Ring of Fire..

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Le Ring of Fire est l'event trigger le plus pourri que j'ai jamais vu.
si ils le revamp j'espère qu'ils vont le changer complètement.

Aujourd'hui c'est injouable, il faut être a 5000 dans une toute petite salle vu la difficulté, les mobs ont plus de HP qu'un mammouth avec Virtue, et les récompenses sont... fabuleusement pourrave. Avec des SK qui HT a mort un chanty ou un cleric a peine ils arrivent et qui popent par 8 toutes les 30 secondes...

Enfin ptet qu'il faut faire plus de 45 minutes de fight ennuyeux et non stop, pour que d'un seul coup ca devienne sympa...
Risque pas d'arriver le designer de acrylia/rof est partis depuis un moment chez Sigil, ou alors il le refont entièrement mais franchement ça m'étonnerais déjà vu le temps qu'il prennent pour pom

I had finished implementing the Arch Mage and Foreman events but didn't
have the time to tune them. The difficulty of all of the events was to
be extremely challenging for a group of 35 and the rewards were to be a
good step up from NToV. I had created many FT5-10 items and had
suggested that they be made into focus items as well. I'm sad to hear
that the obelisk key was forsaken, it wasn't ditched by me. I do
understand the pressure that the team was under and only one other
designer was up to speed on implementing the scripted events I did with
EQs dated engine and tools. They have a lot to do and not nearly enough
time to do it.

When the non-targettable Foreman is up, killing the surrounding
Grimlings in a timely manner should make him targettable. From that spot
back, it seems my design was forsaken. The end boss was to be on par
with the emperor and loot should be at least as rewarding considering
the time required to get there. I hope time allows them to make another
pass at the zone to at least make it feel solid and to reward players
appropriately for their effort.

It was tough to leave EQ, the hardest professional decision I've had to
make. There was just no way I could turn my back on this opportunity.
This is a group of really talented, hard working guys with extensive mmo
design and play experience. I don't expect we'll be letting anyone

Best of luck!

Steve Burke (Akkirus)
Senior Game Designer
Sigil Games Online

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