Avant de gaspiller votre temps à exploiter les 33million ...

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(de http://www.accmty.com/idealbb/view.asp?topicID=49236&pageNo=23&num=25

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Thanks to a couple honorable players who pointed us in the right direction, we found a typo and exploit that was added in the September content.

The book on the Asheron’s Call games has been “Exploit Early, Exploit Often.” This reputation was not entirely undeserved, to put it mildly. In the past, exploiters have sometimes been allowed to keep the gains they’ve made, producing an un-level playing field that penalized other players for not exploiting. That doesn’t make much sense; if you can return to the level playing field by fixing the problem and making sure some don’t profit from the situation at the expense of others, you ought to. So we will.

As most of you know by now, one of the Incursion quests added in September has a typo in its experience reward. Instead of awarding 3,194,277 experience points, the quest is giving players 33,194,277 experience points. The quest is bestowed by killing a Glowering Monad Spawn. Here, we’ll even show you what it looks like: the link directly below is a picture of the Glowering Monad Spawn, floating to the right of a regular Monad Spawn for comparison.


First, we apologize for the typo and for the inconvenience we are about to cause honest players who might have completed the quest. On the other hand and somewhat predictably, a few of the players who recognized what was happening early jumped in with both feet, perhaps assuming we would fix the typo and let it go at that. In the spirit of our new motto, “Exploit Early, Eat The Fix-It Bat,” we’re going to do far more than that.

The typo and exploit will be repaired in the hotfix patch scheduled for Monday, October 6 at 9am Pacific. In addition, if you have completed the quest and received the extra experience, it will be stripped off the character the first time you log it in after the hotfix. This will be done by giving any character that completed the quest a forced skill reset and then removing 30,000,000 million experience points for each time the quest was completed. For example, if one of your characters has done this quest 3 times, it will receive a forced skill reset and have 90,000,000 experience points removed from its total experience earned. The character will still retain the 9,582,831 legitimate experience points due from completing the Glowering Monad incursion quest those three times. If stripping the extra experience causes the character to lose a level that gave them a skill credit, that skill credit will be removed, as well.

If you don’t want any of this to happen to you, we recommend that you avoid the Glowering Monad Spawn incursion quest until the hotfix happens. Yeah, we know some of you will go looking for it just to get a skill reset; if you want a skill reset that badly, more power to you.

Again, we apologize for the typo and the need to fix the exploit, and thanks to the honest players who came forward to tell us about it.
En résumé, au hotfix, ce qui on exploit auront un skill reset et une perte de 30.000.000 d'xp multiplier par le nombre d'incursion faite de ce type.
ils ont ENFIN compris que c'etait la seule facon d'eviter les exploits! ils en ont mis du temps!

Je me rapelle encore des gars perchés avec des programmes de macros, et les GM qui s'en foutait allegrement...
Citation :
Provient du message de vault
OUAiiiiiiiisssss (j'ai rien piger c'est quoi l'Exploit ? )
La quete donner 30 millions d'xp en trop, c'est ca l'exploit.

Keillec, oui en effet, si tu fait la quete tu recuperera un reset skill credit.
Bah c surement des spawns effigie machintrucs avec pour quete de tuer des spawns effigie.. une incursion tout ce qu'il y a de plus banal... sauf l'exploit

Exploit, c'est tout simplement exploiter une faille, un oubli, une coquille, bref, une bizzarerie du jeu qui normalement n'aurait pas lieu d'être, dans l'unique but d'XP à donf (d'où les premiers 50 boostés à l'exploit )
- I'm not the next of them, I am the first of me. -
hehe désolé, mais apprenez à lire !
Même si c'est de l'anglais, vous pouvais comprendre ca :

"The quest is bestowed by killing a Glowering Monad Spawn."

En plus y'a une photo du mob à tuer. En francais, ca doit etre : Spawn Nomad Luisant. Je crois en avoir vu sur le plateau

Et sinon le bug, c'est qu'il y a une 'typo' sur la quete, il y a un 3 en trop dans le code, et tu recoit 33.xxx.xxx XP au lieu de 3.xxx.xxx XP

Ca fait que tu peux fait 33 million d'xp toutes les 5 minutes, puisque c'est une incursion.
C'est pour ca j'ai posté, parceque ca sert a rien de le faire en pensant avoir trouver un super moyen de leveler, alors que les xp en trop seront retirés lundi
Vi bon, spawn monad, j'ai fini par en croiser dans le plateau central, de toute façon ça change pas grand chose à leur truc
Un dev qui a parkinson, ça court pas les rues quand même
- I'm not the next of them, I am the first of me. -

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