L'actualité sur Silkroad Online et la Présentation !

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Attention !
Hello, this is Silkroad Online.

There are many phishing sites related to Global Silkroad Online and we, Joymax.Co.,LTD. just wants to make sure that our users are free from those harmful sites. Therefore, we are posting this [NOTICE] on official homepage to warn our beloved users.

Related information is below:

JOYMAX CO., LTD WILL NEVER ask personal information or any information related to account, such as password and secret answer through E-mail.
(If you get any E-mail related to “Account fraud confirmation process” which is NOT FROM JOYMAX CO., LTD., DO NOT REPLY to these kinds of e-mails, and please beware of this matter.)

JOYMAX CO. LTD WIRD NIEMALS per E-Mail nach personenbezogenen oder accountbezogenen Daten wie Passwort oder Geheimantwort fragen.
(Sollten Sie eine E-Mail betreffend „Accountbetrugsprüfung“ erhalten, ist sie NICHT VON JOYMAX CO. LTD. ANTWORTEN SIE deshalb NICHT auf diese Art von E-Mails und nehmen Sie sich davor in Acht.)

لن تطلب شركة جوي ماكس المحدودة مطلقًا معلومات شخصية أو أي معلومات متعلقة بالحساب ، مثل كلمة المرور والإجابة السرية، عبر البريد الإلكتروني. (في حال استلام أي بريد إلكتروني متعلق "بعملية تأكيد حالة احتيال على الحساب"، فاعلم أنه ليس من الشركة. لذا يرجى عدم الرد على هذا النوع من الرسائل. ويرجى الحذر من هذه الأمور).

JOYMAX CO., LTD NIGDY NIE zwraca się za pomocą poczty elektronicznej o podanie informacji osobistych ani żadnych informacji dotyczących konta, takich jak hasło i tajna odpowiedź.
(Otrzymawszy e-mail odnoszący się do "Account fraud confirmation process" (Proces potwierdzania po wystąpieniu oszustwa związanego z kontem), trzeba pamiętać, że NIE ZOSTAŁ on przysłany przez JOYMAX CO., LTD. Dlatego NIE NALEŻY odpowiadać na tego typu wiadomości e-mail. Prosimy uważać na takie zagrożenia.)

JOYMAX CO., LTD ne demandera JAMAIS par e-mail, ni des informations personnelles, ni des renseignements sur votre compte tels que mot de passe et réponse secrète. (Si vous recevez un e-mail concernant un "processus de confirmation antifraude" ("account fraud confirmation process"), il ne PROVIENT PAS DE JOYMAX CO., LTD. NE RÉPONDEZ PAS à ce genre de messages et soyez vigilant.)

JOYMAX CO., LTD vraagt via e-mail NOOIT om persoonlijke gegevens of accountgegevens, zoals je wachtwoord of geheime antwoord.
(E-mails over 'bevestigingsprocedures vanwege accountfraude' zijn NIET afkomstig van JOYMAX CO., LTD. Beantwoord deze e-mails NIET. En blijf altijd waakzaam.)

JOYMAX CO., LTD NUNCA pedirá informações pessoais ou qualquer informação relacionada à conta, como senha e resposta secreta, por E-mail.
(Se você receber qualquer E-mail relacionado ao “Processo de confirmação de fraude de conta” ele NÃO SERÁ DA JOYMAX CO., LTD. Portanto NÃO RESPONDA a esse tipo de e-mail. E esteja atento a esse problema.)

JOYMAX CO., LTD NUNCA solicitará datos personales ni ninguna otra información relacionada con la cuenta, como la contraseña y la respuesta secreta, a través del correo electrónico.
(Si recibes un correo electrónico relacionado con “Proceso de confirmación de fraude de cuenta” NO procede de JOYMAX CO., LTD, así que NO RESPONDAS a ese tipo de correos electrónicos. Y por favor, sé cuidadoso con este asunto.)

JOYMAX CO., LTD NU VA SOLICITA NICIODATĂ prin E-mail informaţii personale sau informaţii de cont, precum parola sau răspunsul secret.
(În cazul în care primiţi un e-mail intitulat “Account fraud confirmation process” (Proces de confirmare a fraudei de cont), acesta NU ESTE DE LA JOYMAX CO., LTD. Drept urmare, NU RĂSPUNDEŢI la un astfel de e-mail. Vă rugăm acordaţi atenţie maximă unor astfel de mesaje.)
Thumbs up
Citation :
Publié par capella92i
Mais .. Mais ..
Tu n as rien a faire ?

