question for the week, and I'd tell you if I knew. This is still a big discussion around here. About the only thing I can promise is that Nimue will not be clustered with Mordred. NO ONE is getting clustered with Mordred.

Q: Hector? Wha?

A: For those of you who do not pore over patch notes, but do notice things like new servers joining the lineup, "Hector" is a server clustered with Pendragon for the purposes of testing our clustering code. The characters on Hector were all copied from the Palomides database. Players cannot copy their characters to Hector, only to Pendragon.

When clustering is launched, Hector will retire, and vanish forever. Hector is NOT the forerunner to a new server type.

Q: I was wanting to know where I can find information about Weapskill and Weapdam.

A: The "just the facts version" comes from Code Ed: "Weapon skill on the character sheet is derived from the player's skill and spec in the given weapon they are holding in their main hand. Weapon damage on the character sheet is derived from the dps and quality of the weapon in their main hand, and the player's level/realm level."

Q: I just bought Catacombs and customized the look of my character, but people keep making fun of how big I made my eyes. Is there any way that I can make them smaller? The Customize button is greyed out now.

A: Your slightly frightening friends in customer service replied: "Sure, there are certified magical plastic surgeons in each of the Catacombs cities that will reset your Customization button for you. All are named (something) the Magical. They are: Lolicia the Magical in the Inconnu Crypt, Jaron the Magical in the Kobold Undercity, and Dailliana the Magical in the Shar Labyrinth."

Q: Do the Wild Power and Mastery of Magery RAs help with the Verdant Mastery Point-Blank Area spells? i.e.. Briar Storm?

A: Yes.

Q: I have an item called an "eyebright plant" - can you tell me what it does?

A: The Eyebright Plant is used for a quest called Leoma's Sight, sayeth our Quest Goddess.

Q: In the Mythic directory on my computer, I currently have 3 folders: Camelot, Shrouded Isles, and Trials of Atlantis (haven't gotten Catacombs yet but I will be soon - promise!). Recently I've found my computer can finally handle the ToA Client smoothly and no longer use either the Classic (now no longer functioning) or the SI clients.

My question is, do I need the Classic & SI folders and the files contained in them if I have no intentions of using either client? Is there anything stored in either of these locations that houses information I need to play the game. Would it be alright to delete either/both of these directories if I don't plan to ever use either client again? Will I still be able to play the game if both of those folders are completely removed?

A: I verified this one with our Technical Support boss man, the venerable Sean G. After all, I twitch at the thought of mucking with files, as you all know. But he assures me:

"The version of the client that you use is linked only to the folder on your hard drive. Meaning, if you're using Catacombs, all you need is the Catacombs folder in your Mythic directory. Same with Atlantis, Isles, and Camelot.

"The other folders are the complete versions of that game for that specific client, and they do not crosslink with each other in any fashion. So if you are only using one specific client, you are free to uninstall (using the uninstaller in your start menu) or simply delete the directories of any extra unused clients from your system.

There you go, free up all the space you want.

Q: Is it correct that Vampiirs don't have passive defense skills (Evade, Parry) without casting the appropriate self buff - effectively the base parry/evade rate is 0%? I've noticed my Shadow Mastery specced lurikeen never evades at level 15.

If this is indeed the case, then do Dexterity and Quickness have any effect whatsoever on a Vampiir's ability to evade when the self-buff is up? Or when it's down?

A: The Oracle replied: "Yes, Vampiirs do not naturally evade or parry. The appropriate buff must be used in order to do either. And yes, quickness and dexterify have the same effect when the buffs are used as they would if the class naturally had the abilities."


New Yorkers! Don't forget, the Roundtable Roadtrip is coming to NYC on February 4, complete with a presentation from the Underlord of Content, the dark and dangerous Destin. Check out the details here: NYC Roadtrip

If you were waiting to buy one of the fabulous calendars with art by our fantastic players, wait no more. We're going to donate all the proceeds to the Red Cross.

Check out the Catacombs review by the intrepid Olafur -

That's all for me. See you all out in the Frontiers.

Traduction en cours.
Message hors-roleplay
- Pour le moment, on ne sait pas quels serveurs seront regroupés [NdT : projet et note de version]. C'est toujours en discussion, et la liste des serveurs regroupés sera communiquée dès qu'elle aura été établie. La seule chose qui peut être dite pour le moment, c'est que Mordred [NdT : serveur PcP semblable à notre Camlann] et Nimue [NdT : serveur roleplay] ne seront pas regroupés.

- Pour pouvoir tester le regroupement de serveurs, Mythic a crée un nouveau serveur, Hector, qui est une copie du serveur Palomide [NdT : un serveur commercial classique] et qui est regroupé avec le Pendragon [NdT : le serveur test habituel de Mythic]. Quand le regroupement de serveurs sera lancé, et n'aura plus besoin d'être testé, le serveur test Hector sera supprimé.

- Le score Attaque (Weaponskill sur la fiche de personnage est fonction de la compétence du personnage liée à l'arme qu'il tient dans sa main principale.
Le score Dégâts (Weapdam) est fonction du DPS et de la qualité de l'arme tenue dans la main principale et du niveau et rang de royaume du personnage.

- Des chirurgiens esthétiques magiques et certifiés se trouvent dans les cités souterraines de Catacombes, et leur parler permet de rendre à nouveau disponible l'écran de modification d'apparence du personnage. Ils se nomment Lolicia the Magical dans la Crypte Nécrite, Jaron the Magical dans la Cité Souterraine Kobolde, et Dailliana the Magical dans le Labyrinthe Shar.

- Les compétences de royaume Surcharge de pouvoir et Maître mage affectent bien les sorts de zone centrés sur l'incantateur de la ligne Maîtrise de la Verdure [NdT : Description] tels que Explosion de Verdure.

- L'objet eyebright plant est utilisé par la quête Leoma's Sight.

- La version du client que vous utilisez est liée à un seul répertoire de votre disque dur. Ainsi, si vous utilisez le client Catacombs, tout ce dont vous avez besoin est votre répertoire Catacombs. De même pour Atlantis, Isles, et Camelot.

Les autres répertoires contiennent la version complète du jeu pour le client en question, et ils ne sont liés ensemble d'aucune manière. Si vous n'utilisez qu'un seul client, vous pouvez tout à fait désinstaller ou supprimer les répertoires des clients que vous n'utilisez pas, et ainsi récupérer de l'espace sur votre disque dur.

- Les Séides (Vampiirs) n'ont pas d'esquive ou de parade naturelle. Ils doivent utiliser un sort d'amélioration pour y accéder, et leur dextérité et vivacité ont alors le même impact que pour les classes ayant naturellement ces compétences.

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