Did GM quit the server?

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Well I gotta ask that, since the sv is open the GM(dont know who) did one event (christmas event in january lol), since then no sign of then!
There is nothing new on the sv, its been months since its open, change stuff to help new players like quest's drops and lh xp (like black goblins in town)
Where are the events? Guild war, Massive summon in town? Even gm online to say HI?
Where is the Anti-plug feature? If there is no sanct "Dont run fight!" , whats the point of ppl plug?

This is the only website with original server, its worst than pirate servers, cant see shit in smartphone, add some features like drops and stuff.

So whats going on with the server? GM is tired of ppl selling orbs for irl money? Put that shit indrop or remove it and add some new spots for players!
Are tired of ppl selling accounts? block email changes and name changes in game! Ppl already get fucked by sellin characters!

Thanks for your time.
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There is nothing new on the sv, its been months since its open, change stuff to help new players like quest's drops and lh xp (like black goblins in town)
Where are the events? Guild war, Massive summon in town? Even gm online to say HI?
Full PvP servers like Chaos and previous Abominations are all about players fighting without any GM interference, that's that kind of gameplay all Abomination players wished and have signed for.

Making events involving massive item giveaways, xp and monster summoning goes completely against that spirit and destroys its competition and its fairness.

So I suspect Abomination is not well suited for you acording to what you're expecting from a T4C server.
That's great! Remove the part of mass sumon end events, and tell me about the rest? And really? GM already did that sometimes when were few ppl online, thats why my complaining, did that only for FR players that were on that time and some BR!
And I didnt said anything about massive itens give away lol.

New spots are for new players thats what I said about goblins in lh, more help for low = more players.

No sanct spell in server and ppl manege to plug with less then 20 sec in middle of pvp, wheres the pvp in this? wheres the anti-plug feature?

What I said its about getting ppl to start play and keep players in server. I guess youre fine with the server abbandoned, thats not what other ppl think.
Erodas mort ? fais 4 jours que j'attend un rename :s
Je comprend que tu peu etre occuper IRL ou que tu en a juste marre.. mais alors peut etre faudrait penser a prendre quelqun pour t'epauler et qui aurait que les flags pour les requetes de base en ASKGM... exemple : les rename


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