Patch note 1.9 - Alpha County

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Hey les Clones, alors sa frétille ?

Alpha county arrive ! Nous allons couper les serveurs à partir de 17h-18h, et quand ils seront revenus Alpha County, les villes de Progression, les changements de combat et beaucoup beauccoup plus seront "en live". Nous vous tiendrons au courant de l'avancer de la mise à jours tout au long de sa mise en place.

Nous sommes impatients d'entendre vos retour sur le nouveau secteur, équipements et mécaniques.
Citation :
Alpha County is coming! We'll be taking the servers down at 11 AM EDT, and when they come back Alpha County, Progress Towns, combat changes and much, much more will be live. We'll provide updates and timing tomorrow as things move along.

We look forward to hearing your feedback on the new sector, gear and mechanics.
Quand les serveurs reviendront, voyez si vous pouvez vous procurez le "Stade 2" des armures Mesoprene et Hexweave, très pratique pour repoussée la faune mutante de l'Alpha County et les hordes de pillards qui siègent dans les Progress Town.
Citation :
Alpha County is on the horizon! Servers are coming down at 11 AM EDT tomorrow. When they return see if you can't get yourself some Stage 2 Mesoprene and Hexweave, very handy for fending off mutated fauna in Alpha County and droves of raiders sieging Progress Towns.
Citation :
Version Notes 1.9


Alpha county is here! Hundreds of man hours and even more missions later, clones have finally opened the proverbial flood gates (with a little help from some hard working LifeNet Technicians behind the Wall) and will have immediate access into the Zone.

Coming with this patch, players will have access to the first county of our fourth sector, The Grainway, which encompasses 11 towns, more than 700 missions, two town events, a conflict town where PvPers can battle it out for rare resources, and tons of new and interesting encounter areas. We've also lined up a slew of unique area bosses for larger groups looking for a challenge. This content covers a progression of five experience levels throughout the Zone and will be available to players starting at a minimum of level 50.

Combat Changes:

This is a complete breakdown of every skill line, its abilities and when each rank becomes available.

Armor Use provides a passive bonus to damage resistances, as well as:

· Dreadnaught – This is a stance ability that increases Primary armor and decreases speed. Ranks at: 54, 69, 84, 99, 114, 129, 144, 159, 174, and 189 Armor Use.

· Soak Elements – This is a stance ability that increases Secondary/Tertiary armor and decreases Primary armor. Ranks at: 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180, and 195 Armor Use.

Dirty Tricks is a skill line for debuffing opponents. It offers:

· Dirty Steel – This is a prepared attack that reduces the target's armor and does damage over time. It will also stun NPCs. Ranks at: Training, 33, 63, 93, 123, 153, and 183 Dirty Tricks.

· Kneecap – This is a prepared attack that reduces the target's speed. Ranks at: 34, 75, 105, 135, 165, and 195 Dirty Tricks.

· Sabotage – This prepared attack reduces the target's armor. Ranks at: 70, 90, 130, 160, and 190 Dirty Tricks.

Dodge gives a passive bonus, opposing the extra damage provided by the Precision, Power and Weapon skill lines. It also offers:

· Duck And Weave – This stance ability converts a portion of damage taken into stamina damage. Ranks at: 57, 87, 117, 147, and 177 Dodge.

Escape Artist is a defensive skill line that affects your stealthiness on the radar map. It contains:

· Dash – A short speed increase. Ranks at: Training, 57, and 132 Escape Artist.

· Shake It Off – This ability removes negative status effects and snares. Ranks at: 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 Escape Artist.

· Lucky Break – This raises your save values for a short duration. Ranks at: 69, 99, 129, 159, and 189 Escape Artist.

· Misdirection – This increases your primary, secondary, and tertiary armor values for a short duration. Ranks at: 81, 111, 141, and 171 Escape Artist.

First Aid is a support set, with:

· Resuscitation – Resurrects your target. Ranks at: 39, 99, and 159 First Aid.

· Stanch Wound – This heals your target and increases their health regeneration for an hour. Ranks at: 1, 36, 66, 96, 126, 156, and 186 First Aid.

· Suck It Up – This ability will counter weak status effects and has a short cool-down. Multiple applications will remove stronger status effects. Ranks at: 12, 42, 72, 102, 132, 162, and 192 First Aid.

