RimWorld. Colonie de guedins

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Publié par ( Tchey )
Un soucis via Steam, si je ne me trompe pas, est que les mises à jours sont automatiques maintenant, on ne peut plus figer une version et y jouer.
Par défaut, oui. Mais ca se désactive dans les propriétés de chaque jeu.
Je (m'im)patiente pour m'y remettre, j'attends la mise à jour de mods :

A jour pour l'Alpha 11 :

EdB Interface : indispensable pour moi, l'UI est bien meilleure - http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=5258.0
EdB Prepare Carefully : dispensable mais fun - http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=6261.0
Pawn State Icons : amélioration de l'UI encore - http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=9163.0
Miscellanous w MAI : des ajouts sympathoches - http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=3612.0
Mechanical Defence : des ajouts sympathoches -http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=7380.0
Vegetable Garden : parce qu'il n'y a pas que la viande dans la vie - http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=12934.0

Pas à jour :

Extended Surgery and Bionics : excellente augmentation de la "médecine" - http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=7029.0
Superior Crafting : indispensable pour moi, change tellement les choses ! http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=11741.0
Clutters : des tas de décorations en plus - http://ludeon.com/forums/index.php?topic=2541.0
Message supprimé par son auteur.
Message supprimé par son auteur.
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Publié par harermuir
Par défaut, oui. Mais ca se désactive dans les propriétés de chaque jeu.

Non ce n'est plus possible depuis plusieurs mois déjà. Tu es obligé de mettre le jeu à jour, le seul choix est de ne mettre à jour qu'au lancement du jeu et pas dès la dispo de celle-ci.

cf: http://i.imgur.com/gkT4nCK.png
Oh put' !

Version Alpha 11 pour Ultimate Overhaul Modpack (17/06/15)

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This modpack includes the following mods and needs to be loaded in this order! If you downloaded the ModsConfig file and placed it correctly this will be done automatically for you!

