Publié par Duplex
Hello Kickstarter! We're almost halfway there on our path to getting funded. Many of your questions were about the amount necessary for a full remake of the game with a state-of-the-art rendering technology and everything else that a great online game deserves. And without further ado, we want to present you all our key goals.
The goal of $50,000 is the minimum goal to be able to complete the development work that we started. This includes programming, improving a range of art assets and it will ensure a proper launch with a small advertising budget.
At $75,000 we will be able to afford additional art assets, allowing us to add more character customization to the game. We feel it’s important that you are able to express yourself through your character.
At $100,000 we will expand the galaxy, creating two completely new colonies to explore and conquer. This will expand the size of the Vortex Network and lets us make the galaxy even more epic. Along with these new colonies we will further expand on other content, like new music, items, augmentations and styles for your gear.
At $175,000 we will redesign and remake all of the characters and their equipment (includes nearly all items). We would like to see new avatars that better reflect the cyberpunk theme of the game, and we have always dreamt of redoing the animations.
At $250,000 we will have raised enough capital to fully remake the game, including a new rendering engine, new wide open worlds, new vegetation, vehicles, and breathtaking outdoor complexes. Replacing the rendering engine is no small task, requiring us to remake all of the worlds and rewrite large parts of the code. Using the old assets in a new game engine would be a waste because they are not designed to use any of the newer technologies it would support. The new engine will support DirectX11 and feature deferred rendering, realtime soft shadow maps, dynamic ambient occlusion, motion blur, depth of field, HDR lighting, modern physics, highly enhanced terrain rendering and fog, and support parallax and relief bump mapping. In addition to this, performance will increase significantly due to its ability to utilize newer hardware much more efficiently.
If we reach this stretch goal, we will be holding a party to celebrate! It will be near Houston, Texas, and any backer who pledged $100 or more will be invited to come celebrate with us!
Between these key stretch goals will be a number of sub-stretch goals, giving additional rewards to certain reward tiers along the way. Anything beyond this is more than we could ever dream of, and we will create additional stretch goals if this dream becomes a reality.
Pour résumer:
à 50.000$: Fall of the Dominion pourra être lancé, avec de nouveaux modèles pour certaines armes/armures/vêtements et un petit budget pour faire la promotion du jeu.
à 75.000$: Plus de modèles de vêtements/armures, plus d'options de personnalisation pour les personnages.
à 100.000$: Deux nouvelles colonies, de nouvelles musiques, nouveaux objets, nouvelles augmentations et nouvelles options de personnalisation pour l'équipement.
à 175.000$: Une refonte complète de tout les personnages et de l'équipement, ainsi que de tout les objets. Ces nouveaux avatars devraient encore plus refléter l'ambiance Cyberpunk du jeu. Nouvelles animations également.
à 250.000$: Assez d'argent pour un nouveau moteur de jeu plus récent (voir screenshots plus haut). Nouvelles maps plus ouvertes, des véhicules, nouvelle végétation et complexes en extérieur. Meilleures performances pour le PvP de masse.
Si le but de 250.000$ est atteint, une grande fête sera organisée près de Houston Texas, et tout les backers de plus de 100$ seront invités.
Une démo technique du nouveau moteur devrait être postée aujourd'hui ou demain.
Dernière modification par Compte #57536 ; 12/05/2013 à 12h34.