Mais.. Mais..
Que fais la police !

Comment sa ?
Moi je jou toujour a se jeu et je metrait les infos ici
Citation :
Publié par So936
Moi je jou toujour a se jeu et je metrait les infos ici

T'es conscient que hormis polluer cette section pour monter ton grade jol ce que tu fais ne sert à rien....

Car à part poster des images et faire des copié collé tu ne fais strictement rien...
Citation :
Publié par athena753
aah silkroad online, un si bon jeu tuer par les bots et la difficulté sans limite des dévelloppeur c'est vraiment regretable.

Je vien de passer GM IG, et les bots ,il sont banit de plus en plus avec nos statue qui tu les gens qui ne l'aura pas évité et qui deconecte automatiquement le jeu ^^
Citation :
Publié par Hate
T'es conscient que hormis polluer cette section pour monter ton grade jol ce que tu fais ne sert à rien....

Car à part poster des images et faire des copié collé tu ne fais strictement rien...

Tu croit que j'ai que sa a faire a xp mon compte JOL ?
bah tu te trompe, moi j'ai une vie et je fait sa pour avoir des joueurs qui viennent jouer avec moi, car il y a peu de francais Ig, et plus de bots donc c au TOP ! (il en restera toujours un peu mais on n'y peut rien)

By [GM]Toad_Fr
Citation :
Publié par Génésis Rhapsodos
dans ce jeux aussi c'est 80% de turque ??

(je suis pas raciste)

Je dirait 50% turque, 10% espagnol, 5% français et les autres langue a 35%.
SRO’s Retro Collection II
Because we have seen how much you liked our first Retro Collection, we have decided to give you more choices on your wardrobe! Be even more fab and fashionable with

Silkroad Online's 2nd Retro Collection!

Here's a peek of what we have added on our collection:


- Devil Wing
- Winter Dress
- Fairy Dress
- Metal Drakon

Just like before, these avatars will be available for you to rent for a day, a week, or a whole month. You can be a devil today, a winter princess the next, a twinkly fairy the other, a full metal man after... You will never have to go out of style!

Check them out in the Item Mall, try them on and, see for yourself how fantastic you will look!</SPAN>
GM Gone Loco Event!
<FONT style="BACKGROUND-COLOR: #f0e8d8">Catch a Fugitive GM

An ancient and powerful evil spirit has been awakened…

A GM has been tainted by a powerful evil spirit. The Evil Spirit plans to imprison the soul of the GM and take his body and make it his vessel. In order to finally weaken the soul of the GM, he has made the GM mad, and has taken control of his body and plans to do unspeakable deeds around the Servers using it. With the combined might of the other GM's, they have managed to weaken him a bit. But alas, it was not enough. And now he is on the run, traveling through the servers to avoid capture.

Heroes of Silkroad! We will need your help again in the capturing the Fugitive GM.

Rally your server's might and bring down the Fugitive GM!

Be the fastest, you and your server will be endowed will be handsomely rewarded!

[Event Period]
February 8 ~ March 8, 2011 Silkroad Standard Time (4 weeks)


Inter-server Event:

The top 3 servers which took the fastest time in killing the Fugitive GM will receive 20% experience rate increase from March 15-22, 2011 at 00:00- 06:00 Silkroad Standard Time.

Last Hitter
Players who will render the last hit against the Fugitive GM will receive 10th degree Seal of Sun Chest Equipment.

- Each server will be visited twice per event day (within 08:00-20:00 and 20:00-08:00). Event will be held four times in all servers during the whole event period
- During the event, GMs will note down the killing time of each server. Best time per server will be posted everyday at 12:00 Silkroad Standard Time at the GM Lounge.
- Event will run for 1 hour and will end if the Fugitive GM was killed or if the Fugitive GM survives the 1 hour event duration.
- If players in the server failed to kill the Fugitive GM in the allotted event duration, no prizes will be given and the servers will lose by default.
- Prize that will be provided will be based on the equipment of the winner’s character on March 8-15, 2011.
- Equipment prize is +0 and does not have any magic options.
- Players should leave an empty slot in his characters’ inventory on March 22, 2011 otherwise the item will not be provided.
Passion with Fashion Event!
Spread your love with Passion

Express it with Fashion

Love never looked so good!

