Update 14.2 : Ajustement des prix

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Attention, un ajustement des prix arrives.
Si il y'a des baisses de prix sur certaines zone (souvent des zones peu jouer etrangement), il y'a surtout des hausses de prix importante.

Citation :
Publié par [COLOR=#eed317
As part of our ongoing effort to ensure items in the DDO Store accurately reflect their value, some price adjustments will be made with the release of Update 14.2 (tentatively July 25th). Of special note, many non-epic adventure packs will receive a price reduction. In addition to this, prices for select races & classes have been standardized.

Price Changes:

Races & Classes Category: Prices have been standardized for consistency.
Half-elf Race is decreasing from 1195 Turbine Points to 995 Turbine Points
Warforged Race is increasing from 795 Turbine Points to 995 Turbine Points
Favored Soul Class is increasing from 895 Turbine Points to 995 Turbine Points
Adventures Category: Prices have been adjusted to better reflect the value of select adventures.
Ruins of Threnal Adventure Pack is decreasing from 550 Turbine Points to 450 Turbine Points (180-minute Guest Passes are decreasing from 85 Turbine Points to 70 Turbine Points)
Restless Isles Adventure Pack is decreasing from 550 Turbine Points to 350 Turbine Points ( 180-minute Guest Passes are decreasing from 85 Turbine Points to 55 Turbine Points)
Attack On Stormreach Adventure Pack is decreasing from 550 Turbine Points to 450 Turbine Points (180-minute Guest Passes are decreasing from 85 Turbine Points to 70 Turbine Points)
Reavers Reach Adventure Pack is decreasing from 350 Turbine Points to 250 Turbine Points (180-minute Guest Passes are decreasing from 55 Turbine Points to 40 Turbine Points)
Path of Inspiration Adventure Pack is decreasing from 450 Turbine Points to 350 Turbine Points (180-minute Guest Passes are decreasing from 70 Turbine Points to 55 Turbine Points)
Dreaming Dark Adventure Pack is decreasing from 450 Turbine Points to 350 Turbine Points (180-minute Guest Passes are decreasing from 70 Turbine Points to 55 Turbine Points)
Devils of Shavarath Adventure Pack is decreasing from 650 Turbine Points to 550 Turbine Points (180-minute Guest Passes are decreasing from 100 Turbine Points to 85 Turbine Points)
Vaults Of The Artificer Challenge Pack is decreasing from 1495 Turbine Points to 1295 Turbine Points
Demon Sands Adventure Pack is increasing from 850 Turbine Points to 950 Turbine Points (180-minute Guest Passes are increasing from 130 Turbine Points to 145 Turbine Points)
30-minute & 90-minute Adventure Pack Guest Passes will no longer be available
Character Slots are increasing from 595 Turbine Points to 625 Turbine Points
Alignment Changes are increasing from 395 Turbine Points to 495 Turbine Points
True Druidic Heart Of Wood are increasing from 1295 Turbine Points to 1495 Turbine Points
These prices will go into effect as of Update 14.2 (tentatively July 25th), and the older pricing will be available until that time. Thanks for shopping in the DDO Store!
Donc pensez a faire vos achats, avant la hausses des prix !

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