· Renew – This ability will remove strong status effects and snares. Ranks at: 84, 114, 144, and 174 First Aid.

Group Tactics is also a support set, focused on auras:

· Give 'em Hell – This aura increases your team's Power. Ranks at: 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 Group Tactics.

· Offensive Coordination – This aura increases your team's critical chance and stamina regeneration, but reduces their ranged and melee defense. Ranks at: Training, 30, 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 Group Tactics.

· Combat Endurance – This aura increases your team's maximum stamina and gamma, as well as their stamina and gamma regeneration. Ranks at: 42, 72, 102, 132, 162, and 192 Group Tactics.

· Overwhelm – This lowers the target's armor, ranged defense and melee defense. Ranks at: 69, 99, 129, 159, and 189 Group Tactics.

Heavy Weapons offers the player the ability to use grenade and rocket launchers, as well as:

· Soften 'Em Up – This reduces the fire and piercing resistance of those in a small radius around your target. Ranks at: 150 and 180 Heavy Weapons.

· Caltrops – This ability slows those in a small radius around your target. Ranks at: 195 Heavy Weapons.

Melee , together with Precision and Power, determines your bonus critical chance and damage percentage when using Melee weapons and also offers:

· Charge – A short duration ability that gives a bonus to movement, speed and damage. Ranks at: 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 Melee.

· Provoke – This ability will increase your threat and reduce your opponent's ranged/melee defense. Ranks at: 45, 60, 75, 90, 105, 120, 135, 150, 165, 180, and 195 Melee.

Pistol , together with Precision and Power, determines your bonus critical chance and damage percentage when using Pistol weapons and in addition contains:

· Incendiary Strike – This prepared attack adds a fire DoT onto your regular attack damage. Ranks at: 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 Pistol.

· Concentration – This toggled ability increases your Precision and Weapon skills, but decreases your melee and ranged defense. Ranks at: 60, 105, 150, and 195 Pistol.

Power, together with the appropriate weapon skill, determines your bonus damage percentage and has:

· Attack Posture – This stance increases your damage. Ranks at: 63, 93, 123, 153, and 183 Power.

· Dent Armor – This prepared attack temporarily reduces your target's armor. It will also stun NPCs. Ranks at: 51, 81, 111, 141, and 171 Power.

Precision, together with the appropriate weapon skill, determines your chance for a critical hit and provides:

· Precise Hit – This is a prepared attack that does additional damage. It also reduces the speed of NPC targets. Ranks at: 51, 81, 111, 141, and 171 Precision.

· Perfect Timing – This is a short duration buff that increases your chance of a critical hit. Ranks at: 63, 93, 123, 153, and 183 Precision.

Rifle, together with Precision and Power, determines your bonus critical chance and damage percentage when using Rifle weapons, plus:

· Agonizing Wound – This prepared attack slows your target. Ranks at: 54, 84, 114, 144, and 174 Rifle.

· Bullseye – This prepared attack does additional damage. Ranks at: 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 Rifle.

Social in addition to its financial benefits, is a personal aggression control set and has:

· Flag Of Truce – This stance prevents faction NPCs from seeing you as an enemy. NPCs who have already begun to attack you will not be fooled. Only one rank, at 165 Social.

· Inconspicuous – This ability greatly lowers your threat from a targeted enemy. Ranks at: Training, 45, 75, 105, 135, 165, and 195 Social.

· Diplomatic Immunity – While this short-duration ability is active, you are unable to take other actions, but you have increased armor, melee defense and ranged defense. Ranks at: 60, 90, 120, 150, and 180 Social.

Alpha Mutations are intended for the early game, when players do not yet have a full skill bar. They will only increase up to rank 4. The available alpha mutations are:

· Disrupt – This targeted ability reduces your target's melee defense, ranged defense and save ratings for a short time. Ranks at: 9, 30, 51, and 72 Alpha.

· Patch – This is a healing ability that also cures status ailments. Ranks at: 9, 30, 51, and 72 Alpha.

· Gird – This toggled ability raises your maximum health. Ranks at: 9, 30, 51, and 72 Alpha.

· Bolster – This toggled ability raises your maximum stamina and your damage. Ranks at: 9, 30, 51, and 72 Alpha.