Edb Mod Order
Backstories (Adds custom backstories and names.)
Rimsenal Storyteller (Adds challenge by sending attacks on a regular basis.)
Edb Prepare Carefully
Norbal Vikings (Adds a new faction)
Biodiversity (Adds new animals and aggression traits for some of the new animals.)
M&Co Mobile Mineral Sonar
Vein Miner
Alpha Muffalo Hat (Modified to use Alpha Muffalo leather.)
More Hair
Rimsenal Hair
Omni Storage (Adds more storage devices, pallet, skip, locker, improved equipment rack, food basket, fabric hamper, hazmat container, medicine cabinet. These storage devices also prevent item deterioration.)
Bean Tek Refrigerated Storage (Adds a refrigerated storage rack to keep meals refrigerated.)
Mechanoid Terraformer (Adds a new event, weather effect and more.)
Miscellaneous (Adds Keybinding Colonist Groups You have the keys 6 to 9 to set drafted colonist positioning areas. And you have key 0 to undraft all colonists without active job. Also adds a brain pal, new event relating to finding an artifact, a trading post that will visit on foot and set up camp near your home zone, and a Tactical Computer and Terminal to help find and count your pawns, prisoners, friends and enemies with just one click, call your armed colonists to the combat room or to the terminal, and send your colonists to bed or to eat something (only when lower 50%).)
ED-Core (If loaded in this order allows ed-shields to function properly.)
ED-Shields (Modified removed all shields except the fortress shield to help against siege attacks, adds a large shield to protect against drop pods, mortars, and ballistics. Note: you will need to remember to click on the shield and disable "Intercept Drop Pod" when trading if it is covering your trade beacon or it will destroy the items you purchased or the silver you gained.)
MD2 Core
SCA10Core (Heavily modified see changelog for details.)
SC Overhaul Defense (Re-balances security.)
Omni Floors
MD2 Droids
Expanded Prosthetics & Organ Engineering
Roof Support Pillar
LT-RedistHeat (Adds a complete heating system to the game, build a heating room and duct it to all other rooms and use fans to pump the heat through the ducts.)
Enhanced Firefighting (Modified Removed melee weapon BEATfish, adds water pump to the security tab, and a fire extinguisher.)
Rimfire (Adds a few new weapons that are completely balanced and fun.)
Project Armory (Adds tons of guns for tons of fun.)
EMP Pistol (Adds a new way to disable mechs.)
Brunayla Weapon Crafting
My Weapon Crafting + Rimfire Patch (Modified to include the Fire Extinguisher, and water bucket from advanced firefighting.)
RT Fusebox (Modified solar flare shield to consume less energy for better balance.)
RT Storage (Adds large quantum stockpiles for storing larger stacks of resources.)
Conveyor Belts (Adds conveyor belts for easy transportation of resources.)
Conveyor Belts ADDON (Adds more selectors for conveyor belts.)
Animal Hide Working (Adds animal hide rugs and taxidermy.)
Medical Drinks (Adds antibiotics for boosting immunity for infections, this does not replace medicine.)
Finer Things (Adds coffee and tobacco plants, and craftable Cigarillos, Cigars, Coffee, Espresso, Wine, Sake, Vodka, Tequila, Whiskey.)
Weed (Adds drug dealing faction, adds weed to smoke and bake to get baked)
Caveworld Flora
Stroyent (Modified, replaces superior crafting protein synthesis meal replication, synthesizes human meat into proteins to be safely cooked into fine or lavish meals.)
Fish Industry (Adds Fishing and Aquaponics.)
Ability Pack Core Mod (If loaded in this correct order allows Alien Ants and Mecha Tanks mod to function properly.)
Alien Ants Faction (Adds a Queen ant that will give birth to the destruction of your colony.)
Darkness (SBO) (This mod makes advanced outdoor lamps look very impressive.)
Pawn State Icons (Adds cute little icons to your colonists so you can easily tell when they are tired hungry or stressed etc.)
Between Magic and Tech Infusion (Higher grade weapons will be randomly given an infusion affecting various stats.)
Edb Interface (Adds a slick new UI to interact, view and scroll through your colonists and even allows scrolling through injured attackers to see which ones you want to imprison.)
Common (If loaded in this correct order allows auto-hunt beacon to function properly.)
Auto-hunt Beacon (Allows you to select specific animals to be automatically hunted.)
Seeds Please (Makes growing crops a bit more difficult, you will now need to acquire seeds from a trader.)
Advanced Lamps (Added directly into superior crafting, adds more options for standing lamps in conjunction with superior crafting ceiling lamps, an outdoor weatherproof light pole, and a weatherproof wall lamp.)
ED-Omnigel (Added directly into superior crafting, modified, increased recipe costs for balance, adds grow-able Omnigel and one replicator table to turn Omnigel into slag, and rock chunks of any type nothing more.)
J'ai peur d'essayer, haha !
Sans mod, c'est déjà plutôt chouettos comme alpha.

Avec, je n'ai pour l'instant qu'essayé cet Ultimate Overhaul Modpack dont tu parles, mais me retrouve avec des choses étranges :

Dans ma partie, au lieu d'ajouter du contenu, ce pack semble en enlever. Je pense à la literie, impossible de crafter un pauvre lit en bois, mais aussi à tout ce qui a un rapport avec l'énergie - passée à la trappe - plus d'autres choses bien louches ( exemple : plus possible de choisir en quoi l'on crafte tel ou tel item : bois, métal, fenouil de l'espace, tout cela n'est plus de ce monde, ainsi que des menus vides dans l'onglet "architecte", moitié moins de recherches disponibles etc... ). Je précise avoir suivi à la lettre la méthode d'installation et m'y suis repris à trois fois. Bref, je zappe. Du coup je pense retenter en piochant ici et là, à la main, 2 ou 3 bricoles ( Superior Crafting semble excellent merci pour le conseil ).

