Closed Bêta 2 : le 7 août

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Le site anglophone Warcry Network annonce que Ndoors leur a confié la date de la prochaine phase du jeu. Ce sera le 7 août prochain !

Je n'ai rien vu sur le site d'Atlantica, je pense qu'il faut quand même prendre l'info avec un brin de recul, et attendre une confirmation.

Je n'ai donc pas proposé la new sur la page principale de JOL.
Voila l'annonce officiel :

Citation :
The wait is over. Atlantica Online will be back up and running on Aug. 7 at 6 p.m. Pacific Daylight Saving Time.

All players who participated in the first phase of the closed beta can return at that time to the Atlantica world, which has been updated and modified in order to test new elements in the game. Your help in identifying problems has been greatly appreciated, and we hope you will continue your diligent efforts for this second round of the closed beta, which is expected to run until Aug. 18. This schedule, however, is not final, and any changes will be announced on the Atlantica website.

For this new phase, two new features have been added for testing: 1) Stamina; and 2) Challenge, which is a means for more player-versus-player combat.

Plus, there will be additional events for players who participate in the second round ? that means more Atlantica Online 2GB USB Flash drives up for grabs.

More details on these features and events will be available on the website soon, as well as information on how those of you who weren’t a part of the first round can play the game this second time around. So please return to the Atlantica website regularly for more updates.

We hope your second trip to Atlantis is better than the first!
A demain donc. Ou plutot Vendredi matin avec le décalage horaire non?
Citation :
Publié par Ryudo
Voila l'annonce officiel :

A demain donc. Ou plutôt Vendredi matin avec le décalage horaire non?
Hello !

Ça sera le vendredi 8 août pour nous à 3 heures du matin - heure d'été

Donc 9 heures de décalage.

A bientôt
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