Empathy is a support set with:

· Share Life – This combat resurrect ability brings a friend back to life faster than other such abilities, but it does so by lowering your own health. Ranks at: 48, 66, 84, 102, 120, 138, 156, 174, and 192 Empathy.

· Benevolence – This is a direct healing ability which will restore health to you or a target, but the amount restored is greater when used on someone else. Ranks at: Training, 45, 63, 81, 99, 117, 135, 153, 171, and 189 Empathy.

· Restoration – This is a single target, short duration heal over time. Ranks at: 75, 93, 111, 129, 147, 165, and 183 Empathy.

· Preservation – This ability removes status effects from the target. Strong status ailments will require more than one application. Ranks at: 54, 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, and 180 Empathy.

Enhancement is a support line with additional personal defense:

· Calibration – This aura increases your team's primary armor. Ranks at: Training, 48, 66, 84, 102, 120, 138, 156, 174, and 192 Enhancement.

· Ablate – This stance raises your armor. Ranks at: 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, and 180 Enhancement.

· Resilience – This aura raises your team's saves. Ranks at: 60, 78, 96, 114, 132, 150, 168, and 186 Enhancement.

Illumination is a support line providing additional resources and regeneration:

· Endless Reserves – This toggle raises your maximum gamma and stamina, but lowers your maximum health. Ranks at: 60, 78, 96, 114, 132, 150, 168, and 186 Illumination.

· Meditation – This aura raises your team's stamina and gamma regeneration. Ranks at: Training, 51, 69, 87, 105, 123, 141, 159, 177, and 195 Illumination.

Nano-Manipulation is an teammate-focused support set:

· Reconstruction – This resurrects teammates in a cone-shaped area. Ranks at: 48, 66, 84, 102, 120, 138, 156, 174, and 192 Nano-Manipulation.

· Filtration – This ability requires you to aim at your target, but if you hit, it is a very strong status removal that also restores health. Ranks at: 57, 75, 93, 111, 129, 147, 164, and 183 Nano-Manipulation.

· Vital Osmosis – This is a team-only heal in a cone-shaped area. Ranks at: Training, 45, 63, 81, 99, 117, 135, 153, 171, and 189 Nano-Manipulation.

· Revitalize – This ability raises the health regeneration of all allies close to the caster. Ranks at: 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, and 180 Nano-Manipulation.

Patho-Transmission is a support set that debuffs your opponents:

· Sapping Sickness – This is a small targeted area of effect ability that reduces the speed of those hit by it. Ranks at: 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, and 180 Patho-Transmission.

· Wracking Pains – This ability lowers your target's regeneration. Ranks at: Training, 48, 66, 84, 102, 120, 138, 156, 174, and 192 Patho-Transmission.

· Debilitating Weakness – This causes those around you to suffer lowered Power and weapon skills, reducing their damage. Ranks at: 60, 78, 96, 114, 132, 150, 168, and 186 Patho-Transmission.

Primal is a very physical mutation with:

· Primal Vigor – This toggled ability lowers your maximum gamma to raise your maximum health. Ranks at: Training, 48, 66, 84, 102, 120, 138, 156, 174, and 192 Primal.

· Beast Might – This prepared attack costs health, but deals extra damage and has a short cool-down. Ranks at: 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, and 180 Primal.

· Rampage – This ability raises your damage and health for a few seconds and then leaves you weakened. Ranks at: 60, 78, 96, 114, 132, 150, 168, and 186 Primal.

Sonic Influence is a damage-focused set with:

· Sonic Lance – This ability must be aimed at your target, but if you hit, it will cause sonic damage. Ranks at: Training, 48, 66, 84, 102, 120, 138, 156, 174, and 192 Sonic Influence.

· Rending Vibrations – This ability sends out sonic waves that cause damage over time in a cone-shaped area. Ranks at: 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, and 180 Sonic Influence.

· Catastrophic Dissonance – This ability does damage to those nearby. Ranks at: 60, 78, 96, 114, 132, 150, 168, and 186 Sonic Influence.

Suppression is a redistribution support set containing:

· Denial – This lowers your target's maximum stamina and gamma. Ranks at: Training, 48, 66, 84, 102, 120, 138, 156, 174, and 192 Suppression.

· Sap Stamina – This steals some of your target's stamina and adds to your team's. Ranks at: 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, and 180 Sap Stamina.