Sinon, ce que j'aurai appris de mes premières tentatives est que le secret d'une colonie bien entretenue semble être contenu sur cet écran ( plutôt que de tout laisser par défaut, on coche "manuel" et on attribue une priorité de 1 à 4, voire rien, pour chaque tâche en direction de chacun de nos gars ).
J'ai installé le gros pack de mods présenté au dessus, je ne sais pas si ca vient d'un des mods mais pfiou , il ne fait pas souvent jour pour le moment.

Il y a un moyen de changer ? ( avoir un peu plus de jour ? la j'ai juste l'impression que mes mecs passent leur temps à dormir ^^ )
C'est qu'une impression, pour le temps de sommeil c'est toi qui le gère via le menu de gestion des colons. Tu as un onglet pour gerer le temps de work/sleep/joy/nothing et de base c'est 8h de sommeil.

Une fois que tu as quelques colons, tu peux faire en sorte qu'il y ai un roulement entre ceux éveillés et ceux qui dorment.

- RimWorld sur Steam début aout.

J'y lis surtout l'annonce de la fin de Rimworld. Tynan n'est pas sûr de ce qu'il veut faire. En gros, il voulait sortir le jeu en Early Access sur Steam puis prendre 6 mois de "vacances", et maintenant que les gens disent que c'est un plan pourri parce qu'une EA sans updates ça pue, il pense sortir le jeu en 1.0.
C'est un peu le problème maintenant du coté PR, le plan vacance après la sortie de son jeu (ou meme avant) n'est plus possible meme coté indie car les joueurs veulent du suivi, la meme chose est arrivée à l'auteur de Rebuild 3 qui est partie en vacs après son kickstarter reussi...
J'aime assez le jeu en l'état, mais le passer direct d'Alpha ( encore lacunaire par définition et compte tenu de certaines promesses du kickstarter ) à 1.0, montre, bien plus qu'une satisfaction vis-à-vis du travail accompli, qu'il veut en finir au plus tôt. Les backers apprécieront. Prendre quelques mois de vacances pour décompresser, quitte à le laisser 6 mois tel quel, et revenir regonflé pour la beta ne serait pas un déshonneur tout en étant plus logique et respectueux pour les gens qui le suivent, à mon humble avis.

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now it’s more-or-less rounded and more-or-less smooth.
D'où l'utilité d'une phase en beta, l'ami, dépasser ce côté "more-or-less".
Il suffisait de demander ; un jour plus tard :

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I actually may end up just not doing Steam release now and leaving it for next year when I'm back and can be more on top of it.
Puis il enfonce encore le clou dans un autre message, suggérant que cette option s'impose désormais d'elle même à ses yeux.

News : l'équipe passe à 2.
Alpha 12 avec au programme, le dressage animalier !

Le changelog est comme toujours long comme plein de bras :

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Change list:

Animal taming

Colonists with the Animal Handler work type will now interact with animals.
Animal handling success rates are governed by the new Animals skill.
Handlers can tame animals. They approach designated wild animals with food and attempt to tame them to make them part of the colony.
Handlers can train animals as designated in tame animals’ Training tab. Animal training looks like taming, requires food, and trains one “trainable skill” at a time. Not all animals can learn anything; they need sufficient trainable intelligence.
Trainable skills:
Obedience: has master, follows master while master is drafted and defends him.
Release: master can release animal during combat to attack distant enemies, and call animal back.
Rescue: animal will rescue wounded colonists and take them to bed. Animal must be smart and large enough to do this.
Haul: animal will intermittently haul items like a colonist would. Animal must be smart enough to do this, and will haul an amount related to its body size.
Added Animals main tab, which lists all colony animals and provides interfaces to set their master and area restriction.
Each animal has a ‘wildness’ indicating how difficult it is to tame.
Animals have a minimum handling skill. Player is warned if they designate taming an animal that no handler can actually tame.
Tame animals can be assigned animal areas in which they will try to remain.
Tame animals can be bought and sold. Bulk traders carry normal animals, while exotic goods traders can buy and sell any weird animal, pre-tamed.
Tame animals can be designated for slaughter and animal handlers will slaughter them.