To celebrate Love month, players will spread love and express their feelings by creating unique love poems and adding it with fashion sense!

[Event Period]
Event will begin on February 8, 2011 until March 8, 2011 Silkroad Standard Time. (4 weeks)

[Event Procedure]
1. Player should find a partner in-game, whether love-one, friend or a GM. Both should wear their best pair or combination of avatar dress.
2. Together with his/her partner, player should find a good location in game, and take a screenshot to display love and romance.
3. Player should edit the screenshot and add his/her poem dedicated to his/her love one, friend or GM. Player may edit the screenshot using any image enhancing software. Entries should be in jpg, png or gif format.
4. Player should upload the screenshot in an Image Hosting site. Then submit the link of the screenshot at Weekly Best Fan Art Section with the following title, “SRO Passion with Fashion”.

How to submit at Weekly Best?
1. Upload the screenshot in an Image Hosting site.
2. Login to Silkroad Online official website. On the menu, click Community> Weekly Best.
3. Press submit. Check if your character name is selected.
4. Write “SRO Passion with Fashion” in the subject. Select Fan Art option then write the link or URL of the image.
5. Write a short description about you and your partner in the screenshot and then press ok.

[Sample Screenshot]

1st Prize: 11th Degree Seal of Nova weapon (1 winner)
2nd Prize: 10th degree Seal of Sun weapon (3 winners)
3rd Prize: 10th Degree Seal of Moon weapon (5 winners)

Consolation Prize: 5 SP scrolls (20 winners)

- Players can submit multiple entries.
- Quotes or Poetry should be of player’s own original work and should not contain any copyrighted or protected intellectual properties.
- Poems may be written in any of the following languages: English, Turkish, Arabic, Spanish and German.
- Entries will be judged based on creativity, combination of avatars, originality, content and over-all presentation. Judges’ decision will be final.
- Winners will be announced on March 15, 2011 at Silkroad Online Official website.

Join this special event and spread your love across Silkroad.

Happy Valentines to all!
Nouveaut Mode PVP
Free PvP

Free PvP System

Free PvP is a system in which player characters may have a fair duel regardless of the space (except towns) and without PK penalties.
No PK penalty whatsoever is given in the Free PvP system.
PvP and PK Penalty

In Free PvP: No penalty is given.
PvP in Job outfits: Loss in Character EXP and Job EXP.
Forced Attack (PK): The perpetrator receives the 'Chaos' status and suffers penalty throughout the game.
How to Use Free PvP

To enter into the Free PvP mode, click the Free PvP Status window in the Character Action (A) window.

1) Press A and right-click the Free PvP Action key.

1) Select a team on the Free PvP UI. The selected team is displayed overhead. (Using a cape renders the helmet invisible.)
Team Types and Their Relationship

There are five teams in total. Each team has its advantages/disadvantages against other teams. When entering into the Free PvP mode in a group of two or more players, the same side can choose the same team to divide the group.

freepvp_team_bluedragon.gifTeam Blue DragonSelect the team in the Free PvP status window to enable Free PvP with players in other teams. You become friendly to other players who have selected Team Blue Dragon.freepvp_team_whitetiger.gifTeam White TigerSelect the team in the Free PvP status window to enable Free PvP with players in other teams. You become friendly to other players who have selected Team White Tiger.freepvp_team_jujak.gifTeam JujakSelect the team in the Free PvP status window to enable Free PvP with players in other teams. You become friendly to other players who have selected Team Jujak.freepvp_team_hyunmu.gifTeam HyunmuSelect the team in the Free PvP status window to enable Free PvP with players in other teams. You become friendly to other players who have selected Team Hyunmu.freepvp_team_prodigy.gifTeam ProdigySelect the team in the Free PvP status window to become hostile against players of all other teams including other players of Team Prodigy.
  • Teams Blue Dragon, White Tiger, Jujak, and Hyunmu
    Friendly with own team, hostile against other teams
  • Team Prodigy
    Hostile against all teams including Team Prodigy
Free PvP Rules