· Siphon Energy – This steals some of your target's gamma and adds to your team's. Ranks at: 60, 78, 96, 114, 132, 150, 168, and 186 Suppression.

Telekinesis is focused around aimed mutation attacks, with:

· Bend Metal – If you hit with this attack it will reduce your target's armor. Ranks at: 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, and 180 Telekinesis.

· Propel – This has a long cool-down, but does high damage if it hits. Ranks at: 60, 78, 96, 114, 132, 150, 168, and 186 Telekinesis.

· Always Armed – This is a shorter cool-down attack that does lower damage when it hits. Ranks at: Training, 48, 66, 84, 102, 120, 138, 156, 174, and 192 Telekinesis.

Thermal Control is a damage skill set:

· Cold Snap – This will damage your target with cold. Ranks at: Training, 45, 63, 81, 99, 117, 135, 153, 171, and 189 Thermal Control.

· Hypothermia – This will cause your target to take cold damage every second for a duration. Ranks at: 48, 66, 84, 102, 120, 138, 156, 174, and 192 Thermal Control.

· Napalm – This will cause your target to take fire damage over time for a short duration. Ranks at: 57, 75, 93, 111, 129, 147, 165, and 183 Thermal Control.

· Molotov Cocktail – This will cause fire damage to your target, but has a long cool-down and requires standing still while activating. Ranks at: 72, 90, 108, 126, 144, 162, and 180 Thermal Control.

Progress Towns:

· There are now three towns in the game that can be controlled by players or NPCs.

· Progress is north of Credit Bend, Stronghold is west of Park City, and Citadel is in the south part of Deadfall.

After every server restart, Progress Towns are captured and owned by NPCs. When these NPCs are all killed, the town falls under player control. Players can craft various buildings and defenses and build up the town. Approximately every one to two hours the town may be attacked by NPCs who are trying to reclaim the town. You can see when the next attack will occur by talking to the Town Crier in the middle of each town. If there are too few buildings or players in the area when the timer goes off, the attack might not occur and the timer will be reset.

· If the NPCs destroy all the buildings, the town will once again be under NPC control.

Progress Town Buildings:

· Mission Buildings create a mission giver that has a mission to help defend the town. Players can only do one of these missions per day. The missions reward Defense Tokens and experience.

· Merchant Buildings create a convenience merchant as well as a Defense Token merchant. Currently, you can only buy one crafting component with Defense Tokens in Progress and Stronghold and three components in Citadel.

· Storage Buildings give players access to a mailbox and all vaults.

· Resource Buildings (Water Tower, Windmill, Pumpjack) spawn resource nodes and harvestable creatures in a large radius around the town. The more of these buildings you place, the more resources are created.

· Auction Buildings give players access to an Auctioneer.

· Social Buildings give clones a place to hang out.

Progress Town Defenses:

· Bunkers spawn guards that help defend the town.

· The Medic Bundle creates a medical unit that heals guards nearby.

· Landmines have a chance to explode and do area damage when enemies come near them.

· Hydra Weeds grow up to full size and then begin attacking any enemies nearby.

Faction Control Points:

· Faction Control Guards now have an activation time and animation which is interrupted by damage, movement, and firing weapons.

· Faction Control Points now use a different tower model. Points in Deadfall no longer have a tower.


· Camp NPCs now have a slight delay when spawning to make sure any Camp Objects are already created.

· Interior objects are better aligned to the floor of the building.

· Added an option to move the main camp shelter relative to the center of the camp.

· Improved clear area detection. Camps can now be placed in more areas.

· Created a new kind of camp that is more efficient and only generates a single character.

Random AP:

· You will no longer gain Random AP if you are over the AP cap for your next level.

· The rate at which players gain Random AP has been greatly increased. The new rate will apply once players get their next Random AP.


· Adjusted the components for Paper and Tainted Genetic Material.

· Adjusted the component requirements for several recipes to prevent exploits.


· Added a new mission type that can send players on any one of a number of paths, with a potential ambush at any point.

· Added the ability to escort multiple NPCs.

Terminal Woods:

· Added faction-specific LifeNet pods around the PvP area in Terminal Woods.


· Changed experience rate buffs to be additive instead of multiplicative.

· The Heavy Weapons skill is now unlocked at player level 40.

· Melee, pistol, and rifle weapons no longer have requirements to wield, but if you do not meet their expected skill level (in the Examine window, under Attack Skill) their damage will be reduced.