New animal behaviors and mechanics

Some animals (alpaca, muffalo, camel) can be shorn for wool that can be crafted into apparel.
Some animals (muffalo, cow, camel) can be milked.
Some animals (chicken, cobra, iguana, tortoise, etc) can now lay eggs. Fertilized eggs will hatch. All eggs can be eaten or cooked.
Animals can be pregnant and give birth. Animals are made pregnant when a male approaches and mates with a female. Birth is accompanied by amniotic fluid spray.
You can now build animal beds and animal boxes and place animal sleeping spots.
Animals all sleep.
Animals can have different graphics per gender.
Animals have “life stages” related to their ages. Baby animals are tiny and weak, juveniles somewhat larger, and adults are full size.
Colony starts with a random pet.
Animals can nuzzle colonists, improving their mood.
Animals can be named when tamed or when nuzzling. Names are drawn from a large bank of animal names.
All organisms including animals have life expectancies and will develop chronic conditions like frailty or cataracts in old age.
New incident: Farm Animals Wander In (some tame farm animals wander to and join the colony)
New incident: Self Tame (random wild animal on map becomes tame).
Doctors will treat animals’ wounds if the animal is in a colony bed.
Some animals may attack on a failed taming attempt.
Animals produce animal filth, proportional to body size, inversely proportional to petness.
Tons of new animal graphics and sounds for new animals.

New animals

Boomalope (large fragile animal that explodes and sets fires on death)
Thrumbo (giant peaceful powerful creature with amazing fur and horn)
Chinchilla (very valuable fur)
Yorkshire terrier
Labrador retriever

Room roles and stats

Rooms now have ‘roles’ and stats based on what is inside them. These are automatically-defined values that, in turn, passively affect thoughts and events in the room.
Room roles and stats can be inspected with a new inspection tool (bottom right of screen).
Room roles are:
Prison bedroom
Prison barracks
Dining room
Rec room
Room stats are:
Impressiveness (most important stat; an aggregate of other stats, mostly for pride psychology)
Cleanliness (has a direct effect on medical outcomes)
Room stats affect things like:
Immunity gain speed
Medical treatment quality
Room stats create many variants on thoughts like:
Ate in impressive dining room
Own impressive bedroom
Own bed in impressive barracks
Did joy activity in impressive rec room
Added traits:
Greedy: Unhappy without a very impressive room.
Jealous: Unhappy if anyone has a room noticeably better than him.
Ascetic: Unhappy unless he has a very crappy room.


Added ‘facilities’ – passive buildings that give bonuses to nearby buildings:
Vitals monitor (improves healing in adjacent medical bed)
Tool cabinet (improves production at nearby work table)
Multi-analyzer (speeds research at nearby research bench)

Ancient artifacts

Ancient artifacts with psychic powers can be bought, sold, and found in ancient crypts.
Psychic powers work at any range through obstacles.
Artifacts are one-use.
The artifacts are:
Psychic insanity lance – drives a single target insane
Psychic shock lance – drops a single target asleep
Psychic animal pulser – drives animals berserk map-wide
Psychic soothe pulser – gives a temporary mood boost to everyone on the map

Graves and sarcophagi

Graves are no longer just glorified storage slots; colonists must actually ‘bury’ corpses.
Can now build sarcophagi out of solid materials. High-quality sarcophagi are art items.
Colonists will visit graves of dead colonists for a joy activity.

Misc new incidents

New incident: Poison ship. A variation on the psychic drone ship that kills plants in an expanding circle.
New Flashstorn. A localized, intense lightning storm in one area of the map. Causes big fires.

Interface rework

Main tabs like Work, Outfits, World, Factions, etc are now tabs permanently displayed along the bottom of the screen instead of being buried in an Overview window.
Some tabs, like Work, will not take more space than they need to given the number of entries (colonists) to display.