Free PvP cannot be used in safe zones such as towns.
Free PvP is available from character level 1.
There is no loss in EXP and no other penalties are given even when a character dies during Free PvP.
Things to Note during Free PvP

The Free PvP icon displayed over the head of a character denotes his/her willingness to engage in Free PvP. This character can be attacked by other characters displaying the icon at any point in time. Force-attacking friendly players (PK) who are displaying an icon of the same color by pressing the Alt key is considered general PK and renders the attacker 'Chaotic'
Forgotten World
Forgotten World

The 'Forgotten World' is a hunt update in which players can acquire Dimension Holes from Dimension Pillars generated throughout the map. Through the Holes, players can enter into another dimension called the 'Forgotten World', destroying monsters and receving various items and EXP.New dungeons are added for the upper and lower levels. Players can also acquire collection items called 'talismans' by defeating unique monsters or finding hidden treasure chests. Once players collect all talismans for a certain collection book, they can exchange them for powerful items.

Entering the Forgotten World

  • Creating Dimension Pillars: Hunting regular monsters generates Dimension Pillars at random.
  • Destroying Dimension Pillars: Destroying Dimension Pillars generates monsters.
  • Acquiring Dimension Holes: The 'Dimension Hole' item is dropped when summoned monsters are defeated.
Conquering the Forgotten World

  • Generating the Gate: Using a 'Dimension Hole' in a town opens the gate to the Forgotten World.
  • Entering the Gate: Click the gate to teleport to the Forgotten World.
  • Dungeon Activities: Defeat the monsters in the Forgotten World instance dungeon and find the hidden treasure chest.
  • Rewards: You can receive EXP rewards as well as talismans with which to complete collections.
Collection Books

  • <LI hasbox="2">You can earn 11th degree set weapons as rewards when you complete 'Collection Books' with the talismans obtained during your journey in the Forgotten World. forgottenworld_collbook.jpg
    <LI hasbox="2">You can view the Forgotten World Collection Book quest in 'Game Data > Quests > Special Quests > Forgotten World'.
  • You can view the rewards in 'Game Data > Items > European/Chinese Items'.
Berserker Bleu
Blue Berserker Mode

The Blue Berserker Mode is a more advanced form of the conventional Berserker Mode. Characters at level 95 or higher can learn this Mode after performing a certain quest.
Unlike the conventional Berserker Mode where the aura was red, the Blue Berserker Mode turns blue, and it is divided into groups of 5 levels.
The Blue Berserker Mode has a damage absorption ability. As the rank increases, its ability also increases.
The Berserker gauge on the interface also changes from red to blue.


Combined Berserker

Combined Berserker is a way of strengthening the powers where party members having activated the Blue Berserker Mode can combine their Berserker energies with each other. Combined Berserker is activated when 2 or more party members activate the Blue Berserker Mode within a certain range with EXP share and Item Auto Share on.
When Combined Berserker is activated, the Blue Berserker abilities are maintained and the attack damage is increased.
However, even with the Blue Berserker Mode rank increasing, the attack damage of Combined Berserker does not change from the base increase.


Players receive titles as they complete the quest for each rank to learn the Blue Berserker Mode. The title is placed in front of the character name and it varies from one rank to another.
However, the title doesn’t show when the character is in the Profession mode.

Pure Water of Vitality

When you are able to activate the Blue Berserker Mode, you can purchase the Pure Water of Vitality that is appropriate to your Blue Berserker Mode rank from a potion merchant NPC.
Made of the dew that contains the pristine energy of the early morning, the Pure Water of Vitality fills the entire body with vitality, increasing the ability to focus and the duration of the Berserker Mode.
Pure Water of Vitality grants an hour-long buff. You can left-click the Pure Water of Vitality buff and select “Regenerate Blue Berserker Mode 100%” to fill the Blue Berserker Mode gauge.
Using the regeneration ability dissipates the Pure Water of Vitality buff and the player cannot use Pure Water of Vitality again for 20 minutes. However, if the player does not use the regeneration ability and buff runs out after 1 hour, Pure Water of Vitality can be used again immediately.

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