Town Events:

· Added two new and improved Town Events in Shackleton and End Run including a new boss. Check them out for some potentially colorful rewards.

· Fixed an issue that could case Town Events to crash.

· Added the ability to turn off creature generators at certain states.

· Added the ability for the Town Managers to chat in Region.


· Updated the Social discount formula to account for changes in how skills are derived from stats. Players still need to be a higher level than the merchant to get any discount, but players no longer need to have a higher Social skill.

· Updated the Level and Social of all merchants in the game. If you see a merchant that you believe should be of a lower level, please report it.

· Removed Trainers who no longer have an inventory.

· Moved injector and book items that were on the wrong skill trainers.

· Books and injectors now have the full text of the action they teach.

Mission Fixes:

· Coppermine - Jonas Kelt now has increased health for survivability regarding the the mission, "Undeserved Relics."

· Midway - The Found camp now has an increased number of Found hostiles.

· Burnside - The mission, "To Stand in Defiance," has been corrected to require players to kill Jim Carson.


· Added the ability for an item to give a random effect to a target.

· Created a new brain that can start an NPC scene when it receives a message.

· Added a way for an Effect to chain into another Effect only if it expires naturally.

· Edited Statistic, Skill, and Mutation descriptions for accuracy.

· Requirements that were originally set to 164 due to a rounding error that has since been fixed are now properly 165.

· An ability with a save chance will be harder to save against if the user's skill is buffed above the level maximum.
Traduction à venir...
oh pute borgne !!!!! ça met l'eau a la bouche !!!! ils balancent aussi la refonte des skills ?? ils sont a jours les simulateurs de talents ? gniiiii zen veux !!!!
Pas confiance du tout dans la réforme du combat et des skills, le reste par contre à l'air super.

Mais leur ajout de "précision" et "power" alors qu'on aura pas plus de points d'AP, je vois pas comment on peut rester maxer en rifle ou pistol s'ils rajoutent 2 skills ayant une synergie et indispensables pour les maxer...

Edit : meaculpa pas vu qu'on gagnait 30 AP par lvl maintenant, espérons qu'ils oublient pas de rendre la chose rétroactive pour les "hauts" lvl.
Bon déjà ça part mal:

Citation :
Hello Folks,

We had some IT issues that have now postponed the Alpha Country update until Thursday, July 7th at 8:00 AM PDT ( 11:00 AM EDT). We know everyone is anxious for Alpha Country but we also know you want everything to go as smoothly with this update, as much as we do.

Thank you for your patience and understanding.
Mise à jour repoussée à Jeudi 7 Juillet 14-15h !
pour les progress town pas bien compris si elle appartiennent à des guildes ou pas.
Un peu peur que ce soit plus gadget que réél enjeux pvp. J'ai même l'impression que c'est juste du pve.
A priori, d'après ce qu'on peut lire plus haut, elles seraient contrôlées soit par les joueurs, soit par les NPCs.
Je suppose que ces villes se situent donc en dehors des zones PvP, sinon il y aurait quelques problèmes à y regrouper des joueurs de factions différentes.
Quelques détails m'échappent un peu à moi aussi sur ce concept de Progress Towns.

Les Progress Town sont bien du PvE, un début de réponses des Devs fait aux joueurs qui en demandaient.

Par contre les skills/muta deviennent de plus en plus pauvres à mon goût, j'avais vu ca sur le PTS et m'étais demandé si il n'y avait que celles là ou si ils les ajoutaient aux va nous faire drôle tout ces bluffs en moins .

M'enfin bon, y a de nouveaux craft à découvrir.
Ah enfin les Progress Town...Et en plus, ça m'a l'air mieux foutu que ce que je pensais. Moi qui craignais un truc qui n'apporterait rien; au final, on va avoir des bâtiments qui augmentent les nodes ramassables. Parfait pour les PVEeurs et crafteurs.
Mdr, vous pouvez oublier...

Le patch est une tuerie, enfin, un massacre, euh... une erreur plutot.

Des skill buggés (power sensés augmenter les dégats qui ne les augmente pas, même maxé).

4 Headshot requis, avec un rifleman maxé, lvl 50 et une arme 180, pour tuer un mob lvl 6.

Deux nouveaux skills (et une augmentation des AP, donc a priori, de quoi les utiliser) MAIS...
Et bien, comme les stats n'influencent pas le montant minimal des skills, on est obligé de les augmenter a partir de 1 point, et on a plus assez d'AP pour cela.