Added heart attacks. People or animals approaching or past their life expectancy will have a chance of heart attack, which will progress and resolve in a random way. Heart attack is emergency-treatable to improve outcomes.
Added hay (animal food only, for getting through winter). Added haygrass (long growing, high yield of hay).
Added way to enable/deny medicine in different qualities to any colonist, prisoner, or tame animal, from a the health tab.
All furniture is now ‘minifiable’ like televisions and telescopes. This means beds, chairs, etc can be moved without being rebuilt, bought, and sold.
New trait: Night owl. Happy when awake at night, sad if awake around midday.
New thought: Crowded – In a space with too many people.
New installable implant: Painstopper. Prevents all pain, but reduces consciousness permanently.
New installable implant: Joywire. Large permanent happiness boost, but reduces consciousness permanently.
Furniture can now be art engraved.
New floors: gold tile, sterile tile, cream carpet, dark gray carpet.
Game start now has a “select random landing site” button if you don’t want to choose.
Improvements to trade interface: better layout, expands vertically to use all screen space, increment/decrement buttons and launch/drop all buttons added.
Added ‘open’ designator for opening cryptosleep caskets, graves, sarcophagi, and other containers.
Manhunter pack incident can use animals besides wargs.
Commands are shown if there is at least 1 selected object with this command, instead of requiring all selected things be able to accept the command.
Dazed broken pawns will now randomly strip off clothes and drop things.
New graphics for squirrel and warg.
New graphics for research bench and other buildings.
Unskilled or injured growers can fail at harvesting, destroying the harvest for one plant
A bunch of new music from Alistair Lindsay.
Carrying capacity is now a stat that can change for body size and manipulation capacity.
Siegers will never be sent with only melee weapons (too exploitable).
Sappers now avoid mining through high-health ores and barriers.
Rebalanced crop yields and harvesting challenges so crops require a bit more space.
Game will auto-reset mods config on startup crash to try to recover.
Tons and tons of bugfixes and other adjustments, refactorings, balancings and tunings.
Alpha 13 : http://ludeon.com/blog/2016/04/alpha-13-released/

Trapped with your ex (piégé avec ton ex) !

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New permadeath mode. One save file, save on quit or autosave only, no take-backsies when something goes horribly, insanely, or laughably wrong. The way RimWorld was meant to be played.


Colonist family and social relationship system / Social relationships with friends, rivals, family, chats, arguments, and fights
Opinion system; pawns care about dozens of memories and situations to determine their opinions of each other
Family members out to cousins and beyond
Lovers, fiancees, marriages, ex-lovers, ex-spouses
People may get in social fights with those they dislike (even neutrals and enemies do this)
Animal bonding
People who leave the map while traveling, fleeing, being kidnapped, etc. can come back later as raiders, visitors, joiners, etc.
Marriage ceremonies and parties

Prison breaks

Prison breaks. Prisoners pick the locks, get out, seek weapons and work as a group to escape.


Self-reproducing, spreading underground insect hives
Insect hives are dangerous but produce succulent insect jelly

Animals and predators

Many more animals, some of which will hunt people
Some animals are now predators, including colony pets (e.g. cats catch squirrels)
Animals can gnaw corpses apart directly now

Threat response mode

Decide how colonists should auto-respond to threats: flee, attack, or ignore?


‘Components’ resource used for machinery and electronics
Ground-traveling trade caravans from other factions
Deeper research tree with more low-tech options and more things to research
New fueled buildings: stove and generator
Various new lower and higher-tech production buildings
Two research tables: simple and hi-tech. Hi-tech is required for some projects.


