Starborne démarre ses tests

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Starborne, un mélange de jeu de conquête spatiale 4X (genre assez populaire en ce moment, tout le monde en fait un apparemment ) et de MMO (les parties multijoueurs s'étendant sur plusieurs mois) a annoncé sur Twitter avoir lancé son alpha-test aujourd'hui, il est toujours possible de s'inscrire via le site officiel mais les places disponibles sont limitées selon le courriel envoyé par Solid Clouds.

Citation :
Starborne alpha test is about to begin!
Solid Clouds excitedly announces that on Wednesday the 19th. the alpha test will commence! The server will be flung open at exactly 12:00 GMT and here is how this is going to work ...
Because we have received many times more applications than we can accommodate in the test, we are going ask signees to reserve a spot in the alpha on a first come, first served basis.
22 hours before the alpha server opens (Tuesday the 18th. at 14:00 GMT) a webpage will become active, allowing you to reserve a spot in the alpha. At that time you can click the blue button below.
Your reservation will be held for 48 hours. If by that time you have not logged in to the game, your reservation will be forfeit and your spot will become available for others to claim (you can still try to reserve a spot again). Unclaimed reservations will be made available again every day at 14:00 GMT.
After you've successfully reserved a spot, you get to create a user and will be provided with a download link for the Starborne launcher.
To iterate:
  • Spot reservation opens at 14:00 GMT, Tuesday the 18th.
  • That's when you can click the blue button below (raw URL below it).
  • Alpha server opens at 12:00 GMT, Wednesday the 19th.
  • Players must log into the game within 48 hours to keep their reserved spot.
  • Repurposed reservations become available daily at 14:00 GMT.

We know that many of you are thoroughly excited to try out Starborne, so should you be among those that can't get in, remember; another, larger alpha test, will soon follow this one.

Dernière modification par CyborgWeasel ; 19/10/2016 à 15h40.

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