Ah, oui, et les skills de dommages et de critiques (même pour pistol et rifle) obligent à maxer sa force et son intelligence...

Lu sur le forum officiel, enfin, en anglais donc, mais traduit :
"Oh, il semble que l'équipe de NGE se soit trouvé du boulot sur Fallen Earth".
Citation :
Publié par ErkenbrandBloodsblad
"Oh, il semble que l'équipe de NGE se soit trouvé du boulot sur Fallen Earth".
Ils les ont embauchés? ..... sont fous!

Effectivement, depuis ce revamp, il me faut 3 plombes pour tomber les mobs et je m'en prends plein la gueule alors qu'avant, ces mêmes mobs tombaient easy!
Et je n'ai même plus mon "pistol whip" (qui me rappelle tant SWG et mon smuggler et que j'adorais)
Citation :
Publié par Alamo Le Rat
Ah enfin les Progress Town...Et en plus, ça m'a l'air mieux foutu que ce que je pensais. Moi qui craignais un truc qui n'apporterait rien; au final, on va avoir des bâtiments qui augmentent les nodes ramassables. Parfait pour les PVEeurs et crafteurs.
J'ai lu que ces villes seraient tenues par les joueurs qui en faisaient la conquête jusqu'au prochain redémarrage du serveur. Le tout est de savoir à quelle fréquence le serveur redémarre, car bâtir une ville c'est à priori un certain investissement, non ?
Effectivement beaucoup de bug, je suis allé voir aussi sur le fofo off... C'est le bazar.

En effet le type de G1 Linus annonce que la porte est ouverte, Quelle classe ! Alors que Marie "Aro Sei" Croall essaie de temporiser, dur dur d'être devs.
Citation :
Publié par Louis Labrocante
J'ai lu que ces villes seraient tenues par les joueurs qui en faisaient la conquête jusqu'au prochain redémarrage du serveur. Le tout est de savoir à quelle fréquence le serveur redémarre, car bâtir une ville c'est à priori un certain investissement, non ?
C'est pas dit qu'à chaque fois qu'une ville retombe aux mains des NPC, tous les bâtiments sont détruits.
C'est un détail important qui mérite d'être éclairci mais, en effet, il serait bien étonnant qu'il faille tout reconstruire à chaque fois car défendre, prendre ou reprendre une ville avec toutes ses infrastructures est un sacré enjeu !
Oula Bren et Wari, vous me faites peur, du coup j'ose meme pas aller lire le fofo off.

Je m'attendais à une refonte pas plaisante mais à ce point je me sent très naïf.

Si en plus des community nous parle comme si on était leurs employés...en meme temps ils nous montrent le chemin qu'ils prennent

Hail Mary, se connecte ou ne se connecte pas....
Ce sont pas des community.. ce sont les **** **** de Gamerfirst.

Les dev de F.E, eux, tentent de régler au mieux la chose.
Mais Gamerfirst a tout intérêt à rendre le jeu injouable, pour que seul l'itemshop le rende jouable.

Edit :
Déjà, prenez pas precision et power.
Ca coute 540 pts pour être maxé, et ça n'augmente les dommages que de 15%, suffit de 60 en dodge pour annuler la chose...
Je viens de la Progress Town du S2, je suis niveau 35.
Là juste un NPC qui me raconte ça vie et pas une quête. Les zones sont compartimentées par niveau ?
Je tiens à préciser que je m'y rends pour améliorer mon niveau de crafting et pas pour autre chose.
ptain j'suis en train de me demander quel build j'vais pouvoir faire, y'a plus aucuns buff interessant en first aid, nano manip ressemble plus a rien ... j'ai envie de dire pfffffffffffffffffffffff.

a voir la suite ...
Sinon j'ai lu plus haut que des bugs étaient signalés.
Rien pour moi, mais je suis resté à l'écart de tout, à part me rendre dans une Progress Town S2 qui ressemblait à un désert. J'ai attribué ça à mon niveau 35 qui normalement devrait évoluer en S3. Mon objectif là bas était de récolter des quêtes pour faire évoluer mon craft progress town, et bien c'est raté.
Je ressaierais demain.

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