New exotic infections: Gut worms, mechanite infections which give abilities at a cost of pain or fatigue, trauma savantism
New chronic diseases: Carcinoma, asthma, hearing loss
New “firefoam popper” provides a way to combat fire besides punching it.
Character records which keep stats on each character like number of kills, injuries, surgeries, etc.
Extreme desert biome
Colonists in relationships can share beds
New double bed; royal bed is now gold-trimmed and fancy
New flatscreen and megascreen TVs
Colonists can now visit sick people in bed to cheer them up
Sick people in bed can now watch TV
Building damage overlays
Days are now twice as long as before, with years being half as many days. (This means that years are exactly as long as before in actual play time, just divided into a smaller number of longer days.)
The year is now split into seasons instead of months.
Animal kibble
Deep rooms stay cool in the heat
Richer tale recording and better art descriptions
Hundreds of balance improvements, optimizations, tweaks and fixes
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Hop, double bonne nouvelle, Alpha 14 avec son lot de nouveautés / changement, ainsi que la sortie Steam (avec tout ce que ça implique, steam workshop et cloud), ceux possédant le jeu on surement reçu un mail avec les infos pour obtenir leur steam key.

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Scenario system
New scenario system allows you to choose, randomize, and customize special situations to play in. Determine starting situation, your type of community (tribe, colony), permanent map conditions, starting items, animals, health conditions, and traits, and change special rules.
Several built-in scenarios, including one matching the classic RimWorld experience, are included.
You can randomize new scenarios.
You can customize scenarios with a special interface that allows creation of any scenario you like.
Scenarios can be uploaded to or grabbed from Steam Workshop with a single click.
ScenPart: Permanent version of all map conditions (eclipse, solar flare, etc).
ScenPart: Planetkiller scenario part: World is destroyed on X date.
ScenPart: Climate cycle which makes the world get warmer and cooler over a period of years. Winter is coming.
ScenPart: Disable building a given type of building.
ScenPart: Pawns start with health condition.
ScenPart: Start with items.
ScenPart: Map is scattered with items.
ScenPart: Configure arrival method (pods or standing)
ScenPart: Starting pawns are all between ages X and Y
ScenPart: Pawns explode on death (configurable type and radius)
ScenPart: All pawns from source (game start/all) have trait X
ScenPart: Starting animal(s)
ScenPart: Disallow mining
ScenPart: Disallow hunting
ScenPart: Disallow taming
ScenPart: Disallow growing
ScenPart: Disable incident
ScenPart: Multiplier for any stat on the game (move speed, mining speed, etc)
ScenPart: Disallow building

Pawn overlapping
Pawns can no longer overlap during melee combat (unless they’re really small). No more animal deathstacks! This also creates new tactics around blocking, surrounding, or back-line shooters. We had to write a bunch of AI and blocking code to make this function.

Raiders can now enter “steal” mode if they see enough value. They’ll grab your stuff and carry it off.
Kidnapping raiders now work together much better to kidnap. Instead of everyone fleeing at once, some will kidnap while others cover them.
AI dressing algorithm is now better at making outfits to withstand cold temperatures. If there is no way to make a survivable outfit, pawns won’t arrive at all. No more raids arriving and keeling over in -60C weather.
Predators no longer hunt boomrats and boomalopes.
Pawns will be smarter about avoiding traps in various situations.

New stuff
Full Steam Workshop support for mods.
You can now play as a tribe in some scenarios.
Added torch lamp
Added pemmican for low-tech food preservation.
Research difficulty is now related to your faction’s tech level. Researching techs above your level is harder. So if you’re a tribe, researching spaceflight will be difficult.
Added research (needed for tribes only): complex clothing, electricity
Added research (needed for non-tribes only): pemmican
Added research: air conditioning, autodoors, gun turrets
Added ‘ransom demand’ incident. Can fire after one of your people is kidnapped.
Added “killed my X” social thoughts so people dislike their loved ones’ killers
Added new class of “minor” mental breaks, which can happen at mood under 40%.
Added minor mental break: food binge.
Ground fertility is now reported on mouseover.
Added moisture pump, which slowly converts wet terrain to dry terrain. Requires power.
Hives now pop out glow pods – bug light sources that glow for 20 days (as long as they’re installed) and can be reinstalled or sold.
Added traits: creepy breathing, annoying voice. These are socially repellent.
Added trait: pyromaniac. Will go on firestarting sprees when stressed, and never puts out fire.
Added panther for jungle biome. Because I discovered panthers aren’t real and I need to cope with this somehow.
There is now an orange glow to help you identify very hot areas.
Added/replaced animals created by the excellent Kay Fedewa:
  • Caribou
  • Cassowary
  • Deer
  • Emu
  • Arctic fox
  • Fennec fox
  • Red fox
  • Gazelle
  • Husky
  • Ibex
  • Lynx
  • Megatherium (prehistoric giant ground sloth)
  • Ostrich
  • Raccoon
  • Rat
  • Turkey
  • Arctic wolf
  • Timber wolf

Added a row of colonist icons along the top of the screen, with various status info. They can be clicked to select, double-clicked to jump to, or box-selected to multi-select. These icons can be turned off.
Trading interface now lets you type in the number you want to trade instead of dragging to the number.
Animals tab now has gender and life stage informational columns
Animals tab now has a “slaughter” checkbox column to allow easy slaughtering of many animals
Animals tab now has checkbox columns for each trainable, to allow easy training of many animals
Reworked the right-click menu to be prettier, more readable, more solid, and better handle large lists of options.

Exploit solutions
Traders, visitors, raiders, kidnappers, animals, etc will now escape if surrounded by walls with no way out.
Manhunters and insects will attack doors if colonists try to hop in and out of them while getting shots off.
Hives must now be tended by insects, so if insects are all instantly killed by a turret wall, the hives will die out.
You can no longer avoid the ‘executed prisoner’ mood impact by just shooting or starving the prisoner; pawns will get a “prisoner died innocent” thought. A similar solution applies to the deaths of colonists.
Solved various powerleveling exploits. Once colonists have learned a certain (high) amount in a day, they’ll learn at a much-reduced rate until the next day.
Flowers are no longer good animal feed (reduced nutrition).
Fixed exploit where players would give prisoner to raiders for kidnapping, to make raiders go away without a fight. Solution: Raiders only kidnap colonists.

Updated to Unity 5.
World generation is now part of the new game process, instead of being separate.
Roofs must now be manually built and torn down by colonists; they do not appear and disappear instantly any more.
Reworked AI food selection algorithm to take into account personal mood impacts, rottenness, and other new factors. e.g. Now cannibals will actually seek out cannibal food because they get a mood bonus, while non-cannibals will avoid it.
Flow for opening worlds and savegames from old version is now improved; the “warning, old version” dialog comes before you open them instead of after.
Deworked mods config menu to have a much nicer selection and ordering interface.
Humans can now eat unbutchered corpses (though they really don’t like it).
Infestations are easier and grow less exponentially.
Infestations only appear deeper underground now.
AI now runs away from grenades thrown by their own faction.
Tortoises aren’t so deadly any more.
Animals no longer do incest.
Humans now do incest.
Seeds for world gen are now generated from actual words instead of random letter strings.
You can now set both minimum and maximum skill on a bill.
Beauty trait now has four stages: Staggeringly ugly, ugly, pretty, beautiful.
Some backstories now force pawns to have a given trait (e.g. Model->Beautiful)
Trade caravans can bring pack dromedaries.
Projectiles fired by hunting colonists no longer intercept random targets.
Some traders buy and sell furniture now.
Gut worms and muscle parasites vanish sooner.
Reworked ancient tomb loot generation. Plasteel is sometimes found on pod people. So are components.
Nuzzling is now a visualized, recorded social interaction.
Various refactorings to make modding easier and code easier to maintain and more flexible. Much more functionality is now implemented as composable ThingComps.
Many, many, many other balance changes, gameplay and interface refinements, and bugfixes.
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